Bird Flu, Swine Flu, Vaccines

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I have really, really been struggling with what I am going to do if the forced vaccinations do indeed begin to go into effect in mid-October or whenever later this year. I was beginning to lean towards uprooting my family on a moment's notice and going on the move if necessary to avoid the vaccinations. However, the more I have thought about the issue and the more research I have done on a couple of the internet sources informing the public about the dangers of the potential upcoming mandatory vaccinations, the more I am beginning to rethink my overall reasoning and strategy.

For example, yesterday I did a Google search on Jane Burgermeister (reference the SOTT article which returned over 40 pages of links to various website articles, forum discussions, documentation, and interviews covering Jane and the criminal charges she is attempting to bring against Baxter, etc. As I sampled the various articles and discussions, I made the following observations:

1. A large number of the articles have very similar verbiage regarding Jane and the criminal charges she is attempting to bring. Almost as if it is a P.R. story that was released by a company or "organization" for dissemination by sources over the internet for the purpose of alerting the public to a specific issue and influencing opinion. More on this later.

2. Jane is often referenced as being a science journalist and investigative reporter who has written articles for Nature, the British Medical Journal, The Scientist, Reuters Health, and the Guardian as well as other publications. I was able to locate a handful of her previous articles for several of these publications and have linked a sampling below. She is referred to as a freelance writer in most of the articles. Her most recent employer was the website which has several of her articles also available for review. Her articles are usually pretty short in length which may be the norm for this type of writing. I would have expected to locate many more of her articles over the years and more substantial investigations into topics but the fact that I did not may be meaningless in and of itself.


3. Jane was fired unexpectedly on Monday, 6/29 from supposedly for filing the criminal charges. The firing story has now been covered well by numerous internet websites. The firing appears to bring credibility to her situation as now she is being persecuted by the powers that be and continues to gather additional publicity for the overall story.

4. Various websites that could be considered COINTELPRO are actively covering Jane's story including Proj. Camelot, Infowars, GLP, ATS, Icke, and Rense. There must be a reason why this story is being highlighted by these sites instead of discredited, marginalized, or just ignored. Proj. Camelot (Bill Ryan) is actually interviewing Jane today in fact for the second time on their disinformation radio show regarding the "serious potential threat of mandatory vaccinations."

5. Jane appears to now supposedly be considering legal action against this Sorcha Faal character for rumors surrounding the manner of Michael Jackson's death and his involvement and support of Jane's actions. This is obviously absurd but again seems to be put out there with the goal of gaining additional publicity for the story.

Maybe I am reading too much into all of this but it appears to me that this is a COINTELPRO vectoring operation with the specific intention of alarming the public to the danger of the upcoming forced swine flu vaccinations. If the goal was to reduce the population via the vaccination campaign, what would be the purpose of their promoting and highlighting the danger? This would seem to be counter-productive.

If the goal of the powers that be is to retain full control of the population in light of continuing global cooling, associated starvation, and potential comet impacts, they really need to identify the individuals who are going to actively resist their measures and potentially create an underground resistance network to undermine the control efforts. Just because someone visits a conspiracy website does not mean they will actively resist or network when the time comes. This would seem to be a good opportunity to highlight a specific danger by promoting it as a "grassroots" cause and then use it to identify the potential "awake" threats to retaining control. Since it would seem that at least some of the population is going to survive the mandatory vaccinations and swine flu virus spread, this would be an effective way of ensuring that the survivors did not contain any control threats since these individuals would be identified and weeded out at the beginning when they attempt to evade the vaccinations.

I would even consider that the Baxter incident was either fabricated or the contaminated vaccines were intentionally released knowing that they would be tested and identified in order to create the environment for Jane to later bring criminal charges. Without the Baxter incident, her case is not there and this story goes nowhere. Add in the timing of the Panasonic "press release" and it looks like a perfect sequence of events to prove that the powers that be are attempting to reduce the population via the specific method of contaminated vaccines.

Again, I could be way off in my thinking but this just all seems way too convenient and is being promoted by COINTELPRO websites for a reason. Maybe it is just to spread fear for additional 4D STS feeding but I currently feel it may be for the purposes of identification of potential threats to the control system. Please feel free to highlight problems with my logic as I may be missing something major here that would negate some or all of my argument. It appears the next 3-6 months or so are going to be very interesting to see how this plays out.
I think your logic is pretty solid. Especially as it concerns Jane and the filing of suit itself, and the articles. Once you learn that it is ALL controlled and ALL theatre to evoke a response from people (usually fear) - especially with the cast of characters you have presented who are pushing the story - then it all falls into place, doesn't it?

I think the solution will fall into the category that psyche and Laura suggest - being healthy and detoxed to begin with and detoxing after the vaccination, if they do become mandatory.

I'm not certain how, exactly, they would enforce mandatory vaccinations of every member of society - it seems a bit of a stretch to me. I do see how they could attach it to ability to travel at first, and then use other methods from there, but it will be quite the effort on their part. Of course, if they tie proof of vaccination to social security number, then they have lots of avenues of opportunity to enforce.

I'm sure we'll see how it develops, but, at the core, I think detoxing, eating non-processed foods that are actually beneficial and actively detoxing after the vaccine (if it comes to having to take it) might very well be the key to being unaffected by it. Of course, there could be other factors introduced into the situation, like nanotechnology, but at this point, worrying about it or stressing about it only helps THEM. osit.
anart said:
Once you learn that it is ALL controlled and ALL theatre to evoke a response from people (usually fear) - especially with the cast of characters you have presented who are pushing the story - then it all falls into place, doesn't it?

Exactly and to think that those sites were my main source of "information" just a couple of years ago - that is truly scary!

sorry, I only noticed your post now. Completely missed it. :huh:

[quote author=LEOURSA]
The messages themselves are pretty sane, for instance, "avoid petty laws and useless officials" - sounds good!

The reference to 500 million in this article on the sott page made me think of the Georgia Guidestones again.

Have you ever considered the possibility that the sequence of the inscriptions maybe carries some importance. Even though the rest of the inscriptions are quite "sane", that the people behind the guidestones only considered it possible once the population doesn't exceed 500 million. So basically, from a sequential point of view, they meant the 2nd, 3rd, 4th etc. inscriptions can be achieved once the 1st inscription is achieved.

Just a thought. Sorry for my late response.
JEEP said:
Would it make any sense for a contingent of forum participants/bloggers to show up for this conference, notwithstanding such short notice? Perhaps displays relating to fradulent global warming, the swine flu/swine flu vaccination dangers, and perhaps most importantly of all, pathology and psychopaths?

I don't have anything substantive to add, but I just wanted to say that I think it's completely natural to feel an urge to join forces with those who appear to be trying to better something, but that very quality of natural helpfulness in human beings is a major reason for the [recruitment] success of groups that say much but accomplish little or nothing. You might as well be vectoring valuable energy into a black hole.

One lesson we learn from studying narcissism is that it teaches a great deal about the dangers of unwittingly blending one's sense of self with someone else's point of view and preferred process (agenda). OSIT
I've read a shorter post before somewhere on this forum arguing (though without the info on the situation around the Burgermeister lawsuit) much like the one by JPS above that the vaccinations may be a way to identify people who will resist, and that made me think regarding this "mark of the beast" thing:

Maybe nanochipping - as suggested by some as a possible part of the vaccine - isn't needed in the first place (the reason for delaying the vaccine may simply be to let these stories brew and spread to those opposed)? They will register who gets the vaccination anyway, and as such, though not literally "visible", the vaccine may well work as a "mark of the beast" in such a way - if they identify and eliminate those who resist it, what's the need for survivors to be "marked" otherwise than the fact that they have been allowed to live?
Buddy said:
I don't have anything substantive to add, but I just wanted to say that I think it's completely natural to feel an urge to join forces with those who appear to be trying to better something, but that very quality of natural helpfulness in human beings is a major reason for the [recruitment] success of groups that say much but accomplish little or nothing. You might as well be vectoring valuable energy into a black hole.

Yes, I am so seeing that now. When I first read the John Stauber article Beyond MoveOn, I was excited firstly, that someone was pointing out that MoveOn's continued adoration of Obama was unjustified, and secondly, that grassroots activists learning to utilize the internet for real change--for peace, economic justice, environmental sustainability and other fundamental reforms--could indeed be a positive force. Yeah, well, hope springs eternal, doesn't it? Of course, upon viewing the Netroots Nation website, it became immediately clear that real truth wasn't being promoted, just more of the standard liberal dogma along with the old standby faces--John Edwards even! And what really stands out is this--maybe people are starting to get a clue that the mainstream media isn't factual. So let's get our info from grassroots organizations via the internet. Wait a minute--they're pitching the exact, same message!! Oh those global warming deniers and those crazy anti-vaccine nutjobs! They're just trying to distract everyone away from doing the stuff that will REALLY make a difference!!

And now we have the new take on the whole Burgermeister lawsuit. Yes, let's face it--our opponents are more than formidable! Regardless, I hate to stand by and do nothing while thousands of kids get injected with this awful and unnecessary vaccine. I'm pretty much damned if I do and damned if I don't. I still think it makes sense to at least get neighbors and friends aware of the facts regarding swine flu and flu vaccines and perhaps vaccines in general. If a wide enough circle develops and merges with other generated circles, perhaps a large enough body would come into existence to prevent the take down of resistors.

Or maybe a wrench has somehow gotten thrown into the swine flu/vaccination scenario machinery and that tactic is being abandoned in favor of something else? Who knows? I guess we'll just have to continue to observe and keep our ear to the ground. And remember, breathe...breathe...breathe!
Just wanted to says thanks for the perspective JPS/anart as its helped me see more clearly what was still far too fuzzy in my mind before.

anart said:
Once you learn that it is ALL controlled and ALL theatre to evoke a response from people (usually fear) - especially with the cast of characters you have presented who are pushing the story - then it all falls into place, doesn't it?

I think my understanding this is just falling into place....and the world seems a lot stranger/simpler to me now.

Csayeursost said:
I've read a shorter post before somewhere on this forum arguing (though without the info on the situation around the Burgermeister lawsuit) much like the one by JPS above that the vaccinations may be a way to identify people who will resist, and that made me think regarding this "mark of the beast" thing:

I did post my thoughts along those lines...

RedFox said:
I've been turning this over and over in my mind trying to look at all the angles possible.
Firstly, is saying no (especially if it is mandatory) a good idea? Specifically for staying 'below the radar'???
Those that say no and resist may well be singled out for special treatment? I'm not saying we shouldn't say 'no', just be aware of the possibilities for entrapment by outwardly resisting.
Its like anything the PTB do, silence the descending (outward) voices first and swiftly to keep the rest in line. osit

Odds are (at least to start with) it won't be anything too new (path of least resistance and all).....people survived the Spanish flu by taking measures into there own hands, and the best I can figure is that this won't be any different.
What is probably the most important thing to do however is watch the flow of events and what new things they may add to the mix.

If they start poisoning (outright) the population then it would probably be too obvious, the Spanish flu 'epidemic' was reasonably successful (from the PTB's perspective) so this is why I conclude it will be pretty much the same as before......

I reminded of how to boil a frog alive (or so I've heard). You have to turn up the heat slowly or it will jump out (due to its natural instincts)....but if you turn the heat up slowly it will stay put and boil alive.

Do others think this is an accurate observation given the data at hand?

I've had to reevaluate my reactions when it comes to swine-flu.....hopefully I can cover what I see below.....

JEEP said:
I hate to stand by and do nothing while thousands of kids get injected with this awful and unnecessary vaccine.

That 'hate to stand by and do nothing' is interesting isn't it? Its driven me in most of my efforts here, but its got me in trouble by trying to 'do' things against peoples will. Trying to determin whats best for others.....
Its also well known to the PTB, and I think they want rid of it. So they are baiting us to stand up and 'do' something (they want) protests and form groups and not get the vaccine perhaps?
But if the PTB are the ones who formed the groups at best its COINTELPRO, at worst its the easiest way to form the lists for nazi death camps. Publicly get rid of the ones that 'stand up and fight' and the rest of the population blindly (fearfully) falls into order.
How much is programming? How much is avoidance of something emotionally painful? And how much is genuine concern for your fellow human being? For me it is all three and a work in progress.

When I said 'staying below the radar' above, I meant 'strategic enclosure for doing the work'. As hard as it is (and I hope I'm not being callus here....I often wonder if I am/if its a buffer).....but I've come to see the only thing I can 'do' is the Work. Because that is the only way I see I will be able to fulfil the burning desire within me to actually DO something and help people.

Like everything in this life its probably not so black and white....but you should look at that desire to 'do something' and see where it has taken you in the past, and where the PTB may want it to take you (and the others that 'do something') in the future (by looking at the past for one).

JEEP said:
I'm pretty much damned if I do and damned if I don't.
So look for the third option....don't 'do' or 'not do'.....BE first, then DO.

JEEP said:
I still think it makes sense to at least get neighbors and friends aware of the facts regarding swine flu and flu vaccines and perhaps vaccines in general.
Yeah, especially when it comes to good health/diet and detox.

JEEP said:
If a wide enough circle develops and merges with other generated circles, perhaps a large enough body would come into existence to prevent the take down of resistors.
This assumes a good knowledge of the PTB and how they opporate....and the potential for mass (herd) manipulation and 'guiding'. It assumes a wide spread knowledge of COINTELPRO and the tools and people versed in such in place to spot them in these large circles, to provent the corruption/coercion/manipulation or distruction of said circles.
It assumes the circles where not started by the PTB....
Without this knowledge, and without it being general knowledge amongst the population....the PTB have an easy job (because they and there motives and methods are unseen), and can 'take down the resistors' as you say.
This is unfortunately wishful thinking. And if not looked at may well 'herd' you somewhere you don't want to be. Remember the PTB have been manipulating and herding the human race for a very long time indeed.

Strategic enclosure
Why the secrecy?
anart said:
I'm not certain how, exactly, they would enforce mandatory vaccinations of every member of society - it seems a bit of a stretch to me. I do see how they could attach it to ability to travel at first, and then use other methods from there, but it will be quite the effort on their part. Of course, if they tie proof of vaccination to social security number, then they have lots of avenues of opportunity to enforce.

I don't know how easy this would be to implement in other countries, but here in Belgium (and in France i think through the Vital card if I am not mistaken) it will be a breeze to implement.
The health card is mandatory to get some medecines with discounts in your local pharmacy and holds all your health related information on it, coupled with our mandatory ID chipped card already used in banks and certain post office services, there were talks of merging the two cards + probably the bank card into one.
We're good to go :| (and I don't want to go there.)
Tigersoap said:
I don't know how easy this would be to implement in other countries, but here in Belgium (and in France i think through the Vital card if I am not mistaken) it will be a breeze to implement.
The health card is mandatory to get some medecines with discounts in your local pharmacy and holds all your health related information on it, coupled with our mandatory ID chipped card already used in banks and certain post office services, there were talks of merging the two cards + probably the bank card into one.
We're good to go :| (and I don't want to go there.)

Well, that would explain Obama's push to computerize all health records. Every time he brought that up on the campaign trail, it stuck out like a sore thumb. Once all information is consolidated, there is nowhere to hide. I would imagine most information is already consolidated, they're just dotting the 'i's and crossing the 't's with the health records in a centralized computer database.
And it does look like they're gearing up for electronic record keeping for this vaccine as reported in this article on SOTT

On Friday, the National Biodefense Science Board met in emergency session to work on issues surrounding the H1N1 flu pandemic. They reviewed the report of their working group, "H1N1 COUNTERMEASURES STRATEGY AND DECISION-MAKING: A REPORT," in order to provide input on it before it is sent to the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices who makes final recommendations to Kathleen Sebelius on what the response to the outbreak should be.

One of the Board's goals was:

HHS should remind States and local health departments that durable record‐keeping of who receives the vaccine (preferably in electronic format) is an essential component of local implementation plans.
mada85 said:
Regarding the herd immunity argument in favour of mass vaccinations, I found the Wikipedia article at _ to be rather biased in favour of vaccinations. The Vaccine Awareness Network website (mostly aimed at parents considering vaccinations for their children, but has lots of useful information) has an article about herd immunity which offers a refutation of the argument: _

Quote from: Vaccine Awareness Network
What Is The Herd Immunity Theory?

The herd immunity theory was originally coined in 1933 by a researcher called Hedrich. He had been studying measles patterns in the US between 1900-1931 (years before any vaccine was ever invented for measles) and he observed that epidemics of the illness only occurred when less than 68% of children had developed a natural immunity to it. This was based upon the principle that children build their own immunity after suffering with or being exposed to the disease. So the herd immunity theory was, in fact, about natural disease processes and nothing to do with vaccination. If 68% of the population were allowed to build their own natural defences, there would be no raging epidemic.

Later on, vaccinologists adopted the phrase and increased the figure from 68% to 95% with no scientific justification as to why, and then stated that there had to be 95% vaccine coverage to achieve immunity. Essentially, they took Hedrich’s study and manipulated it to promote their vaccination programmes.

nomad said:
yeah, Wikipedia has lots of very accurate information on many trivial things, and then with the important stuff it is consistently biased - it always follows the COINTELPRO line.

COINTELPRO is everywhere and we must take it into account when we try to do anything at all.... So, we should expose the totally bogus heard immunity argument whenever it comes up.

Also here's some very good information/articles to spread around (sorry, I can't search for the article links right now - I will if I get some time):

"Inoculations - The True Weapons of Mass Destruction" by Rebecca Carley, MD (original article at - carried on SOTT in late June 2009)
See the Forum thread: Debunking Pasteur, The Stalin of Medicine (the 19th century origins of modern myths about vaccines)
Search SOTT and Forum there are an immense number of articles about this and related issues.

Jeep said:
How ironic is this?! How much blogging will it take to overcome crap like this when even the unconventional media is pushing the same BS agenda!

All this just points to the Controlled Opposition. The Protocols (of the Pathocrats) is indispensable to study to understand how and (for how long) everything, including and especially the media (thus information) has been controlled which makes what the pathocrats have been doing a piece of cake. And the only thing that is a hoax about the original document, "Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion," is that it is a "Jewish" conspiracy - in a general way - as if your local Jewish deli owner is in on the conspiracy (and will somehow benefit from it); that is a really clever way of having the baby get thrown out with the bathwater. Also there are a huge number of parallels and overlaps in the Protocols and the "Illuminati" material uncovered in Bavaria in the late 18th century - sans the "Jewish" angle - just the facts about how these secret ponerogenic associations operate and take over everything in society. See also Douglass Reed's book "The Controversy of Zion" for details into these issues and how long it's all been going on.

Another really good author to read is Israel Shahak to get a good understanding of the origins of the modern pathology called Zionism, which is at the forefront of the global pathocracy.

Jeep said:
I'm beginning to think there's a really good reason the earth is bombarded by comets every 3600 years!

Well, from a cosmic point of view, everything has a really good reason - and what you say is truest in a cosmic sense.

JPS said:
Maybe I am reading too much into all of this but it appears to me that this is a COINTELPRO vectoring operation with the specific intention of alarming the public to the danger of the upcoming forced swine flu vaccinations. If the goal was to reduce the population via the vaccination campaign, what would be the purpose of their promoting and highlighting the danger? This would seem to be counter-productive.

If the goal of the powers that be is to retain full control of the population in light of continuing global cooling, associated starvation, and potential comet impacts, they really need to identify the individuals who are going to actively resist their measures and potentially create an underground resistance network to undermine the control efforts. Just because someone visits a conspiracy website does not mean they will actively resist or network when the time comes. This would seem to be a good opportunity to highlight a specific danger by promoting it as a "grassroots" cause and then use it to identify the potential "awake" threats to retaining control. Since it would seem that at least some of the population is going to survive the mandatory vaccinations and swine flu virus spread, this would be an effective way of ensuring that the survivors did not contain any control threats since these individuals would be identified and weeded out at the beginning when they attempt to evade the vaccinations.

I would even consider that the Baxter incident was either fabricated or the contaminated vaccines were intentionally released knowing that they would be tested and identified in order to create the environment for Jane to later bring criminal charges. Without the Baxter incident, her case is not there and this story goes nowhere. Add in the timing of the Panasonic "press release" and it looks like a perfect sequence of events to prove that the powers that be are attempting to reduce the population via the specific method of contaminated vaccines.

Again, I could be way off in my thinking but this just all seems way too convenient and is being promoted by COINTELPRO websites for a reason. Maybe it is just to spread fear for additional 4D STS feeding but I currently feel it may be for the purposes of identification of potential threats to the control system. Please feel free to highlight problems with my logic as I may be missing something major here that would negate some or all of my argument. It appears the next 3-6 months or so are going to be very interesting to see how this plays out.

anart said:
I think your logic is pretty solid. Especially as it concerns Jane and the filing of suit itself, and the articles. Once you learn that it is ALL controlled and ALL theatre to evoke a response from people (usually fear) - especially with the cast of characters you have presented who are pushing the story - then it all falls into place, doesn't it?

I think the solution will fall into the category that psyche and Laura suggest - being healthy and detoxed to begin with and detoxing after the vaccination, if they do become mandatory.

I'm not certain how, exactly, they would enforce mandatory vaccinations of every member of society - it seems a bit of a stretch to me. I do see how they could attach it to ability to travel at first, and then use other methods from there, but it will be quite the effort on their part. Of course, if they tie proof of vaccination to social security number, then they have lots of avenues of opportunity to enforce.

I'm sure we'll see how it develops, but, at the core, I think detoxing, eating non-processed foods that are actually beneficial and actively detoxing after the vaccine (if it comes to having to take it) might very well be the key to being unaffected by it. Of course, there could be other factors introduced into the situation, like nanotechnology, but at this point, worrying about it or stressing about it only helps THEM. osit.

All very good points and very - VERY - likely the best explanations (and solutions) of all the data concerning this issue that has accumulated in the last couple of months. We'll just have to wait and see, and remain alert.
As to whatever might be inside these vaccines, I don't know if it's common knowledge, but I found out today for the first time that the fetal DNA from aborted babies are also put inside vaccines. Once I got over the disgust, I started wondering what might be the result if someone else's, or many others' DNA is mixed with one's own.
RedFox said:
That 'hate to stand by and do nothing' is interesting isn't it? Its driven me in most of my efforts here, but its got me in trouble by trying to 'do' things against peoples will. Trying to determin whats best for others.....
Its also well known to the PTB, and I think they want rid of it. So they are baiting us to stand up and 'do' something (they want) protests and form groups and not get the vaccine perhaps?
But if the PTB are the ones who formed the groups at best its COINTELPRO, at worst its the easiest way to form the lists for nazi death camps. Publicly get rid of the ones that 'stand up and fight' and the rest of the population blindly (fearfully) falls into order.

SeekingTruth said:
COINTELPRO is everywhere and we must take it into account when we try to do anything at all....

Like I said, ". . . our opponents are more than formidable!"

It's hard for me to not think of the underground French resistance against Hitler's occupation during WWII. The risk of death was worth it to them in order to restore freedom and liberty. Of course, our situation is not the same. By participating in this forum, reading the Cassiopaea material, accessing, and the recommended reading, we have an awareness above and beyond what those French resistors had. Knowledge protects; ignorance endangers. We do what is in us to do without expecting it to matter.

Laura said:
How about, instead of spending money on mailouts to strangers that will probably get thrown in the trash, do it like a chain letter to people you know? Ask them to send it to people they know who care about the future of their children.

I think the issue is how to go about building an ark for the fun/challenge of it with no expectations and which will come in handy should a flood just happen to occur. Yes, we are attempting to walk along the razor's edge without cutting our feet.

Hypothetical conversation:

Mother with post-vaccinated child who has been rendered a paraplegic (see

Mother: "How did this happen? Didn't the people who developed this vaccine know how dangerous it was?"

Me: "Well, actually they did. They just didn't want anyone to know about it."

Mother: "You mean you knew of this danger and didn't tell me?!"

Me: " Um, well, you didn't ask."

Mother: "I didn't know enough to ask!!"

The maternal instinct in me is screaming, NO WAY IN HELL ARE YOU GOING TO DO THIS TO OUR CHILDREN! But I must suppress this outrage as it will not, in the end, help anyone. If the unaware people don't know enough to ask, is it not logical to put the information out there in a way that encompasses the casual course of everyday living - in other words, with no expectations, no confrontational manner, no let's fight back agenda - just in an educational/raise awareness sort of way? The question, how best to do this? Laura has made a good suggestion already. Perhaps we can build on that.

Oh, by the way, until this past year, I fully believed vaccinations prevented disease and epidemics and thought all those people who were refusing to have their kids vaccinated (before the autistic link became widely known) were absolutely wacko. But since that time, my awareness has grown exponentially and I now know how extremely dangerous vaccines are and that they are probably the cause of many auto-immune diseases that are ever increasing in the general population. I know that if somebody I knew had this information and didn't share it with me, I'd be pissed as hell! Are we to be coerced into a conspiracy of silence?
E said:
Once I got over the disgust, I started wondering what might be the result if someone else's, or many others' DNA is mixed with one's own.

If DNA isn't coated, probably enzymes in extracellular matrix would degrade it, then macrophages collect and destroy them and nothing happens to organism. If we assume it is coated or protected and it has an ability to enter the cell, think of it as a virus.

There are jumping genes in a normal cell, they change their position in the genome. This fetal DNA may enter into genome in one of those jumping points and it could be expressed. Of course, the outcome depends on what kind of gene you received from this fetal DNA, and also gene should be intact in this DNA to be functional.

As one possibility, if it is a gene that causes proliferation of the cell, this may lead to uncontrolled mitosis and a possibility for cancer. There are other possibilities also. And another possibility is that none of that may happen. It is hard to tell without knowing the sequence of DNA and its jumping point in the cell.
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