Bird Flu, Swine Flu, Vaccines

Another story from a Hungarian "Nature Island" web-site:

H1N1: dangerous and unthoughtful

We wrote many times about the aggressive campaign about the H1N1 vaccine.
We didn't do it for emotional reasons we did it from a pure scientific point of view. The 'Open Gate Foundation' with Hungarian doctors and lawyers have a significant attitude about this vaccine, especially for endangering babies and pregnant women by giving it to them.

Dangerous, abrupt and contains a lot of mistakes is how the Hungarian Health Department treats this vaccine issue. The 'Open Gate Foundation' challenge people in charge to change their mind about forcing the H1N1 vaccine on the Hungarian population.

The H1N1 vaccine campaign is based on the lack of scientific evidence. In this form hazardous and insufficient from epidemiological point of view- says the 'Open Gate Foundation', based on international study of epidemiology.
The foundation also points out the fact that all over the world the medical society's opinions are strongly differed about the way this vaccine got developed too quickly and was not tested. Meanwhile in Hungary a very strongly advised campaign is going on not even considering the fact that the vaccine can do more harm than good.

The vaccine campaign is exaggerated and serious mistakes have been made by scientific view.
The flu itself is much milder than the seasonal flu. The campaign interestingly ignores this fact.
The Hungarian authorities underestimate the harmful effect of the vaccine and the lack of evidence of the effectiveness.

They didn't test on pregnant women neither in Hungary or other countries, it can be hazardous to the fetus.

Based on no tests, no beneficial effect to vaccinate babies and pregnant women is a crime. Even worse considering the mercury in the vaccine can do serious harm.

Lack of professional practice to give vaccine under the age of 3.
It violates the International Protocol of Vaccines to give live virus in vaccine under the age of 3.
Raises serious moral and ethical questions.

We demand:

The Hungarian Health Department to stop these strategies and change it by serious scientific proof.
Stop experimenting on our children.
Stop giving this vaccine to health care institutions.
Answer for scientific questions publicly.

We demand from the Government:

Stop wasting money on vaccines that have no efficient evidence to be helpful.
We demand from official authorities to pay attention to the responsibility of the media, to get the correct information to the people based upon scientific evidence, considering the Hippocratic Oath, keep the basic of medical ethical and moral rules.

Attention to everyone who wants to get vaccine;
Before you get the vaccine do a thorough research about this vaccine.

Attention to doctors:
The responsibility when you give a new vaccine that never been tested based upon a very hasty scientifically insufficient 'test'.
Before you do harm try to think if it's worth it. Both medically and morally.

Open Gate Foundation

Hajdu Rafis Gabor: 06 20 340 7301

Dr. Vajna Virag: 06 30 575 2192

( English translation by anothermagyar)
The original article in Hungarian:

This news is from sweden. said:
Yesterday 30 people had been reporting to the authorities in Sweden that they experienced such severe side effects that they felt the need to contact a hospital. Today the number is 140. The swedish newspaper Expressen is the only one in Sweden reporting on these cases and as usual this is most likely only the tip of a rather large iceberg. UPDATE: According to Dagens Nyheter, the number of reported side effects are now a few hours later 190. 1 person dies after the injection but "no direct relation with the injection has been established". The biggest medical scandal in the history of Sweden has just started.

Even so, Annika Linde, director of The Swedish Institute for Infectious Disease Control (SMI) manages to spin this into something positive by stating "The vaccine has more side effects than the normal flu vaccine. It is a sign that proves that it gives an effective protection."

Thousands of Swedes have been vaccinated so far and the reports of side effects are "flooding in" to The Swedish Institute for Infectious Disease Control (SMI). Annika Linde: "It is obviously so that the vaccine against the swine flu results in more side effects than the normal flu vaccines. That is because the swine flu vaccine contains adjuvants, shark liver oil, which triggers the immune defense to respond. That also results in that the protection against the virus becomes better."

Several severe cases of allergic reactions are reported to the unit for medicinal safety. "So far the reported side effects are not unexpected", says Gunilla Sjölin Forsberg. This unit has now asked some of the many units that vaccinate to report side effects to better get a grip on the situation. This statement alone is shocking since according to normal practice, all side effects should automatically be reported - right?

A nurse who took the shot on wednesday last week is still feeling sick. She got high fever and shivers from the swine flu shot. "-I was shaking in my whole body. It was so sever that I could not even hold a glass of water in my hand.", Lotta Lindström says.

"- I am now thinking about what it is I have been injected with. I really was affected. It feels really unpleasant."

De blev sjuka av vaccinet - Hälsa -

Maria Strindlund is not so sure she made the right choice to tae the shot. She also got a severe fever and shivering reaction. "- Since I work as a nurse, I decided it was the best thing to do.", she says. At first she felt nothing from the vaccinaton, but a few hours later the side effects kicked in. "- I got a extreme pain in my arm. I could no longer lift it." The came the fever and the shivering. " _ I was lying in bed shivering and was feeling very cold and stood in a hot shower to get warm." She says many colleguse who also took the vaccine have had similar reactons. She has been taking many vaccines in the past without any reactions whatsoever.

Maria, 27: "Fick fruktansvärt ont" - Hälsa -

Rebecka Andersson was the first person to get the shot in Sweden. She became feverish and felt sick to her stomach from the shot. " - I lost all energy", she says. "-I am normally never sick so I understood it must be the vaccine." Her class mates was vaccinated at the same time and she states that five out of nineteen also got sick from the swine flu vaccine.

Rebecka, 32: "Jag blev orkeslös" - Hälsa -
[my trans: I lost my energy/ got lethargic]
Lotta Lindström, a nurse, states that she got the shot a week ago and still is not well. "- It feels very worrying", she says. "- I did not sleep anything the night after the shot since the pain in my arm was so severe." The day after, at work, the fever came. She later had headaches. She still today, a week after the shot feels sick.

Lotta, 49: "Jag sov inte något på natten" - Hälsa -
[my trans: I did not sleep at all that night]
Another nurse, Jennely, could hardly walk five meters after she got sick from the "swine flu" vaccination. She was completely healthy when she got the shot but the day after she had 39 degrees centigrade fever (102.2 F). "- I could hardly walk the five meters I had to the bathroom", she says. The fever lasted for three days. sevreal of her colugueges at work had similar experiences. "- I know of at least ten that got fever , we are about 80 people at my workplace."

Jennely, 26: "Orkade knappt gå fem meter" - Hälsa -
[my trans: I almost didnt manage to go five meters]
Johan Niklasson

It might be to early to tell yet but there is a rumor (091022) that two persons died from the shot, the lastest being (Lotta, 49) a nurse from Gothenburg.

Medical News Consultant
Jim Barlucci 2009-10-22 07:29:09
I think you should know that Lotta, 49, has now died.


Medical News Consultant
Jim Barlucci 2009-10-22 10:35:57
The information on Lotta is from an Internet forum I uploaded while surfing the Net. It was a private posting. I can't vouch for it and am having trouble relocating it. Sorry.
UPDATE: According to Dagens Nyheter, the number of reported side effects are now a few hours later 190. 1 person dies after the injection but "no direct relation with the injection has been established". The biggest medical scandal in the history of Sweden has just started.

Even so, Annika Linde, director of The Swedish Institute for Infectious Disease Control (SMI) manages to spin this into something positive by stating "The vaccine has more side effects than the normal flu vaccine. It is a sign that proves that it gives an effective protection."

They've got to be kidding!!! The lies just get more and more blatant, the coverup more and more obvious. Disgusting!!
They are now starting Pandremix (with adjuvant) vaccinations in Finland. First health care personnel and next pregnant women.
manitoban said:
They've got to be kidding!!! The lies just get more and more blatant, the coverup more and more obvious. Disgusting!!
Totally disgusting!!

Yet if the people buy it? :(
How many weeks will we see the PTB/Media/Doctors/Experts telling the sick and dying from this jab that the symptoms 'just show its working' I wonder....upping the fear level perhaps?
Then when people are just about to question this...the real (engineered) pandemic starts? (I wonder if these shots are full of live/mutated virus)....
Anyone with more knowledge know how long (in weeks?) it would take for an injected virus (maybe not H1N1) in a weakened immune system (weakened by the shot) to become virulent among the population?? Airborne for the most panic.....

This is just speculation mind....and may not be helpful.
In Belgium, there is an initiativeof people taking a stand against the vaccinations and the laws which have been passed regarding the "pandemic" (leaded if I understood correctly by Georges-Henri Beauthier, lawyer).
I don't know if this genuine or controlled opposition but they made, I don't know what it's called in english, an official justice act against the state of Belgium to have the vaccination stopped, that information about the consequences of the vaccine be known.

It has been talked about in the medias and many doctors have joined the group.

_ (French/Flemish only)

I'll keep an eye on this one for further informations.
Mini-update: Seem that 2 deaths have occurred a suspected relationship to the vaccine in Sweden. Both of them had pre-existing complications before they got the shot, heart attack and some kind of lunge-disease.

source but its in Swedish. _
Does anyone have any good ideas on how to avoid being forced into getting the H1N1 vaccination if it is made mandatory in the US or elsewhere? Any good strategies? It looks like the world-wide campaign to vaccinate just about everyone is proceeding - so what can we do? I am keeping up with the latest info on what's happening, I'm doing the Breathing exercises and prayer of the soul meditation, I've gone through rage, then extreme fear, and now anger again over what the PTB are doing, and seem to be planning to do, to all of us. So is there anything we can do to actually protect ourselves and those we care about from this murderous plan? Any ideas?
Hi Sonrisa,

Earlier in this thread there were some discussion as to what you can do if it becomes mandatory. Below is one that you might find useful but there were some other suggestions as well. :)
nicklebleu said:
Another approach, if flu vaccines become mandatory would be to try to bribe your doctor in signing the paper and discarding the flu shot into the waste bin ... a few thousand quids, a corrupt doctor and you're off the hook (for the time being).

You might need to be sure of the personality of the administering doctor, as this approach carries some risk: If you misjudge the character of the doctor, he might take that as an act of corruption and report you to the authorities.

But that certainly is an option I would be thinking about ...

Otherwise I haven't made up my mind how far I would be prepared to go, if the flu shot became mandatory. I guess at this stage, detoxing is the smartest way to go and the rest is WAIT & SEE.

Snow said:
Kesdjan said:
Yeah I didn't get the shot. I was aware of the thimerosal, etc. My question though was not really about whether to take the shot, but what to do if your family is extremely pro-vaccine? If there is a swine flu outbreak, I'll have a really hard time convincing my family that I don't want to take the H1N1 vaccine.

For most people the dogma “vaccines are safe and necessary” is still very much entrenched in their belief system. Anybody questioning this dogma is therefore attacking this “belief” and people will go to extremes defending their belief (or any other belief for that matter). Taking this belief head on is of no use and only works counterproductive (even dangerous, as it might get the attention of the General Law): the “believer” will only dig in deeper and starts to fight you with even more zeal (how irrational his/her arguments may be), or just shuts you out, deaf to your arguments, as you already have experienced…

Getting the message through only works if the other side is open to your arguments or comes to you (out of free will) and is willing to listen to your side of the story. Until then, it seems, it’s of no use. I know it is difficult and even frustrating, but remember, you go against a lifetime of social programming.

I know, because I tried to convince my wife and I made the terrible error to go against her belief system, head on. The more I fought it, the more she fought back. In the end I lost, because she wasn’t willing to listen to me anymore. I do, however, have a glimmer of hope: I managed to convince her to start to read a book about the subject. The next day she even told me she had small doubts about certain procedures of vaccination (why some people do and some don’t get vaccinated).

So, you must be clever, without impeding free will. Rationality doesn’t seem to work, unless they are open and willing to listen. And for them to listen, they must first start to doubt their own belief system. For the time being you are “tainted”, but if you manage to slip in an article, or a book you might get lucky and plant a seed of doubt…

If there’s not enough time, you can, at least for yourself, argue the “herd immunity”. At least that way you can avoid getting the vaccination yourself.

shijing said:
Hi Mocachapeau --

mocachapeau said:
I really am looking at whatever comes as an adventure, an experience, but I also feel that the STO thing to do is to do whatever is necessary to be there for my family. And if my wife has decided that the kids are to receive the vaccine, I don't see any way I could stop that.

Any thoughts?

Its a tough situation when you and your wife aren't on the same page about vaccinations, and this is an excellent example of how the people pushing the vaccines are trying to herd dissenters into a corner. I agree that the optimal situation would be to avoid the vaccinations, and I hope that a way opens up for you to do that for your whole family. If not, though, there are a couple of recent released on about what to do if you do have to take the vaccine for some reason:


Below is an excerpt from the second link above:


Thanks for re-posting this answer Vulcan and others for posting there thoughts.
Well currently I'm doing my internship seated in the health sector: a hospital. And I discussed this question of a have-to-vaccination with my instructor yesterday, so far there are no plans in doing so, the doctors are at the moment suspicious themself about it, cause under one point of this discussion currently going on in Germany:

Deutsche Welle said:
German officials reject charges of two-classes of swine-flu vaccines

As Germany prepares for a mass-immunization against the swine flu, there are growing concerns about the existence of two different shots - one for a selected few and one for the rest of the population.
In one week's time, Germany is scheduled to begin a mass immunization against the swine flu. But the type of shot a person gets is to depend on their position in society, leading to complaints about a 'second class' swine-flu vaccine.

Politicians, certain government employees and members of the German military are scheduled to receive one type of the swine flu vaccine, while average citizens in Germany are to receive a different one.

The difference between the two vaccines is that the one meant for members of the government is said to have fewer side-effects. It also lacks certain additives which are said to be present in the version for the general population.

A spokesperson for the German interior minister, quoted by the Berliner Zeitung newspaper, said that the vaccines marked for the government were ordered months ago, when there were no clear differences between the two vaccines. She added that the other version was not a second-class vaccine.

According to a separate report in the mass-circulation Bild newspaper, Chancellor Angela Merkel and Health Minister Ulla Schmidt are planning on getting vaccinated with the shot provided to the general population.

"It's the same as the rest," said Schmidt, "safe and effective."
emphases mine

I played for a short moment with the thought around to break up my internship if it comes to a have to, but that would be not an wise idea in my case, because I need this internship to go on with studying. Sounds like not an easy time, but I think contemplating about it in advance would be good in doing so. At least to learn strategic enclosure and to prepare the body when it should come to a have-to-vaccination. On the other hand talking frankly with the person doing the vaccination, that I don't want it, might be dangerous, because I don't know the medical staff at all, also when this has been my first thought doing so, one week ago.
Wait and see I guess.
[quote author=Tigersoap]In Belgium, there is an initiativeof people taking a stand against the vaccinations and the laws which have been passed regarding the "pandemic" (leaded if I understood correctly by Georges-Henri Beauthier, lawyer).
I don't know if this genuine or controlled opposition but they made, I don't know what it's called in english, an official justice act against the state of Belgium to have the vaccination stopped, that information about the consequences of the vaccine be known.
It is good to know there are doctors out there who has conscience. Just like in Hungary (and I'm sure other countries,too!)
I mentioned an article from my previous post. There is another article from the same web-site about side effects.
A 60 year old woman asked the doctor to give her both the seasonal flu and the swine flu vaccine.
The doctor asked her: "Are you sure you want to take a risk with a barely tested vaccine?"
She said: "Yes, I want it.
Two days later she was in the hospital. She vomited blood, called the ambulance they didn't wanted to believe her they said you bleeding from cough. She had to be very stubborn then the ambulance finally took her to the Hospital.
(Happened in Hungary... :headbash:)
The doctor said in the hospital after examinations the bleeding did not come from the stomach.
They "don't know" why she got sick. She was a healthy person before.
Authorities refuse to comment on this. They actually recommending the vaccine for everybody! :evil:
Looks like what we need to do is strategic enclosure, based on the circumstances each of us faces in our own nation and local area. That's why we need to stay on top of what's happening, locally, nationally, and internationally. What other nations/ locales are doing to misinform /trick/ force people into getting the vaccination could be illustrative of what the authorities in our own local areas may do. So have several strategies ready. I'm calming down, now... somewhat.
Just an update from the states, a few hours ago from Reuters:

Reuters said:
By Patricia Zengerle

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama has declared 2009 H1N1 swine flu a national emergency, the White House said on Saturday.

The declaration will make it easier for U.S. medical facilities to handle a surge in flu patients by allowing the waiver of some requirements of Medicare, Medicaid and other federal health insurance programs as needed, the White House said in a statement. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said on Friday that swine flu has become widespread in 46 of the 50 U.S. states, a level comparable to the peak of ordinary flu seasons but far earlier and with more waves of infection expected. Obama signed the statement on Friday night. The White House statement said the declaration was intended to prepare the country in case of "a rapid increase in illness that may overburden health care resources." It was similar to disaster declarations issued before hurricanes hit coastal areas.

"It's important to note that this is a proactive measure -- not a response to a new development," an administration official said.
"H1N1 is moving rapidly, as expected. By the time regions or healthcare systems recognize they are becoming overburdened, they need to implement disaster plans quickly," he said.

Seasonal flu normally peaks sometime between late November and early March and kills about 36,000 Americans in an average year. Swine flu has hit young adults and children the hardest, while seasonal flu normally is more dangerous for people over age 65. H1N1, declared a public health emergency earlier in the year, has killed more than 1,000 people in the United States and put more than 20,000 in the hospital since it emerged earlier this year, the CDC said. But health officials are quick to note that the actual number of cases cannot be measured.

The new declaration clears the way for waivers of federal requirements that, for example, could prevent hospitals from establishing off-site, alternate care facilities that could help them deal with emergency department demands, the White House said. The Health and Human Services Department is trying to deliver vaccines against H1N1 but says production is falling short of projections because companies are having trouble making them. HHS has also moved to make available stockpiles of antiviral drugs oseltamivir, made by Roche AG under the brand name Tamiflu, and zanamivir, an inhaled drug made by GlaxoSmithKline under the brand name Relenza.
On Friday the U.S. Food and Drug Administration issued an emergency use authorization for an experimental new drug called peramivir, made by Biocryst Pharmaceuticals Inc and licensed to Shionogi & Co Ltd.

The authorization allows the intravenous drug to be used in hospitalized patients who cannot take pills or inhale Relenza or when Tamiflu or Relenza do not seem to be helping.

And I see the FDA was nice enough to give them the ok to spring a new drug on us if deemed necessary. The pharmaceutical companies must be rolling in so much money by now. What a scam this whole thing is. They start a war to take all of our tax dollars and now they start another disease to kill us off and take the rest of our money. :curse:

Wikipedia said:
Peramivir is an experimental antiviral drug being developed by BioCryst Pharmaceuticals for the treatment of influenza.

Peramivir is a neuraminidase inhibitor, acting as a transition-state analogue inhibitor of influenza neuraminidase and thereby preventing new viruses from emerging from infected cells.

The development of peramivir is supported by the US Department of Health and Human Services as part of the US government's effort to prepare against the threat of an influenza pandemic.[1]

The drug has had a long history. An oral formulation was abandoned by Johnson and Johnson due to poor bioavailability.[2] BioCryst is now developing a injectable version, in partnership with Green Cross Pharmaceuticals in South Korea and with Shionogi Pharmaceuticals in Japan. The drug is in Phase II studies
Wikipedia said:
Phase II
Once the initial safety of the study drug has been confirmed in Phase I trials, Phase II trials are performed on larger groups (20-300) and are designed to assess how well the drug works, as well as to continue Phase I safety assessments in a larger group of volunteers and patients. When the development process for a new drug fails, this usually occurs during Phase II trials when the drug is discovered not to work as planned, or to have toxic effects.

So if I'm reading this correctly, they have no clue whether this drug works as planned or even if it has toxic effects and they're just gonna start shooting people up with it?! :scared:
So if I'm reading this correctly, they have no clue whether this drug works as planned or even if it has toxic effects and they're just gonna start shooting people up with it?!

Maybe they do know . . .
Pete02 said:
Wikipedia said:
Phase II
When the development process for a new drug fails, this usually occurs during Phase II trials when the drug is discovered not to work as planned, or to have toxic effects.

So if I'm reading this correctly, they have no clue whether this drug works as planned or even if it has toxic effects and they're just gonna start shooting people up with it?!

They are doing it because Tamiflu is not working anymore: flu is rapidly becoming resistant to it. It is certainly a risk to put it in use midway through clinical studies. At least, it is indicated only for use on highest risk patients who are in clinical condition. For now ...
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