kolnikov said:
About ALTA reports, seems clear that much of "predicted" is not going in the way it says,in the date it says, though...the main items are developing somehow as reported.
Yes, this is something that was being discussed extensively on this thread since the November Tipping Point prediction. It basically boils down to the fact that Clif doesn't have enough "real knowledge" to provide a proper context for interpreting the linguistics he pulls out of his dataset runs. The task that faces Clif is a monumental one, I will give him that; he is basically trying to predict how subtle energies from a higher archetypal/probabilistic realm/density will manifest in 3rd density reality based on psychic "echoes" that are allegedly revealed by shifts in human speech patterns. In order to do the experiment successfully, one has to go far beyond "unconscious premonitions" and actually be able to read the symbols from higher realities based on how they reflect in the rather imperfect mirrors of human beings. Clif has demonstrated through his interviews that he is rather ignorant of hyperdimensional realities and prefers to believe that the universe is "continually created and destroyed at 22THz." Since human perception occurs at about 30Hz, he believes all of these extra "dimensions" occur in the minuscule timeframes between the intervals at which our brains process things. This is just a fancy repackaging of the mainstream scientific view that we live in a universe of three spatial dimensions and one temporal which simply began at some mysterious point in time and is sliding toward some final and inevitable end. It suggests to me that he doesn't even fully understand the nature of his experiment, which clearly has hyperdimensional implications, while he continues to try and make it fit in a 3D box.
Speaking of the November Tipping point, that certainly didn't happen as predicted, and I gave him a generous grace window of until March, even when he pinpointed the day November 14. The economy now is fundamentally no different than it was in November. Most people still go to work, the stock market is still in recovery mode, and the media pundits are still convincing a lot of the people that the worst is behind us. Inflation is slightly more prescient, but not enough to create any widespread movements. The Israeli mistake still hasn't happened and the Korean Conflict was little more than a bit of political theater. The only thing he was sort of right about was "solar disruption (starting Oct. 27) triggering catastrophic climate change, food/oceanic/atmospheric crises, violent storms, earthquakes, rains and 1000-year floods and mudslides." There was no major solar event on Oct. 27, however it does seem that it was the start of the "winding cycle" that Clif mentions in his interviews where the sun builds up energy and releases solar flares which cause the above mentioned phenomena. So perhaps the "tipping point" if even there was one, occurred when Nemesis, or perhaps Elenin, started discharging the solar capacitor and really driving the Earth changes.
Based on all of the erroneous interpretations and false premises, I think it should be made clear that Clif is more in the business of speculation rather than forecasting. I still read the reports because they do contain some interesting economic, political, and philosophical viewpoints and can get the mind working in different directions. To one who possesses some degree of discernment and is not particularly invested in any one outcome, the reports can be useful for considering different possibilities and reflecting on how certain scenarios might play out, as well as studying the potential subjective pitfalls that can ensnare you and the people around you. For everyone else, the "John-Q Seeker" as they might be called, the reports are basically useless because they provide a very blurry picture at best of what is emerging into our reality. If the report had a hypothetical value of $1, its "mark-to-market" value is probably around 10 cents. An interesting experiment for the halfpasthuman community would be for Clif to just publish the lists of words that he uses to write the report and how they connect, leaving it to the readers to put it in paragraph form and fill in the interpretations. That would get past the subjectivity bias, and members of the forum here might be able to come up with interesting results. Then again, the computer may basically spit out gibberish... sometimes I think learning to use a Ouija board might be a better and simpler alternative in the long run ;)
Kolnikov said:
And BTW, i feel tired of following Clif forum months ago, though very clever people there.
Clif is pretty well-read and tries to bring in a big-picture view into his reports and interviews. A lot of people see the truth in what he's saying and become devoted to him to some degree. For someone who is just stepping outside of the mainstream, there is a lot of helpful information there. The thing is, people tend to become devoted to one particular guru whom they believe has all the answers and that may be why he is being targeted by Weidner/Bridges. Despite the fact that he issues warns people to not base their decisions on their interpretations of his interpretations of strange data patterns and to think for themselves, many just want to be spoofed answers and the discussion seems to focus on what the reports say rather than what they represent or may represent. Clif's unique position as a sort of authority on the more mysterious aspects of our reality combined with his stubbornness to acknowledge all of its nuances makes him an ideal candidate to lead masses of naive seekers that don't necessarily fall into the New Age mold down a blind alley. All those who devoutly and unquestioningly subscribe to Clif's present worldview are being led into the insidious maw of the Weidner/Bridges camp.