Clif High-

findit said:
For some reason, Clif High keeps popping up. I was reading comments on a Zero Hedge article today, and there was a discussion regarding Clif's predictions for 10/15. I haven't seen his latest predictions, but apparently something big is supposed to happen on the 15th...

That is the date when they are planning to occupy london.... I just hope they occupy 'where' the banks are and leave normal residential/high streets alone.
Just read it today, Findit - Clif calls it 'The GRunCH': Gross Universal Cash Heist. TPTB planning to rip off another few trillion of global funds by setting up some kind of disaster. Cliff said 17th, I think. George Ure's take is possibly setting off El Hierro, thus causing a 100 - 200 foot tidal wave to flood Eastern coast of the Us of A.
findit said:
For some reason, Clif High keeps popping up. I was reading comments on a Zero Hedge article today, and there was a discussion regarding Clif's predictions for 10/15. I haven't seen his latest predictions, but apparently something big is supposed to happen on the 15th...

Hmm, Cliff's predictions for 10/15...something big is supposed to happen on the 15th.

Wonder if Cliff's algorithms somehow picked up Laura & Ark's Barcelona conference? :D
Peam said:
findit said:
For some reason, Clif High keeps popping up. I was reading comments on a Zero Hedge article today, and there was a discussion regarding Clif's predictions for 10/15. I haven't seen his latest predictions, but apparently something big is supposed to happen on the 15th...

Hmm, Cliff's predictions for 10/15...something big is supposed to happen on the 15th.

Wonder if Cliff's algorithms somehow picked up Laura & Ark's Barcelona conference? :D
I think now he has gone mad :

Your last 26 days of life...
On March 2, 2012, the zionists (isreali mossad and cia agents) who are the stooges of the central banksters, will attack an American naval ship (as they did with the USS Liberty).

They will try to sink this ship with a huge loss of life of American sailors.

They will pretend to be Iranians to make you mad at Iran.

They intend to provoke officialdom in the US and Russia and China into killing us all.

Much of officialdom (masons, illuminati, agents of rome (opus dei et al), zionists) are in on this false flag attack, and their fervent hope for WAR to end your life, and the lives of over ONE BILLION other humans (your relatives on this planet).

So much of humanity on this planet has been made crazy by the rothchilds/rockefellers and all the priests/potentates and other assholes who put themselves on top of us all by lying and cheating and murder.

They plan on yet another fucking great war to kill off as many of us as they can.

If they succeed, and the war is created;

no more taxes will i pay ever to anyone.

no more of their laws will i obey.

if i survive the smoking, nuclear wasteland that will be the west coast of the USofA and most of earth, and there are any of the former central banksters and their masters alive, i will swear the remnant of my life to bringing them to justice. And i know what that means, even if the psychopathic pedofilic fucktards do not.

My message to them...all of officialdom is know fear. You live on the fear of others. Now it is your turn.

Fear us now.

We know you now.

Your names are recorded.

Your lives are in our hands.

Killing billions of us only convinces the rest that we have nothing left to lose.

You taught us to fear you.

Now the fear is gone, only hate remains.

Fear us now.

Or we come for you later.

posted February 6, 2012 by clif high


If he can't seriously question his on thinking and interpretation of his data, even though he must have realist that something is truly laking in them, after "failing in the predictions" more then ones then I have to say he is a pretty good believer.....
Pashalis said:
I think now he has gone mad :

Your last 26 days of life...
On March 2, 2012, the zionists (isreali mossad and cia agents) who are the stooges of the central banksters, will attack an American naval ship (as they did with the USS Liberty).

They will try to sink this ship with a huge loss of life of American sailors.

They will pretend to be Iranians to make you mad at Iran.

They intend to provoke officialdom in the US and Russia and China into killing us all.


posted February 6, 2012 by clif high


If he can't seriously question his on thinking and interpretation of his data, even though he must have realist that something is truly laking in them, after "failing in the predictions" more then ones then I have to say he is a pretty good believer.....

Well, we've seen it before. When a person makes a choice to believe a lie or a liar - as he did by taking up with Jay Weidner - they generally deteriorate. But this one is a bit faster than usual!
Cliff's very entertaining to listen to---beyond that... It feels like he's just stretching and stretching. I've listened in on his podcast interviews for a long time, though, I'm doing that less and less. There doesn't seem to be much useful information and he doesn't seem to care with whom he interviews.

It's much more useful to do EE, keep a positive and creative stance and proceeding forward, doing what you can do to make the world better right here in the current moment. That'll effect the future more than knowing any apparently gray area possibilities.

I think I originally started paying attention to the Cs material because I wanted a quick take of the future (or something along that line). And, here we are in the Future. For me, what turned out to be most important about the Cs message (and continues to be) apparently has more to do with how we deal with the present and the foggy past that we've ridden in on. Living creatively, taking responsibility for actions, living consciously, conscientiously, in the moment, communicating well, processing your 'self' so that you might work at being less self centered, being more holistic, more integral, aware, communicative and interactive with the universe at large, are the real meat of the message.

The future? It takes care of itself and we'll take care of ourselves and others where necessary, if our eyes are open...which will continue to enhance the possible future. Am I getting it fairly close? Cliff is an amusement and I'm treating him the same way I watch a TV show. I try not to give it too much of my valuable attention and assume the sources are at least somewhat shaky or outright corrupted.
so now we have march 4 and where is "the zionists attack on a American naval ship " ?
I Just finished listening to Cliff High “Last” and Latest interview on Feet 2 Fire. Which can be found at:
_ for February 26th 2012.

I have been following Cliff for about two years now, and I have to agree with the consensus here, He may be going off the deep end but at lease he is somewhat consistent in his views and I do find him very sincere. For this interview, he did not go into the expanding earth information, which I think is bogus and misinformation. (Thanks Jay for giving him this idea…; you sure know how to misdirect information and play this guy like a fiddle).

Currently a short summary of this 3 hour interview: (for those who find this interesting or entertaining).

First hour:
Review of his linguistic process in interpreting his web bot model, software and theory.

Describes how his pre-conceptions and bias in interpretation affects his reports.

What he considers as important data in as Archetype linguistic symbolisms. Like sinking of a ship and its symbolism in other analogies, as an example, the previous physical ship (Concordia) that sank in an economic crisis which he consider as a hit but wrong interpretation.

Explaining his misses and why he missed some previous interpretation, making his past model fit current events. For me, it’s easy to say one predicted an event after the facts, but has wrong interpolations. So he now claims to have had refined linguistic model in current predictions.

Interviewer was good at challenging his previous forecasts; Cliff is good as making good excuses and tries very hard to fit in what did happen. i.e. news personal speaking non-sense events.

Alien Contact forecast. And use of his IR goggles and viewing strange objects. Cliff does not believe in Disclosure and it will not happen.
Use of mime and realizes of non-human beings and human interaction have been done through our history. Lots of his predictions are based on this kind of control.

Nothing new here revealed in the first hour, just bringing up-to speed all listeners on his work and process; he does this a lot in his interviews. I already know about this and so does his listeners, so I think he is just doing it again to consume time; which is a waste of mine.

Second hour:
C.E.O’s and other prominent people disappearance event link to his disappearance of people during this time.

More History of his data crunching techniques and computer technologies and sun disease.

History of sun disease datasets, CME predictions from 1996 to present.

2004 Tsunami predictions and Hits, Language of earthquake base on popular trials. Nesting of archetypes.

Why did not we die last year was asked, stated he help others people make money because of awareness, just misinterpretations. Cliff does not expect people to listen to his ideas, but people do. Cliff has a humble awareness of his mistakes. One must give him some credit for this and seems that he is here to help and not take advantage. Future is not set in stone is covered. We are energy beings.

Immediacy wave, someone something is screwing with time which is his universe self-correcting futures assumption. (His awareness of multidimensional intelligences is coming through, Laura’s work realizations but no credit, did he truly come-up this by his own? If so, I would be impressed).

The End… What is it and what is End?
March 2 – March 10 events. Initial theory on how Cliff interprets building tension and release language flow of emotion of the forecast.
By March 10 of this year were we go to release language and which never return to building tension (never expected data); Three day error rate. Something is to happen around this timeframe. No spike seen just continual release; A new awareness to happen? Something changes so drastically in our awareness that life will never be the same.

Methods of his research he does with this data.

Predictions maybe a fix for mankind, psychopaths giving in and running for cover or devastation of mankind will begin at this time. A wave keeps building as release continues. March will bring unknown energies to our awareness regarding (collapse of probabilities) release. PTB will have seems to have won in all set plans. All events for world domination will come into place.

For our protection, we can be aware of the psychopaths which by doing so will show the world of the PTB grand plans. Awareness holds the hands of the PTB which will move its plans (that is why it cannot be predicted); may all of the PTB come clean on all the bad? (Which could be a possibility but Cliff does not think so). This time the PTB will act and this is the nature of the event. Cliff does not know which way, he assumes of failure of PTB by nuclear war.

IR Goggles prove to him in (Cassiopeia area of sky) that something is going on and we have not been told.

Cliff does not like channeling; will not accept an outside savior to save us, we must fix our problems on our own. Free will of the universe must be followed; knowledge must be gained on our own. (I have come to see that channeling is really connection to our true, higher self which is part of awareness, so I know we must do the work, but by the forth way, knowledge can be gained from our own higher consciousness).

Knowledge of the psychopaths protect us, what they have one us is the holding of knowledge or secrets. I do feel this that when people state that knowledge is power is STS thinking, when knowledge is given and used and understood, this protects and is STO.

PTB Poison diets for control and we as people must get this in control else we are in trouble. This is important to gain knowledge (without this we will be food for them). Cliff is vegetarian and claims superior human performance when interacting with them if they have well, no meat diets.

Third Hour:
How Web bot got started.

Secrets revealed as a point at which is shown in March for this increase awareness. Maybe critical mass will begin and this awareness will begin in March.

Cliff does understand his error and freely admits these errors. Most of the interpretations come from his readers and they have a life of their own.
Mentions about Les Visible and how he fit in his reports.

Bioweapons (Space bacteria may fit here too) may be a probability of this March Event.

New electrics data and discussion.

Cliff can view Good and bad objectively. He is an optimist about outcomes and of mankind’s future. His 26 days to live article was written to wakeup people and knew it would cause a rift.

Q&A from listeners…
Ill winds kills 1.289 billion, one of which is Fukashima, 8 others ‘winds’ in place or coming (CME’s).

Hyper dimensional interaction of other beings is why we are in our condition of state at this point in time.

Must except our true process of life and death, not one of being saved or interaction of a savior.

Attack on Iran is just a distraction to hide the death of the world economy. Having gold will give you an edge in the new awareness.

Utopia after secrets reveled. Dying of the PTB i.e. Psychopaths and religions. Hard work needed for this awareness to happen.
Sound or frequency to reveal hidden beings will be found, no more hiding of 4 D beings to our awareness. (High density shift).

Future is ours to determine, more that are aware, the better.

That was it and I think this interview was classic Cliff, no far-out theories or other junk was covered; just information on his project, theory and interpretation of his data and possible outcomes, sprinkled with some good wisdom.

If any interest in this subject is wanted, then this would be a good listen.

Time is short for his predictions so we have to wait and see if anything will manifest itself in the next week or two. If it does, then he was on to something. If not, then I thank him for the good Sci-Fi entertainment.

Mod edit: fixed site delink
Sorry about my last post URL address, IT has a space after the underscore. This was unintentional. I do understand the guidelines about this issue. It must have happened when I pasted it to the browser from my editor.
So, has anything Clif predicted for this segment happened???
He seems to think that the KONY 2012 is the marker he was looking for.


my claim to correctness is that the KONY 2012 was uploaded to youtube on March 5, 2012, which was our original target date for the plateau of building tension language.


All it takes to change reality is the intent that it shall be changed.

To my way of thinking, over 56 million people (and growing) are now so intent.

It will grow.

It is going to alter reality under the feet of the established consensus reality.


Now what was it i was saying in February about the 'flavor of this particular time'. This time the karios has a distinct taste , and i know i am getting closer to it as the 'victory pie' smell is strong in the air...

true victory is victory over self (this is scalable by the way)....

it is merely the begining.

oh, and not to put too fine a point on it, but to indulge a bit of aggressive humanness still rattling around in my old bones, and specifically for those who are 'gulper devotees of the tavistock' that bitches....
Wow. He's so far off the deep end that he sees validations everywhere he looks. He thinks he's tasting from victory pie when in fact, he's merely an ingredient. It seems his predictive analysis is merely self fulfilling prophesies to indulge his illusions. I am in awe of how fast the disease spreads once one lets it in.

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