Clif High-

venusian said:
I think McCanney would find Clif's theory far too simplistic and unable to account for the energy required to produce the results. Clif also does not provide a clear mechanism for the exchange of energy between the sun and the Earth's core. At least to me that part seems pretty fuzzy and unsubstantiated.

That's what he gets for hanging out with disinfo artists like Jay Weidner.
Laura said:
venusian said:
I think McCanney would find Clif's theory far too simplistic and unable to account for the energy required to produce the results. Clif also does not provide a clear mechanism for the exchange of energy between the sun and the Earth's core. At least to me that part seems pretty fuzzy and unsubstantiated.

That's what he gets for hanging out with disinfo artists like Jay Weidner.

Yeah. I think the expanding earth info has its origin with David Wilcock.
Approaching Infinity said:
Laura said:
venusian said:
I think McCanney would find Clif's theory far too simplistic and unable to account for the energy required to produce the results. Clif also does not provide a clear mechanism for the exchange of energy between the sun and the Earth's core. At least to me that part seems pretty fuzzy and unsubstantiated.

That's what he gets for hanging out with disinfo artists like Jay Weidner.

Yeah. I think the expanding earth info has its origin with David Wilcock.

Really? Now that I didn't know (although googling 'David Wilcock expanding earth' confirmed that he has indeed talked about this idea.) My only exposure to the concept has been in this Youtube video, Conspiracy of Science, which certainly caught my attention. David Wilcock discussing the idea certainly cuts away at its credibility but doesn't ruin it entirely ... kind of like how David Shayler discussing 9/11 doesn't discredit the issue. To my mind, that particular video is very similar to the guy who said, "It looks like South America and Africa fit together." He had no theory as to how this took place, merely an empirical impression. The maker of that video, so far as I know, poses no hypotheses ... he simply makes the observation that the continents appear to fit together quite well if the radius of the Earth shrinks.

Of course McCanney's electric comets accrete from the outside, the idea being that each comet forms a seed which, over time, can grow into a planet. Right? But would the accretion necessarily be limited to the surface throughout a planetary body's life cycle? Or, once a certain size has been reached, might the charged particles being attracted to the body be channeled towards the surface? Just speculating out loud here, but McCanney indicates that there is an inverse relationship between charge and mass, such that very massive bodies are closer to being globally neutral ... but that doesn't rule out segregation of any given body, with a highly charged core surrounded by a neutral shell, in which case the core would attract charged particles towards it from space (just as comets do), likely being channeled in through the magnetic poles.

So far as I know this question appears in the transcripts only once:

Q: (Terry) Is the Earth expanding? That's just putting it bluntly, but,
is the Earth expanding, how did you put that? (Ark) Yes, that's the
theory: the idea is that the continents move away because the Earth is
expanding, and this is much faster than you know, than geologists were
A: Continental "drift" is caused by the continual though variable,
propelling of gases from the interior to the surface, mainly
at points of magnetic significance.
Q: (Jan) What causes the change in the axis?
A: By slow down of rotation. Earth alternately heats up and cools down in
Q: (Laura) Why does it do that? What's the cause of this?
A: Part of cycle related to energy exerted upon surface by
the frequency resonance vibrational profile of humans and others.

Are they flat-out saying "the Earth doesn't grow"? Why do they put "drift" in quotation marks? And how do we account for the fact that dinosaurs would not be able to survive under current gravitational conditions? Has gravity somehow increased without any concomitant increase in mass?
psychegram said:
Really? Now that I didn't know (although googling 'David Wilcock expanding earth' confirmed that he has indeed talked about this idea.)

Yeah, he's been talking about it for years, and included a section on it in one of his online books when he first put them online.

Q: (Terry) Is the Earth expanding? That's just putting it bluntly, but,
is the Earth expanding, how did you put that? (Ark) Yes, that's the
theory: the idea is that the continents move away because the Earth is
expanding, and this is much faster than you know, than geologists were
A: Continental "drift" is caused by the continual though variable,
propelling of gases from the interior to the surface, mainly
at points of magnetic significance.
Q: (Jan) What causes the change in the axis?
A: By slow down of rotation. Earth alternately heats up and cools down in
Q: (Laura) Why does it do that? What's the cause of this?
A: Part of cycle related to energy exerted upon surface by
the frequency resonance vibrational profile of humans and others.

Are they flat-out saying "the Earth doesn't grow"? Why do they put "drift" in quotation marks?

Don't know for sure, but one of McCanney's ideas is that continental "drift" is not "drift" at all - it is the shuffling of the Earth's plates as a result of a close encounter with a large cometary body thousands of years ago. He thinks that if the Earth never encountered any such objects, there would be no "drift".
psychegram said:
Are they flat-out saying "the Earth doesn't grow"? Why do they put "drift" in quotation marks? And how do we account for the fact that dinosaurs would not be able to survive under current gravitational conditions? Has gravity somehow increased without any concomitant increase in mass?

One of the ideas from Velikovsky and others is that the Earth has not always been in the orbit it has now. One interpretation of the Sumerian and other ancient number and calendar systems is that at one time the year was 360 days long, indicating a different orbital proximity to the sun. We don't know if this is true or not, but it does introduce a broader conceptual consideration that might allow for much variability in things that we tend to think are stable and static. And this example would be in relatively very recent history.

If we accept that the universe is a dynamic place, over time things may change (and have changed) in ways that are difficult to imagine. Perhaps when dinosaurs lived on Earth, Earth was in a different relationship with the sun, or unknown other bodies or processes or combinations thereof had some significant enough effect on Earth's mass and thence upon its gravitation. If what we think is true about cyclical arrivals of celestial visitors to our solar system is so, and the potential exists for massive exchanges of energy and matter fairly often, who knows what sort of changes have taken place over millions or even thousands of years?
Q: (Terry) Is the Earth expanding? That's just putting it bluntly, but,
is the Earth expanding, how did you put that? (Ark) Yes, that's the
theory: the idea is that the continents move away because the Earth is
expanding, and this is much faster than you know, than geologists were
A: Continental "drift" is caused by the continual though variable,
propelling of gases from the interior to the surface, mainly
at points of magnetic significance.
to me it has meant so far that yes the planet is expanding continual but sometimes more gases then other times
also i vaguely remember a piece by some russian? scientists who Ark knows and kinda vouched for on subduction of plates being wrong or even not possible...which i took to be a confirmation on the expanding earth theory

there is also the C quote(can not find link atm)about the suns companion ''grounding'' the system and setting the motor running...i have always wondered about that...what IS the motor and what does it run? the outgassing? the solar system? the sun?
rrraven said:
Q: (Terry) Is the Earth expanding? That's just putting it bluntly, but,
is the Earth expanding, how did you put that? (Ark) Yes, that's the
theory: the idea is that the continents move away because the Earth is
expanding, and this is much faster than you know, than geologists were
A: Continental "drift" is caused by the continual though variable,
propelling of gases from the interior to the surface, mainly
at points of magnetic significance.
to me it has meant so far that yes the planet is expanding continual but sometimes more gases then other times
also i vaguely remember a piece by some russian? scientists who Ark knows and kinda vouched for on subduction of plates being wrong or even not possible...which i took to be a confirmation on the expanding earth theory

there is also the C quote(can not find link atm)about the suns companion ''grounding'' the system and setting the motor running...i have always wondered about that...what IS the motor and what does it run? the outgassing? the solar system? the sun?

Well, in the Electric Universe model, the idea is that while every planetary and stellar body has a certain charge, those bodies located within the same plasma sheath (for instance, all of the planets and comets are within the heliopause) will take up a position such that they can achieve charge equilibrium with neighboring bodies. Anything which disturbs the charge equilibrium will cause a current to run between the bodies. This happens all the time on small scales (solar flares, CMEs, comets) but the possibility exists for much larger disturbances to upset the charge balance, causing stronger currents to flow and more spectacular effects.

Nemesis' approach would of course be a case in point: as it moves into the heliopause (or, if it is already inside, moves closer to the Sun), it might 'steal' some of the negative current which feeds the Sun (here I'm working with the Electric Sun model, as developed by Juergens, Thornhill and Scott). In order for the Sun to maintain charge equilibrium, it would then have to eject a certain quantity of positive charge, leading to an increase in flaring and CMEs. This in turn upsets the charge equilibrium of the various planets, as they are forced to deal with the sudden influx of positive current, with effects including an increase in extreme weather, earthquakes, alterations in the magnetic field strength and orientation, changes in rotation and possibly even changes in orbital parameters.

So you can think of it as, under normal circumstances, the planets keep in their orbits, but under extraordinary circumstances, it is possible for them to move around ... thus in effect 'setting the motor running' in an otherwise quiescent machine.
Approaching Infinity said:
psychegram said:
Really? Now that I didn't know (although googling 'David Wilcock expanding earth' confirmed that he has indeed talked about this idea.)

Yeah, he's been talking about it for years, and included a section on it in one of his online books when he first put them online.

My take on this is pretty much my usual take on David Wilcock: his purpose (whether he knows it or not) is to discredit ideas by his very association with them. In this case, the Expanding Earth theory is a pretty interesting theory which not only explains a lot of otherwise mysterious phenomena, but also explains already-explained phenomena more parsimoniously than the 'continental drift' theory, at least in my opinion. But then people who come across the theory, and also come across Wilcock's work, are pretty likely to be turned off by it ... especially once they come across the newage (rhymes with sewage) 'love and light' 'I am the reincarnation of Edward Casey' messianic madness that shines through ultimately.

I'm reminded of his Project Camelot talk, I forget which one ... he spends the first hour talking about some pretty interesting things, but then he starts going on about how every Hollywood scifi movie is really a coded message, and pretty soon the viewer is sitting there thinking, this guy is nuts ... or more likely, just making stuff up. At which point everything he talked about in the first part is seriously called into question. Serves the dual purpose of misinforming the open-minded and turning off the more hard-nosed.

So yeah ... interesting that Wilcock's on this, but weirdly it makes me think it more likely that there's something to the hypothesis, else why would certain, ahhh, 'people' want it discredited?

Edit: Fixed quotes
Laura said:
venusian said:
I think McCanney would find Clif's theory far too simplistic and unable to account for the energy required to produce the results. Clif also does not provide a clear mechanism for the exchange of energy between the sun and the Earth's core. At least to me that part seems pretty fuzzy and unsubstantiated.

That's what he gets for hanging out with disinfo artists like Jay Weidner.

Sigh. Is this externally considerate? I understand it, but what does it add? Does it give any ah-ha to anyone that would distinguish your knowledge from Jay's or Clif's?

I expect that you can do better than this. Use truth.
lawg said:
Laura said:
venusian said:
I think McCanney would find Clif's theory far too simplistic and unable to account for the energy required to produce the results. Clif also does not provide a clear mechanism for the exchange of energy between the sun and the Earth's core. At least to me that part seems pretty fuzzy and unsubstantiated.

That's what he gets for hanging out with disinfo artists like Jay Weidner.

Sigh. Is this externally considerate? I understand it, but what does it add? Does it give any ah-ha to anyone that would distinguish your knowledge from Jay's or Clif's?

I expect that you can do better than this. Use truth.

If you actually understood it, I doubt you would have written this post. It is the truth.
lawg, I also see that you haven't made an intro post on the Newbie's board. Why not introduce yourself there and tell us a bit about yourself and how you found the forum.
lawg said:
Laura said:
venusian said:
I think McCanney would find Clif's theory far too simplistic and unable to account for the energy required to produce the results. Clif also does not provide a clear mechanism for the exchange of energy between the sun and the Earth's core. At least to me that part seems pretty fuzzy and unsubstantiated.

That's what he gets for hanging out with disinfo artists like Jay Weidner.

Sigh. Is this externally considerate? I understand it, but what does it add? Does it give any ah-ha to anyone that would distinguish your knowledge from Jay's or Clif's?

I expect that you can do better than this. Use truth.

What does "external consideration" have to do with this situation/topic?

Frankly, I think that if you were familiar with my work, Jay Weidner's, and Cliffs, you would "get" the remark immediately and it would convey reams of information to you as it does to others with that awareness.

Finally, "use truth"? That's exactly what I did.
Laura said:
lawg said:
Laura said:
venusian said:
I think McCanney would find Clif's theory far too simplistic and unable to account for the energy required to produce the results. Clif also does not provide a clear mechanism for the exchange of energy between the sun and the Earth's core. At least to me that part seems pretty fuzzy and unsubstantiated.

That's what he gets for hanging out with disinfo artists like Jay Weidner.

Sigh. Is this externally considerate? I understand it, but what does it add? Does it give any ah-ha to anyone that would distinguish your knowledge from Jay's or Clif's?

I expect that you can do better than this. Use truth.

What does "external consideration" have to do with this situation/topic?

Frankly, I think that if you were familiar with my work, Jay Weidner's, and Cliffs, you would "get" the remark immediately and it would convey reams of information to you as it does to others with that awareness.

Finally, "use truth"? That's exactly what I did.

Here is even the source; J.W interviews Clif about solar pole-shifts and earth-changes etc, I find it really disturbing listing to J.W. His claims with 100% no backup, just a example (from memory) "I heard this form a mystical Tibetan monk in the Himalayan..." There are so many quotes in that interview that in them self would do nothing more then to add to a large pile of lies and half-truths already but at least some of them are so absurd that they become somewhat funny.
Although slightly off tangent from the original topic, one or two of the post made gave me food for thought and got me to thinking of a few concepts I hadn't considered before.

And how do we account for the fact that dinosaurs would not be able to survive under current gravitational conditions? Has gravity somehow increased without any concomitant increase in mass?

If we accept that the universe is a dynamic place, over time things may change (and have changed) in ways that are difficult to imagine. Perhaps when dinosaurs lived on Earth, Earth was in a different relationship with the sun, or unknown other bodies or processes or combinations thereof had some significant enough effect on Earth's mass and thence upon its gravitation. If what we think is true about cyclical arrivals of celestial visitors to our solar system is so, and the potential exists for massive exchanges of energy and matter fairly often, who knows what sort of changes have taken place over millions or even thousands of years?

As many of us have now come to realise, the planet is expanding, and I would guess that so too is the moon, the celestial body we are said to be food for, which to me would suggest that as Earth was much smaller many millions of years ago, so too would the Moon have been much smaller. So would the moon have needed as much EM food from Earth and organic Earth based life forms? When thinking about this in a more scientific way with what I know of the Electric Universe, I was thinking that when the Earth and Moon were smaller and had less mass, so their respective magnetic fields would have also been smaller or weaker.

This led me to thinking about the Moon and our relationship with it, as food for it and how this work in terms of EU theory. With Earth as the greater of the two Plasma sphere's, it is the Earths geomagnetic fields which, like a comet, absorb and draws towards our planets local binary system the same charged particles and mass that we see accreting in the comets tails, more so than the Moons smaller geomagnetic fields. That is not to say the Moon does not also do this, but that it has a weaker geomagnetic field, and so whilst feeding itself to some degree, as we would expect any maturing and growing children of Earth to do, it also can be seen as feeding from the Earth in terms of stealing a proportionate ratio of these charged particles and mass as they are drawn towards the Earth.

This also brought forth the thought that if as we are hypothesising, the Sun's companion star acts to ground the current flow of the solar capacitor, would this same grounding be occurring at a smaller scale with Earth and it's companion Moon? It has been hypothesised that the Moon is one of the principal drivers of our Earth's geomagnetic discharging behaviour (Volcanoes, earthquakes and weather). It has been discussed that the act of orbiting into a path between the Sun and Earth, blocking the EM flow between the Earth and Sun, is the mechanism that interrupts the channel of EM energy to reaching the planets surface and core from the Sun, in effect grounding the Earth’s charge. As Ryan has discussed in his article, the moon then begins to move out of the way, and thus the blocking of the EM channel allows for more and more energy to flow into the Earth, charging her up from the grounded neutral state, until the Moon is full and the Earth more highly charged, thus a feeding channel is set up between the Sun-Moon-Earth wherein the Moon then feeds energetically on the clear and uninterrupted channel of EM flow to the Earth, and this act of feeding is actually all the EM discharging we witness in the weather cycles, earthquakes and volcanic discharges.

So it may not have been a lower strength of gravity as we understand it that allowed for the dinosaurs, and megafauna of history past to reach such vast sizes, but perhaps it was a vastly decreased strength of the Earth and Moons geomagnetic fields that allowed for such growth, the veil being much lighter and thinner and the amount of food the Moon needed for sustenance being much lower, with the weaker Geomagnetic field not being able to feed in such dramatic ways we witness in our present age.

This may also go some way to explaining something the C’s have mentioned about the Nephillim and giants of old, and something I have never been able to fully understand before. The C’s have mentioned that they have been here to visit in our past history at different intervals in our past, and as we are told, used to walk the Earth at the same time as man, as the enforcers of the STS frequency beings and Thoughtform. I always wondered why these enforcers who may have been the genetic genesis and template for the psychopath’s, would ever need to leave if they were such giant, potentially psychopathic and useful enforcers. Why were smaller, and less physically imposing/strong psychopaths needed to be genetically engineered as their replacement enforcers, and also why the C’s mentioned they would come back in the future riding the wave? Now I’m beginning to think that this has to do with the changes in the geomagnetic fields in our past. What if the reason they have visited in the past at different times, is because the geomagnetic fields were smaller/weaker (possibly at time when the poles were in the process of flipping) and hence more favourable for such giants to exists and walk the Earth here as we see evidenced with the megafauna and dinosaurs much further back. This would also help explain why they may be coming back, because our current geomagnetic fields are weakening and beginning to flip, so the environment will be more favourable for them to exist here once more as the geomagnetic strain on their physicality will be much reduced. This could also suggest, that the wave itself, may be the final piece of the puzzle that helps to weaken our geomagnetic fields and lift the veils which the other celestial EM phenomena have helped to weaken and begin to change.

La puissance de la mort, or an invitation to a Shunning.....

It does no good to be pissed about it.

You are dead. They murdered you, and you need to get beyond the anger that this knowledge brings. There is yet work you must do.

The powers that be, and their political minions have been working this plan since the 1950's when Japan was forced into the GE designed nuclear reactors as part of the imposition of TPTB hegemony at the end of the Second Planetary War of the 20th century. Also known to academicians as 'WW2', this war not only nominally ended with nuclear release, but has now, all these decades later, been 'reborn' with nuclear release in Fukushima. ThePowersThatBe (Rothshield banksters, Rockefeller banksters, big oil, big pharma, and small soul politicians, and all zionist supporters) are determined to kill off a major part of us humans over these next few years to suit their perceived needs. They likely have, in the Fukushima nuclear plant implosion and meltdown, murdered several million of us....we just do not yet recognize that we (the afflicted) are soon-to-be dead.

There is no point to indulging in wild ass speculation about nuclear bombs being used to trigger the earthquake that caused the tsunami that swept away all the 'safety' equipment at Fukushima that led to the vaporization of hundreds of fuel rods that produced the radioactive poisoning of the planet that killed you. There is no point to putting your dwindling life energy into speculations about Haarp, or scalar weather wars, or any other perceived 'instrument' of your murder. None of it is likely factual, and TPTB are deliberately polluting the information stream to confuse your dying mind. They killed you. Deal with it.

There is no point to focusing on a single guilty person in your murder. It is a large, and well run conspiracy. Grasp this and give up the idea of taking revenge on any given witless stooge of a bankster or politician. To the conspiracy that is killing you, such people (low level conspirators) are sacrifices who were chosen exactly because they are expendable and easily replaced with the next, greed blinded, non thinking humanimal. It does you no good to seek to 'take them with you'. Besides, killing these people does not even slow the conspiracy down, and likely puts money in the pockets of TPTB in cleaning up the corpse and blood.

They have killed you, where you sit.

You are murdered. This is your power.

They (the stupid, duped, and controlled minions) are desperately trying to not be dead themselves. This is one of their many vulnerable points of weakness.

ThePowersThatBe, or those controlled (possessed) humans who think themselves 'lord and master' of this planet, are dependent on the weak-willed, easily-corrupted, small minded, gullible human minions. This is a huge damn weakness.

Time to take action.

What can be done? The Fukushima reactors are in full scale can we take action now?

Well, there exists on this planet now, technology involving thinking called 'closed time like curves' that can be used to save some humans. Many millions of us are already dead, but we can stop the damage now, by employing the CTLC technology. This technology is used in what is called the 'time industry'. Mostly it is a very secret, classified all the way up the rectum into the colon, military industry. There are groups in America, India, and China where the CTLC 'loops' are being explored and developed. These groups are controlled by corporations and political/military minions.

These 'loops' of time-stuff are held in magnetic containment fields in laboratories where the engineers in nominal control of the CTLC loops are fiddling around with trivialities such as reducing the 'experienced time' necessary to wash a load of dirty dishes at the direction of their 'masters', the gullible, greedy corporate and political minions.

We walking dead humans, the regular people teeming across this planet who just don't give a fuck about TPTB's grand goal of glorious global war and megadeath ritual over religious differences, need to get awake, and damn quick. We have very little time before the ground is littered with our splotchy, swollen, radioactive, rotting bodies.

What can we do?

Well, to start, let's agree to NOT fall into TPTB trap of violence. It just gives them a 'blood flush' that produces stiff dicks that they use to sexually abuse children. So let us be smarter than that.

We need to be asymmetric in our response. This means to develop a strategy and employ tactics against which they (tptb and their minions) have no defense.

One such tactic is an old one, well tried, but forgotten these days. This is 'shunning'. There are many aspects of shunning. Not only can you totally remove your energy from tptb by not being sucked into their games such as funding for political parties, or mega 'charities', or shopping at 'their' stores, but shunning also includes more active forms of resistance. As an instance, one could attend every political rally possible, and deliberately stand with their back to the speakers. Or attend, and simply start clapping and refuse to stop. When asked, present a note explaining your actions and keep right on clapping (la casserola variant). Or, attend the political rally and sing a 'patriotic' song, continuously, and when challenged, instantly flip the challenge back on the aggressor by insulting their patriotism. And other, similar variants.
Imagine how the political minions will react when their motorcade routes are lined with thousands of people who are not violently shouting and protesting, but standing, silent, and backs to the proceedings.

You laugh?! Well, indulge me once before you say that these tactics will not shatter the confidence of even the strongest personality, and also acknowledge that the minions as a class of people, are not known for their mental or emotional strength. Also acknowledge that humans need humans. What good does it do to strut the stage if the audience is shunning you....? What slimy scum minion political personality on teevee today would/could 'face' that kind of group pressure? None that are visible.

But what good does this do? Besides making us feel better (slightly, we are dying after all) in seeing the politicians piss themselves, what is to be accomplished? Well...see the point of the shunning is to get the attention of the politico's and then to inform them that their lives (as they knew them) are over until they get the 'time engineers' to work with the Closed Time-Like Curves to work on encapsulating and then degrading the danger within the remnants of Fukushima.

Oh, and while we are at it, why not put a 'time barrier bubble emergency containment system' at each and every one of the over 400/four hundred nuclear reactors around the planet, and also all the damn nuclear weapons facilities? Huh? Makes sense, eh?

There are many other variants of the shunning tactic that have been employed through out history. Do some creative searching and see the many forms employed. They work. Basically all of them tell this truth to power.....we know we cannot kill you (now), but we will take from you everything that makes your life worth living causing you to retreat to the little bunker in your mind where your fear rules you and your bowels, unless you do as you are told.

Get over the secrecy. Release the CTLC technology now. Fix this mess.

There is always one, mostly unstated, variant of the tactic, that scares the tptb into hot burning fear shits....coventry. That is next.....after all, if irradiated, and knowing myself to be dead, simply not yet prone, what the fuck do I care about paying my bills? Or obeying any of 'their' laws?

But, let us be smart, and for the sake of our personal karma, try the asymmetric, non violent route of shunning before heading into 'global jihad against banksters/tptb'.

Besides, shunning is more fun. It is actually amusing watching the minions try and figure out what the hell is going on....and then watching them piss themselves.

So, my challenge to the readers is to create new, non violent, variants of shunning and let us all see which politician pisses themselves first.

And a last point on this subject. It must be addressed. Violence. It is the last resort of the rational mind, and the first trap of the TPTB. However, it is still a legitimate tactic for change. And knowing this the ancient order of TPTB used to have a building in which they had people, like you and me, fight and kill each other for the amusement of TPTB, but also to eliminate the threat of violence to themselves by redirecting it. This building had a motto incised over its door. This motto was 'we who are about to die, salute you'. Well.....times have changed....can some one please go to that arch over the gladiator entrance to the Coliseum in Rome, and rewrite it so that it reads.....

“To TPTB, if it gets this far, we who are dying are going to gut you like fish....”

Oh, and directly to the CTLC engineers, it might help to call me about both the 'field sustenance' and 'interweaving' issues. There are a few ideas rattling around my old bald head that may assist your thinking.

with respect....get to work. You are dying and time is short.


March 26, 2011
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