Another one from L. Elenin's blog:
Now that the end-of-the-world/Nibiru people are going relatively quiet, we can hope for some interresting info from time to time.
American radio astronomers report that did not detect any water coming from any remains of comet Elenin. Amy Lovell observed it for 7 hours on Sept 7 using the Green Bank Telescope (it is not yet in the Arecibo declination window) and did not detect any OH line above the noise level of 2.4 mJy. This puts a limit of a few times 107 molecules/second on the gas production rate, which is about 100 times less than earlier predictions. This data may confirm disintegration proccess in comet’s nucleus which stareted on mid August. The next radio observations may be carry out on October by Arecibo radio observatory, of course if we will see comet Elenin on images from SOHO spacecraft.
Now that the end-of-the-world/Nibiru people are going relatively quiet, we can hope for some interresting info from time to time.