Comet Elenin

mkrnhr said:
I've been wondering about this too. I wanted to introduce a first-approximation 1/r heliocentric isotropic (at least on the ecliptic) electrical field with unknown amplitude and to determine geometrically, according to the relative positions of the planets, the probabilities for localized discharges. Thinking about it appeared that it required a programming of the type of the "travelling salesman problem" which may appear a little severe for such a simplified model for the electric solar system. Is the book offering a more straightforward approach for the problem?

Edit: spelling


Interesting. I get what you're saying, although I think the problem is even more complex based on what I've read. I think your idea of using a 1/r heliocentric isotropic electric field is probably the best way to approximate the idea of the solar capacitor, but each planet seems to have a different potential to discharge based its their size, orbital position (as well as its perihelion I'd imagine), and maybe other factors yet unknown to us (such as the positions of moons, etc.)

If Nelson is correct in his findings, then it seems that the probability for solar discharge seems to be based more on the number of 0, 180, 90, 45, etc. degree alignments among all the planets in a given time frame (could be hours or even days, Nelson isn't exactly clear). But it also seems to depend on which planets are doing the aligning. He mentions alignments between Mercury and another outer planet as being one of the main initiating factors in most solar disturbances/discharges. Alignments among the outer planets, or even some of the inner planets like Earth and Mars cause little activity on the Sun until Mercury starts aligning with them. Once Mercury creates a hard angle between itself and another planet (particularly Jupiter of Saturn), then that can set off a lot of discharging activity; the character of which depends on other alignments happening at the time. Like I said, these alignments don't have to be direct (as in oppositions and conjunctions), they can be any harmonic of these angles, although oppositions and conjunctions seem to be the strongest in terms of producing the most electrical discharge activity. It seems like the solar capacitor likes to have certain 90 degree harmonic geometry between the planets for discharging activity to occur.

Then there is the stuff about the trines and their associated harmonics, and how they tend to act as act as a stabilizing factor for the solar capacitor. Nothing in my study of electricity really explains this satisfactorily. But according to Nelson trines and their harmonics seem to stabilize electrical activity on the Sun, or within the solar capacitor.

Of course, Nelson never considered anything like comets as being a factor. These seem to have a much higher potential to discharge the solar capacitor, although it probably depends on the comet's orbital eccentricity, its size, position among the planets and maybe even composition. Also, how does the sun's hypothetical companion play into this, or any other outer-planets that have yet to be discovered, for that matter? Interestingly, could we infer the position of some of these undiscovered bodies based on anomalous discharging factors once we get it all ironed out?

Then the big question is how does this impact Earth weather? What is really needed here is a massive data-mining operation sifting through the data from the last century, correlating it with planetary alignments and Earth's position within such alignments. Then we might be able to discern some patterns in the data about how the planets affect weather down here.

Really, if you're interested, I would recommend reading Nelson's book. It's pretty short and focused on this topic and he gives a lot of examples. You might get some good ideas on different models to test.
RyanX said:

Interesting. I get what you're saying, although I think the problem is even more complex based on what I've read. I think your idea of using a 1/r heliocentric isotropic electric field is probably the best way to approximate the idea of the solar capacitor, but each planet seems to have a different potential to discharge based its their size, orbital position (as well as its perihelion I'd imagine), and maybe other factors yet unknown to us (such as the positions of moons, etc.)

You are absolutely right, with planet potential it is far more complicated, especially that we don't have those potentials, i looked into the literature with no success.
There is also the fact that solar potential is not isotropic. The magnetic field that guides the electric currents has roughly a spiral shape, something resembling the old symbols (swastikas) for the Sun, funnily. If it interests you i can send you a small PDF file that displays that. It could be one possible explanation, although not sure, of the discharges that are not always straight (0 or 180°).

RyanX said:
If Nelson is correct in his findings, then it seems that the probability for solar discharge seems to be based more on the number of 0, 180, 90, 45, etc. degree alignments among all the planets in a given time frame (could be hours or even days, Nelson isn't exactly clear). But it also seems to depend on which planets are doing the aligning. He mentions alignments between Mercury and another outer planet as being one of the main initiating factors in most solar disturbances/discharges. Alignments among the outer planets, or even some of the inner planets like Earth and Mars cause little activity on the Sun until Mercury starts aligning with them. Once Mercury creates a hard angle between itself and another planet (particularly Jupiter of Saturn), then that can set off a lot of discharging activity; the character of which depends on other alignments happening at the time. Like I said, these alignments don't have to be direct (as in oppositions and conjunctions), they can be any harmonic of these angles, although oppositions and conjunctions seem to be the strongest in terms of producing the most electrical discharge activity. It seems like the solar capacitor likes to have certain 90 degree harmonic geometry between the planets for discharging activity to occur.

These observations are important, and they can indeed constraint a predictive model. Unfortunately i know nothing about astrology (apart my astrological sign lol) and if they are based upon observation, they may help a lot. The importance of Mercury can be understood somehow as being a protuberance of the solar potential when considered from the outer planets, just a thought. Jupiter and Saturn are the ones described by McCanney as having a proper electrical activity, in the sense that they produce their own capacitor? Maybe a clue among others.

RyanX said:
Then there is the stuff about the trines and their associated harmonics, and how they tend to act as act as a stabilizing factor for the solar capacitor. Nothing in my study of electricity really explains this satisfactorily. But according to Nelson trines and their harmonics seem to stabilize electrical activity on the Sun, or within the solar capacitor.
I do not understand what the harmonics mean but i suppose that i have to read the books for that :)

RyanX said:
Of course, Nelson never considered anything like comets as being a factor. These seem to have a much higher potential to discharge the solar capacitor, although it probably depends on the comet's orbital eccentricity, its size, position among the planets and maybe even composition. Also, how does the sun's hypothetical companion play into this, or any other outer-planets that have yet to be discovered, for that matter? Interestingly, could we infer the position of some of these undiscovered bodies based on anomalous discharging factors once we get it all ironed out?

The other thing that i was thinking about, i that it depends also on the composition of the comet itself. If it is an asteroid, it may be more or less conductive and that will change its electrical properties in its journey. I was reading a paper published recently about Hale-Bopp, and it's still active even now at more than 30 AU from the Sun! And nobody knows why. It is perpendicular to the ecliptic, but if there is some object there, maybe it is discharging other than Sun's capacitor, or maybe not, just a wild supposition.

RyanX said:
Then the big question is how does this impact Earth weather? What is really needed here is a massive data-mining operation sifting through the data from the last century, correlating it with planetary alignments and Earth's position within such alignments. Then we might be able to discern some patterns in the data about how the planets affect weather down here.
I agree that it is the best way to go. Such databases are not easy to compile. The other approach IMHO is to establish the alignments calendar and search for occurrences of wild weather events. The problem is that excludes all the wild weather events when no major alignement occurred, and no definitive conclusion can be drawn from the statistical viewpoint.

RyanX said:
Really, if you're interested, I would recommend reading Nelson's book. It's pretty short and focused on this topic and he gives a lot of examples. You might get some good ideas on different models to test.
It is definitively worth reading. Thanks for the recommendation :)
RyanX said:
So the idea is that each planet is connect to the Sun, electrically - I mean NASA even proved in regards to the Earth recently. But the main idea is that certain alignments cause solar discharging to occur which affects the electrical connections on all the planets; some more than others, however, depending on what their position is. At least that's what I've been pondering... I need some good software to model these things though, and so far I haven't found anything that's suitable. Astrology programs are mostly Earth centric it seems, which doesn't take into account all of the factors that Nelson discovered. Charting these down on paper just isn't efficient either.

If you're interested in Nelson's book, I have a pdf version. It's old, out of print, and hard copies are difficult to come by.

Send the PDF to me, please!
What about the video "very bright star over Japan Volcano 04/20/11 ITS NOT THE SUN April 20 2011" linked at the bottom of Dr Sircus' article? Is it credible?

Hithere said:
What about the video "very bright star over Japan Volcano 04/20/11 ITS NOT THE SUN April 20 2011" linked at the bottom of Dr Sircus' article? Is it credible?


If this video is real then this is with a very high chance not Nibiru ! BS
Hard to say, if is real could be orb, UFO or something else.
I tried this side today more times, in the Morning, After lunch and now in the evening.
This Camera is not working. What about the time, it is in South Kyushu Sakurajima

Azimuth Length of day
Date Sunrise Sunset Sunrise Sunset This day Difference

20 Apr 2011 05:45 18:49 76°East-northeast 284°West-northwest 13h 04m 44s + 1m 47s

At the very least, the past catastrophic event dates on Earth correlated with the alignments of Comet Elenin, The Earth and, the Sun are quite curiously coincidental and warrant future observation in my mind. Especially when Comet Elenin is in such close proximity. Fearmongering fantasies? Perhaps...

AND... Who knows what will really happen as the Earth passes through the debris tail.?.?.? Rocks & virulents.?.?.?

Wishful thinking provides comfort in that nothing will happen, But I just don't KNOW. To me, awareness of potential and preparedness is much better than getting slammed by ignorance.

:huh: :huh: :huh:

what I don't quite understand is; the C's said that Nibru is actually the comet cluster and that it will be visible as a solid object (because the comets are close to each other?).
but in the same time they say that the comets will come from all directions ?
is that because the earth is spinning ?
and if it is true that the comet cluster will be visible as one solid object then there is one question I ask myself; could Elenin be the comet cluster?
but it seems from what the C's said that this comet cluster would be much "bigger" then Elenin ?
Pashalis said:
what I don't quite understand is; the C's said that Nibru is actually the comet cluster and that it will be visible as a solid object (because the comets are close to each other?).
but in the same time they say that the comets will come from all directions ?
is that because the earth is spinning ?
and if it is true that the comet cluster will be visible as one solid object then there is one question I ask myself; could Elenin be the comet cluster?
but it seems from what the C's said that this comet cluster would be much "bigger" then Elenin ?

The way I see it Pashalis is that the comet cluster "Nibiru" when discharging the solar capacitor will become such and attractive force that asteroids all around the solar system will be dislodged from their usual orbit and precipitate toward it so, coming from all around. We start to see how 1 comet like Elenin once starting to discharge the sun as and impact on this planet from a great distance when in aligment, imagine what a cluster would do. I'm just theorizing here, I have yet to read McCanney book, if it can only arrive.
[quote author=Pashalis]but in the same time they say that the comets will come from all directions ?
is that because the earth is spinning ?[/quote]

The Cs described the cluster as a swarming spiral, which at a distance appears as a solid body. At close proximity the huge spiral would result in bombardment from various angles and origins.
Chinese scientists: "UFO 'cluster' trailing behind comet Elenin"

Alright, I know for a fact that a big part of The Wave series involved info on a series of spacecraft or some sort of intelligence riding an EM gravitational wave which is trailing behind a 'body' on its way into the solar system. If I misinterpreted this information, please correct me.

Now bear with me here, because this page is in spanish. if you are using google chrome, it can automatically translate for you at the push of a button that appears under the address bar, I dont know about IE/firefox/safari though.,42ed4ad9867bf210VgnVCM4000009bf154d0RCRD.html

Based on reports issued by China's space agency, Sergio Toscano , director of astronomical research in Misiones , says that behind the comet Elenin could be approaching a UFO

According to the report quotes the astronomer mission, the space body would be found in the comet's tail and was after that looked mysterious signals that came off of an unknown formation "weird and dark"

According to the Daily Chronicle , this phenomenon was confirmed by Rosie Redfiel , the new director of the Program of NASA's Astrobiology . "But when NASA began to make calculations and projections of orbit of the comet, they realized that something was wrong and the first thing they did was remove the website which provided information on this issue, "said Toscano.

I know many skeptics will say "why hide behind a rock?" or "with all their supposed technology, why travel behind a comet?". This has all been covered by the Casseopaeans extensively and can be searched for and answers found. Many dont seem to think that a civilization which might not have a homeworld anymore might actually live their lives traveling through space in this sort of way.

an excerpt from "Riding the Wave" part I

Q: (L) What body were the Sumerians talking about when they described the “Planet of the Crossing” or Nibiru?
A: Comets.
Q: (L) This body of comets?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Does this cluster of comets appear to be a single body?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Is this the same object that is rumored to be on its way here at the present time?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Who were the Annunaki?
A: Aliens.
Q: (L) Where were they from?
A: Zeta Reticuli.
Q: (L) Do they come here every time the comet cluster is approaching to sap the soul’s energy created by the fear, chaos and so forth?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) The two events are loosely interrelated?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Is that why they are here now?
A: Close.
Q: (L) Is there a large fleet of space ships riding a wave, so to speak, approaching our planet?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Where are these ships from?
A: Zeta Reticuli.
Q: (L) When will they arrive?
A: 1 month to 18 years. [from sept. 1994]
Q: (L) How can there be such a vast discrepancy in the time?
A: This is such a huge fleet that space/time warping is irregular and difficult to determine as you measure time.
Q: (L) Are these craft riding a “wave” of some sort?
A: Yes.

Any opinions on this?
Re: Chinese scientists: "UFO 'cluster' trailing behind comet Elenin"

please note that any grammar errors on the spanish page are most likely due to misinterpretations in the translation process being carried out by the browser.
Re: Chinese scientists: "UFO 'cluster' trailing behind comet Elenin"

There seem to be a lot of fear mongering lately about Elenin, this time from China. The thing is a lot of noise come from China as the picture of a huge UFO supposedly close to the sun taken during last year eclipse but, just a big noise followed by a bigger silence. If anything is following Elenin, it may be it shadow.

It is getting crazy all the report of UFO and E.T. in the last few weeks. Some are very good and it may indicate that the veil is thinning rapidly but, it's quit possible that the noise vector is rising as well. More phenomena may equal more disinformation I think. To make a picture out of all this, we have to keep and eyes open but we sure need to have a very critical mind as well.

I more and more enjoy the ride. :D
Re: Chinese scientists: "UFO 'cluster' trailing behind comet Elenin"

If UFOs come from other densities/dimensions, do they need to hide behind a comet in order to on Earth?

And it is not the first time UFO/cluster annoncements with no verifiable data as reported from Sergio Toscano:
Read especially the comments below.
Re: Chinese scientists: "UFO 'cluster' trailing behind comet Elenin"

mkrnhr said:
If UFOs come from other densities/dimensions, do they need to hide behind a comet in order to on Earth?

I wondered the same thing, however as the C's say however, this may be "3rd density thinking".

If the Orions are in another dimension or density, maybe they are unable to pass through directly to earth for whatever reason and are/will be using the approaching "realm border" or "dimensional boundary" to do so. I dont know for sure on that, and I know it is also healthy to speculate on things such as this, but I tend to think there are still many aspects of the universe we are unable to wrap our heads around at the present time.

Q: (L) Well if the Nephilim were brought here 9 to 12 thousand years ago [as you have said previously]...

A: Last visit. Have been here 5 times. Will return.

Q: (L) The Nephilim are going to return? [I was pretty shocked, to say the least!] Where do the Nephilim currently live?

A: Orion.

Q: (L) They live in the constellation Orion? Where is their planet?

A: Don't have one. In transit.

Q: (L) The whole dadgum bunch is in transit?

A: Three vehicles.

Q: (L) How many Nephilim does each vehicle hold? [At this point I think my voice was shaking]

A: About 12 million.

Q: (L) Are they coming to help us? [I was hoping!]

A: No. Wave, comet cluster; all using same energy.

Q: (L) Using same energy to what?

A: Pass through space\time.

Q: (L) Does this mean that without this comet cluster they cannot pass through space/time?

A: No. "Slower."

Q: (L) So, it is slower for them to come here without this wave. Where is the wave coming from?

A: Follows cluster.

Q: (L) It follows the cluster. What does this wave consist of?

A: Realm border.

Q: (L) Does the realm border wave follow the comet cluster in a permanent way?

A: No.

Q: (L) Is the realm border associated with the comet cluster each time it comes?

A: No. Realm border follows all emcompassing energy reality change; realm border will follow this cluster passage and has others but not most.

Q: (L) Is this realm border like a dimensional boundary?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Okay, this realm border, do dimensions...

A: Pulsating realms. Fluctuating realms.

I also ran across another article mentioning Russia thinks Elenin is under some sort of "intelligent control". I think its funny articles like this use words like "chilling" and "ominous". One thing is for certain, Elenin is getting a lot of strange attention from all over the world.

Sparking the fears of Minister Serdyukov, he says in this report, is that based upon the new orbit calculations for Comet Elenin, it appears in “all likelihood” that this celestial object is under some type of “intelligent control” and will approach our Earth “much closer” than originally thought this coming fall season

Most ominous in Minister Serdyukov’s report is his assertion that Comet Elenin appears to be in “direct contact” with the mysterious Jupiter-sized planet discovered beyond the orbit of Pluto that is, also, headed inbound towards our Sun. [which planet is that again?]

Interesting to note about Comet Elenin is that even though the American space agency NASA has said “Because of the possibility that the comet’s orbit slightly deviate from, there is no guarantee that Earth will be missed”, they have, also, in contradiction, stated that “…Comet Elenin will come nowhere near the Earth. At its closest (on 10 September 2011) it will be more than 25 million km from our planet.”
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