Comet Elenin

Jerry said:
Could this disavowal be a compliance?

Maybe some serious heat came down.

I think that although that is possible, from what I have been observing over the last year or so is that he really is becoming increasingly paranoid as has been noted in this thread. Maybe he has some good reasons to be paranoid, but it looks like it has really distorted his perceptions. The more paranoid he seems to get, the more distorted his view appears to become.

I think there is a possibility some 'technology' is being used on him to sideline his work and make him look like a looney. This seems to happen a lot when people start telling the truth about what is really going on in areas where they want the mainstream paradigm to remain in place.
Just received that form Dr Sircus's blog and it does not look very good. (You can read the full article on his blog)

Bad News from NASA

Posted by Mark Sircus - Director on 04 May 2011 | Filed under World Affairs

This is going to be the most extraordinary communication so fasten your seatbelts; we are in for a rough ride. I have known in my heart for months that I would have to make a communication like this but had no idea it would be this soon. Back in January, while investigating the underground city that is alleged to have been built under the new Denver Airport, reported on by the former governor Jesse Ventura, I put the puzzle together and came to the conclusion that a planetary event was in store for us in 2012.

Today I am presenting rock solid information; it does not get any better when NASA is your source. What you are about to read and see is happening. Last night, looking at a NASA mathematical model of comet Elenin, I found out that a large celestial body has already penetrated the solar system and is on course for a near and possibly horrific encounter with the earth in the fall of 2011. What we do not know is the size and mass of comet Elenin though I have no doubt that it is known by the authorities.

Elenin is presently being tracked as it goes through the asteroid belt on its way into the inner solar system. I am truly sorry to have to be the bearer of such grave and threatening news but the source, NASA, is impeccable. We have an incoming mass (what might possibly be a neutron star) coming in and it will do a hard turn around the sun like any comet would, crossing and coming in between Mercury and Venus before starting its journey back out. On its way out it will cross our bow, meaning it will pass very close to the earth and the earth will pass behind it, plowing into its tail.

In the video below you will see this explained graphically. What you will see with mathematical precision is that every time this celestial body comes into alignment with the earth and sun we have a huge earthquake. The last three alignments produced the Japanese 9.0 quake, the one in New Zealand and before that the one in Chile. On March 11th Elenin was much further out. When the next alignment happens it will be devastatingly close. The main point to understand is that if Elenin was just a normal comet it would not have the mass to generate a gravity pull that would affect the earth when the earth swings around into alignment.

David Morrison, Astrobiology Senior Scientist at NASA, in an official communication on March 1st acknowledged no threat from Elenin. Ten days later Elenin came into alignment with the earth and the sun and Japan was almost destroyed.

Morrison confirmed that Elenin’s perihelion (closest to the sun) is in early September 2011 at a distance from the sun of 40-45 million miles. He said it will be closest to the earth on about October 16, at a distance of about 21 million miles, but he believes there is no reason to think Elenin is any different from a normal comet. I wonder if he changed his mind after March 11th. He dismisses everything alarming as pure fiction.

This is the real deal though—that alignment did happen as we can clearly see from the NASA simulation. Now we have to live with increasing radiation spreading around the northern hemisphere. We know how easy it is for people in authority to cover up information and lie with a straight face. The Japanese government admitted it kept in secret at least 5000 radiation measurements and assessments after the nuclear event that struck the Fukushima Daiichi NPP in March. This was done in order to not induce panic in the population, a representative of the staff dealing with the nuclear emergency told ITAR-TASS.

We have to acknowledge and accept that there is a danger and a possibility that part of our civilization and the people in it will be lost. This is not a time to deny anything or a time to hold back the tears. I hope to God I am wrong but the evidence cannot be dismissed casually, though of course it will be. One picture is worth a thousand words and NASA has given us visible proof to suggest Elenin is playing a role in events down here on our planet even from a long distance. It is not a time for fear; rather it is a time for love and cooperation in the context of preparation on all levels for what is to come.

There is a history to Elenin that has been visible for years but now she is upon us and there is nothing we can do but prepare and pray—and love like we have never loved before. We have to acknowledge and accept that there is a danger and there is a possibility that part of our civilization and the people in it will be lost. The below video displays what has been known by NASA for decades.

The whole solar system seems to be heating up, the sun is becoming active and earth-changing events are becoming more frequent and intense with beyond-worst-case-scenario climate changes hitting around the globe. We have increasing geo-activity, volcanoes, earthquakes, rogue tides, sinking islands, magnetic pole migration, mass animal deaths, huge unexplained whirlpools in the Atlantic and so much more it would make anyone’s head spin.

We were tipped off to something unusual happening when Greenland experienced sunrise two days early, which was a strong sign that something was off with Earth’s orbit. On January 25th I said, “There is a lot of information (except in the mainstream press) about 2012 and the end of the Mayan Calendar that many are obsessing over but there is more than enough in 2011 to worry about and act on. Last week I was knocked off my chair with the report from the Arctic Circle in Greenland that the sun came back over the horizon two days early. That’s no small occurrence, is not something easy to make up, is not being reported as expected in the mainstream press, and only wild and stupid theories like global warming (since we really have rapid cooling) are being blamed for the event.”

Next Few Months

August 3, 2011 marks the time that the earth passes through the brown dwarf perigee position, while the brown dwarf is crossing the earth orbit location. About two weeks pass and on August 18 the brown dwarf crosses the Venus orbit some 67 million miles from the sun. Then 24 days pass to when the brown dwarf reaches the nearest point to the sun at 44.73 million miles. September 25, 2011 marks the time that the earth passes through the second conjunction with the sun, brown dwarf, Mercury, Saturn and Uranus in line for another gravitational alignment.

This video from the top of a mountain in Japan seems to have caught Elenin on camera.

October 2 is the day that the brown dwarf crosses Venus’ orbit again to begin trekking in the direction of earth. Two weeks go by and the brown dwarf crosses the earth orbit line to pass directly in front of our planet at just 22.3 million miles away, which is the nearest point in our encounter. The brown dwarf crosses the Mars orbit line on November 14, 2011 on the way to the third conjunction on November 22 where the earth once again passes directly between the two like on March 15.


An approaching brown dwarf star answers a lot of questions about what is happening all around us that others simply cannot begin to answer. No one really knows what will happen in the fall of this year as this incoming celestial body gets between us and the sun and then rebounds out again and heading directly into earth’s neighborhood. One person has speculated that it could rip our moon loose. It could hit us if its flight plan is changed by hitting an asteroid in the next few days. That could be possible if it really were a comet, but if it is a neutron star with a large mass, nothing will deflect its ordained path. If we are lucky, nothing will happen but humanity is not looking or feeling lucky these days.

What seems likely is what most of the ancient cultures and religions remember—huge floods that pass the world over. The only way the world can have a global flood is if there is some event like an asteroid impact, polar shift, or a very dense object passing close by earth that causes a massive tsunami tide. The gravitational pull would grab the water and pull it over the land on a massive scale, much like the moon does today on a smaller scale in the form of tides.

Safe Zones:

1. Move 150+ miles from the coasts.
2. Move 600 feet above sea level.
3. Move away from volcanoes and super volcanoes like Yellowstone in northwestern USA.
4. Move away from earthquake/seismic/avalanche/fault zones like the New Madrid Fault Zone in central USA.
5. Move away from dams that will break.
6. Move away from nuclear power plants that could become compromised.
7. Move away from high elevations where radiation levels will be highest.
8. Move away from large population areas where food riots will escalate into chaos and mayhem.
9. Join into survival groups with people of like mind that have survival supplies, gear and guns to protect them.

There is no shortage of flood legends. The earliest extant flood legend is contained in the fragmentary Sumerian Eridu Genesis, datable by its script to the 17th century BCE. In the Babylonian Epic of Gilgamesh there are references to the Great Flood (tablet 11). The best-known version of the Jewish deluge legend is contained in the Book of Genesis (Genesis 6-9). God selects Noah, a man who “found favor in the eyes of the Lord” and commands him to build an ark to save Noah, his family, and the earth’s animals and birds. After Noah builds the ark, “All the fountains of the great deep burst open, and the floodgates of the sky were opened.”

There are many sources of flood legends in ancient Chinese literature. The Shujing, or “Book of History,” probably written around 500 BCE or earlier, states in the opening chapters that Emperor Yao is facing the problem of flood waters that “reach to the heavens.” According to the Australian aborigines the water covered the land. Only the highest mountain peaks were visible, like islands in the sea.
Thanks, Gandalf.

The video showing the past alignment, like February 27, 2010 Chili quake, 4 sept. 2010 first Christchurch quake look to be right on the spot. What make him conclude that Elenin is a brown dwarf because of it effect on earth isn't backed up. It may be that Elenin is much larger than we think it's seeing it effect since a year ago where from 6 AU, it caused the Chili earthquake so imagine the effect it will have , when the closest alignment happen next fall. Still, I received a cold shower when at the end of the video he announce that if you want to buy silver, we can buy it from him. This after announcing the end of our civilizations. :huh:

Well I'm no expert to confirm any of this, if it come to be I sure got a front row seat as everyone else on the planet. :cool2:
Gandalf said:
Just received that form Dr Sircus's blog and it does not look very good. (You can read the full article on his blog)

Bad News from NASA

comet elenin is a brown dwarf ?
I still would suggest that elenin is a comet.
we could be in some difficult times in near future and we seem to know it !?
Laurentien said:
Still, I received a cold shower when at the end of the video he announce that if you want to buy silver, we can buy it from him. This after announcing the end of our civilizations. :huh:

yes that was strange ?!
Oh Lord. :headbash:

Sircus has gone off the deep end, too.

His "headline" is totally misleading, and he is relying on that ridiculous BS put out all over the net by the scandalmongers. Geeze, it's like Hale Bopp all over again!
Laura said:
Oh Lord. :headbash:

Sircus has gone off the deep end, too.

His "headline" is totally misleading, and he is relying on that ridiculous BS put out all over the net by the scandalmongers. Geeze, it's like Hale Bopp all over again!

Indeed it is. For someone who is supposed to be fairly intelligent, this post is just moronic. The first step of saying that NASA is an impeccable source is enough for a spit take. I mean - seriously - how idiotic can a person get?
anart said:
Laura said:
Oh Lord. :headbash:

Sircus has gone off the deep end, too.

His "headline" is totally misleading, and he is relying on that ridiculous BS put out all over the net by the scandalmongers. Geeze, it's like Hale Bopp all over again!

Indeed it is. For someone who is supposed to be fairly intelligent, this post is just moronic. The first step of saying that NASA is an impeccable source is enough for a spit take. I mean - seriously - how idiotic can a person get?

Sounds like a script to a Hollywood movie to me.
But is there any way to verify if the alignments in the video really coincide with the present earthquakes?
Hithere said:
But is there any way to verify if the alignments in the video really coincide with the present earthquakes?

Certainly the alignments are important. I'm even thinking that alignments that do not include the Earth might be important to the solar capacitor.

But that whole nonsense about a companion star coming into the inner solar system is a total misunderstanding of what can and may happen based on the EVIDENCE.
In the session 980704 the C's seemed to imply that the companion star wouldn't come as close to the sun as Elenin is going to:

July 4, 1998 F****, Ark, Laura.
Q: Hello.
A: Hello.
Q: And who do we have with us this evening?
A: Higurrah.
Q: And where do you transmit through?
A: Cassiopaea.
Q: (A) I am trying to write down some things about a cosmology, and I have some questions mainly
about the coming events. First there was the story of the sun's companion brown star which is
apparently approaching the solar system, and I would like to know, if possible, details of its orbit; that
is, how far it is, what is its speed, and when it will be first seen. Can we know it? Orbit: how close will it
A: Flat elliptical.
Q: (A) But how close will it come?
A: Distance depends upon other factors, such as intersecting orbit of locator of witness.
Q: (L) What is the closest it could come to earth... (A) Solar system... (L) Yes, but which part of the
solar system? We have nine planets... which one? (A) I understand that this brown star will enter the
Oort cloud... (L) I think they said it just brushes against it and the gravity disturbs it...
A: Passes through Oort cloud on orbital journey. Already has done this on its way "in."
Q: (A) You mean it has already entered the Oort cloud?
A: Has passed through.
Q: (A) So, it will not approach...
A: Oort cloud is located on outer perimeter orbital plane at distance of approximately averaged distance
of 510,000,000,000 miles.
Q: (L) Well, 510 billion miles gives us some time! (A) Yes, but what I want to know... this Oort cloud is
around the solar system, so this brown star, once it has passed through... (L) It must already be in the
solar system? (A) No, it could have passed through and may not come closer. Is it coming closer or
not? Is it coming closer all the time?
A: Solar system, in concert with "mother star," is revolving around companion star, a "brown" star.
Q: (A) So, that means that the mass of the companion star is much...
A: Less.
Q: (A) Less?
A: They are moving in tandem with one another along a flat, elliptical orbital plane. Outer reaches of
solar system are breached by passage of brown companion, thus explaining anomalies recently
discovered regarding outer planets and their moons.
Q: (A) But I understand that the distance that the distance between the sun and this brown star is
changing with time. Elliptical orbit means there is perihelion and aphelion. I want to know what will be,
or what was, or what is the closest distance between this brown star and the sun? What is perihelion?
Can we know this, even approximately. Is it about one light year, or less or more?
A: Less, much less. Distance of closest passage roughly corresponds to the distance of the orbit of Pluto
from Sun.

Q: (A) Okay. Now, this closest pass, is this something that is going to happen?
A: Yes.
Q: (A) And it is going to happen within the next 6 to 18 years?
A: 0 to 14.
Q: (A) Okay, that's it. I have some idea about this. Now, I understand that, either by chance or by
accident, two things are going to happen at essentially the same time. That is the passing of this brown
star, and this comet cluster. These are two different things?
A: Yes. Different, but related.
Q: (L) Is there a comet cluster that was knocked into some kind of orbit of its own, that continues to
A: Yes.
Q: (L) And in addition to that comet cluster, there are also additional comets that are going to get
whacked into the solar system by the passing of this brown star?
A: Yes.
Q: (A) I understand that the main disaster is going to come from this comet cluster...
A: Disasters involve cycles in the human experiential cycle which corresponds to the passage of comet
Q: (A) I understand that this comet cluster is cyclic and comes every 3600 years. I want to know
something about the shape of this comet cluster. I can hardly imagine...
A: Shape is variable. Effect depends on closeness of passage.
Q: (L) So, it could be spread out... (A) We were asking at some point where it will be coming from.
The answer was that we were supposed to look at a spirograph.
A: Yes.
Q: (A) Now, spirograph suggests that these comets will not come from one direction, but from many
directions at once. Is this correct?
A: Very good!!!
Q: (A) Okay, they will come from many directions...
A: But, initial visibility presents as single, solid body.
Q: (A) Do we know what is the distance to this body at present?
A: Suggest you keep your eyes open!
Q: (A) I am keeping my eyes open.
A: Did you catch the significance of the answer regarding time table of cluster and brown star? Human
cycle mirrors cycle of catastrophe. Earth benefits in form of periodic cleansing. Time to start paying
attention to the signs. They are escalating. They can even be "felt" by you and others, if you pay
Q: (L) We have certainly been paying attention to the signs!
A: How so?
Q: (L) Well, the weather is completely bizarre. The fires, the heat...
A: Yes.
Q: (L) I notice that the tides are awfully high all the time with no ostensible explanation...
A: And low, too.
Q: (L) Yes. I have noticed that particularly. (F) I have too. Not too long ago I noticed that the tides
were so incredibly low for this time of year. (L) And also the signs in people - these kids killing their
parents, all these people going berserk - you know...
A: Spike.
Q: (L) What do you mean spike?
A: On a graph...
Q: (L) Just spikes, not the biggie...
A: Spikes are big.
Q: (L) Well, from what you are saying about this - I mean how are we supposed to do all these things
you say we are supposed to do? I mean, we won't have time!
A: Who says?
Q: (L) That is kind of what it is sounding like. Unless our lives and experiences escalate in concert with
all these other events... (A) I have a last question which I have prepared. So, we have these two
physical disasters or events, the coming brown star and the comet cluster, but we have been told that
this time it is going to be different because this time it is accompanied by a plane convergence.
A: Yes. Magnetic field alteration.
Q: (A) This plane convergence, or this magnetic field alteration, it's supposed to be related to realms
crossing or passing. A realm border.
A: Realm. What is root of "realm?"
Q: (L) Reality.
A: Yes. How does the magnetic field "plug in?" Other planchette, please. Carbon disturbance, as
someone "melted" crystal on top. [We replaced planchette.] We want to stay on this general subject
matter through this session, for your sake.
Q: (L) Okay, in terms of these signs, these things going on the planet, these fires and so forth - you
never said anything about all these fires in Florida. You said Arizona was going to burn, but you never
said Florida was going to burn...
A: We did not say it would not.
Q: (L) I know. But, it is really oppressive. I have read a couple of signs in the last day or so that we are
going to have a change in the weather, a break, is my little method of predicting...
A: Reverse extreme?!?
Q: (L) Oh! Floods again! Well, I guess floods are better than fires... but, maybe not!
A: Italy and Greece are burning too.
Q: (L) Yes, we noticed that in the paper today. Is there a relationship between Italy and Greece and
where we are on the planet? Some kind of psychic link?
A: Just same current malady.
Q: (L) Okay, back to the comet cluster and realm border...
A: Not yet.
Q: (L) Well, which direction should we take right now?
A: Step by step.
Q: (L) Okay, you just said we are going to have a reversal in our weather. Are there any other
conditions that we should be aware of at the present time?
A: Point is to watch, look, listen.
Q: (L) When we are watching, looking and listening, is there some particular thing we are supposed to
be watching for that is to give us a clue about something?
A: All.
Q: (L) Is there something we are supposed to do at some point when we perceive a particular clue or
event at some point?
A: What would you suggest?
Q: (L) I don't know that I would suggest anything except to keep a low profile and keep on working
until we figure out the answer. It is like a race against time. We have to figure out the answer because,
obviously, you are not going to tell us...
A: No. No race needed.
Q: (L) Well, I sometimes feel completely inadequate for all of this.
A: Stop thinking 3rd density!
Q: (L) Well, I don't want to just live in LaLa land and say, 'oh yes, I'm watching. I see the signs! I'm
looking! I'm listening! And then count them off on my fingers and say: but I'm not gonna think about it
because that's 3rd density!' See what I am saying here?
A: No, because you are still thinking 3rd density. Better to have a "front row seat," and enjoy!
Q: (L) But I feel like I am not supposed to be enjoying myself so much! I feel guilty!
A: Why not?
Q: (L) Well! I'm supposed to be DOING something!
A: You are.
Q: (A) When you watch, look and listen, you are getting some signals, and these signals cause a certain
pattern of thinking which were not yet able to emerge, but now, after you receive certain signals, you
start to think in a different way. So, you cannot now think in a different way, but when you learn this and
this has happened, then you start to think in a different pattern. So, you cannot now do things, but you
always have to be ready to change your thinking at any moment when you understand more, when you
see more, when you notice more, when you put things together which are not yet together. Then, there
may be a big change of perspective, a total change. And this we have to keep our minds and thinking
patterns open and ready to change, and work and put the puzzle and mosaic together. And, this is all
that counts. It is this work that we are now doing that counts, not some future big thing: oh! Now we go
on a ship! No, it is only doing our best, and what is it? Our best? It will change. I believe so. That is the
idea. So, everything depends on this.
A: Yes. You see, my dear, you cannot anticipate that which is not anticipatable.
Q: (L) Well, swell. Okay, you want to stay on this subject, so let us move another step.
A: We are glad you noticed this birth of the spike.
Q: (L) Is that a clue? Is this one of those obscure remarks? Yes, I noticed, the kids killing their parents,
all the shooting going on, the weather... is this connected in some way to some other event?
A: 27 days of record heat out of 30, oh my oh my! Suggest you awaken your internet pals, as they are
too busy chasing "goblins" to notice.
Q: (L) So, I should have something to say about this?
A: In Florida now, where to next? How about a shattering subduction quake in Pacific Northwest of
U.S.? We estimate 10.4 on the Richter scale. We have warned of Rainier. Imagine a 150 meter high
tsunami in Puget Sound...
Q: (L) Does this subduction quake have anything to do with that UFO that buried itself in the Pacific?
A: All are interconnected.
Q: (L) The information I got on that was that it was about 600 mile north and east of Hawaii. A couple
of submersibles were sent down and disappeared or were destroyed or didn't come back... it is
supposedly giving off a lot of energy. Any comment?
A: No.
Q: (L) Should I follow that direction?
A: All directions lead to lessons.
Q: (L) Now, you have mentioned this earthquake. I know that you don't usually give predictions, why
have you done so now?
A: We do not give time tables.
Q: (L) Anything else other than a tsunami in Puget Sound and a big subduction quake... 10.4 on the
Richter scale is almost inconceivable.
A: Rainier... caldera.
Q: (L) What about the caldera?
A: Expect one.
Q: (L) Other than floods, anything else for Florida upcoming?
A: All areas experience accelerating "freak weather patterns."
Q: (L) Okay, all of these freaky weather patterns and bizarre things going on the planet, how does it
relate to the comet cluster and the brown star? Is it related?
A: Human experiential cycle intersects.
Q: (L) Any specific physical manifestation of either this brown star or this comet cluster or this realm
border, that is related to these events on the planet?
A: Approach of wave stimulates precursor activity which in turn causes effects which in turn stimulates
further "heating up" of activity...
Q: (L) I thought it was curious that you used the term 'birth of the spike.' Is there something or someone
that was born at that particular time?
A: No. Spike is as on a graph...
Q: (L) Okay, is there anyway we could graph this ourselves, and if so, what types of events would we
include to create the background data?
A: "El Nino, La Nina," etc...
Q: (L) Is this El Nino thing connected to sunspot cycles?
A: No.
Q: (L) It has its own cycle. I don't think it has been tracked for long enough to get...
A: Global warming, a part of the human experiential cycle.
Q: (L) I read where Edgar Cayce said that a slight increase in global temperature would make
hurricanes something like 5 times stronger... given a baseline temperature. Does this mean we are going
to have stronger and more frequent hurricanes?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Will they hit land more frequently, or just spin out in the ocean?
A: Either, or.
Q: (L) Does this quest I have been on, this bloodline and grail business, does that have any connection
with this cycle business?
A: Only indirectly.
Q: (L) Is that something that I should put aside for the time being and work on something else?
A: You may do as you wish, just keep one eye and one ear tuned to current events. And, very
important, log dreams. Arkadiusz too!
Q: (L) Is there going to be some communication to us through our dreams?
A: Visions.
Q: (L) Where will these visions originate from?
A: Ether.
Q: (L) On this project Ark is working on, I have the feeling that there is going to be some way that he
can utilize this information to be able to analyze or read the crop circles. You once said that this was an
important area to investigate. Is this something that we should continue to pursue?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) What about the building of the pool you suggested. Is that something that is essential or useful?
A: Not essential, but very helpful.
Q: (L) Is that something we should do where this house is, or should we hold off on that... well, we have
to hold off anyway for financial reasons...
A: Let them direct you.
Q: (L) Let who direct us?
A: Finances.
Q: (L) Speaking of which, are the finances going to be alright.
A: Wait and see.
Q: (L) You just love to say that! My night would not be complete if I didn't get a 'wait and see.' Now
we have to have an 'open' and an 'up to you.'
A: Okay, open and up to you.
Q: (L) My night is complete now! Now, when you were talking about the weather changing from one
extreme to another, were you talking in a past sense or future sense?
A: Both.
Q: (L) Now, we want to ask about this 'Zeta Talk' web material.
A: Specifics.
Q: (L) Okay, we wanted to know if it was a legitimate source but corrupted by a lot of noise, or if it is a
major disinformation campaign?
A: Not legitimate.
Q: (L) What is the energy behind this woman who claims to channel these Zetas?
A: Ego.
Q: (L) Well, from what I read, it is pretty much an amalgamation of stuff from other sources... I mean,
there was nothing that would validate it as higher density material... there was stuff from Sitchen,
Velikovsky, Cayce... there is nothing there she couldn't have gotten from other sites. Ra, our stuff...
A: Yes.
Q: (L) And it is just a mishmash of all this stuff along with erroneous stuff that must have come right out
of her own head.
A: Yes.
Q: (L) And, there is a huge amount of garbage coming out of her own head...
A: Yes.
Q: (L) But, as Ark pointed out, it is a very well organized site, mirror sites, she obviously has supporters
and fans and all of that.
A: Any one seeking this can accomplish it. Do you really believe the "Zetas" would expend energy
warning humans about impending earth changes?
Q: (L) Well, if they wanted humans to perceive the gray aliens as the good guys they would! That's what
occurs to me when I think about it.
A: How much energy do you expend warning squirrels about fires?
Q: (L) Okay, point taken. None. Is there anything else that we should ask that we haven't asked, any
A: To be continued... Good Night.
i didn't watch the videos (i became allergic to videos with "nibiru" on them) and the whole text belongs to the same nibiru/2012 nonsense.
Laura said:
Hithere said:
But is there any way to verify if the alignments in the video really coincide with the present earthquakes?

Certainly the alignments are important. I'm even thinking that alignments that do not include the Earth might be important to the solar capacitor.


Have you read the book Cosmic Patterns by John Nelson? He did research for RCA back in the 1940's and 50's on ways to predict the bad days for shortwave radio transmission. Of course a lot of researchers at the time were focused on sunspots and their relation to the ionosphere and Nelson recognized this connection. But he also saw that it was impossible to make long-range accurate predictions using this model. He later discovered that when a cluster of certain planetary alignments (mostly conjunctions, oppositions and squares as well as harmonics of these) were present during a short span of time, we would get solar storms and hence ionosphere disturbances and bad radio days to boot. He also discovered that planetary alignments such as trines and their harmonics tended to ameliorate ionospheric disturbances. He developed a rather complex system of working out just when we'd see solar storms and made many accurate predictions using this model which he lists in this book. He even speculates on the connection of these alignments to certain Earth weather patterns, but does not elaborate on this topic in the book.

If you put everything Nelson says together with what McCanney says, then one would also have to include alignments with comets in this model as well. I've been trying to do some research on this hypothesis because I think it may expand what McCanney says and could lead to some scientific understanding of astrology. If we knew in what position of the sky the Sun's brother is, we could probably factor this in as well.

So the idea is that each planet is connect to the Sun, electrically - I mean NASA even proved in regards to the Earth recently. But the main idea is that certain alignments cause solar discharging to occur which affects the electrical connections on all the planets; some more than others, however, depending on what their position is. At least that's what I've been pondering... I need some good software to model these things though, and so far I haven't found anything that's suitable. Astrology programs are mostly Earth centric it seems, which doesn't take into account all of the factors that Nelson discovered. Charting these down on paper just isn't efficient either.

If you're interested in Nelson's book, I have a pdf version. It's old, out of print, and hard copies are difficult to come by.
RyanX said:
So the idea is that each planet is connect to the Sun, electrically - I mean NASA even proved in regards to the Earth recently. But the main idea is that certain alignments cause solar discharging to occur which affects the electrical connections on all the planets; some more than others, however, depending on what their position is. At least that's what I've been pondering... I need some good software to model these things though, and so far I haven't found anything that's suitable. Astrology programs are mostly Earth centric it seems, which doesn't take into account all of the factors that Nelson discovered. Charting these down on paper just isn't efficient either.
I've been wondering about this too. I wanted to introduce a first-approximation 1/r heliocentric isotropic (at least on the ecliptic) electrical field with unknown amplitude and to determine geometrically, according to the relative positions of the planets, the probabilities for localized discharges. Thinking about it appeared that it required a programming of the type of the "travelling salesman problem" which may appear a little severe for such a simplified model for the electric solar system. Is the book offering a more straightforward approach for the problem?

Edit: spelling
Laura said:
Oh Lord. :headbash:

Sircus has gone off the deep end, too.

His "headline" is totally misleading, and he is relying on that ridiculous BS put out all over the net by the scandalmongers. Geeze, it's like Hale Bopp all over again!

Imagine what Elenid will cause with Haarp in the game. Wild time ahead.
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