All quotes:
@dreamer ,
I think you may have included the multi-session quotes in your list. That would inflate the sequential order count of the included quotes. Those sessions are ones that have quotes from older sessions and may repeat previous quotes you already have. Also the "statements" containing the quotes are not available by just listing the words by themselves.
The sessions where multi-sessions occur are:
Also, at the end of your list I could only find "friendly" in a question @ark asked (which is not a quote by the Cs) :
Session 9 June 2018:
Q: (Pierre) The queen bee makes babies, and you bring knowledge babies. To get this knowledge, you have to be vulnerable and open. So you need to be surrounded by warrior bees, which is us, but particularly Arky.
(Ark) Maybe if I would ask here one question that is on my mind and that is related: My general idea or one of my first principles is whenever you are kind of being attacked or whenever you get depressed because of difficulties, then my idea is use it as an opportunity to EXPAND and to go beyond the present boundaries. Within present boundaries, the forces or whatever recognize how to push you. So you have to go beyond the boundaries to start something new so it will take time for the evil forces to say, "Oh, well, old method doesn't work anymore. We have to invent something new." So, I was thinking about how can we expand because we are kind of too long at the same place. So, I was thinking about asking are there any others similar groups or organizations in the universe that we can try kind of connecting with - not necessarily openly - but to join forces with so we are not alone? So we can grow in a sense like a tree with roots going in different directions. Should we do something active to find so to say "friendly" forces? And which way?
Some of your quotes (like "General Law and "entropic") I did not find in the sessions anywhere like these at the end of your list:
"General Law" "Coral Castle" "friendly" "smashing" "evolution" "entropic"
If you could include the source it would be helpful I think. I only found "smashing" in a 2009 session. You have it placed at the end of the list which makes me wonder what kind of sequence you are using. There are many more quoted words after the year 2009 than "smashing". If I have collected the quotes accurately i would not list a word occurring in 2018 ("friendly") before one occurring in 2009 ("smashing").
Session 3 January 2009:
A: 2009 is going to be a "smashing" year.
I may have missed something but I am a bit confused by your list.