The Living Force
Say what you want. But the police need a good beating.
More on this very alarming trend:
Unvaccinated Women Report Miscarriages After Interactions with Vaccinated People
Unintentional effects of the Covid-19 vaccines should be expected as the vaccines are still on trial until 2023, but many of these adverse effects have startled the unvaccinated.
The reports began with an unvaccinated Instagram user sharing with her followers that after years of regular cycles she missed her menstrual cycle two months in a row. Shortly after she shared her experience, the woman began noticing mainstream news articles drawing a connection between menstrual issues and the covid vaccine.
After hypothesizing that women’s negative reaction to the experimental mRNA vaccines- even if they’re unvaccinated- may be due to shedding, many other women started sharing their testimonies.
The account went from 9,000 followers to 30,000 in less than 24 hours as she started sharing the testimonies.
Sadly, abnormal menstrual cycles weren’t the only adverse reaction to the vaccine in unvaccinated women, many suggested their recent miscarriages may be due to being around the vaccine and those vaccinated.
After reading hundreds of testimonies, the Instagram user learned many women experienced decimal [sic] casts, the lining of the uterus falling out. A quick Google search of the term showed a spike in search results in January 2021, when the Covid-19 vaccines were being introduced.
Many theorized that the Covid-19 vaccines would affect fertility and it’s starting seem as though those conspiracy theories aren’t all that crazy. For more testimonials watch this video.
Unvaccinated Women Report Miscarriages After Interactions with Vaccinated People - Montana Daily Gazette
Unintentional effects of the Covid-19 vaccines should be expected as the vaccines are still on trial until 2023, but many of these adverse effects have startled the unvaccinated. The reports began with an unvaccinated Instagram user sharing with her followers that after years of regular
One wonders, in addition to any organ transplants between vaccinated/unvaccinated, what about blood transfusions or sex between the vax/unvaxxed? This is beginning to look like a much bigger catastrophe than previously imagined.
More on the mask "worms" - You can see it at 21:30 of the video.
During the healing process of the mucosa, the broken fibres can penetrate the tissue without any possibility of removing them, causing the formation of a granuloma or fibrotic tissue, as happens with any foreign body.
The medical devices studied are not fully biocompatible and therefore do not meet the requirements of ISO standard 10993 and the tests required to obtain the CE mark.
In summary:
• Some swabs turn out to be dangerous for the nasopharyngeal mucosa. The glassy fibres, hard and brittle, can scratch the mucosa and produce lesions. Bleeding is a reflection of the invasiveness of the test.
• Repeated tests with smears can produce chronic lesions. The release of fragments of the brittle glassy fibres may cause biological reactions such as granulomas and/or fibrosis of the tissue.
• These smears pose a risk to the health of infants and children. If the tests are necessary, Prof. Gatti said, small and mild smears must be performed in children.
Source 1"PCR test stick particles can act like asbestos in the body"
2020NEWS (Investigative Corona Committee, Berlin)
Source 2"Paediatrician Janzen: Unnecessary dangerous test method"
2020NEWS (Investigative Corona Committee, Berlin)
Hungary plans to "re-open" the country when reaching 4 million jabbed. Hotels and restaurants for those who can show their VaxPass. VaxPass owners can also visit the: theater, dance-art club / opera, circus, movie-theater, gym, soccer events, swimming pool, spa, library, museum, playhouse, adventure-park, amusement-park, skating rink, zoo.
I guess the list doesn't cover yet supermarkets, because our psycho leaders are afraid of loss of income. Probably they plan VaxPass everywhere, when the large majority of the sheeple gets jabbed, meaning there is no longer a danger of half empty supermarkets.
Our prez. Orban [is of Gipsy ancestry, the result of which we already observed in case of Sarkozy] is the product of the CIA Orange Revolution in East Europe and wants to jab all with the Chinese vaccine, Pfizer, AstraZeneca or Sputnik (depending on age). The Left = his opposition is rabid Anti-Vaxx, but I think, only for political purposes, they don't really care about people: they - The Left - are rabid Russia haters, thus opposing Sputnik V vehemently.
Such is the psychosis of the political leadership in Hungary. A perfect mirror of the West. Wolves in Savior disguise.
From now on Prez. Orban ordered the police to criminalize jaywalking and generally hit motorists & pedestrians with US-style tyrannical fines.
I wonder, how will they react to the inevitable outcome of the increase of jabbed - hypothetical 40%-50-60-90% vaxxed rate in 'Their Envisioned Future' -, thus climbing number of side-effects, peeps SD-ing from cytokine storms.
Around the 33 min mark, he gets into Crisper Technology. And what he calls the DREADDS, Designer receptors. that can be remotely controlled. A designer receptor, a cell, you can put somewhere in the body, and you can remotely activate it, at this time using chemical substances (not sure of the timeframe). In fruit flies when the brain is exposed to the right signal using the Retina (makes me think of cell phones).
From the video dialogue by Dr. Morgan.
Now using technology to transfer light signals from brain to brain in fruit flies, using the retina. So you have the capacity to use any product using any DNA sequence. You can insert into a living system and you can remotely control it. Talks about using rats mice and even cockroaches.
As I said, if one thinks this is dark if one extrapolates the implications. I have to look at in segments because of all the negative effects and implications for humanity that come to mind.
A Nurse Reporting About The Shedding Of Spike Proteins By The Vaccinated
Looks like the vaxxed can already cause tissue problems, 'strange bruises', sleeping disorders
to the unvaccinated (and much more).
She actually calls for wearing face masks when mingling with 'obedient slaves' who could be vaccinated...
Nurse warns stay away from vaxxed people
Out of those vaccinated will be the cause of 60 - 70% of hospitalisations and deaths. This is the Government’s own website telling you on page 10 of the road map. According to a UK government study, the rise in Corona deaths and hospitalizations is dominated by people with two Corona vaccinations already.
The British government is not a neutral driver of the Corona crisis, and its statements should therefore not be taken at face value.
However, one should take note of the explosive news, which is found - albeit well hidden - in an official government paper and does not fit at all with the usual official pronouncements: "vaccinated" people with already two doses of vaccination now make up the majority of corona sufferers in the UK and even dominate their numbers. They account for about two-thirds of all cases.
In the study to be found on the website of the British government study entitled "SPI-M-O: Summary of further modelling of easing restrictions - Roadmap Step 2" dated March 31, 2021, states that:
„The resurgence in both hospitalisations and deaths is dominated by those that have received two doses of the vaccine, comprising around 60% and 70% of the wave respectively. This can be attributed to the high levels of uptake in the most at-risk age groups, such that immunisation failures account for more serious illness than unvaccinated individuals. This is discussed further in paragraphs 55 and 56.“
SourceLink to the Study
"SPI-M-O: Summary of further modelling of easing restrictions – Roadmap Step 2"
Date: 31st March 2021
Backup link to the study
"SPI-M-O: Summary of further modelling of easing restrictions – Roadmap Step 2"
Date: 31st March 2021
She recommends face masks ?!?
...for "shedding spike proteins" ? Aren't we back to square one ? Why would face masks protect from spike proteins and/or virus fragments? I suggest that we need to be a bit careful here, and not jumping into fast conclusions. Or possibly nurturing 'new' fears and separation between groups.
Probably because the capitol mayor asked all employers to give one day as holiday to anybody, who accepts the jab. Also our Prez. Orban is in diligent talks with Ursula von der Leyen today,I've been tracking Hungary - the vaccines look to be doing really well over there with a huge take up rate. Clearly something strange is going on!
Why are Hungarians so willing to be jabbed?
Our gov. page for tracking Covid numbers say that so far 26,000 people died from Covid in Hungary. 3,5mil peeps have been jabbed, some multiple times.I've been tracking Hungary - the vaccines look to be doing really well over there with a huge take up rate. Clearly something strange is going on!
Why are Hungarians so willing to be jabbed?
Yes, I agree! We absolutely need to keep a level head at this point and not be triggered. Things are pretty alarming right now and as much as the anti-Covid narrative seems to be gaining traction, we should be careful not to embrace every hypothesis without question. I keep in mind the very basics when it comes to my decision not to have this jab and they are...I wish to add
that I do not neglect reports of possible connections or interactions between vaccinated people, and possible effects on unvaccinated people. I keep the questions "open, unanswered in the room" with a watchful eye, and try to stay away from strong emotions interfering.
I do remember, that the C's mentioned a possible future in which an unfortunate interaction between a persons DNA and the "vaccines" could/would/may create a severe illness for the many.
Nevertheless - I just don't want to encourage hastiness, because the whole Plandemic pushes too many buttons at too many levels - and so many reports are coming in from many sources, difficult to determine, what is what.
A logistical error resulted in 46 people, including 28 children, being vaccinated with coronavirus doses instead of flu vaccines in Itirapina, a small town in the interior of the state of São Paulo, Brazil.
According to a press release from the Health Secretariat of the Municipality of Itirapina, a nursing technician mistakenly sent vials of CoronaVac vaccine from the Chinese laboratory Sinovac to a school where the annual flu vaccination campaign is being carried out.
"We must follow these cases because there are insufficient trials of Coronavac in infants, children and pregnant women. As it is a vaccine with inactivated virus it is possible that those accidentally vaccinated will not have significant adverse effects," infectologist Bernardino Souto told Globo network.
A boy of 1 year and 10 months, Pedro, was the youngest of those vaccinated by mistake. The mother, Jessica Aparecida Santos, said her pediatrician asked to be informed about everything that may happen with the child in the coming weeks.