I dunno - the state and local media here in Ohio are going hysterical over "cases" - and as
@Voyageur post shows, the PCR tests have again been adjusted to show increased positives. Over the weekend, I received a text from my hairdresser that she had tested positive for Covid and would not be working this week, effectively cancelling my appointment. She would be in touch once she tested negative. I didn't inquire as to why she even got tested - most likely a client, friend, family member tested positive which meant she had to get tested as well.
Similar happened with my daughter. She spent New Year's Eve/night with friends and a few days later learned one tested positive for Covid. She notified her employer and even though she works from home, had to get tested and she stopped working. Sadly, my daughter is the ultimate hypochondriac (since childhood), took to bed for several days. Also sadly, any excuse to stop working (childhood, get out of class/school).
It would seem that the case hysteria is higher than ever and people are uptight about the availability of the test kits. Signs at the pharmacy indicate they are out of them. So, doesn't look like things have settled down that much about the threat of Covid if not mask compliance.