Ah, so Corbett is continuing with his "Putin is just playing his role...it's bloody obvious that he's one of the bad guys". And this Waggaman dude...I remember him popping up in various podcasts during the last couple of years, and based on the blurbs/description he's usually presented as a 'foreigner in Russia seeing things as they really are'. He's apparently a dude from the US who now lives in Russia. I'm not sure if this is planted controlled opposition or just people seeing and hyping up something that isn't really there, at least not in a big way. In any case, I find it really cheap that Corbett is 'covering all bases' by lumping Putin with the bad guys...
I think you are right. I have not listened to Corbett for awhile and I was disappointed with his take on Putin and his motives. The Waggaman video stressed the mandatory vaccinations being implemented for all mobilized citizens. It is not good news to know that vaccinations are being mandated but at least as the Cs say the Russian vaccinations are relatively safe compared to the U.S. and other countries. Without this forum and Laura's efforts I would not have a clue about Putin and Russia's possible role as a balancing force on the world stage.

Session 15 August 2020:

Q: (L) Okay. Is the Russian Covid-19 vaccine safe as they say?

A: Safe enough. Safer than what Gates is planning.

Q: (L) Is it effective against corona or corona-type viruses?

A: Not much will be as it constantly mutates.

Q: (Andromeda) Good job, Russians!
(Gaby) In a prior session, they were saying it was not mostly the US experiments that were a threat to humanity, but instead a space virus. So, if that's the case, in theory if there's a 4th density STS virus coming up, will it be a DNA or an RNA virus?


Q: (Gaby) And what kind of disease will it produce?

A: Most likely to be similar to primitive smallpox.


(Pierre) With 79% death rate, it's nasty.

Hmm - did the Cs get it wrong?

Boston University CREATES new Covid strain that has an 80% kill rate
The article is as follows ...
'US researchers have developed a new lethal Covid strain in a laboratory – echoing the type of experiments many fear started the pandemic.

The mutant variant — which is a hybrid of Omicron and the original Wuhan virus — killed 80 percent of mice infected with it at Boston University.

It Gets Worse: Providing a Recipe for a Super-Pathogen

A good scientific paper should be written in such a way that other scientists in the respective field(s) of expertise could repeat the experiments to determine whether or not the results can be replicated. I am a viral immunologist and I reviewed the materials and methods section. I am confident that my research team could use this information to make the same chimeric virus. My team would never do this. However, I cannot speak to the morality of potential bioterrorists who could just as easily replicate the work should they have access to basic laboratory facilities.

In essence, the 23 authors of this paper have provided a recipe for a potent bioterrorism agent. It is in the public domain and can no longer be eliminated from cyberspace.

Remarkably, It Gets Even Worse

The naturally occurring SARS-CoV-2 is what is known as a ‘containment level-3 (CL-3) pathogen’ (Americans would call it a ‘biological safety level-3 pathogen’). This means that research with this virus must be conducted in a CL-3 facility. Such facilities have sufficient biosecurity to keep a CL-3 pathogen contained. A major potential problem with gain-of-function research is that it can amplify the danger and/or infectivity of a pathogen. This is exactly what happened in the current case.

In short, the research project started with a non-lethal SARS-CoV-2. What emerged is a virus with the potential to be a super-killer. This means that the 23 authors of the article ended up with a CL-4 pathogen housed in a CL-3 facility. The latter type of facility is not designed to contain a CL-4 pathogen!

Between the "recipe" now out in the public domain while also having been whipped up in an inadequate safety lab, it would seem the odds are high this newest chimeric virus will become a monster threat to humanity in a way the original Covid-19 was only falsely amped up to be.
Between the "recipe" now out in the public domain while also having been whipped up in an inadequate safety lab, it would seem the odds are high this newest chimeric virus will become a monster threat to humanity in a way the original Covid-19 was only falsely amped up to be.
Or maybe it's yet another tactic to program the subconscious mind of the population to "accept" their faith without much resistance once the "real" virus is introduced. How many times have the PTB "warned" us through movies, books, news, or patents, either covertly or overtly, of their upcoming plans? The fear loop is very rewarding... as long as the programming is present.

No programming, no fear.
No space, no time. 😉
I think you are right. I have not listened to Corbett for awhile and I was disappointed with his take on Putin and his motives. The Waggaman video stressed the mandatory vaccinations being implemented for all mobilized citizens. It is not good news to know that vaccinations are being mandated but at least as the Cs say the Russian vaccinations are relatively safe compared to the U.S. and other countries. Without this forum and Laura's efforts I would not have a clue about Putin and Russia's possible role as a balancing force on the world stage.

Session 15 August 2020:

Moscow paid back all fees

I have heard, several times, during German Nuoviso's "HomeOffice" sessions - that the authorities in Moscow already paid back all the fees, which they earlier had issued to people during the lockdown phase for "violations against the rules"... The information traces back to German reporter Thomas Röper living in St Petersburg.
Who knows whether "space viruses" cannot mutate with lab created ones and 80% could become almost 100% lethal? Or did they really just develop the virus or was it given to them by "space" entities so to speak?

Or maybe it's yet another tactic to program the subconscious mind of the population to "accept" their faith without much resistance once the "real" virus is introduced. How many times have the PTB "warned" us through movies, books, news, or patents, either covertly or overtly, of their upcoming plans? The fear loop is very rewarding... as long as the programming is present.

Other considerations regarding this experiment - from the comments to the article:
In Clif High's latest video, he gives some insight into these experimental results. He points out that the mice strain used was a Vitamin-D deficient strain. In other videos he has pointed out that the Chinese people, because of an aversion to sunlight, also have low Vitamin D. Vitamin D is one of the elements along with zinc, quercitin and vitamin C which blocks the spike protein inflammation per Zelenko.

This raises other questions. Did they select that strain of mice to further the plandemic "fear"?

But one would need to look what else was in that "virus preparation" - like toxic antibiotics to "make virus preparations ", or fragments of other proteines involved in the process.

And second, the method of application. Usually it is injection in the blood stream or abdomen (the latter often for tiny animals like mouses). Would you not think that injecting a toxic sludge into an animal's body would harm it ?

Until proven otherwise, I don't believe there was a "virus" or even a "bioweapon" involved at all.

There is a mention of that in the article
The scientists admit the hybrid virus is unlikely to be as deadly in humans as it was in mice.

This is because the specific breed of lab mice used are very susceptible to severe Covid disease. Mice and humans also have very different immune responses to the virus.

The devil is in the details.
Or maybe it's yet another tactic to program the subconscious mind of the population to "accept" their faith without much resistance once the "real" virus is introduced. How many times have the PTB "warned" us through movies, books, news, or patents, either covertly or overtly, of their upcoming plans? The fear loop is very rewarding... as long as the programming is present.

No programming, no fear.
No space, no time. 😉
I was thinking the same thing ever since I read about this.
From ZeroHedge:

Boston University Defends Controversial Study On COVID Hybrid Strain With '80 Percent' Mortality Rate in Mice

Boston University issued a statement Tuesday defending its research of a COVID-19 Omicron strain when they took the variant’s spike protein and attached it to the original COVID-19 strain, leading to a higher mortality rate in a certain species of mice, triggering concern among lawmakers.

“The Omicron S-bearing virus robustly escapes vaccine-induced humoral immunity, mainly due to mutations in the receptor-binding motif… while Omicron causes mild, non-fatal infection, the Omicron S-carrying virus inflicts severe disease with a mortality rate of 80 percent,” the preprint study said.

One lawmaker, Sen. Roger Marshall (R-Kan.), said that the research entailed “lethal gain of function virus research” that creates the “potential to kill more people than any singular nuclear weapon.” Marshal, a doctor, added that “viruses have managed to escape even the most secure labs” and said such “research must stop immediately while the risks and benefits can be investigated.”

Meanwhile, Emily Erbelding, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases’s division of microbiology and infectious diseases, told Stat News that the Boston University’s grant application didn’t specify that researchers wanted to perform this work and the group did not say it was performing experiments to possible enhance a COVID-19 variant. An investigation is now underway, she said.

Boston University issued a lengthy statement defending its research and said critics have misrepresented the goals of the study while refuting allegations that the study involved gain-of-function research, which can make a pathogen more deadly or transmissible.
The research was reviewed and approved by the Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC), which consists of scientists as well as local community members,” the statement from Boston University said. “The Boston Public Health Commission also approved the research. Furthermore, this research mirrors and reinforces the findings of other, similar research performed by other organizations, including the FDA. Ultimately, this research will provide a public benefit by leading to better, targeted therapeutic interventions to help fight against future pandemics.”

Certain reports about the study were “false and inaccurate,” Boston University official Ronald Corley said in a statement. A report from the Daily Mail, he alleged, took the “80 percent” line out of context.

“We want to address the false and inaccurate reporting about Boston University COVID-19 research, which appeared today in the Daily Mail,” said the statement. “First, this research is not gain-of-function research, meaning it did not amplify the Washington state SARS-CoV-2 virus strain or make it more dangerous. In fact, this research made the virus replicate less dangerous.”

Lab Escape?​

Addressing concerns that the manipulated COVID-19 Omicron strain could escape Boston University’s laboratory, Corley said the school takes safety seriously.

We take our safety and security of how we handle pathogens seriously, and the virus does not leave the laboratory in which it’s being studied,” he said. “Our whole goal is for the public’s health. And this study was part of that, finding what part of the virus is responsible for causing severe disease. If we can understand that, we can then develop the tools that we need to develop better therapeutics.”

Read more here...

Words fail me. :mad:
People are still caught in the covid circus. My dad told me he is going to get his 5th shot, and my mom told me she already got her 5th shot. Free will at work as they will not listen to me.
Yep, I'm seeing the same thing, all of my elderly family members are happily going for 4th, 5th, flu shot etc. They are not questioning it at all, they have made the choice and hard as it is, we have to accept it.

What I have noticed though, is a fair few people who have had two shots but are now refusing anymore. I've been surprised to hear how many people who didn't think twice about it, are now finally starting to question the whole thing.

Just my experience, but it seems that once they've had the third they are "all in" with however many more may be required.
Just a few weeks after release from her 60-day prison sentence, Dr. Simone Gold writes this: "This photo is an excellent reminder that it can take just one truth-teller to change the world! With COVID-19 vaccine and mask mandates, the world was too quick to accept socialism and tyranny over actual science. America’s Frontline Doctors continues legal challenges while exposing the corruption of Big Government and Big Pharma. Please take a stand with us and support our work!"
10 minutes long, a good listen

Jeeeze. Such BS, playing with words - I can't help it.

The trial showed later that 1200+ people died out of 40.000 - so, what on earth is there truly to discuss in terms of medical truth "if" and "when" or "did we do the right thing" ? How can anybody even remotely embed (among roundabout sentences) "Yes, it was the right decision (to use the vaccines), but..." It is BS, no matter how the words are pulled or stretched in any direction. Which part of the numbers did the slick guy not understand ?


We never, ever should give out vaccines, after a trial kills 1200+ people.
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