It was Memorial Day weekend holiday in US, and the federal government decided to open some campgrounds, so I went camping. Very few campers had a mask. It was so nice to see a grocery store with no employees wearing a mask. Even the kids play structures were available for use and not cordoned off. I was pushing my son on the swings and he said this trip was worth it.

He says the reason they want to vaccinate everyone is because they can't have unvaccinated people going around telling others that they're not vaccinated and they're healthy, while the vaccinated people keep getting the flu and other things.
That's exactly what was mentioned in Vaxxed 2. You can watch it here.
Here's the second part of the Vaxxed movie: Vaxxed 2

A must watch and a video to share.

Following a link, i am checking out ¨What really makes you ill¨, a book of David Parker and Dawn Lester, its on Mark Devlin's cannel on YT. Dr Andrew Kaufmann endorsed their view and research, they claim. They have their own website to spread the book: Sounds to me all decent and true untill now. One thing they mention is that the mucus, made when having flue, is a way to dispell toxins from the body. It my country you can get fined 300 eu for spitting on the pavement, bc of Cojona, now we know why. The only discrepancy i found was that David and Dawn are vegetarians and claim they get away with it by being very precise with nutrition.
Thought i mention it here for reference.
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Impressive, what did you recommend?
Nothing too revolutionary, common sense stuff, as far as I was concerned.
Dispatch is NOT what it was in my day....:whlchair:(Hahaha! Get off my lawn!)
We had to be certified Radio Operators, hold several valid Advanced First Aid certifications as well as go on a mandatory full 12 hr shift "Ride along" with a Paramedic crew, every 3 months.
Now, Dispatchers just answer the calls, flip through a few questions on charts, and dispatch the unit.
The Paramedics don't even know the Dispatchers, they never debrief together, might as well be AI handling the calls.
In my opinion, it is another indication of "The Dumbing Down Disconnect Program".
Ok, I'm done ranting, :-(sorry.

I first spoke with Bonnie Henry's receptionist, a young woman named Laurel.
As I outlined my concerns, Laurel said several times: " I don't know WHY "All These older People" do not "just go to the Website". "It's all on the Website"

She honestly could NOT comprehend someone, a lot of SOMEONE'S, who might not even OWN a computer!
I had to explain it to her in several different contexts.

From my follow up email to Bonnie Henry:
"I found the amount of information as well as the small text might be a hindrance to a fearful, sick senior citizen.

May I suggest the pertinent information might be noticed more if it were at the top of the page, and in larger bolded text?

Especially the 8-11 number to call.

The age range of the people calling 9-1-1 are generally the older members of our population, and they are NOT as computer savvy or apt to go to the web site, or Google for information.

Over the last few hours, I have spoken to several people,(just in my neighborhood) and NONE of them were even aware of the Health Link B.C. 8-1-1 number.

As I suggested to Laurel, perhaps the most effective measure that could be implemented quickly, and at the lowest cost, would be with B.C. Ambulance Dispatch.

Perhaps instructing Dispatch to ascertain whether the caller had spoken with anyone at Health Link B.C., if they had called your 8-1-1 number, and perhaps FORWARDING the call TO 8-1-1?"

There was a bit more, regarding a suggestion of repeating the 8-1-1 number as many times as possible, on the News Briefings.
This was done, by Bonnie Henry with in a day or two, and had very fast results, or so it appeared.
The stats on the calls went up so quickly that they had to hire a LOT more Health Care Nurses to answer the 8-1-1 lines.

I hope this answers your question, @genero81.
@Debra in the analogy with Nazi Germany, I think now the whole World will be a work camp. The fear mongering is meant for short term, in order to condition people to accept the harsh measures and extended powers.
Souled caregivers do not stop caring. Not all caregivers are necessarily souled or caring, just like the rest of the population.
Most people are just scared. They also have families, and the families are adding to their stress as well.
I've heard anecdotal stories about nurses in a quarantined hospital that flip flop between crying and yelling - they simply cannot take the pressure anymore. They are overworked, the patients are also scared and on top of that their families are adding pressure on them encouraging them to quit and just come home to their kids and they are simply torn by this choice that it is put in front of them.
It is just like in a war. You have brave soldiers and cowards.
Of course all this turmoil is creating the type of energy that is craved, harvested by this wave.
But I think what we see now is the work on the foundation and the plumbing of a system that will allow the ongoing collection of these energies. We should all try to remain calm, because I think we have only seen the opening act of a multi act tragedy.
The latest News report on this story that was posted earlier in this thread.

There seems to be a parallel to the "Concentration Camps" that were used in WWII, and that these Care Homes for the Elderly were "extermination" areas.

At the time, I was horrified that Caregivers would just "Book it" and leave these vulnerable, elderly people.
Now, I have a bit more compassion for the Caregivers that left.
They were the ones that could NOT stay and be a part of the cruel and harsh treatment that the Owners of the Care homes were endorsing.
They didn't just leave, they made enough NOISE to get HELP.

The Canadian Government asked the Armed Forces Medical Division for help and here is their REPORT.

Abusive behaviour, cockroaches, force feedings documented by military in Ontario long-term care homes

By Victoria Gibson. Published on May 26, 2020 4:22pm
A person who appears to be a staff member looks out of a resident's window at Eatonville in Etobicoke. April 14 2020. Richard Lautens/Toronto Star

Military members deployed to Ontario long-term care homes have blown a whistle on harrowing conditions inside five particularly hard-hit facilities — going beyond the Forces’ mandate of providing aid to pen a report that documents incidents from “abusive” behaviour by staff, to cockroaches skittering and residents sleeping on bare mattresses.

The document — which was released by the Ontario government today, and brought to their attention by federal public safety minister Bill Blair this weekend — offers damning observations around infection prevention, safety, staffing and the quality of care in the five homes. Residents in more than one were allegedly being left in soiled diapers; to the point of skin breakdowns in one facility in North York.

Catheters in one home
were reportedly being “pulled out” of patients, then reused after being left on the floor for an “undetermined” amount of time. Allegations of force-feeding, causing audible choking, were detailed.

Nurses appeared to document assessments of residents that hadn’t actually been done, the report alleges. And a death that took place at Orchard Villa, a long-term care facility in Pickering, has now been flagged to the province’s chief coroner to probe.

Ontario’s long-term care sector, like other provinces’, has been devastated by COVID-19 since the virus reached Canada. Both Ontario and Quebec requested aid several weeks ago from the Armed Forces, with Ontario’s ask made on April 22. Documenting the conditions inside care homes was not part of that request.

iPolitics has not independently verified the allegations contained in the newly-released report. Along with Orchard Villa, the military document details issues inside Altamont Care Community in Scarborough, Hawthorne Place in North York, Eatonville in Etobicoke, and Holland Christian Homes’ Grace Manor in Brampton.
Four of the five homes are privately owned, and one is a non-profit.

In a briefing prior to the public release of the report, Ontario officials told reporters that the owners of the affected homes — as well as other facilities in the province deemed to be high-risk — had been asked to prepare plans for management and staffing. They noted, too, that the situation had improved since Forces members were deployed to provide aid.

Some of the facilities in question had not been inspected in person by the ministry since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Ontario Premier Doug Ford, in a press conference on Tuesday afternoon, said reading the military report had been his most difficult task since assuming the role in 2018, and pledged to investigate the concerns that were detailed. “Until yesterday morning, we didn’t know the full extent of what these homes, what these residents were dealing with. The reports they provided us were heartbreaking,” Ford said.
An excerpt from the Canadian military report, dated May 20, 2020, detailing standard-of-practice and quality-of-care concerns about a long-term care home in North York. The allegations in the report about five homes have not been independently verified by iPolitics.
Ford’s government, in recent weeks, has been facing calls from opposition parties to launch a public inquiry into long-term care. So far, the PCs have committed instead to a commission of inquiry, which is to begin its work this fall. The call for an inquiry was reiterated by several other party leaders on Tuesday afternoon.
“The report spells out negligence on a level we could not have imagined. We need a full public inquiry into long-term care deaths — we cannot look away,” Liberal leader Steven Del Duca wrote on Twitter. Green leader Mike Schreiner alleged that the Ford government was making “political calculations” with their decision.

Asked again about the calls for an inquiry on Tuesday, Ford replied that no option was being ruled out. The premier also declined to reject bringing nursing homes into the public healthcare system, though he noted that the province couldn’t afford to do so on their own and would need federal assistance to make it “sustainable.”

The opposition NDP, meanwhile, called for severe action within Ford’s cabinet on the heels of the report. Party leader Andrea Horwath urged Ford to “immediately” require the resignation of his long-term care minister, Merrilee Fullerton.

“It’s shocking that the Canadian Armed Forces needed to lift the veil,”
Horwath said — arguing that the PCs “ought to have known” about conditions inside the homes, and subsequently taken them over. “The premier cannot pass the buck, finger-point and express outrage about what his own government is doing on his watch.”

The province, on Monday this week, had announced that a pair of hospitals would temporarily be managing two long-term care homes — but neither of the affected homes was among the five facilities where military members were stationed.

While the Forces’ presence in long-term care was in direct response to COVID-19, some of the problems they documented appear to pre-date the crisis. At Eatonville, much of their medication stock was observed to be months out of date. “Inference: residents have likely been getting expired medication for quite some time,” the report says.

Concern about the use of agency staff including some who, in this case, allegedly “would rather write the resident refused to eat, rather than helping them” and left food in sleeping residents’ mouths — was also documented in the public inquiry that followed the Elizabeth Wettlauffer murders, which released its final report last summer. The use of agency nurses was connected to struggles maintaining staffing.

The report flagged issues, as well, around infection control in several homes. At Hawthorne, protocols in place were alleged to have a “near 100% contamination rate for equipment, patients and overall facility,” and equipment was “seldom” seen to be disinfected between use on residents who were positive for COVID-19 and negative. As reported by iPolitics last week, long-term care homes in Ontario had already been documented to have nearly three times as many outbreaks of respiratory infections than retirement homes in the five years before COVID-19.

As of May 25, government data shows 150 of 626 long-term care homes in Ontario dealing with COVID-19 outbreaks, down from a high of 190. At least 1,335 residents have died so far from the virus or its complications, as have four staff members.
The Ontario Health Coalition urged the province on Tuesday to bring retired nurses and family caregivers into care homes — asking them to do so “as soon as possible” — and to introduce a government-led plan to increase staff in homes facing worker shortages due to sickness, departures or having to chose other part-time jobs.

“This cannot be voluntary and there is no path to stability without the provincial government undertaking these measures,” coalition spokesperson Natalie Mehra said in a statement — while urging Fullerton to utilize powers under the Long-Term Care Homes Act to revoke licences and appoint new management for homes with “uncontrolled outbreaks and evidence of negligence and poor practices.”

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who spoke to journalists on Tuesday in Ottawa prior to the report’s public release, said he’d first learned of the document’s existence on Friday afternoon — and called its contents “deeply disturbing.”

“This is a situation that has gone on for a long time,” Trudeau said. “We need to take action as a country. The federal government would be there to support provinces in their jurisdictions on dealing with this.”
— With files from Jolson Lim
Hi Channa,
There is an entire thread devoted to MMS/Chlorine dioxide here:

For Ketone Cop
Thank you for your point.
I was too fast and I should have looked in my files first because I have all the CS sessions.
It's my mistake to do several things at the same time because I was also doing research on sulphur, its meaning in alchemy, homeopathy, etc.
(I have had several dreams about burning volcanoes and tsunamis and it was very interesting to me).

On the plus side, it may have alerted people who were not yet familiar with this product...

Tenderness for all of you

Translated with (free version)
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My fears of never being able to go back to normal have been somewhat allayed recently because I've noticed a small uptick in people's inconsistent behavior with regard to all the rubbish you're supposed to do to "stay safe".

My stepson, who inhales all the nonsense spouted by the MSM and is forever regaling my husband and me with Covid statistics and the latest thing we're all supposed to do, arrived to visit one day wearing not one, but two, masks. When asked why he wore two masks to drive to our house, he informed me that one of the masks was only cloth and didn't provide enough protection, but he liked it better than the surgical mask he also wore.

I forbore pointing out that being in his car with the windows up was a better mask than either of the ones he had on his face, if he happened to meet anyone driving around with their windows down. I also didn't mention that quarantine is supposed to mean not popping by for a visit when he feels like it...and that taking off his masks when he gets here defeats the purpose of wearing them. I simply went outside onto the deck to smoke and laugh until I could keep a straight face.

Last weekend, I overheard the woman next door talking on her phone while out on her deck. She was quite loudly telling whoever she was talking to that they should go to the store in XXX town, instead of YYY town, because they were better at wearing masks in XXX than in YYY, where we live. Yet, on Mothers' Day, this very same woman had all four of her adult children, their spouses, and her grandchildren - a total of 12 people - over for a barbecue. Nobody wore a mask.

I take these incidents as a good sign that all the adherence to the Covid nonsense is really only skin-deep. Of course, I realize that this is classic human behavior and that pointing out that they are being inconsistent will not necessarily start them thinking about how stupid all the prohibitions are, but it may be a sign that, should the crazies in power start pushing even harder, resistance may be greater than expected. One can only hope!
And their other vaccine is even worse:
Given the stakes of a Covid-19 vaccine, the side effects described in the Moderna release would likely be seen as acceptable even if they turned out to be seen in future studies. The severe effects were only seen at high doses that are not being taken forward. The other vaccine for which early data are available caused fever in almost half of recipients.

But it’s also not clear what will happen as the vaccine moves into larger studies. “Humans have a very diverse immune system,” said Larry Schlesinger, the president and CEO of the Texas Biomedical Research Institute, a nonprofit. “And then you add on top of that diabetes or, you know, age 70 and you can imagine that the immune response will be very, very different.”

Yeah, things can only get worse!

And this comment is mind-boggling:

Why can’t they just test it on the military like they do with all the other unlicensed vaccines? Just line them up, inject them all, and to hell with the consequences or follow-up studies. They did it with the anthrax and Ebola vaccines.

Well, they already did that! That's how we got in this mess in the first place!
Great article explaining that mandatory mask policies are being implemented as a psychological warfare tactic.

Mandatory masking seeks to build that consent. In addition to extending the fiction that we are in an emergency sufficient to trigger the extra-constitutional authority of local and state executives, mandatory masking acts as a peer pressure-fueled signal that encourages conformity to our coming “new normal.”

Mandatory Masks Aren’t About Safety, They’re About Social Control
Reporting from Texas:

The owner of an Elgin, Texas, bar has posted a notice barring any customers wearing masks.

"Due to our concern for our citizens, if they feel the need to wear a mask, then they should probably stay home until it's safe," the notice outside the Liberty Tree Tavern reads, according to a local NBC affiliate.

The city, which had just more than 10,000 residents in 2018, has recorded 52 cases of the coronavirus during the pandemic.

The establishment's co-owner Kevin Smith told the station the notice was meant as a "push back" against "the snitches and the contact tracers out there," saying "this is still a rural county."

😂 I love it
in recent news we have the story of a 30 year old, the youngest death in Australia attributed to COVID. News anchors initially admitted that he had 'a complicated medical history'. More details about his health history were given in a later television report. He was involved in a workplace accident last November, sustained head injuries and has been suffering from seizures since. His partner found him deceased when she arrived home from work and stated that he had been displaying cold/flu symptoms for the last two weeks. He tested positive to coronavirus post mortem but there is no indication that further investigation into his death was done - not surprising given current events.

They live in a relatively isolated mining town that has had no known cases until this point, however the authorities started contact tracing to see where the virus could have come from. Apparently a nurse from a major town had gone for a drive to this mining town after she had tested positive, but there is no evidence that the nurse and the 30 year old deceased man were ever in contact with each other and he had not been leaving the house because he was ill.

In other news, the NSW government has addressed a wage freeze for public sector workers (including nurses, teachers and police - ya know, the frontline workers that were getting cheered and clapped last week!) in an effort to save $3 billion dollars. Sounds like the govt is preparing to squeeze them a little to frighten off potential whistle blowers or prevent backing any kind of dissent from the mainstream narrative.

Australia has taken a different tack on the idea that cash spreads coronavirus. The Royal Australian Mint published an article saying that cash doesn't spread coronavirus. That's a tricky move because circulating cash ends up in a bank sooner or later where it can be withdrawn from circulation. Nevertheless, on social media there are peeps who are calling for boycotting of businesses that don't accept cash!

Finally the latest from 'An Old Man in a Chair' - Dr Vernon Coleman, is a ripper. He delves into the creation of confusion through conflicting government policy and also addresses hypnotic suggestion as a form of brain washing. He discusses one method of hypnotic suggestion is formulating 3 x 3 word statements and repeating them three times and mentions a few that are being promoted in MSM. To combat that he has put together his own: 'Distrust the Government. Avoid mass media. Fight the lies.'

Amazing Polly just come out with a new video where she makes a very interesting discovery -- that a relatively unknown person by the name of Christine Grady RN PhD, who happens to chair the Department of Bioethics and the NIH Clinical Center -- is also Anthony Fauci's wife. Talk about a 'conflict of interest'...

10 pages late, but just wanted to put here this video for italian members. It's an italian doctor Silvana de Mari who speaks about the harm of wearing masks, the role of virus and why not to be scared by them, the importance of the immune system,etc. things we already know, but could be shared for italian people :-)
What is more is that I had it in my FB from my sister who had completely bought into the narrative last two months:rolleyes:
Year, my husband met a guy who made a fortune with his company hidding 4G towers behind chimneys few years ago.

Bc of the nature of my work I know a couple of houses that have this, what I wonder Is the legality since one guy was talking about it that neighbors dont know he has a tower there and thats the main purpose, at least here in Croatia
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