Don't know if this video was shared here before. This woman is Russian, but currently lives in Germany. She is vegan, and is quite outspoken about it. Even her three kids are vegans from birth. But she did make several very good videos about the corona crisis in Russian, and also with English subtitles, so they can be shared here as well.

That's the latest:

And that's the previous one:

Israel Shamir has an interesting view on the plandemic origin and future in this article:

Some snippets:

'There is an obvious systemic shift taking place while a previous shift of such magnitude was the Industrial Revolution in the late 18th century. Now we come to the Digital Revolution, with workers being replaced by smart computers and an AI future. This has been going on for decades. The virus-blamed lockdown and digital control allows the owners of the digital companies to carry out the revolution with minimal risks for them. What would need an army and police involvement against riotous unemployed workers, can be achieved with greater ease under threat of the pandemic. The economy will be modernized and made more efficient. But now the scariest piece of news is that Zoom is worth more than the seven biggest airlines. Money and stock market prices are useful tools if they measure human efforts; they do not do that anymore. What began with bankers earning more money in a day than a hundred qualified workers and engineers in their lifetime, ended with the hi-tech lords earning more than a million workers in their lifetime. It means that Money had banked on the Digital Economy, a Union made in Hell, while the real economy came up for grabs. Money decided that we won’t fly anymore. They, the new masters, will fly in their private jets; the era of mass access is over. You will get satisfied with Zoom and PornHub, instead of the real thing. Added to this the negative oil future price and the emission centres issuing more and more money, trying to smother the fire with gasoline, and you will get a picture of the coming world.

Digital companies, called GAFAM (Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon, Microsoft) have too much power. This power needs more public control so they won’t be able to ban free media like The Unz Review or buy too much of the real world. These things have to be attended to urgently. Covid is less urgent, because it is just the smoke used by GAFAM and its brethren to carry out their Digital Revolution in the most profitable (for them) way.

Why do only rich countries suffer?
Because of the spoils to be gotten! GAFAM is the prime mover and the beneficiary, while Gates is the link between them and the WHO, without whom no country would go into lockdown. The WHO is indeed a central player in the conspiracy. They even had to kill their own top executive in January 2020, who notably objected to classifying Covid as a pandemic (note: suspicious indeed is the sudden death of Peter Salama, who died suddenly of a heart attack as he exercised on the evening of January 23, 2020 at the age of 51, A Tribute to Peter Salama, a Champion of People in Fragile States and War-Torn Places | Think Global Health).

The present lockdown had brought the world to the brink of a grim totalitarian dystopia. Even though the actual disease had been contained, and the perpetrators of the scheme need more and more crude falsifications to prove the opposite; their drive for control has just increased. Examples of Israel and Moscow are provided, next to the situation in Singapore as described by Mr Cyan:

Since this is a small and tightly government controlled city state - I'm thinking they will use Singapore as a test case for all their plans - and quite honestly it is getting really annoying nowadays to leave your home with all the log-in/log outs you have to do, and the face mask wearing etc..
In Israel, everyone has to install and use the Mossad-prepared app tracing all your contacts. The app can send you a text message saying “You passed by a corona-infected person; you have to immediately proceed to your home and stay there in seclusion for a fortnight”.
In Moscow the regime of control is also by an app. A person who visited hospital or even a doctor, has to install the app, and send a selfie whenever the app demands, even in the middle of the night. An omission to comply within one minute is punished by a 4000 roubles (US$55) fine. If you sleep soundly, you’ll wake up in the morning with a heap of these fines.
Washington Governor Jay Inslee (D) indicated that people who refuse to cooperate with contact tracers won’t be allowed to leave their homes, even to go to the grocery store or pharmacy”.

Alas, people all over the world are easily bendable to the will of the authorities, especially if they are scared by medical jargon. In order to convince people, the Covid enforcers say they do it “to save the old and vulnerable”. This is a pathetic lie. Actually they created an extremely uncomfortable regime for old people. See this link for finding out the limitations of natural freedom in various countries Travel Restrictions, Flight Operations and Screening.'

And if you ask them now, most people STILL believe all will be as it was in a little while :zzz:
I had an appointment scheduled today that has been put off since the beginning of lockdowns. I'd received a letter confirming a new appointment, and after that a text message to confirm the appointment which I responded to say that I would be there. I had just parked my car in the carpark and was walking into the business when I got a phone call to say that they are extending their lockdowns so not to come in!

It's weird because I was able able to attend my annual audiologist appointment so long as social distancing was practiced in the waiting area.

A visit to the GP was different again. The procedure was to call the practice when arriving in the car park then to either wait in the car or at some socially distanced chairs on the sidewalk until the GP called you. If reporting cold or flu symptoms, a doctor come out of the practice in scrubs and mask to check. If there for another matter entry was allowed into the clinic and a Drs office.

The practice is in a small L-shaped centre and two businesses down is a cafe where there was no social distancing being practice at all - people sitting around tables and eating together as normal. I didn't actually go into the cafe so staff may have been handling things differently than what could be seen from outside.

I haven't seen very many people wearing masks and there has been no direction to here as far as I know.
A few more stores have opened here so I did a shop on the weekend. Although masks are as of yet not mandatory about half the people I saw were wearing them. I even saw a couple of people pull up in the parking lot wearing masks in their car, even though they were alone.

If it weren't so disheartening, it would be almost comical to observe the mental gymnastics people are engaging in to adjust to the flip flopping of advice given by the medical authorities in Canada regarding the wearing of masks. A few months ago, we were told not to wear them, only medical professionals needed them. Then it was well if you are in an enclosed space and can't social distance only then you should wear one. Now we are being told to wear them pretty much every time we step outside, even when exercising! My gym sent an email to me telling me to keep exercising while the gym is closed and be sure to stay safe by wearing a mask when going for a walk, bike ride, or run outside my house. :headbash:

Although there is a growing resistance to the masks, and in my area it seems to be about 50/50 , quite a few people seem to have no problem with this, it's like they don't even notice or question the constant contradictions, they just instantly adopt the most recent thing they are told and even worse then proceed to act as enforcers of whatever the latest commands are. It is the most bizarre thing to observe this, they literally act like machines being reprogrammed periodically with new orders.
Although there is a growing resistance to the masks, and in my area it seems to be about 50/50 , quite a few people seem to have no problem with this, it's like they don't even notice or question the constant contradictions, they just instantly adopt the most recent thing they are told and even worse then proceed to act as enforcers of whatever the latest commands are. It is the most bizarre thing to observe this, they literally act like machines being reprogrammed periodically with new orders.

I can't remember where in Canada you are @manitoban , if you are still in the province of your forum name or not, but here on Van Isl, B.C. we seem to be an example of low cases and lower fatalities.

A couple of days ago I posted a rant about the Canadian Nazi Chief Public Health Officer, Teresa Tam, issuing a "Non-medical" mask wearing order for Canadians.

That "ORDER" seems to have been overridden by Dr Bonnie Henry, the B.C Provincial Health Officer and our own Island Health Chief Medical Officer Richard Stanwick.
They say:[...]" it’s critical we continue to take precautions to protect ourselves and our loved ones by physical distancing, washing our hands regularly and practising good cough etiquette.”

Vancouver Island hasn’t seen a new homegrown case of COVID-19 in two weeks
Island’s low and steady transmission rate chalked up to several factors

May. 25, 2020 11:55 a.m

.Experts say that geography, demographics and strategy are all contributing factors in the success – thus far – of Vancouver Island in fighting the transmission of COVID-19.
On Vancouver Island, new cases of COVID-19 were stagnant for two weeks in late May, rising only by one new case on May 22. With only two active cases and the lowest cumulative incidence per 100,000 population across all the province’s health regions, Vancouver Island appears well poised for phase two of the B.C. restart plan.

On the Island, the new case reported Friday was a person associated with the Kearl Lake outbreak “who completed their self-isolation in Alberta and has since recovered,” a statement from Provincial health officer Dr. Bonnie Henry and B.C. Health Minister Adrian Dix noted.

“People within Vancouver Island have done an exceptional job in flattening the curve,” Island Health Chief Medical Officer Richard Stanwick told Black Press Media. “We have not had any additional COVID-19 test positive cases in approximately two weeks and it appears the virus is not circulating widely on the Island right now. The people who have had the virus are recovering, so that’s really good news.”[...]

When this whole Plandemic thing started, I had contacted Bonnie Henry, on behalf of the First Responder Paramedics.
They were being overwhelmed and frustrated due to the way the dispatchers were Mandated to handle Emergency Calls.
Dispatchers were only allowed to use the scripts, and step flip charts, then,they dispatched the Paramedics.
This led to the ALL the Paramedics being constantly sent out on LOTS of Calls, back to back busy!
Mostly making House Calls to the CNN News Watching, Scared and lonely shut-in Elderly.
Most with only a cough and sniffle, and the paramedics still had to do full paperwork, and health checks.
Meanwhile, ACCIDENTS and Real Emergencies were STILL happening.
Dispatch needed some changes, a little tweak, so they could at least refer the callers to a Health Nurse hotline.
I have a background with Emergency Dispatch, so I called her office, sent Bonnie a few ideas, AND, they were all implemented!

So, I quit calling her names, when I saw her on T.V. :whistle:
I had been rather..cynical, I guess, because she cried during a couple briefings.
So, I was calling her "Bawling Bonnie".:cool2:
I stopped doing that, because she actually did seem to care, and ACT on it.

The First Nations Gitxsan Tribes out here are in general very caring and compassionate people.
They did this, in her honor:

Dr. Bonnie Henry given new name in B.C. First Nation ceremony: ‘one who is calm among us’


The provincial health officer was honoured in a May 22 ceremony at elementary school in Hazelton
May. 26, 2020 8:40 a.m.
Dr. Bonnie Henry has been given a Gitxsan name.

In a ceremony conducted at Majagaleehl Gali Aks Elementary School (MGA) in Hazelton and attended by Dr. Henry via Zoom May 22, the province’s top doctor was named “Gyaksit sa ap dii’m” meaning “one who is calm among us.”

“It’s a pretty apt description,” said Stikine MLA Doug Donaldson, who also attended via Zoom and described the ceremony.

“They had a number of teachers and hereditary chiefs in the gymnasium at MGA, and they were all self-distancing, and like is done in the feast hall, her name was called out three times to verify it by different people chosen to call her name.

“She seemed very, very touched. She spoke and thanked the Gitxsan, she was emotional for sure.”

A number of other people also spoke, Donaldson said.

“It was really nice, it was an uplifting ceremony.”

School District 82 acting school superintendent Janet Meyer also spoke, thanking Henry for her work during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Meyer said she appreciated Henry’s calm approach, noting that she has used some of Henry’s own words in her communications with school district staffers and families of students.

Donaldson, who has lived all his life in the Hazeltons, said while it is not uncommon for Gitxsan houses to adopt people based on family connections or skill sets needed within the house groups, this was a bigger deal.

“I’d say it happens infrequently enough that it’s still special,” he explained. “In this case, it was clear it was an all clans ceremony and just in recognition, people thanked her so much for her work and obviously her (Gitxsan) name certainly reflects that.”

Black Press Media is also reaching out to Dr. Henry for a comment.

Henry came to daily prominence in B.C. after the coronavirus pandemic reached the province and has been lauded by other governments and the international media for her methodical and reassuring approach to the crisis.

She is largely credited with the success B.C. has had in flattening the curve of virus transmission and keeping the province’s number of infections and death rate relatively low.

Henry has been provincial health officer (PHO) since 2018. Prior to that she served as deputy PHO, executive director of the B.C. Centre for Disease Control, coordinated Toronto’s response to SARS in 2003 and worked on the front lines of Uganda’s Ebola outbreak in 2001.
It's good to see, of course if you catch it before is censored, that more doctors are coming out to explain that there is no point in social distancing and that wearing the mask it's actually more damaging then helpful. As we know, people are ruled by fear, so seeing and reading the comments on how the "imposed" rules are being followed, it's not only disappointing, but devastating. Went shopping over the weekend and refused to enter any store that required mask on. Fortunately, there are still some stores that are only recommending, but not requiring, but seeing where all this is going, not sure that it will stay so.
Do you know this?
Covid-19 100% Chlorine Dioxide Cure!
Researchers achieve 100% cures in 100 clinical trials in Ecuador using intravenous chlorine dioxide!
Covid-19 : 100% de guérisons avec le dioxyde de chlore !

Hi Channa,

There is an entire thread devoted to MMS/Chlorine dioxide here:

And there was a Cassiopaea session which included information about MMS/chlorine dioxide here:

Here is the relevant portion of the transcript:

Q: (L) Okay, I canceled our trip to Amsterdam today. Was that the optimal reaction to the revelation that they are going to suddenly have this Jim Humble there who's clearly in my opinion a snake oil salesman?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Okay. My take on the whole thing was that his presence first of all was offensive. But what carried even more weight with me was the fact that they didn't want to invite Richard Dolan, and we let them know that he was interested in being there also. They said there were no time slots, so they basically refused to invite him. Then at the last minute, they put this Jim Humble in there. For me, it was the clearest statement that they had an agenda.

(Ark) Of course, they had an agenda to trap you.

(L) Was that it? Was there some kind of agenda?

A: Maybe not entirely conscious on their part, but, yes.

Q: (Burma Jones) An agenda that the Nexus organizers didn't know about, but that Humble's handlers imposed.

(L) Or somebody.

(Rabelais) Who are Jim Humble's handlers?

A: This sort of thing works through several levels of deniability. Therefore, few so called cointelpro agents realize that they have made a pact with the "devil".

Q: (Perceval) Was their motivation for inviting him financial?
A: Yes.

Q: (Perceval) They figured they could sell a lot of his stuff.

(Ailén) It still sounds fishy because of this creation of his religion. Where'd he get that idea from?

A: Remember why you discontinued your subscription to the magazine?

Q: (L) Yeah, because it had become nothing but what I would consider to be cointelpro. It was like the whole character of it changed. I cancelled my subscription back when we lived in Florida, and that was eight or nine years ago. And I wasn't interested in anything they were doing since. So you asked something about the religion thing?

(Ailén) Yeah, where did that idea come from?

A: Humble is "handled" at a different level. You could say that he is more in the league with Vincent Bridges and his ilk.

Q: (L) Well, you said that Vinnie was like a "hot popper", and pathological. Does that apply to Jim Humble?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) So, that means that he is some type of psychopath?

A: Yes.

Q: (Rabelais) Is there any medical benefit to taking MMS?

A: None. It is dangerous in the extreme.

Q: (Rabelais) Is there some reason this MMS is so popular in terms of controlling people, like with monoatomic gold, or does it just destroy their physiology?

A: Simple destruction and induced illness ultimately.

So this forum has researched this supposed "cure" before in detail. I myself came to this very forum before I joined to use the search function for "MMS" and "chlorine dioxide" after thinking I had found a 'miracle cure', only to realize it is far from such. And ever since then, I use the "search" function before posting something I find. And trust me on this: the search function on these forums is light-years better than the one on (Sorry guys!! But I can't lie!!)

(BTW: Stephanie Seneff has supposedly used MMS beneficially, and I can personally see that in some specific situations it CAN be useful; especially if one has gut bacteria that are not beneficial and which needs to be removed. But such circumstances must be determined individually and followed with courses of beneficial probiotics. I will some day soon post my own experience and knowledge about this, as I worked with such deadly gut bacteria and learned MUCH after being infected with them. But even with my own current knowledge and experience, and with the data that these forums have gathered regarding MMS [which I never used personally], I would NOT use it.)

Thank you Channa, I know you always mean well and just want to share, and you care deeply for others. I always look forward to your posts!
Hi Channa,

There is an entire thread devoted to MMS/Chlorine dioxide here:

And there was a Cassiopaea session which included information about MMS/chlorine dioxide here:

Here is the relevant portion of the transcript:

Q: (L) Okay, I canceled our trip to Amsterdam today. Was that the optimal reaction to the revelation that they are going to suddenly have this Jim Humble there who's clearly in my opinion a snake oil salesman?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Okay. My take on the whole thing was that his presence first of all was offensive. But what carried even more weight with me was the fact that they didn't want to invite Richard Dolan, and we let them know that he was interested in being there also. They said there were no time slots, so they basically refused to invite him. Then at the last minute, they put this Jim Humble in there. For me, it was the clearest statement that they had an agenda.

(Ark) Of course, they had an agenda to trap you.

(L) Was that it? Was there some kind of agenda?

A: Maybe not entirely conscious on their part, but, yes.

Q: (Burma Jones) An agenda that the Nexus organizers didn't know about, but that Humble's handlers imposed.

(L) Or somebody.

(Rabelais) Who are Jim Humble's handlers?

A: This sort of thing works through several levels of deniability. Therefore, few so called cointelpro agents realize that they have made a pact with the "devil".

Q: (Perceval) Was their motivation for inviting him financial?
A: Yes.

Q: (Perceval) They figured they could sell a lot of his stuff.

(Ailén) It still sounds fishy because of this creation of his religion. Where'd he get that idea from?

A: Remember why you discontinued your subscription to the magazine?

Q: (L) Yeah, because it had become nothing but what I would consider to be cointelpro. It was like the whole character of it changed. I cancelled my subscription back when we lived in Florida, and that was eight or nine years ago. And I wasn't interested in anything they were doing since. So you asked something about the religion thing?

(Ailén) Yeah, where did that idea come from?

A: Humble is "handled" at a different level. You could say that he is more in the league with Vincent Bridges and his ilk.

Q: (L) Well, you said that Vinnie was like a "hot popper", and pathological. Does that apply to Jim Humble?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) So, that means that he is some type of psychopath?

A: Yes.

Q: (Rabelais) Is there any medical benefit to taking MMS?

A: None. It is dangerous in the extreme.

Q: (Rabelais) Is there some reason this MMS is so popular in terms of controlling people, like with monoatomic gold, or does it just destroy their physiology?

A: Simple destruction and induced illness ultimately.

So this forum has researched this supposed "cure" before in detail. I myself came to this very forum before I joined to use the search function for "MMS" and "chlorine dioxide" after thinking I had found a 'miracle cure', only to realize it is far from such. And ever since then, I use the "search" function before posting something I find. And trust me on this: the search function on these forums is light-years better than the one on (Sorry guys!! But I can't lie!!)

(BTW: Stephanie Seneff has supposedly used MMS beneficially, and I can personally see that in some specific situations it CAN be useful; especially if one has gut bacteria that are not beneficial and which needs to be removed. But such circumstances must be determined individually and followed with courses of beneficial probiotics. I will some day soon post my own experience and knowledge about this, as I worked with such deadly gut bacteria and learned MUCH after being infected with them. But even with my own current knowledge and experience, and with the data that these forums have gathered regarding MMS [which I never used personally], I would NOT use it.)

Thank you Channa, I know you always mean well and just want to share, and you care deeply for others. I always look forward to your posts!
How strange. Yesterday night a friend of mine that I know from many years from Facebook, a very good man that now has prostate cancer by the way, was trying to convince me that MMS is a fantastic stuff, also said that many firemen are taking it against Corona. I send to him the Spanish article that Gaby wrote some years ago. MMS is very popular in Spain specially in Catalonia. A man named Pamies promote this MMS saying it cures anything, from cancer to Corona.
How strange. Yesterday night a friend of mine that I know from many years from Facebook, a very good man that now has prostate cancer by the way, was trying to convince me that MMS is a fantastic stuff, also said that many firemen are taking it against Corona. I send to him the Spanish article that Gaby wrote some years ago. MMS is very popular in Spain specially in Catalonia. A man named Pamies promote this MMS saying it cures anything, from cancer to Corona.
I tried MMS in 2009, just months before I discovered Laura through the interview with Kerry Cassidy. I believe Kerry was promoting MMS and I didn’t have much critical thinking at the time. My boyfriend convinced me it was dangerous and that I needed to stop taking it, so I didn’t take it for long luckily. Still, I came down with a kidney infection where I had to get IV antibiotics at a hospital.. I wonder if it was related to taking the MMS. It freaked me out to learn he was a psychopath and lying about everything... just reminiscing what a long strange ride it has been since those days:-)
Grateful for Laura and this forum!
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