Right eye = damage to the left hemisphere of the brain?
This is right when it's about limbs: controlateral motitlity. When it comes to eyelid muscle, it receives neurones from both hemisphere. If it was a brain damage, it would touch many muscles of the face. Then, if paralysis is located only to the eyelid, it's not brain, it's the temporal branch of the facial nerve. This nerve has many branches for the muscles of the face. So, it's a surprising case. Thus we can think it's not the brain, neither the facial nerve, but the muscle itself, like in case of myasthenia. If it's myasthenia, it's not permanent, it comes and goes, it's due to antibodies, autoimmune disease.
Right eye = damage to the left hemisphere of the brain?
Not really, unless it's below the level of the nose, because (apparently) the spinal cord decusses (crosses over) and sensory motor neurons will enervate the other side of the body below a certain point... round about the level of the nose.

Then, there's all those Cranial Nerves which effect the eyes. Humans are so complex! :-O And, I suppose you'd need to be a neurologist to explain it, but I'm not! :-)
So, looks like the obvious side effects are becoming far too wide spread.
From the article:
“The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) said on Friday that a CDC vaccine database had uncovered a possible safety issue in which people 65 and older were more likely to have an ischemic stroke 21 days after receiving the Pfizer/BioNTech bivalent shot, compared with days 22-44.”
Edit: fixed article link.
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So, looks like the obvious side effects are becoming far too wide spread.

But only Pfizer. Quite convenient to have another mRNA vaccine that is not implicated.

This safety concern has not been identified with Moderna's (MRNA.O)bivalent shot and both the CDC and FDA continue to recommend that everyone aged 6 months and older stay up-to-date with their COVID-19 vaccination.
I keep reading of people dying suddenly/unexpectedly from youth to elderly - young athletes more and more
Article with vids that expands on this:

“Sudden Deaths” Continue to Explode at the Beginning of 2023

“Sudden deaths” of children and young, previously healthy people, continue to be reported here at the beginning of 2023.

From celebrities to athletes to children, those who trusted in the COVID-19 shots continue to drop dead in unprecedented numbers, while the corporate media and the U.S. Government continue to try and dispute that these deaths have anything to do with the “vaccines.”

There is one thing that is certain: if you refuse the vaccines, you cannot die from being injected by them.

Here is a short video collection of obituaries of those who have died suddenly within the past few weeks. Thanks to checkur6 who compiled the bulk of these.

This is on our Bitchute channel, and will also be on our Odysee and Telegram channels.

Included is the death of 39 year old Sarah Foley Gray from my city at 15:03. Interestingly, a Sara Marie Gray, 23, died a year previously in February, but couldn't find details of her death. Much more disturbing info in article - no one dare call it genocide.


A follow up to elites specifying non-vaxxed pilots:

The FAA Has Very Quietly Tacitly Admitted That the EKGs of Pilots are No Longer Normal. We Should be Concerned Very Concerned
In the October 2022 version of the FAA Guide for Aviation Medical Examiners, the FAA quietly widened the EKG parameters beyond the normal range (from a PR max of .2 to unlimited). And they didn’t widen the range by a little. They widened it by a lot. It was done after the vaccine rollout.

This is extraordinary. They did it hoping nobody would notice. It worked for a while. Nobody caught it.

But you can’t hide these things for long.

This is a tacit admission from the US government that the COVID vaccine has damaged the hearts of our pilots. Not just a few pilots. A lot of pilots and a lot of damage.

From the referenced Gateway Pundit article:

In the October 2022 version of the FAA Guide for Aviation Medical Examiners, the FAA quietly widened the EKG parameters beyond the normal range (from a PR max of .2 to unlimited). And they didn’t widen the range by a little. They widened it by a lot. It was done after the vaccine rollout.
Widening normality to encompass lunacy!

The Great Reset ->>> You will own nothing and you will be happy!
The Great Upset ->>> You will be sick and you will think you are healthy!

Moderna wants to quadruple the price of its Covid-19 vaccine as hundreds die per day

"The company has benefited from taxpayer-funded research and guaranteed contacts but plans to price gouge Americans"

"Moderna now plans to raise the cost of its vaccine from $26 to up to $130"

"is the fact that it only costs $2.85 to produce a single dose."


Moderna wants to quadruple the price of its Covid-19 vaccine as hundreds die per day

"The company has benefited from taxpayer-funded research and guaranteed contacts but plans to price gouge Americans"

"Moderna now plans to raise the cost of its vaccine from $26 to up to $130"

"is the fact that it only costs $2.85 to produce a single dose."

To cover the avalanche of lawsuits?
Look the vax as nothing to do with cancer, it is the consumption of alcohol. Is this the Trudeau government trying to explain the vax injuries and the explosion of cancer.

Are alcoholic drinks the new cigarettes — and will we give them up in face of health warnings?​

Newly released guidance shows that no amount of alcohol is good for you, and that even three to six drinks a week can lead to a risk of several types of cancer.​

Kelly Skjerven

By Kelly SkjervenStaff Reporter
Tue., Jan. 17, 2023timer4 min. read
Could increased awareness about the health consequences of drinking lead to a generational shift away from alcohol?
That will likely depend on policymakers, experts say.
On Tuesday, Canada’s Guidance on Alcohol and Health was released by a team of researchers. It showed that no amount of alcohol is good for you, and that even three to six drinks a week can lead to a risk of several types of cancer, including breast and colon cancer.

The report, by the Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction, says warning labels on booze containers could inform consumers about health risks, the number of standard drinks in a container and the benefits of limiting consumption to two drinks a week.
The guidance in the report was based on the findings of a panel of 23 experts who reviewed nearly 6,000 peer-reviewed studies as part of a two-year process, which also considered feedback from 4,845 people during an online public consultation process in spring 2021.
The most recent available data shows that alcohol causes nearly 7,000 cancer deaths each year in Canada, with most cases being breast or colon cancer, followed by cancers of the rectum, mouth and throat, liver, esophagus and larynx. Liver disease and most types of cardiovascular diseases are also linked to alcohol use.

The country’s alcohol industry has pushed back against the idea of mandatory warning labels.

But Tim Stockwell, a scientist at the Canadian Institute for Substance Use Research and one of the experts involved with the report, said he thinks there already is a generational shift away from alcohol, particularly in young adults.

He said he sees evidence for this in, among other things, such campaigns as Dry July or Sober October.
“There’s evidence there’s more young adults abstaining than there used to be, or at least drinking a lot less,” Stockwell said.
Stockwell said some of the researchers compared the risks of drinking and smoking.
The conclusion: one standard drink, such as a can of beer, a generous glass of wine or a shot, has the equivalent mortality risk to one cigarette.
Stockwell said this analysis has been confirmed by a group of researchers in the United Kingdom, who found “the overall absolute increase in cancer risk for one bottle of wine per week equals that of five cigarettes per week (for men) or 10 per week (for women).”
Bryce Barker with Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse and Addiction said a shift away from drinking won’t happen by accident and we’d need to see policy changes.
“I think if we, as a society, want to see a shift away from alcohol use, then we’ll need to see governments working in close collaboration with employers, health-care providers and community stakeholders,” Barker said.
To help people make informed decisions about drinking and support those who want to drink less, Barker said, policies will need to be implemented, such as placing warning labels on alcohol containers, limiting or restricting advertising, and setting limits on hours or locations where alcohol is available.
“Alcohol is very embedded and normalized in our society,” Barker added.
Representatives from Canada's alcohol industry say mandatory warning labels are not needed on booze containers.

“A shift away from alcohol use will need to be a concerted effort that’s shared among different levels of government and different groups. Those will help people to consider drinking less and will help people who want to drink less alcohol to do so.”
Barker added it’s important to remember people use alcohol in different ways and have different abilities to change their behaviour.
“Alcohol use is very prevalent in Canada. It has been very prevalent for years and years. An immediate shift away is probably unlikely, but things like Canada’s Guidance on Alcohol and Heath and evidence-based policies help people to make more informed decisions.”
CJ Hélie, president of Beer Canada, meanwhile, said the industry is already voluntarily informing people to drink responsibly, so there’s no need for any labels.
“A number of Canadian brewers, including a number of our members, have voluntary health warning labels or pictographs on packaging dealing with warnings against drinking while pregnant and driving while intoxicated,” Hélie said.
Rob Taylor, spokesperson for Wine Growers Canada, said the group launched an online initiative called “The Right Amount” in November to educate consumers about responsible drinking and how to calculate the number of standard drinks in a glass or bottle of alcohol, depending on the volume and percentage of alcohol.

“We’re encouraging people to track the number of standard drinks that they’re consuming and to make informed decisions about alcohol and their health,” he said.

In Canada, a standard drink is 17.05 ml of pure alcohol, which is the equivalent of a 341-ml bottle of beer or cider containing five per cent alcohol; a 142-ml glass of wine, which has 12 per cent alcohol; or a 43-ml shot glass of spirits, which has 40 per cent alcohol.
Wine Growers of Canada is developing a QR code that could voluntarily be placed on alcohol containers to direct consumers to the site, which also warns alcohol use can be associated with increased long-term risk of serious illness and that harmful consumption can harm relationships.
Catherine Paradis, interim co-chair of the Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction’s guidance, called the QR code a marketing tool and disagreed with its focus on binge drinking rather than the risks of low levels of consumption. Advice should come from health experts, she said.
She said consumers need information “at the point of pour.”
“All psychoactive substances that are legally available in this country are labelled, except for alcohol. Why is that? People have a right to know.”
I'm not sure what to make of this but in the latest podcast 'The Great Game' with Matthew Ehret, Matthew told several things that makes one suspcicious about Robert Malone.

First thing is that he's apparently promoting heavily the 'Chinese angle' and he's citing from very questionable sources, according to Matthew. And based on the examples he gives, I have to agree. It's all about the 'evil CCP' and how they're behind everything, trying to conquer the world with their bioweapons. Matthew isn't sure if Malone is just duped or if he's promoting this nonsense knowing that it's false. The other thing that caught my attention was when Matthew told how Malone is suing a elderly couple for something like 22M USD:s jsut for saying that Malone's talk about 'mass formation psychosis' is misleading because it – if I understood correctly – gets the real culprits off the hook (I tend to agree with this to some extent).

Then there's the thing that Malone is not against mRNA technology per se, just the mandates...at least that's how Matthew puts it.

Maybe Malone is just duped but after Reiner Fuellmich showing his true colors (anyone know something new about him?), I wouldn't be surprised if Malone is just another opportunist or something worse...

I'd be interested in hearing what you guys think.

Here's the podcast:


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