Joe Rogan had a guest who had a bad case of corona. He said that his doctor saved his life by not putting him on ventilator. He didn't disclose what kind of medicine they were giving him. He said that he also gave the corona to his mother but she got through it quite easily. Go figure!

He mentioned another interesting about New York. He said that the hospitals do not test people for corona after 14 days in the hospital because if they did and people came back positive they would have to keep them for another 14 days at the hospital. That would put more pressure on the system and the insurance would have to pay for those extra 14 days or more. So they just send them back home hoping that they are not contagious.

I don't know if this explains why so many people in NY who were self-isolating at home got sick (perhaps people in NY live in buildings with shared vents) but it would certainly explain why so many people in nursing homes became infected because Cuomo forbid the nursing homes to refuse people from hospitals who were not tested for corona. And he forbid that because nobody was tested for corona after 14 days.

In other words, it was a shitshow.

For example, in my country you cannot be sent home if you are not tested after you got better or the results are still positive. And in the beginning you had to be tested twice in 48 hours because the tests are not completely reliable. Later on they changed that to only one test and they would send you home for self-isolation, and you had to be tested again after 14 days to be able to become a free citizen again.

This is what Mikovits writes in her book Plague of Corruption (haven't you all read it by now? ;-)), it might clarify a bit:

"It may terrify you to know that I worked with the Ebola virus from 1992 to 1994 at Fort Detrick in a biosafety level 4 lab, the highest level of containment. The Zaire strain was being studied at the US Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (US-AMRIID), and it was my job to teach it how to infect human monocytes/macrophages without killing them. Because if you can't grow the virus, you can't study it.

It may surprise you to know that Ebola was never observed by Western medicine until 1976. Yes, that's right, hundreds of years of African exploration and development, and we never saw Ebola. But it must have been there, right? Yes, I'm sure it was, either in the bats or certain primates, but it never made that great leap from animals and into humans until after that time.
Are we really to believe that in thousands of years of hunting, that Africans did not contract Ebola? It really seems comical to even suggest such a scenario. I believe these pathogens have likely been living in Africans for thousands of years until we did something to disturb the immune system balance of the people of that continent. The recent emergence of pathogenic Zika in Brazil and Columbia is also supported by that hypothesis" (Mikovits, 2020, pp. 248–249).

So yeah, she could have clarified that bit, but considering the pressure she's under, It's no wonder that she can't think of explaining every detail.

Thank you for the quote! It's totally fascinating! :flowers:

Yes, it clarifies it a bit, especially the part where she hypothesizes that the virus was tweaked even before 1976. And who knows, maybe it was, and maybe there were also other factors involved. Intelligent design and all that. :-D

There are also the following comments from the C's that should be considered. Interestingly enough, they can also apply to our current situation with corona.

(Puck) On the topic of Ebola, what's causing the rapid transmission of the virus?

A: Mutating and becoming more virulent.

Q: (L) So, it's becoming stronger?

A: Yes.

Q: (Perceval) Is it a contender for wiping out millions of people?

A: A lot, of course. Isn't it interesting the similarity between psychopaths as virii of the human kind, and the activation and spread of the infectious kind?

Q: (L) So, are you suggesting that this is one of those, "As above, so below" interactive things? That as psychopaths become more virulent and present in human society, so will Ebola become more virulent in the physiological realm? Is that what we're getting at here?

A: Yes close enough.

Q: (L) So in order to stop the progress of Ebola and any other following pathogens, human society would have to take care of the psychopathy problem? The mind virus, the Wetiko virus...

A: Yes
(Odyssey) We have some Ebola questions. What is the specific protocol to protect us from Ebola, because there's a lot of information out there?

A: Each situation can have variables, but in general a serious boosting of the immune system via diet and cold protocols can provide great resistance.

Q: (Odyssey) There are people all over the world that have Ebola symptoms, and they're saying that they're testing negative. Is this test accurate, and are the negative results true?

A: Not true in many cases because they have limited knowledge about Ebola.

Q: (Odyssey) There was a video going around YouTube about how the quarantine centers and the detention centers line up on a map. Is there a link between this immigration situation and Ebola?

A: Only partly. It can be used as a cover for deliberate spreading of virus.

Q: (PoB) The previous answer was that they have limited knowledge about Ebola. What is the main point that they are missing? Can we ask it?

(L) What is the main point they're missing? I would say that if you have limited knowledge about Ebola, you can't say necessarily that it's a main point that you're missing. What if there are situations where Ebola masks itself, or produces symptoms but it's not evident in the blood or that sort of thing? I don't think a "main point" is applicable in a scientific way.

(PoB) The main thing that they are missing...

(L) The main thing that they are missing?

(Pierre) If any. It might be a combination. But we can ask what they are missing.

(L) Okay. PoB wants to ask, regarding the limited knowledge about Ebola, what is the main thing that they are missing?

A: Their lack of technical expertise.

Q: (Perceval) Can I ask about the answer “it can be used as a cover for the deliberate spread of the virus”, is that a plan to deliberately spread the virus?

A: It has always been "a plan".

Q: (Pierre) And there's been instances of spreading of a virus over populations, like with Native Americans. So, they can do it again, and Ebola is the cover. {Note: Immigration issues were implied to be the cover.}

(Perceval) Yeah, but I mean, in the sense of Ebola being the major plague that would sweep the world kill millions of Americans... that kind of thing; not their own people.

A: They may have a "Frankenstein" on their hands.

Q: (Chu) So, worse than Ebola. Mutated, freaky-deaky...

(L) In other words, they put the brain of Abby Normal in the monster! Ha-ha! Sorry... [laughter]

(Andromeda) Oh boy...
Q: (Alada) We have some questions on Ebola. In a previous session, it was mentioned that Ebola was a plan. If that's the case, was there a specific genetic group that was a target of this plan?

A: It was not said that Ebola per se was planned, but rather that plans for decimation of population via pathogens was. Ebola happened to present an opportunity.

Q: (Chu) Yeah, that's when they talked about Frankenstein.

A: It can always be worse!

Q: (Mr. Scott) Well, that's comforting.

(Alada) There was also the comment in a previous session that they may have a Frankenstein on their hands. Does that imply that it's out of control now, and it can potentially kill its creator?

A: Yes, more or less. They are not as smart as they think they are, and there are always hidden factors unaccounted for.

Q: (Alada) Another Ebola question: Are the false test results that were being given, is that because the virus is mutating so quickly?

A: It doesn't always show up as they would like. That is actually typical for many conditions, however modern medical practitioners are rather attached to their tech and gadgets.

Q: (L) Well yeah, we know that. Remember when Sebastian had ehrlichiosis and they didn't find it in his blood test?

(Theseus) A lot of this is profit-related.

(Alada) It's so prominent, and in the news all the time. Is it all for profit?

(L) Just think of V for Vendetta. In the movie, they created the disease, used it to terrify people, and then they got wealthy on providing the cure, were able to impose a totalitarian regime, over the world, ... It's almost word for word the same scenario. Look at all those pharmaceutical companies... And I bet they'll come out with diets where the people will be encouraged to eat more grains and sugar and take their pills.

(Andromeda) They can be quarantined.

(L) Look at all the gadgets they're going to have to buy. Look at all the supplies they'll have to lay in to survive this. It's a bonanza!

(Chu) How many people are actually infected with Ebola?

A: 3200 and rising.

Q: (Perceval) That's about what they say.

(L) Yeah, but if you think 3200 people, and each one can infect five (or more) other people, and then each of those five can infect even more...

(Pierre) It can be exponential.

(L) Three thousand infected right now is scary in terms of where it could go.

(Andromeda) Especially if they're scattered.

(Perceval) They're not being covert about it. What they probably want to do is vaccinate everybody.

(L) Assuming they have a vaccine.

(Perceval) They have one that works in monkeys.

(Andromeda) They're developing one that's supposed to be out in September.

(Pierre) Yeah, but look at HIV. For years, they've been saying they have a vaccine coming. Actually, they came up with these therapies so these people are popping 20, 30, 40 pills a day and paying a fortune to do so.

(L) Do they really have a vaccine in the pipeline for this?

A: No.

Q: (Pierre) But they promise, ya know?

(L) Alright. Carry on.

It is still unfortunate that she wasn't accurate enough when she spoke in the documentary. Because from her description it can be indeed understood that she is talking about the year 1999. What's more, in the quote you mentioned she wrote that she worked in Fort Detrick from 1992 to 1994. 🤷‍♀️

So I guess it's a lesson for her too.
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Update to my previous post after watching a part of full interview: they gave him hydroxychloroquine for a day and a half, but then stopped 'because his body couldn't handle it'. He doesn't know why. They gave him some HIV drug and other stuff the he doesn't know.

But here is this study:

Researchers at NYU's Grossman School of Medicine found patients given the antimalarial drug hydroxychloroquine along with zinc sulphate and the antibiotic azithromycin were 44 percent less likely to die from the coronavirus.

"Certainly we have very limited options as far as what we have seen work for this infection so anything that may work is very exciting," said Dr. Joseph Rahimian, Infectious Disease Specialist at NYU Langone Health.

The study looked at the records of 932 COVID-19 patients treated at local hospitals with hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin.

More than 400 of them were also given 100 milligrams of zinc daily.

Researchers said the patients given zinc were one and a half times more likely to recover, decreasing their need for intensive care.

One theory is that hydroxychloroquine may aid a cell’s ability to absorb the zinc which has antiviral properties and responds to the infection.

"It sort of boosts the zinc activity which is one of the reasons we thought to look at zinc here and in this observational study we did see a difference suggesting that maybe that boosting activity of the hydroxychloroquine with the zinc helps the zinc to work better and lead to a benefit," Rahimian said.

Dr. Rahimian says patients in the more critical stages of infection did not fare as well.

And he cautioned that more research is needed - in particular a randomized controlled trial - to prove how and how well the drug combination works.

Meanwhile, a study in the Journal of the American Medical Association on Monday found that treating patients only with hydroxychloroquine, azithromycin, or both did not reduce hospital deaths.

The study by the State Health Department and the SUNY Albany School of Public Health involved 1,500 patients.

President Donald Trump has hailed hydroxychloroquine as a potential game changer. Governor Andrew Cuomo also was upbeat about the drug but late last month he revealed that the preliminary findings of the state study were a disappointment.

"Basically it was not seen as a positive. Not seen as a negative. And didn’t really have much of an effect on the recovery rate," Cuomo said.

Other studies of hydroxychloroquine are continuing.

And one of our doctors said that a friend of his wife got corona together with her whole family except for her mother who was taking hydroxychloroquine for her arthritis.
There seems to be indeed a connection looking at some of these pictures (a soldier with a mask, freedom taken away, suffering children, locked up animals) and regarding what may come and what can already be seen:

And the rainbows we see everywhere... Especially the annoying message that says, like a mantra, "It's gonna be okay."
Which made me think of the movie "Wizard of Oz" which was inspired by the Cassiopeians

Q: (L) If the Nephilim are coming 36 million strong as enforcers for the Lizzies, does the Confederation have a like amount for defense?

A: We don't operate that way.

Q: (L) Are we just going to have to fight them off ourselves?

A: Think of The Wizard of Oz. It was inspired by us.

Q: (L) Does the witch represent the Lizzies?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) So, is there something we have or can do...

A: Glenda like us.

Q: (L) And who is the Wizard? Is that the Beast or the U.S. Govt?

A: Close. Illuminati.

Q: (L) Are the monkeys the Nephilim.

A: Close enough.

Q: (L) If water destroyed the witch, and the witch represents the Lizzies, can we destroy the Lizzies?

A: Knowledge.

Q: (L) But there are only a few on the planet who have the knowledge, am I correct?

A: What do you mean? Against all when all when time comes.

Q: (L) So the 36 million will be against all on the planet when the time comes?

A: Of course.

Q: (L) And those who have the knowledge and can dispense it to others ...

A: Yes.

Q: (V) Have you inspired other movies we could watch?

A: We have but different meanings and subjects.

And what inspires me about this song💖
Perhaps nature have developed by evolution and natural selection some kind of protection mechanism built in our fingermark and sweat.
There is no evolution in the sense to building up and making more complex. The only evolution is devolution or breaking down.

Perhaps the designers or creators built in a protection mechanism in our fingerprints and sweat.
This is what Mikovits writes in her book Plague of Corruption (haven't you all read it by now? ;-)), it might clarify a bit:

"It may terrify you to know that I worked with the Ebola virus from 1992 to 1994 at Fort Detrick in a biosafety level 4 lab, the highest level of containment. The Zaire strain was being studied at the US Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (US-AMRIID), and it was my job to teach it how to infect human monocytes/macrophages without killing them. Because if you can't grow the virus, you can't study it.

It may surprise you to know that Ebola was never observed by Western medicine until 1976. Yes, that's right, hundreds of years of African exploration and development, and we never saw Ebola. But it must have been there, right? Yes, I'm sure it was, either in the bats or certain primates, but it never made that great leap from animals and into humans until after that time.
Are we really to believe that in thousands of years of hunting, that Africans did not contract Ebola? It really seems comical to even suggest such a scenario. I believe these pathogens have likely been living in Africans for thousands of years until we did something to disturb the immune system balance of the people of that continent. The recent emergence of pathogenic Zika in Brazil and Columbia is also supported by that hypothesis" (Mikovits, 2020, pp. 248–249).

So yeah, she could have clarified that bit, but considering the pressure she's under, It's no wonder that she can't think of explaining every detail.

What Mikovits says resonates with me, especially re: what happened in Africa with all the various viral outbreaks since 1976.

After the Ebola scare a few years back, I wrote the following and shared it on many forums, including Zero Hedge (and I've updated it several times since as more data became available):
Most Americans have bought into vaccinations as a 'necessary evil', even to the point of being open to FORCED vaccinations in the event of a pandemic due to an erroneous belief in 'herd immunity' which supposedly magically protects everyone. I believe that this is THE primary means by which governments will introduce a soft martial law, because the public will believe it is necessary 'for the common good'. And this can be instituted with impunity via police roadside checkpoints, forced entry into homes, mandatory evacuation into FEMA camps etc. with little pushback.

For the record, I have a Master's degree in Molecular Biology and Genetics (UT Houston, 2000). I got my degree while studying Anthrax, and I was paid on a CIA grant. Following my time there I learned many, many disturbing things about our government 'bioterror' program, including the farce that was Kenema National Labs in Sierra Leone, Africa. Suffice it to say, that if there IS any disease outbreak, it will definitely be some bug that was developed in that lab (or a similar one) that will be featured.

It isn't by accident that Legionnaire's Disease; Ebola; Marburg; AIDS and other such diseases have grabbed headlines since 1975 - when the lab started to really get going.

'Oh, it's just the locals eating bush meat', they'd say when there was an outbreak. 'Lets make a vaccine to protect them!' Well, it was the vaccines that CAUSED those problems to begin with.

Several things to think about concerning that lab: why is that facility in Africa, and not in the USA? Most would say, 'well, DUH, that's where the diseases are!' And there is truth to that, but the real reasons are that - 1. the government there is bought and paid for, with no oversight on the lab; 2. the people there are not well educated, which leads to 3. they have been even more brainwashed into the need for vaccinations, leading to a perfect source of willing guinea pigs.

Also, there is little media presence there, so when 'breakouts' DO happen, they can be attributed to 'those careless bush people' instead of there being any real investigations which would show that those exhibiting symptoms almost ALWAYS were vaccinated with the VERY SAME THING THEY CAME DOWN WITH.

And one more thing about Kenema National Labs: back during the Ebola scare, there was a man from the World Health Organization who investigated that lab by the name of Glenn Thomas. He apparently had discovered some unsettling things and was going to report them, but unfortunately he just 'happened' (along with many prominent microbiologists) to be on flight MH17 to an AIDS conference in Australia when it was shot down. Conveniently, it turned out. And not long after that, that lab was quietly shuttered.

So anyway, that's my long-winded take on why this is not merely fear-mongering; it is PART OF THE PLAN. And it would be best to be both aware of it and prepared for it when it happens.

Additionally: it has been revealed that the CDC owns the patent for Ebola: Why does the CDC own a patent on Ebola 'invention?' -

What sparked the investigation of Kenema National Labs in Sierra Leone, Africa by Glenn Thomas were reports that the local people there viciously attacked medical personnel, because they claimed that their relatives were coming down with Ebola due to the vaccines that they were given. It turns out that those who did become sick with Ebola did NOT carry wild-type Ebola virus, but carried the CDC genetically modified variant called "Ebobun" - the strain owned by the CDC that was used in the vaccines. Was this what Mr. Thomas was going to reveal in Australia, had he made it?

To this day I wonder if the downing of MH-17 was done as much to silence Glenn Thomas as to increase tensions with Russia. Was what he discovered enough to keep the world from undergoing an Ebola epidemic with all the underpinnings we are experiencing now with the Corona Virus? Much of the information that I had uncovered at that time re: Mr. Thomas and what he found I can no longer find online. Some of the above links may no longer work, either. But if what I wrote above is true, then maybe he bought us some crucial time with a far less deadly pathogen.

I'd greatly welcome anyone to please further investigate what I posted above, if so guided. I only saw a couple other references to Mr. Thomas on the forums, and I think they were very early in the MH-17 thread. I think his death was very sorely under investigated.
I too felt the anger. I've been working and it seems I'm surrounded by people who have fallen for the MSM brainwashing. I find many are terrified of covid less so at work as we've had about 4 people off (including me)since the start of the mind virus idiocy.
One positive some of my colleagues have said if it was so dangerous why haven't many more been ill.
Were classed as a key workers. In our office we had no social distancing and PPE. Yet still most have been fine.
We were sent a memo advising there will be testing for all if needed but then advised the tests have a 20-30% chance of been incorrect. GO FIGURE! So even if you were tested as negative you'd still have to go into self isolation smh :headbash:
Boris and his cronies contradictory messages really are difficult for me to witness but For now all we can do is watch and wait no matter how frustrating. Many of my loved ones completely buy this bull shit. They are genuinely scared and it's hard to reassure them.
Some EE and payer sessions have helped and I am not without hope. I feel comfort in the messages we've received here and my sense of humour is still with me. At times laughter feels precious and rare.
It seems patience is required for this pandemic as it's going play out over a period of time which is probably longer than we all expected.
I found the UK covid 19 threat level chart ridiculous and I couldn't help but laugh. Certainly in the UK we could do with divine intervention.

I'm definitely feeling the same where I work, Thebull. The only people who aren't wearing masks where I work now are me and the supervisors (which makes me wonder what they have been told about this HOAX). Everyone else wears one at all times. I do have a mask ready to wear sitting in my drawer if it becomes mandatory, but I want to see how long I can hold out. Maybe someone starting to see through the BS will approach me, looking for truth. Or so goes my wishful thinking.

There has only been one reported infection among everyone who works here, counting all of our combined relatives and friends. And that was a co-worker's brother-in-law who died in Houston recently "of COVID-19(84)". I gave condolences of course, and though I wished to ask the question "did he have underlying issues?", doing so at this time would be totally inappropriate as we really don't have a close rapport. But he will be remembered forever as dying of "COVID-19(84)". That emotional association has now been firmly established in their minds. And that death is what spurred the rest of the "hold-outs" here to wear their masks.

I do wish to update what's going on with my own loved ones, however. It seems that the publishing of my article on SOTT has given me a sort of cache, where friends and relatives - seeing my name now IN PRINT - are actually listening to what I've been trying to share with them all along!! And I have to thank Joe for that. I had thought that my article would be published anonymously as Laura suggested, but Joe must be psychic and he KNEW that I needed my real name on it. I am glad, because having that article out there is forcing me to own who I am and who I have been, and to face any criticisms head-on from a place of knowledge and being. There is no hiding any more.

But the results of that have been spectacular for me. I had a long talk with my mom on Mother's Day, and she is now open to all I have to share! I told her that the cure for the "corona virus" is to toss her TV out the window, and she laughed! She is now even open to the possibility that Mr. Gates is not a force for good. Something fundamentally changed for her, and my brother as well. I can now share what I think with them again without being judged.

And it's not just them, either. Several close friends I have had for many years are also open now to what I have to share, as they are questioning things more openly themselves. And again, I have to thank that article. Now they are constantly texting me, telling me what's up and asking what I know, without judgment. It seems me putting that bug in their ears all this time is finally getting their attention. They didn't have to wait for the Murder Hornets!!

And as for how the Sacramento area is going in general now: I went shopping yesterday at a local Raley's market, and I was surprised to see that only about half of the people there were wearing masks. Most of those that were, were young people. Almost everyone in my age group (50's) didn't bother, unless they worked there (it must be mandatory for the workers as all of them wore a mask).

Looking at the shelves though, I can definitely see some huge holes in their stocks. There is still nothing at all on the paper goods aisles, and the fresh meat aisle is completely out of organic meats. There is almost no chicken. There are no more pork tenderloins or pork roasts. Most cuts of beef are gone. There is still a lot of sausage, and some previously frozen fish still on sale. But the rest is getting bare.

When I looked at the canned meat section, the Spam is completely gone. Almost all the canned chili too. Most of the tuna has also disappeared. Almost no canned chicken remains. All the dry rice and beans and wheat pasta is also gone. Organic rice pasta is still plentiful, so I got some of that (since I am gluten intolerant). Canned black beans are dwindling fast. But now I am also seeing large holes in the spice section. Salt is almost out, and all the turmeric is gone. The veggie section, however, is still fully stocked.

In the end: I agree, Thebull. I think we need to plan for the long haul. This will drag on for some time yet. But don't give up on your loved ones. They may soon be asking you questions. Be ready to provide the answers needed.
I do wish to update what's going on with my own loved ones, however. It seems that the publishing of my article on SOTT has given me a sort of cache, where friends and relatives - seeing my name now IN PRINT - are actually listening to what I've been trying to share with them all along!! And I have to thank Joe for that. I had thought that my article would be published anonymously as Laura suggested, but Joe must be psychic and he KNEW that I needed my real name on it.

Which was your article please?
Which was your article please?

This one:

Wishing you well in your own totalitarian hell. I've been following your posts. Keep on sharing your truth. It does make a difference.
Add to the above the coronavirus, which is a plus sense RNA virus (meaning our ribosomes can read it directly) and one of the biggest ones in its size. Consider that it is both the manipulated and the natural coronavirus.

It's really amazing what coronaviruses can do. Whereas before it gave the standard flu, infecting only respiratory epithelial linings, now and thanks to COVID-19, it can go to the white blood cells, brain, liver, and everywhere in your body. And yes, also the testicles, where it could be effecting changes that could be potentially be inherited via mechanisms mentioned in the "Ancient viruses are hidden in your DNA" article. Specially if it's coupled with retroviruses properties.

The coronary virus strain remained unchanged. He was given a modified database that can be read by the ribosomes. I was amazed that the virus was not limited to lung cell tissue. So he must have encoded information that can be read by ribosomes of all different body cells and thus also attack every cell shape.

If you change this information from the outside in the future so that a new program is activated, you would need an identical, changed information carrier for all people. If the information carrier is hidden in the vaccination, all people would have to be provided with the same vaccine. How do you eliminate the countless competition here that only vaccines against COVID antibodies develop without the primarily desired genetic information?
Thank you. How amazing. oh oh. I have to listen in which context he said this. But where is this video? did you share it in this section?

It was in this post:
Our President Macron announces it clearly :

"I believe our generation has to know that... (pause of thinking) THE BEAST OF EVENTS IS HERE... IT'S COMING"

This was in an interview that Macron had with Financial Times (FT) editor Roula Khalaf and Paris bureau chief Victor Mallet.
Here the complete speech (it has English subtitles) :

He summarizes what the "plan" has been about, when you remove the rethoric that turns it to being something beneficial for human kind, and you can see whose side he is on !

Excerpts (italic is from me)

FT : Don't you think that miltilateralism and globalisation have been very much weakened by this crisis?

M. : I'm not as sceptical. I think it's an opportinity for the multilateralism, because multilateralism might need a change of globalisation which is perhaps happening now.

When I look at what we've been going through the last couple of years... we've been living a very big crisis, first because of terrorism.. then there was a change in the migration pattern that was very unsettling... then happened a brand new phenomenon, the climatic phenomenon. We also have the technological phenomenon. And here we have the health phenomenon. And 10 years ago we experienced an unprecedented economic crisis before experiencing this one...

Nobody was asking the question as to whether it was necessary to shut down the economy in order to save lives, and nobody thought it was possible of us. That's a very deep anthropological shock. We have put half the planet at a standstill to save lives. There is no precedent in history. So I don't know how to outline what the consequence will be... but it's going to change the nature of globalisation. It's going to change...
It's become clear that the economy no longer has the primacy... there is something higher then the economic order...
Multilateralism was under threat because it was actually submissive to the powers who no longer wanted to play the game because they could no longer see the point.
When globalisation order becomes again the synonym of interdependence we realise that there are things that fall under its sovereignty...
oblige us to rebuild a real governance and thus multilateralism. Health multilateralism, political multilateralism... and in regards, I hope, to climate, to business matters, or others.

FT : Western democracies appeared to be the most vulnerable, the last prepared, Europe, US for exemple. This is not goint to give reason to those who say that authoritarian systems are the best for managing existential crises?

(Here Macron, who had been very confident and proud of his speech so far, becomes nervous and irritated. His answer to this question is incoherent and he even trips over his words, finally he dosn't really answer the question the journalist meant.)

"We cannot compare the situation in France, Germany, Italy with that of China and Russia, it's obvious. And the transparency, the immediacy of information is not the same, the networks are not free in these countries, you don't know what is really going on there (:rotfl: it's true here networks and media are free and transparent). And obviously it seems that things that we don't know have happened, bla bla bla

Then in the name of solidarity, inequality (some countries are economically not capable of getting through by themselves) and because coronavirus, like climate problems, affect the whole world, he begins to justify a more global coordination and shows how nationalism would be deleterious (but he doesn't end his argumentation)
He reaffirms that the world as we knew, will no longer be possible:

"To think of the moment we'll go out or we'll find the solution with our former habits I think it's a cognitive dissonance ( :lol2:)
What is no more possible:
Nomadic society (1.5 billion people travelling every year)
Permanent diffusion of information everywhere (:huh:)

"We are realizing collectively that nobody hesitates to take hard decisions, brutal choices when it's about saving lives...
What are we afraid of when catching the covid? We are afraid of suffocating... people are afraid of one thing only and that's the unspeakable aspect that can cause panic, that makes it so people are going to accept staying at home, they are afraid to die.

Then this 'positive' phrase where, he suddenly drops the word "beast":

"What, to my mind, is the ideal course of the world, is a world made of freedoms, of co-operation, of mutual aid, of friendship between peoples, in the fullest sense of the word, and then...(pause) I believe our generation has to know that... THE BEAST OF EVENTS IS HERE... IT'S COMING"
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I do wish to update what's going on with my own loved ones, however. It seems that the publishing of my article on SOTT has given me a sort of cache, where friends and relatives - seeing my name now IN PRINT - are actually listening to what I've been trying to share with them all along!! And I have to thank Joe for that. I had thought that my article would be published anonymously as Laura suggested, but Joe must be psychic and he KNEW that I needed my real name on it. I am glad, because having that article out there is forcing me to own who I am and who I have been, and to face any criticisms head-on from a place of knowledge and being. There is no hiding any more.

But the results of that have been spectacular for me. I had a long talk with my mom on Mother's Day, and she is now open to all I have to share! I told her that the cure for the "corona virus" is to toss her TV out the window, and she laughed! She is now even open to the possibility that Mr. Gates is not a force for good. Something fundamentally changed for her, and my brother as well. I can now share what I think with them again without being judged.

And it's not just them, either. Several close friends I have had for many years are also open now to what I have to share, as they are questioning things more openly themselves. And again, I have to thank that article. Now they are constantly texting me, telling me what's up and asking what I know, without judgment. It seems me putting that bug in their ears all this time is finally getting their attention. They didn't have to wait for the Murder Hornets!!
That is wonderful news!
This is so sad.

Ventilator Explosion Caused Russian Covid-19 deaths

Six coronavirus patients died at two hospitals in Russia after their ventilators short-circuited and exploded, BBC reported Tuesday.

One incident occurred in a small ward in the 6th floor of a hospital in St. Petersburg filled with coronavirus patients on ventilators. Doctors said a short-circuit caused the machine “literally to explode,” which filled the room with smoke and caused five patients to suffocate. Another patient was was killed in the same manner at a hospital in Moscow, according to Reuters.
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Here is an interesting YT video about the COVID-19 in Polish, but based on German sources. At the end the connection between the German scientist promoting COVID-19 tests and Bill Gates is made. The journalist who published it is named Roland Tichy and he published this analysis on his website.

Maybe some German members can have a look and find this article in German and have a look if it is SOTT worthy.
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