Donald Trump wins 2016 US presidential election

13 Twirling Triskeles said:
[..] And the C's saying how Nazi Germany was a trial run for the real deal here. So fascism vs nazism. Wow! What a choice!

Well we shall see how this plays out. But it feels like we narrowly averted a certain timeline.

Here's the thing though. Remember how the PTB puts the pressure on? Then releases it? Just when we think it's safe to go back in the water . . . wham from behind.

But for the moment, it feels good to feel this relief from the pressure of what a clinton win would have been. Still. Waiting. For. The. Other. Shoe. To. Drop.

We are now successfully advanced to a better timeline. It certainly feels so! Sigh of relief. This was my first real thought too.

The Killary-presidency-timeline would have been a shutdown of Light and total darkness in this realm.

Now we know we are at least on the treadable path in the Valley of Shadow. You can't have a good path in Hell, but at least you can choose a path that can be walked on in this diabolical swamp of reality.
Having avoided TV and Radio all day I decided to go on the internet and load up Sott after 7.30pm (Oz time), only to fine the Trump win - I was so happy to see Killary getting the slap in the face she deserved - not that I'm a trump lover, but at least he has been entertaining and out there.

I've been hummimg the 'the wicked witch is dead' whilst catching up with this thread.

As the C's said Trump's chances were good. A nuclear war wasn't on the cards.
First - Brexit. Now the US elections.
Two major failures on PTB plans. It took so long for them to consolidate control over other nations/people under their umbrella for The New World Order agenda that I cannot simply understand what went wrong for them... The things have become falling like domino pieces. The voting machines, at least within US, are managed by a company which has direct relationships with Soros who provided support for H.C. during elections and via "donations". We could see some videos on Internet on how a voting machine doesn't accept a vote for one of the candidates... We could read some news that there were a lot of incidents with machines which got then "re-calibrated", etc. And bearing in mind all of the above Trump still won...

C's have told many time that STS cannot see objectively due to their wishful thinking. But still the episode with voting machines is still unclear to me - I'm wondering what prevented the machines from moving a required chunk of votes towards H.C. side. Probably underestimation, like with Brexit?
Killary is propably having a full meltdown with unstoppable seizures. I would love to keep her company.

As with Trump, it can go either way. In 2008 people also had this hope and chance feeling when Obama was selected. Let's hope things are really different now.

If he is truly a people champion, he needs to take a risk for humanity and disobey orders. Can he pull it off? He better listen to Putin and Team.
Iron said:
Well, you may very well be correct Laura. I did not think of the situation from this angle. It's just that this whole presidential run leaves me with a sour taste in the mouth.
My rejection of Trump is highly influenced by the fact that he is endorsed here in Brazil by the extreme right wing and the neonazists. Guys who want the return of totalitarian dictatorship here in Brazil, this sort of company.

Well, he was also apparently favored by Russia though they weren't saying so. So you can't go by who is supporting a candidate necessarily. There's a whole lot of psychology and reality between promises/support and action.

I think Alana pointed out that Trump likes to enjoy life and basically, had a happy childhood so he's not full of anger and revenge - he just knows how to play the game. And, being a narcissist, he will want the adulation of the masses.

So, we'll soon see what promises/declarations he made hold up and which didn't.

Let's face it, Germany, France and UK were all against him. French ambassador to the US (!) tweeted that his election meant that their world was crumbling before their eyes. That has to be a good thing since all of them are involved in the rapacious wars and destruction going on since 9-11.

In other words, you need to broaden your view, collect more information, and realize that nothing is as it seems and never has been. Don't get stuck in nationalistic politicking - it's a big world out there.
Yesterday, I thought for sure that Killary was locked in to win. I was delighted that she was kicked to the curb and that the US said no to the evil she represents. I hope she and Bill are locked up for their crimes. Her war crimes especially. Gaddafi comes to mind. :(

RT was reporting off and on all night that Trump had brought out more voters. I guess that made a huge difference in the end.

It occurred to me that the Comey manuever was a warning to her in that she should probably bow out gracefully given all the dirt the FBI has on her. "Go away and keep your mouth closed." :lol: I'd love to be a fly on the wall wherever she is now...

On with the show... it's going to be an interesting next few months.
I was very excited to hear the news this morning, and not just because I placed a fairly large bet on him at decent odds.

The victory speech was good, as I expected. He was graceful and tries to talk about uniting everyone after the most bitter of presidential races. And he spoke of having good relations with neighbours (the implication being that we have bad relations currently) - it's great to see somebody admit that, and say we need to change it.

If he does try to do some good, I don't even think an assassination will be possible anymore. But still, trying not to get too excited.

The best part was hearing all the democrat pundits crying. The best one being the black dude on CNN saying how Russia has meddled with our election, stolen our election, and they got away with it! :P
Arwenn said:
Well it's another hit for the Cs, as they mentioned in the last session. Am glad to see Trump win over Killary-there is something just so evil about her. I'm sure her meltdown would have been spectacular :D

Well they came, they voted, she lost. :)

Agree. :) It's unbelievable how MSM were "absolutely" sure that new president will be "Madam" president. But, again, it's not the first time that MSM did that kind of mistake, same thing happened with the "news" about Truman's election.



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I know that I am getting way ahead of myself here but just speculating with a question I don't really know the true answer to.

Is there a possibility now that we may have averted one timeline and may be on another trajectory here – if the future is still 'open' atm?

My thinking is that the C's have always told us that the future is 'open' – not set in stone. So supposing that 'The seven furies challenging the western empire' are able to demonstrate to the majority of the population on our planet – the more STO way to do things. Thus get much backing and support from many of the other nations (after all the population of America is not vast compared to the rest of the planet – plus despite their 'power' which I feel is declining anyway now), it may well just change the whole status quo? Like Putin already did in Syria?

I feel the 'change' could be that should the American's witness more of the same 'evil' being perpetrated – hoping they don't go back to sleep again, which is normally the case – then maybe they will not be so 'tolerant' of the ptb? Maybe this is why the ptb were/are in civil unrest 'readiness' – as well as part of their agenda anyway.

Ok so we know that the comets are cyclical BUT is there ANY chance that should the negativity on the planet start to decrease, and the polarity change slowly towards what Russia and China et al are hoping to achieve etc. could this delay or even mitigate or even lessen the cometary bombardment – maybe even condensing it to areas where 'evil' still persists?

We know that the C's have told us of the 'expected' timeline – including the comets. But what IF positive 'progress' from the East can sway this somehow? Especially IF the Wave (which is here already to a certain extent?) somehow manifests prior to the comets 'arrival'?

Then there is the question of the Sun's companion arriving on the scene, which, among other things can also cause a 'skittle alley' of comets. This obviously cannot be mitigated BUT maybe it could – due to 'negativity' attracting gravity/electromagnetism?, perhaps level the playing field in FAVOUR of the more STO intentions of nations – together with those that start to 'release' themselves from the 'control' of the USA/NATO/ etc. and begin to align themselves more to the East??

Big Big speculation I know. But is the future really set in stone?

I know much of the change is still about who controls the MEDIA. Russia and China already are no match military-wise for the USA. And most people are still not aware of the changes planned in the East – let alone of what is even 'happening' in their own country/back yard! Hopefully media from the East MAY be able to change this – make that vital link to people – together with the massive projects world-wide aka the Silk Road/ Railways etc.

I suppose the most we can hope for is just being on the 'cusp' of change perhaps.

But just putting it out there – of course this is 'wishful thinking' aka the ptb – especially if the next 'agenda' is pulling the plug on the world-wide economy so that peeps purposefully only have their 'survival' to think about and nothing more. :v:
I have a lot of the same questions liza. Well, we have yet to see if this Trump thing is even a positive development - it could be we've been hoodwinked into celebrating an even bigger evil! It doesn't feel that way right now though.
“May you live in interesting times.”

What a gong show, but a show non-the less.

Like many of you I'm happy that Hillary didn’t win, but I think that was the whole point. Pressure release.

I also think this election will be used to show the American voting system is legitimate.
“See you might not like the results but our system works”.

As for THE donald being POTUS, well he represents what America has become today really well visually.

I think this was at some level the plan all along. Open fascism in America.
Doesn’t the “devil” always need you to choose?

As I have said before THE donald will be bad for Americans but should be better for the rest of the world.

At the end of the day the show must go on, and he will make sure of it.
But unlike hilary, I think at least there will be a world audience to witness the complete implosion of the experiment known as America.
This has probably been mentioned already,but a while ago Cassies did mention that america was displaying symptoms of a ''color'' revolution.Perhaps this is where it begins?It's nice to see that the clintons failed,but I won't hold my breath for him actually changing anything.C's mentioned that he will ''try'' which implies failure.He's not connected to deep state nor does he have experience in the military/intel community so it doesn't seem like He'll succeed in changing much.Though he'll likely make a show of it.Either way this is a fun change of pace.
Menrva said:
Yesterday, I thought for sure that Killary was locked in to win.

I thought too she'll win. It just seemed logical, the FBI backed down, she accepted the terms of the contract, she was cleared. It's Brexit all over again?

I was having a big smile on the face while watching the news presenters throw their hands to the air in total disbelief "Why did women voted for Trump? I can't believe it". And pushing all the panic buttons: the markets will melt down, and "this means the end of [put your establishment institution here]".

Anyhow, for the media, this was an exercise of Wishful Thinking if there ever was one, and to take a hit like this was sort of a guilty pleasure. The reality was that at least Trump had the popular vote, and they didn't even reported that. No mention of the Podesta emails, the DNC Leaks emails...come on.

As for Killary, nothing will be more morally correct and satisfying than sending her to the slammer, but I am afraid we will have to drop the election speak and return to the regular political maneuverings, so I won't get too excited about that one.
I too am really happy that Killary didn't get elected, but can't say that I'm particularly happy about having Trump. I figure that at least he's unknown (and entertaining) and while unknown could be worse, we knew what we would have been getting with Killary and it would have been terrible. 'Worse' could even be better for the world if it makes the fascism more overt or speeds up the process of the decline of the empire, rather than further dragging out the process and maintaining the covert machinations of the US. Since it seems America is going down the tubes one way or another, faster could be 'better'.

But I certainly didn't vote, so according to George Carlin, I have every right to complain no matter what happens! :D

13 Twirling Triskeles said:
I'm in Hawaii. My sister called me from California at 10:30 pm my time to tell me that Trump had won and that the stock market was falling. I started laughing and laughing. I couldn't stop. She was all worried that the rest of the world would consider america a laughing-stock with him being president. I said - GOOD! I hope the entire market crashes to pieces and I hope the world does consider america a laughing stock. Americans NEED to be laughed at. Maybe it will humble down some of our blessed exceptionalistic arrogance. The more we talked, and the more info I gave her about what I'd been finding out about the clinton criminals, the brighter and more relieved she seemed. Especially after reading that SOTT news article posted from The Saker about hillary's connections with the Ukrainian Not-Sees. I was beginning to think that Maiden was a trial run for the US nazi installation regime. Then that derogatory name for hillary - Hitlery - began to make more sense. And the C's saying how Nazi Germany was a trial run for the real deal here. So fascism vs nazism. Wow! What a choice!

Well we shall see how this plays out. But it feels like we narrowly averted a certain timeline.

Here's the thing though. Remember how the PTB puts the pressure on? Then releases it? Just when we think it's safe to go back in the water . . . wham from behind.

But for the moment, it feels good to feel this relief from the pressure of what a clinton win would have been. Still. Waiting. For. The. Other. Shoe. To. Drop.

I couldn't stop laughing either. Especially after the release of the emails with Killary insulting the very people who supported her unconditionally. I laughed my ass off til I cried. She has participated in why the world is so messed up at this point. Don't get me wrong, I am not a Trump supporter, however, the endless wars & madness cannot continue. The corrupt US policy's, the media reporting, the greed & the propaganda are damaging to the Earth & her people. As it relates to all the email's, I really wonder why many of them did not mention the genocide, etc. of Palestine's people. Could the Earth & the people survive another President Clinton? This was Reality Television at its finest. The funniest part was that she cancelled the speech to her supporters.

The way I see it is "The Divine Cosmic Mind" sees high & low, it is not malicious, however it has a real intensely funny sense of humor. :rotfl:
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