Éiriú-Eolas - Breathing Program

Excellent job Bo! :)

Well, after posting about seeing/experiencing the things I did the POTS has gone back to being just calming.....however I did notice something very familiar last night that I want to share.
I noticed that after the Ba-Ha part and during the pipe breathing before the POTS I had a head rush....just a small one, but it was enough to remind me of something similar. I am not a regular smoker, as such I tend to get a head rush when I do smoke....it was almost identical.

So today I decided to look up any correlating factors between the E-E program and the effects of smoking that have been discussed on the forum.

Firstly, nicotine binds to the Acetylcholine receptors if I remember correctly.....from a quick google search I get this from wikipedia:
(n.b. cached link as the page appears to be down!) Bold added

Acetylcholine (ACh) was first identified in 1914 by Henry Hallett Dale for its actions on heart tissue. It was confirmed as a neurotransmitter by Otto Loewi who initially gave it the name vagusstoff because it was released from the vagus nerve. Both received the 1936 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for their work.

Acetylcholine was the first neurotransmitter to be identified.

Ok, the other thing I remember was Laura mentioning about smoking was an increased blood capacity (bold added)...

Laura said:
Smoking also increases the number of red blood cells and the capacity of the blood to carry iron. It also increases the number of acetylcholine receptors in the brain. The Native Americans knew quite well that tobacco increased psychic ability...

In reference to the Ba-Ha part (bold added)....

Hyperventilation-induced changes of the blood picture

M. Staubli, U. P. Stauble, U. Waber and P. W. Straub

In a controlled study of 11 male volunteers the following changes (means +/- SD) were observed in venous blood during (D) and 75 min after (A) a period of 20 min of voluntary hyperventilation in comparison with before (B) hyperventilation (P values referring to the difference between D and B) erythrocyte count 5.18 +/- 0.17 X 10(6) (B), 5.70 +/- 0.21 X 10(6) (D) (P less than 0.001), and 5.18 +/- 0.16 X 10(6)/microliter (A); hemoglobin 15.7 +/- 0.6 (B), 17.2 +/- 0.7 (D) (P less than 0.001), and 15.8 +/- 0.6 g/dl (A); centrifuged hematocrit 46.6 +/- 1.0 (B), 50.4 +/- 1.7 (D) (P less than 0.001), and 47.0 +/- 1.8% (A). The platelets increased from 159 +/- 30 X 10(3) (B) to 205 +/- 40 X 10(3) (D) (P less than 0.001) and returned to 157 +/- 26 X 10(3)/microliter (A). The leukocytes (WBC) were 4,210 +/- 630 (B), 6,220 +/- 1,660 (D) (P less than 0.001), and 6,190 +/- 1,870/microliter (A) (P less than 0.002, as compared with B). The rise of WBC during hyperventilation was mainly due to a 83% increase of lymphocytes, whereas a 93% increase of neutrophil leukocytes accounted for the increased WBC 75 min posthyperventilation. The increase of the ratio of band forms to segmented neutrophils from 9 (B) to 19% (A) (P less than 0.01) indicates that band forms were released from the bone marrow. The results show that WBC and platelets can be mobilized by hyperventilation by as yet unidentified mechanisms.

So, is it me or does the E-E program produce the same (positive) effects of smoking (plus a whole lot of other stuff)???
I would be curiouse to know what effect the E-E program is having on regular smokers??
So, is it me or does the E-E program produce the same (positive) effects of smoking (plus a whole lot of other stuff)???

I think it does, yes.

I would be curiouse to know what effect the E-E program is having on regular smokers??

Sometimes, when out of habit, I smoke after EE it feels unnecessary and less desirable. Also, since EE achieves both the benefits of stimulating the vagus nerve and an increased level of oxygen while slowing down the rate of breathing, smoking immediately after feels a little uncomfortable.
abstract said:
sorry if my faith is a bit small

No criticism intended, just friendly encouragement. Been there done that with atheism too. Divine Cosmic Mind is the perfect formulation for me, the word god has so much baggage.
I haven't posted an update in a while and I just caught up on reading the latest updates. Very encouraging!

About 3 or 4 weeks ago, I was at a stage/state where it seemed that my mind was working on stuff while I slept. I can't even guess at the nature of the "stuff" but I would awaken a lot with that feeling.

I've also been having very vivid dreams, and even partially remembering some of them. Three of them were about an alien invasion, one of which had them painting zodiac symbols in the skies at night while there were a couple of missile streaks of the government supposedly fighting back. One of the good things about this dream is that in it, I was thinking this is mostly for show and deception so it wasn't stressing me as much as it could.

I had reached a state of calmness and openness as well that was unusual for me, and my awareness felt more solid.

Then things came crashing down :) I had several incidents in my life (related to sickness, accidents, and also a bad reaction to meds) where my will power wasn't up to the task and I fell back in to some of my bad thought patterns, didn't stay on the diet, etc. I backed off the full program twice a week and am just doing the pipe breathing and meditation because I felt like I was coming apart at the seams in many ways, and also I couldn't muster the will power (if that is the correct term) to do the full program.

I'm still doing the meditation every night and pipe breathing, and trying to pull myself up out of this seemingly downward spiral.

One thing that has been very prevalent in the last couple of weeks is that I seem to be remembering and reliving lots of bad things I've done to people that I didn't consider bad at the time, and also remembering "bad things" that I have done that were harmful to myself/spirit. Oh, and right now I don't sleep but 45 minutes to an hour at a time and then I wake up, roll over, spend about 15 minutes going back to sleep, and then sleep another 45 to an hour.
I would be curiouse to know what effect the E-E program is having on regular smokers??

i've had a lesser craving for smokes lately, i can actually put 'em down and free up my hands once in a while.

i noticed after doing EE, the cigarettes taste better and seem smoother. probably because you are so "opened up" in terms of breathing.

i also don't have as much anxiety when i run out of cigs, or can't have one depending on circumstance
Ok I wanted to cach up on the thread first (i'm on page 95) to post but decided otherwise.

In the past six weeks or so doing full program on monday/tusday was a real struggle for me. I fought internal battle with myself to do it, and didn't always win :cry:. When i did it, every littel thing disturbed me especially thorough the BaHa part, which in turn made me angry at myself and poof went the concentration. That contributed to my guilt trips. I had problem with pipe breathe which i hadn't earlier. Sometimes during meditation the only thought i had was when it will be over. All over I had this sensation as if some big anvil sat on my chest.
What i found interesting is that i didn't have all those problems at evenings when I only meditated (well i had this anvil sensation and rearly felt irritation).

RedFox said:
Also I seem to be 'escaping' into my hobbies again (avoiding doing things I need to) or into reading things on line (or worse watching mindless things on youtube)....all of which is disassociating.

I did it too ... well without watching things on youtube :). I wasted large portions of my free time doing mindless things (and that too contributed to my anger and guilt )

So this is reoccurring again big time....
I also tend to drift off into my imagination quite a lot.....

Yes that too and it happend while I read/watched things on line which in retrospect were totaly worthless and didn't brought anything to my life except anger, iritation, disappointment and resentment toward myself which trigered guilt.

One and a half weeks ago I had mouth inflamation.

Last thursday I had enough, closed all enterteinment sites and did full program. After thiat I started to catch up on reading here on SOTT and on my to read books list.

I did full program monday evening (even if i was tired after tough day, I just sat on my chair and did it, after i took shower and went to sleep). I also did it today. Through both i didn't have any problems with pipe breath and worrior's breath and then the phone rang (monday after worrrior's and today during BaHa). I forgot to turn it off :-[. I still have some problems well more sensations when I do the BaHa part: twitching in the right calf, cold (face most and body too but not so much), tingling teeth in the lower jaw only front ones and from the inside. What is good (i think) is that they don't distract me as much as they used to. The anvil is gone too. I had vivid dreams for some time now and not always sleep well (wake up few times during night).

What I also noticed is the sensation in the third eye area that is almost like constat headache.

That is all for now.
gaman said:
I'm still doing the meditation every night and pipe breathing, and trying to pull myself up out of this seemingly downward spiral.

One thing that has been very prevalent in the last couple of weeks is that I seem to be remembering and reliving lots of bad things I've done to people that I didn't consider bad at the time, and also remembering "bad things" that I have done that were harmful to myself/spirit. Oh, and right now I don't sleep but 45 minutes to an hour at a time and then I wake up, roll over, spend about 15 minutes going back to sleep, and then sleep another 45 to an hour.

Sounds like you are going through the "breaking down the crystallization" experiences that some of us have had to go through. Not so pleasant, but worth it when you come out of the tunnel.

You might want to check out taking 5-htp during the day to beef up your seretonin levels and taking a bit more melatonin at bedtime. You really do need to get good sleep! It helps a lot.
My experiences with the program so far are:
- more calm and tranquil state of mind
- increased ability to communicate ( people on the street start talking to me more often, and I have zero anxiety about this now).
- Is becoming easier to accept myself.
- I fell way detached from everything ( not unusual , but seems sometimes that I am doing nothing of value)
- Less need of food ( I exercise regularly, and can do the same things I used to, with less need of 'fuel')
- Pains in the face, left wisdom tooth, left ear, sharp pressure in the sides of the craniun
- I get very hot doing the warrior breath and in the day after the full program.
- People around me are more tranquil in general... seems like I am passing along the "good vibe" . But I dont like to dwell too much on this possibility out of fear of awakening some narcissist program.

So far this is it. Once again... thank you Laura, bringer of smiles.
The last few weeks I have been having a lot of dreams about putting things together or working my way through a maze.
I have been calm and feeling a deep sense of peace. While I am doing the EE program I feel a lot of warmth in my chest and some in my forehead.
I received my DVD and CD about two weeks ago. I have been doing the POTS at bedtime but I never make it through more than one prayer before zoning out. I will sit up in a chair the next few nights.
Thank you for the outstanding summation/collection of the essential! I can only imagine how much of a help this is going to be for beginners and those already doing the program alike.

:rockon: :rockon:
Now that you mention it I've found the same on my end. Lesser craving for cigs, esp when I run out. I never smoked that much anyway, I'm like a 5 a day kinda guy, maybe 10 on the weekends, max. It is interesting to note that smoking and EE have some of the same effects on the brain however.

abstract said:
I would be curiouse to know what effect the E-E program is having on regular smokers??

i've had a lesser craving for smokes lately, i can actually put 'em down and free up my hands once in a while.

i noticed after doing EE, the cigarettes taste better and seem smoother. probably because you are so "opened up" in terms of breathing.

i also don't have as much anxiety when i run out of cigs, or can't have one depending on circumstance
Laura said:
gaman said:
I'm still doing the meditation every night and pipe breathing, and trying to pull myself up out of this seemingly downward spiral.

One thing that has been very prevalent in the last couple of weeks is that I seem to be remembering and reliving lots of bad things I've done to people that I didn't consider bad at the time, and also remembering "bad things" that I have done that were harmful to myself/spirit. Oh, and right now I don't sleep but 45 minutes to an hour at a time and then I wake up, roll over, spend about 15 minutes going back to sleep, and then sleep another 45 to an hour.

Sounds like you are going through the "breaking down the crystallization" experiences that some of us have had to go through. Not so pleasant, but worth it when you come out of the tunnel.

You might want to check out taking 5-htp during the day to beef up your seretonin levels and taking a bit more melatonin at bedtime. You really do need to get good sleep! It helps a lot.

Thanks! I've been taking up to 6 mg melatonin and 150mg 5-htp around 9pm at night for the last few nights and it seems to be having a slow positive effect -- if I can stay awake during the day. I'll start taking the 5-htp earlier in the day.

Also, I want to mention one other thing that has been happening to me. I can't believe I didn't elaborate this in my earlier post. It seems very dangerous spiritually, and is like something is trying to flip a switch in my mind to put me totally back to sleep as far as seeing and feeling what is really going on. It is almost like something is trying to shift my paradigm back to the asleep view. I've been having to try to reinforce myself by re-reading High Strangeness, et. al. It is working but right now it is a very hard fight and I think part of that has to do with letting protection, vigilance, and discipline slip (i.e. eating poorly again, being sick and depressed, falling into poor habits, etc.).

I have a pattern of being very weak willed when it comes to self-discipline over a period of time (particularly when the fervor/newness wares off). I get on a bandwagon, start improving quite well, and then crash in flames. If anyone else here is like me in this regard, then I would recommend keeping a very close eye on yourself to notice pressure to fall "back asleep" that can sneak up on your when you're distracted with seeming failure (and the negative-introject screaming at you).
Can't sleep at 4:30am! What is going on? Suggestions please?

I did the EE breathing program Tuesday evening, had no problem at all to fall asleep almost immediately, (stressed these days) was tired at 11:00pm anyway. I awakened refreshed, still in the dark? Head surprisingly clear, thoughts clear, with a fresh mind i had not like a "Dark Hour of the Soul" session but rather it's reverse, the "Analysis Hour of the Soul" i could think over what happened in the last few days of trying to get a job. What have i done, what do to for better outcome.

Found Laura advising taking htp. It's 5-HTP, right? Not on the market in Hungary. I guess this is only an isolated accident, always had problems with too much libido anyway, this could be just a side effect. Of the "waking up"s at night this is the most intense. Its better not to become like Americans, living on anti-depressants, right? :/ It's no news awakening at night, always did that but had no problems falling asleep again and getting up refreshed in the morning before.

Now becoming smarter i guess it's high time to understand SI-12? Recently i wondered is it possible for me converting sexual energy to be available to higher emotional or higher intellectual centres [if there]?
"But constatation has yet another effect that is of primary importance: the immediate disassociation of the components which constitute the negative emotion liberates the energy SI-12 which the passions had drawn into the motor centre; a result of constatation is that this is automatically concentrated in the emotional centre which it then sets in motion.

We know that normal the intensive work of this centre is carried out with the aid of fine energy of the 12th degree, A victory over negative emotion brings an inflow of joy into the lower emotional centre. This joy is an expression of the abundance of the energy SI-12 released by constatation. This latter makes the lower emotional centre vibrate at the rapid rhythm that is normal to it, and this enables the establishment of instantaneous contact with the higher emotional centre and triggers the release of a current of energy SOL-12 from the latter."
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