Éiriú-Eolas - Breathing Program

Believe me, the benefits and effects can be going on "under the surface" for some time before things "sort out" in your awareness - IF they come to awareness; sometimes they just sort out and go away. That is, a lot will sort out without you having to do anything except just let the process do its thing. If you try to have "intent" other than assimilating the concepts of the prayer - which is designed to NOT constrain any activity of the subconscious - or if you try to add "bells and whistles", you could be circumventing your own best interests.

So, please, just relax into it. It's as simple as it can be and all you have to do is practice it regularly. If you can only do part of it on any given day, do some deep, normal breathing (in through the nose, out through the mouth) and the prayer/meditation before sleeping.

In response to the confusion about whether or not to use pipe breathing while meditating, my intention was to suggest that IF YOU WANT TO or FEEL like it, you CAN do a few pipe breaths (like 20) to get you into the meditation, and then just relax into deep breathing, in through the nose, out through the mouth. At some point, many of you will "zone" and you'll be breathing however your body wants to.

As for loud noises - that's not uncommon either. They are like interdimensional sonic booms - EM bursts from your higher self in some cases.

You may have electronic glitches around you, things may break, vivid dreams that process out unhappy events, there's just a whole array of interesting phenomena that can come into play. Don't pay any attention to it, it's just roadsigns, not the destination. Your job is to achieve the goal: the BEing that is described in the prayer.
Trevrizent said:
The predator/flyer's mind (foreign installation) is really hanging on when I'm doing the breathing meditation process. I begin yawning as soon as the pipe breathing starts (even if I do it in the morning) and continues through (I breathe through), and there is excess saliva production (I mange to hold off until absolutely necessary and swallow on a 'hold' to maintain the breathing pattern. As others have said, at several points in the ba-ha breathing, I drift off ('skip in the record') into a thought, and it seems as if hypnotized and my breathing almost stops. It takes a conscious effort to to get the breathing back on track and the thought out of my mind. Also, whilst lying down, I was aware of a distracting pain in my right foot, big toe and the one next to it (detail?). Discipline is definitely required to keep moving right through the programme.

And the beauty of it is that ANYONE can practice this discipline because it is so simple a program. Believe me, the small efforts you make to just bring your awareness back, to get back on track, will pay off big time!

I used to go through the same things. When I started meditating years ago, it was amazing how frequently my nose would itch to the point of driving me mad! It NEVER itched if I wasn't trying to meditate! And how many times did I catch my mind wandering away from counting my breathing, or reciting my prayer!?

You just patiently, over and over again, pull your awareness back in line and just DO it! It took me a few months of practice before I started have BIG effects, but I sure did have a lot of benefits that added up over days from the beginning, including helping me sleep better, being calmer during the day, better able to cope with stress, and so on.
I finally got the chance to do the excerise as it took a while for me to understand the sequence of the program. After listening (straining to listen) to the guided meditation and understand the sequence several times, I've started doing it during the afternoon as I have had the time yesterday. The 3-staged breathing was rather difficult as I was feeling the pain in my upper back when doing the second and third part. This is both sitting and seated (sitting with legs crossed made my legs fall asleep), but doing it while in a horse stance, the back pain lessen and comfortable. The warrior's breath was pretty simple and an easy sequence to remember. And, when I got to Beatha, that suddenly took my total concentration and my "ha" was in sych with Laura's "ha." It was really energizing, strong tingling all over, and my entire body was vibrating strongly. I was seeing a really bright light moving around when my eyes were closed (I wrote it off as my nerves were vibrating). Then, my body became more relaxing when "Prayer of the Soul" bit came. I found it easy to focus on my breathing when Laura reciting the prayer than my reciting it because I kept skipping a line or two during the prayer on my own every time. With Laura reciting and following her words, it really helped. I did the warrior's breath, Beatha, and "Prayer of the Soul" while seated on a chair (except for 3-staged breathing, which is done in a horse stance) and I did the stretches before all this.

During the Beatha, an image came to me of a tall, short-haired, blue-eyed, blonde woman, holding a big butcher's knife walking towards me, with an angry expression. That was bizarre and I didn't recognize her. I didn't focus on it but made a note of it, so I went on concentrating on my breathing. Thought I'd throw this out there.

I did the same excerise today for an hour and I felt more relaxed afterwards, but no "strange" experience or any vivid dreams (as of yet). I did the exercise in the afternoons now, so I can concentrate clearly and get familiar with the exercises before doing them before bed (I have tendencies to nod off at nights). Step by step, I think.

I've swallowed and yawned a number of times. Hopefully, as times go on, I do them less (hopefully!).
Though I've been practicing the pipe breathing, I only got all the way through to the bioenergetic breathing and the meditation today. I found the bioenergetic breathing to be really uncomfortable. The breathing aspect was fine but it caused such uncomfortable "energy" (for lack of a better way to describe it) throughout my body that I had to constantly stretch and rub and clench my hands, arms, feet, legs and eyes. If I didn't, I would have had to stop altogther. I also yawned about 20 times.

After the meditative part, I went into a coma-like sleep for about 2 hours. Lucky for me, my son was taking an extra long nap at the same time.

Did I do right by allowing my body to move about while I did the energetic breathing, or should I take a more controlled approach the next time around (though I wonder if I could handle the discomfort)?
I have been doing the meditation and breathing exercises regularly and have also had - like others - almost uncontrollable yawning and mucus just flowing out of my mouth. So from time to time I have to swallow, or I'll be dribbling spit all over me ...

I have a question about the pipe breathing, because I realized that there a two ways of holding your breath:

Firstly, you can at the end of the in-breath, when you lung is completely full just maintain that position, like you a still trying to breathe in but don't because you lung is full. So your windpipe is open ...

The other way is that at the end of your in-breath you close your windpipe and relax your abdomen, which traps the air inside your lungs. It's the same principle as what's called a "Valsalva maneuver" - which is a very potent vagal stimulus. It may too potent, as there is a chance that one might faint.

So I expect the answer to be option one, just want to check with the more experienced in yogic breathing which is the correct way ...
Sky said:
Laura said:
Just want to announce that the video is done and available here from the same page:

Thank you very much for the video as well the audio. Y'all did an excellent job and put a great deal of energy into this project. My congratulations to the crew! :clap: :thup:

Since I have a hearing loss, it'd be difficult for me to hear or understand the audio without a transcript. The voice is a bit in the background while the music is a bit louder (at least to me). But, watching the movement/gestures of the ladies doing the exercises helps a good deal of how to do it (after watching them while doing them myself at the same time). I can hear Laura's voice and I can understand a bit but cannot make out the exact word for word. I don't know if it's possible for one to transcript the audio part of the video (so I can memorize it then excerise).

Agree... i dont speak english very well...So I will be very grateful for this ;D ... thanks!
Agree... i dont speak english very well...So I will be very grateful for this ;D ... thanks!

Hi Ironfloyd,

You can find the transcripts here, http://www.cassiopaea.org/forum/index.php?topic=12985.0;topicseen
Bo said:
Agree... i dont speak english very well...So I will be very grateful for this ;D ... thanks!

Hi Ironfloyd,

You can find the transcripts here, http://www.cassiopaea.org/forum/index.php?topic=12985.0;topicseen

Greeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeat my friend!!!!! thank you SOOOO much!!! :clap:
nicklebleu said:
I have a question about the pipe breathing, because I realized that there a two ways of holding your breath:

Firstly, you can at the end of the in-breath, when you lung is completely full just maintain that position, like you a still trying to breathe in but don't because you lung is full. So your windpipe is open ...

The other way is that at the end of your in-breath you close your windpipe and relax your abdomen, which traps the air inside your lungs. It's the same principle as what's called a "Valsalva maneuver" - which is a very potent vagal stimulus. It may too potent, as there is a chance that one might faint.

So I expect the answer to be option one, just want to check with the more experienced in yogic breathing which is the correct way ...

Hi nicklebleu

I've been wondering the same thing and trying out both methods to see what the benefits are. What I've found with option two is that it seems to create a lot of tension, and I guess one of the main points of the excersie is to try to relax and 'be gentle with ourselves'.

There's not only tension whilst doing the 'hold', but it also makes the beginning of the out-breath more of an out-RUSH, which feels more forced and somewhat over-dramatic; it's quite noisy. It also takes a second or two to find the right point in the throat for the "haghh" sound, for me anyway.

I prefer option one so far because the in and out seems more of a fluid movement; more natural and less forced, and the "haghh" seems to come more easily.

Those are just my thoughts anyway.
Laura said:
You may have electronic glitches around you, things may break, vivid dreams that process out unhappy events, there's just a whole array of interesting phenomena that can come into play. Don't pay any attention to it, it's just roadsigns, not the destination. Your job is to achieve the goal: the BEing that is described in the prayer.

The part I've bolded is a big definite in my experience. I've been having lots of strange dreams, vivid and confusing and they feel a bit different than normal dreams. I actually dreamt about the same person three nights in a row, all in different situations, and my association with this person, about ten years ago, brought about a lot of problems and suffering.

I also dreamt that I had a child, a baby. It was a very emotional dream and when I woke up, it took me about five minutes to figure out whether I actually had a child in real life or not!
It is the emotional center that dreams. During this process, when you have unpleasant or scary dreams, it is all the negative emotions you have suppressed starting to come to the surface. Quite often you can process this stuff just by dreaming it away. But, the stirring of the emotional center can also lead to a healthy eruption and catharsis. It's hard to say - everyone is different and has different stuff buried inside.
It is good to know that although some dreams are very unpleasant, they probably have to do with emotional release. And they also give a lot of food for thought. It is very liberating. I remember having the same type of dreams when I first read the Wave. It was amazing.

I find these exercises to be a very good practice on non anticipation. When I only concentrate on the breathing and the Prayer of the Soul, a lot of emotions and images come up. And if I dissociate or expect to solve some things that are worrying me, the effect is not the same.

So far, doing the exercises daily has given me more energy to work on QFS related projects and more hope that it is possible to grow, learn and learn to give in exchange. It puts everything in a different light. When you can recover and assimilate new knowledge, and have hope in the process, you can do a little bit more every day.

Or so I think :)
I practiced the breathing program for the last 6 days and find that from day to day practice, it become easier to go true it all. At first the cross legs position was painful to kept for the entire program but now I am barely aware of any dis confort as for the bio energetic breathing which I founded lengthy at first but not anymore. Last night in the last portion, the meditation and prayer of the soul I dozed for a moment and instead of starting to dream, I was hearing a conversation. It was like opening a door and entering a conference hall. What is peculiar, is that since last winter I do hear conversation some night instead of dreaming. At first it was for a few night in a row and I thought that it came from the many hours of reading every day (8 to 12), I even thought that it was a kind of programming that was projected at me in my dream state. Often I will wake up at night and be aware of those conversation that sound very full of knowledge but upon waking up, I won't remember any specific detail. What is different is that last night during the prayer of the soul I was more lucid when I started to hear the conversation and felt that I was participating in it more then being just a witness. Anyway, I remembered that I was doing the the meditation and prayer of the soul and Laura is voice came back and got my awareness back to finish the program.

After my daughter when to sleep, I went to bed and started doing the meditation and prayer of the soul for maybe 12 to 15 time before falling asleep and what I remember is that I eared the same kind of conversation all night. ( I woke up 3 times during the night and every time I was aware of the conversation before full consciousness ). I don't know if this as anything to do whit becoming more aware of ours self or if it is just the subconscious releasing negative emotion but I am curious to know if anyone as similar experience.
Laurentien said:
After my daughter when to sleep, I went to bed and started doing the meditation and prayer of the soul for maybe 12 to 15 time before falling asleep and what I remember is that I eared the same kind of conversation all night. ( I woke up 3 times during the night and every time I was aware of the conversation before full consciousness ). I don't know if this as anything to do whit becoming more aware of ours self or if it is just the subconscious releasing negative emotion but I am curious to know if anyone as similar experience.

That's really interesting. I used to have those split realities a lot myself! It's definitely another of the signs that stuff is happening. After a lot of those experiences, I figured I was experiencing bleed-throughs of other lives and sorting things out. I also thought that maybe some part of myself was actually having conversations with other parts of myself, or with other individuals in other realities.

Another weird experience that sort of went along with that was being able to see with my eyes closed.
I also thought that maybe some part of myself was actually having conversations with other parts of myself, or with other individuals in other realities.

I thought of that too Laura a few days ago when reading Bringers of the Dawn, where the Pleiadians say that we live in more than 1 dimension simultaneously, That we have many self and that we can connect whit those others self.

Another interesting thing that happened a few weeks ago is that one morning waking up I went in the bathroom and just waking up the light was to hard so I dimmed it down and sitting in front of it to do my business :-[ I started to see many different faces instead of mine. First I thought that I was hallucinating but day after day the same faces will come back, now every night I will go and sit in front of the mirror and look at those many faces change one after the others, most look very similar to me some have shorter air other long air like me, some have beard some have darker skin, I never could count them, there are so many and they shift so rapidly. The more odd one look more like Neanderthal, one as red glowing eyes and other have more angular facial but one thing we all share is our eyes, I mean how they look our "regard" (french word here). Many could be as close looking to me as brother, actually I have one brother and we don't look alike at all but these faces are so much like mine that I see them as others self. Two days ago, I read in Bringers of the dawn that we were here at this moment in "time" to perform a task or mission and one of those was to acknowledge our multi-dimensionality that we have many self but that we were here to sort of assemble them here for when the time come,(I supposed that they mean the Wave) and they (Pleiadians) gave a phrase to say which will invite them to share the experience, it is as follow quote"I intend to all my other self to come along on this journey and for them to get light as well." So two night ago, I sat in front of the mirror and told the phrase to the image and last night, after the breathing program, I went to sit in front of the mirror and to my amazement they were fading away and couldn't see many of them. I will check tonight if they are back. Hope I did not invite disaster :lol:
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