Éiriú-Eolas - Breathing Program

I think that if your nose itches, scratch it and then gently bring your attention back to breathing or meditating. If you feel like you have to move, do it and bring your attention back to what you are doing. Maybe have a pillow handy if you feel the urge to punch something or hug something.

You can do the whole program, or you can do just the three stage breathing... or three stage breathing and warrior's breath, or just pipe breathing while you drive to work, or when you want to take a breather. If you do those things, then you don't need to do the whole program in one sitting... you can just do the meditation before going to sleep. In fact, doing JUST the meditation in bed to put yourself to sleep is good practice because it sets your FRV for sleep time so that the essence/higher self can continue to work while you sleep, clearing out old, stuffed emotions, bringing forgotten stuff to the surface so it can be processed, and so on.

It also might be a good idea to reserve doing the whole program on one or two days a week, and only do the other breathing parts as needed, and just the meditation before sleeping. Perhaps if we reserve Monday and Thursday evenings for doing the whole program, and we know that everyone else is going to be doing it on those days at some time, it will add force to our practice? You can assume, with the global presence of the people on this forum, that at any given time on those specified days, your practice will be simultaneous with someone else's or overlapping in time.

Of course, if you are ill or dealing with a specific problem, you might want to do it every day for a bit, but that really isn't necessary. What is MOST important to try to do every day is the meditation before sleeping.
Corto Maltese said:
But there is some resistance of a different kind, as it doesn't happen during the exercises. As it happens, shortly after I started practicing regularly I would experience odd pangs of sharp pain in the upper left portion of my abdomen. This was the kind of pain I never experienced before. As I continued with exercises this pain continued and it culminated last weekend with pretty severe attack - first it started like a big spasm of abdominal pain - of such intensity that i was literally on the floor hugging my knees, then it sort of radiated in waves towards my sternum where it became more of a pressure then pain, like someone has put a heavy weight there. For a moment I thought I am experiencing a heart attack. This lasted several minutes and then pain radiated towards my throat and arms and slowly fazed out.

I am pretty sure this is the part of some sort of cleansing process,

This is interesting and I agree that it could very well be a cleansing of some emotional event that was stuffed in the tissues and had no other way to get out. It could even be past life stuff. You just never know and others might want to be alert to the fact that all emotional cleansing may not necessarily be obviously "emotional." That's why it is helpful to report experiences so that others can see what is going on and compare their own experiences to know that it is all within the normal range. Heck, we may even discover some things!

Corto Maltese said:
I haven't had any more pain after the big attack and I continue to practice at least once a day. As i do, I notice there is enormous quantity of mucus being produced in my throat, so much so that i literally need to spit it out regularly during the day. With it I have this funny notion this mucus is toxic and I wouldn't dare to swallow it. Once I had to swallow it - I did feel sick immediately afterwards.
Dunno if this was autosuggestion - in any case i thought it was worth reporting.

This is also a good observation and possible explanation that makes sense. Not only is it possible to detox emotions in all sorts of physical ways (including body work and breathing!), it is possible to detox the body by stimulating the vagus nerve and all the processes that the associated organs control.

And not everyone is going to have the same stuff to cleanse! Everybody is different and unique and what you will go through will be similar, but not exactly the same.
Laura said:
I think that if your nose itches, scratch it and then gently bring your attention back to breathing or meditating. If you feel like you have to move, do it and bring your attention back to what you are doing. Maybe have a pillow handy if you feel the urge to punch something or hug something.

You can do the whole program, or you can do just the three stage breathing... or three stage breathing and warrior's breath, or just pipe breathing while you drive to work, or when you want to take a breather. If you do those things, then you don't need to do the whole program in one sitting... you can just do the meditation before going to sleep. In fact, doing JUST the meditation in bed to put yourself to sleep is good practice because it sets your FRV for sleep time so that the essence/higher self can continue to work while you sleep, clearing out old, stuffed emotions, bringing forgotten stuff to the surface so it can be processed, and so on.

It also might be a good idea to reserve doing the whole program on one or two days a week, and only do the other breathing parts as needed, and just the meditation before sleeping. Perhaps if we reserve Monday and Thursday evenings for doing the whole program, and we know that everyone else is going to be doing it on those days at some time, it will add force to our practice? You can assume, with the global presence of the people on this forum, that at any given time on those specified days, your practice will be simultaneous with someone else's or overlapping in time.

Of course, if you are ill or dealing with a specific problem, you might want to do it every day for a bit, but that really isn't necessary. What is MOST important to try to do every day is the meditation before sleeping.

Thank you Laura for describing and clarifying!
The pillow has already been an very good advice, I used at one time and punched it, and kneaded it, well it has been a great release!

Your idea with the whole program, to do it in two days in a week sounds like an very interesting experiment and the forum can then be very helpful, to give feedback etc. Hm, but what would be about the time, because of different time zones etc.?
But I think, a solution will be found, at least it is one experiment, imo, what means: experimentation! :)

RedFox said:
buddy said:
I followed everything to the letter, focussed on Laura's voice. Somewhere between the last prayer recital and the "Cosmic Mind bless you all", I was practically crying like a baby. Just a few gasps and sobs really, but quite a few tears.
Had exactly the same experience with the first attempt. The second one didn't feel quite as emotional, but when I did sob it felt like my sola plexus was bouncing around...it was a pretty weird sensation.
I slept really deeply last night....I'm not sure I've ever slept that deeply before.

The pipebreathing and meditation seem to be really getting some of my programs riled up....one of them is actually a fear of being heard crying. Seems like its less of a block the more I do this though. Anyone else have any experience with similar programs?

Yes I do, internal considering is always around, especially when it is going about feelings in my case (like to shield them from all other persons around me), thoughts are popping up: "what will others may think of you?", okay I'm living in a flat-sharing-community, but the same thoughts are popping up when I'm at home by my parents.
But what else I'm doing is the "warriors breath" in silent-mode, or as silent as possible, but it goes into the same direction of internal considering.
And "Cosmic Mind bless you all", gave me also some good tears.

Thanks again Laura for the whole program, it is such a helpful tool, to learn to work with emotions, to release them and, and, and!!!
The last three times I had a problem with limited depth and duration of in and outbreath; only the last time (today) did I realize that it was because of unconscious tension in the muscles around my stomach; it got a bit better by repeatedly slightly tensing and then relaxing them as I breathed.

As during the later stages of Beatha I thought as suggested that I was breathing out stress and tension, I began convulsing exactly as if sobbing - though I didn't cry or even feel any significant emotion (probably too deeply repressed).
Laura said:
You can do the whole program, or you can do just the three stage breathing... or three stage breathing and warrior's breath, or just pipe breathing while you drive to work, or when you want to take a breather. If you do those things, then you don't need to do the whole program in one sitting... you can just do the meditation before going to sleep. In fact, doing JUST the meditation in bed to put yourself to sleep is good practice because it sets your FRV for sleep time so that the essence/higher self can continue to work while you sleep, clearing out old, stuffed emotions, bringing forgotten stuff to the surface so it can be processed, and so on.

I do use to meditate before going to sleep in my bed, I breath in through the nose and out throught the mouth untill achieving a deeply relaxed state, where I start to meditate looking at a mirror I have in front of me, in fact while meditating breathing becomes almost imperceptible and I am only using mi nose.
It's very interesting to see how changes my face in the mirror, if I am able to look without prejudices I see what seems to be faces of other incarnations and essence remaining inside.

I think the most important thing is do not expect any specific outcome, and abandon fear and prejudice.

Laura said:
It also might be a good idea to reserve doing the whole program on one or two days a week, and only do the other breathing parts as needed, and just the meditation before sleeping. Perhaps if we reserve Monday and Thursday evenings for doing the whole program, and we know that everyone else is going to be doing it on those days at some time, it will add force to our practice? You can assume, with the global presence of the people on this forum, that at any given time on those specified days, your practice will be simultaneous with someone else's or overlapping in time.

I think it's a great idea!
Pryf said:
I do use to meditate before going to sleep in my bed, I breath in through the nose and out throught the mouth untill achieving a deeply relaxed state, where I start to meditate looking at a mirror I have in front of me, in fact while meditating breathing becomes almost imperceptible and I am only using mi nose.
It's very interesting to see how changes my face in the mirror, if I am able to look without prejudices I see what seems to be faces of other incarnations and essence remaining inside.

I think the most important thing is do not expect any specific outcome, and abandon fear and prejudice.

That is not a recommended method because, for the individual not armed with a massive amount of BEing, (and even some with), meditating without seed, or focused on the self, can invite delusion or possession. There was a book published some years ago advocating this technique and there were subsequently numerous reports of "infestation" by wandering entities looking for a place to land.
Csayeursost said:
The last three times I had a problem with limited depth and duration of in and outbreath; only the last time (today) did I realize that it was because of unconscious tension in the muscles around my stomach; it got a bit better by repeatedly slightly tensing and then relaxing them as I breathed.

Stomach, is the part of my body where I had more accumulated stress and unexpressed emotions, I had suffered some episodes of gastritis, and pain in the muscles around it, When in states of higher stress it feels like a closed window in my stomach keeping out a strong wind.

Meditation and breathing have been the keys, but also important to take care of the level of interaction with some persons.
Laura said:
Pryf said:
I do use to meditate before going to sleep in my bed, I breath in through the nose and out throught the mouth untill achieving a deeply relaxed state, where I start to meditate looking at a mirror I have in front of me, in fact while meditating breathing becomes almost imperceptible and I am only using mi nose.
It's very interesting to see how changes my face in the mirror, if I am able to look without prejudices I see what seems to be faces of other incarnations and essence remaining inside.

I think the most important thing is do not expect any specific outcome, and abandon fear and prejudice.

That is not a recommended method because, for the individual not armed with a massive amount of BEing, (and even some with), meditating without seed, or focused on the self, can invite delusion or possession. There was a book published some years ago advocating this technique and there were subsequently numerous reports of "infestation" by wandering entities looking for a place to land.
Uow , I didn't know that, I was just seeing it as something natural, then will stop using the mirror and try to focus only in the self.
Thank you

Pryf said:
Laura said:
Pryf said:
I do use to meditate before going to sleep in my bed, I breath in through the nose and out throught the mouth untill achieving a deeply relaxed state, where I start to meditate looking at a mirror I have in front of me, in fact while meditating breathing becomes almost imperceptible and I am only using mi nose.
It's very interesting to see how changes my face in the mirror, if I am able to look without prejudices I see what seems to be faces of other incarnations and essence remaining inside.

I think the most important thing is do not expect any specific outcome, and abandon fear and prejudice.

That is not a recommended method because, for the individual not armed with a massive amount of BEing, (and even some with), meditating without seed, or focused on the self, can invite delusion or possession. There was a book published some years ago advocating this technique and there were subsequently numerous reports of "infestation" by wandering entities looking for a place to land.
Uow , I didn't know that, I was just seeing it as something natural, then will stop using the mirror and try to focus only in the self.
Thank you


(emphasis mine)

According to Laura, it's not a good idea either.

I tried this technique a few years ago and, yes, it produces "effects" for sure, I was able to see my face "changing" too, but I decided not to renew the experience because, well, it was creepy.
I’ve been doing the complete program every night before I go to bed. At the end of the bioenergetic breathing, I get into bed, turn off the light, and finish off with the Prayer of the Soul before going to sleep. Laura’s voice is so soothing and comforting that I never tire of hearing the instructions. During the meditation Laura’s voice seems to change volume at different points in the audio on different occasions.

Sometimes in the bioenergetic breathing I find I need to move, and I allow this. It’s never been major movements, usually clenching fists and rocking torso.

For the past few days I’ve been re-reading The Narcissistic Family which paints a very clear portrait of me, my childhood (which I can’t remember) and how I am as an adult. It is very painful to read this book, and see this narcissistic wounding in myself. For the past couple of days I have been feeling very weary, lacking in energy – I feel that I could fall asleep at any moment. I feel that the emotional component of this is grief and pain, or perhaps suppressed rage, but it feels most like grief. I haven’t been able to express it in tears yet. Perhaps it doesn’t need to come out as tears . . . I don’t know yet. But I am going to continue with the meditation program, which I absolutely love.
Approaching Infinity said:
Can three-stage breathing be done without the arm positions?

I am no expert but after doing it for many days i would say that the arm positions allow the air to go deeper in the lungs.

When the arms are above the shoulders, it is easier to feel the air going up to the top of the lungs.

I think each type of position is working differently for the lungs.

Citation de: Pryf le Aujourd'hui à 07:48:13
Citation de: Laura le Aujourd'hui à 07:31:48
Citation de: Pryf le Aujourd'hui à 07:20:11

I do use to meditate before going to sleep in my bed, I breath in through the nose and out throught the mouth untill achieving a deeply relaxed state, where I start to meditate looking at a mirror I have in front of me, in fact while meditating breathing becomes almost imperceptible and I am only using mi nose.
It's very interesting to see how changes my face in the mirror, if I am able to look without prejudices I see what seems to be faces of other incarnations and essence remaining inside.

I think the most important thing is do not expect any specific outcome, and abandon fear and prejudice.

That is not a recommended method because, for the individual not armed with a massive amount of BEing, (and even some with), meditating without seed, or focused on the self, can invite delusion or possession. There was a book published some years ago advocating this technique and there were subsequently numerous reports of "infestation" by wandering entities looking for a place to land.
Uow , I didn't know that, I was just seeing it as something natural, then will stop using the mirror and try to focus only in the self.
Thank you

Thank Laura for the info, some may have thought that I use the mirror during meditation which is not the case, I was more asking a question and seeking a explanation for those faces that appeared in the mirror by accident whit out me desiring them to be there. What ever they represent, I never felt any treat just wonder. Well I will be careful whit them from now on. Got to go thunder storm again.

I still do the whole program for the moment when time permits.

Here is a few things that I have noticed so far :
I had a few twitch in my shoulder while doing the exercises, I felt very tense in my legs and feet a couple of times, I woke up a few times during the night sneezing heavily and my nose running heavily, twice I had a strong itch in my throat and when I allowed it to pass a strong but brief feeling of sadness came to me, I still don't know if I zone out or just fall asleep briefly during the meditation and sometimes during the bio energetic breathing.

I am more cranky than usual like there is some emotion that needs to be let out but it might be due to something else than the exercises ;)
I've mainly had issues with sitting cross-legged for so long. My legs fall asleep and start bothering me. I end up sitting with legs straightened out in front of me, which eases the "pins and needles" sensation and lets me concentrate on the program and my inner state better. It certainly is a discipline and seems like it is meant to "do what IT does not like" in a lot of ways, like holding the arms in position during 3-stage or just the length of the ba-haa portion, which makes a part of me want to just quit when it starts to get tired of it all. Certainly seems like their are many layers to the affect it has on me.
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