Éiriú-Eolas - Breathing Program

I've been doing the breathing exercises consistently and had similar experiences described by others. A few times, there were interesting images popping into my head, when I was "zoomed out". I heard twice people who were not there, once when I was waking up from a nap. I'll later inquire with the person about what I heard, and found out it never happened, the person was not even at home when I supposedly heard him.

Then, my dream journal passed from a few sentences, to entire paragraphs when I started doing the breathing exercises. And it doesn't matter if I will have a "good" day, or "bad" day, I will have "bad" and weird dreams. I do tend to repress my negative feelings though. At the beginning I had trouble falling asleep, or I will wake up numerous times during the night. Now, it has been several days when I manage to sleep 8 hours straight. [Knocking on wood! For all I know, I'll have trouble sleeping tonight]. I find that doing the 3 stage breathing is energizing and the prayer and baha are more relaxing. So I'll try doing the 3 stage during the day and the prayer before falling asleep.

[quote author=Approaching Infinity]
During light meditation (the goal of which is to see Divine Light during meditation) I saw a lighthouse in my mind's eye, and as it turned towards my field of vision the light was so bright it startled me out of my state.[/quote]

That is interesting. A very bright light appeared in one of my zoom out states and I was so startled, that I lost "concentration". It had partially the configuration of an atom symbol, it was too bright to distinguish the rest.

[quote author=Approaching Infinity]The room was full of poisonous bees and I knew that she had put them there for the purpose of killing me. The thing was, in the dream this was a GOOD thing, and something that I'd done before, so I was thankful to her. [/quote]

I was wondering about bees because I had a dream with bees the other night as well. [checking dream journal...] Well, there was a hive and I took a bee in my hands, I remember the feeling of being "stung". Same night I dreamed that I was swimming in the sea towards some dolphins. The other day I had a dream that my astrological planet was not Pluto, but Plutarch, LOL! I won't go into details of the bad dreams... but they do make sense according to my past experiences.
3D Resident said:
The other thing I found was that during the bioenergetic breathing, more so during the faster sections, my nose began to sting as if the air I was breathing in was really cold (the air temperature was only about 22 degrees Celsius. or 72 F). I had to cease breathing entirely through my nose and breath through both my nose and mouth to reduce the discomfort. I guess I’ll have to change my technique, or perhaps it will lessen with time.

This is something I've noticed as well. My nose stings and feels cold, and when I touch it with my hand it feels cold to the touch as well. The same thing happens to me when I'm running and breathing hard, so I figure it has something to do with the volume of air passing through my nostrils.

annp said:
I have been a forum member for awhile but am one of those who has difficulty posting. However I am excited, because in spite of the blocks I still feel when I think about posting, I now feel a stronger sense of wanting to be a part of this - and i sense that hanging in the background only reading is not what i want to do going forward.

Thank you so much Laura and SOTT for all you have given us!!

I second this. I have been reading the forum, Sott.net and the recommended books for some time, most steadily in the past 6 months or so, but I rarely post for a variety of reasons. I think that at the root of my reluctance is fear, but lately it feels like I can see the fear and move forward anyway. It is still there, but its not standing in my way. I noticed others expressing similar feelings:

Think said:
Since starting to read Laura's books (somehow it makes me feel as if I knew Laura), I noticed subtle changes in my behavior. Here are some. I have two lovely pugs, whom I love dearly. I do live in Scotland, and the weather here is unpredictable. It seems as if Scotland is "blessed" with a permanent April. For a couple of weeks now, I see myself somewhat more energized, getting myself ready to take the boyz (pugs) on a walk for an hour, even if I do not feel like going. I never regret it. The boyz are having fun on these little walks, and seeing them enjoying themselves is like them saying thank you!

On three consecutive occasions walking the boyz, it started to rain quiet heavily and unexpectedly and we were getting soaked to the bones. Only a few weeks ago, this would have made me uncomfortable, angry even. Not now. I find myself smiling, even laughing in the rain. Somehow, I am able to not only accept, but embrace situations that I was less than happy about just a short few weeks ago.

I find myself similarly diving into situations that I would have shied away from in the past.

Corto Maltese said:
I also noticed that short mantra - 'Divine Cosmic Mind live in me now!' has very powerful effects in everyday life. Whenever I find myself in difficult situations where I have to perform at work under a lot of pressure as well as in usual daily inter-human reactions this mantra has very powerful effect in helping me to remember myself. Consecutively my actions have completely different flavor and they seem pretty much out of my usual character ( or my usual personality).

I've done all kinds of different meditation techniques and been practicing hatha yoga for long time but have never experienced something like this.
Indeed, it seems we have been given very powerful tool.

Last year I worked primarily as a web developer, staying at home, by myself, away from people. This was basically the culmination of several years of withdrawing into myself, away from other people. This spring I felt the urge to move in the other direction, so I got a job at the local restaurant, busing and waiting tables. I have been interacting with all sorts of people, often in uncomfortable (for me) situations. Situations where I find myself holding my breath and freezing up. This was exactly the sort of thing that would have sent me running in the past, but I am working to see these situations as learning opportunities, and I sought out the job for that very reason. The breathing exercises and a focus on breath in general has been very helpful in the past two weeks. As Corto Maltese says, we have been given a very powerful tool that can aid us in our work.
fwiw joined in for the third time last night, and had quite a different experience compared to before.
I zoned out a handful of times, but put this down to possibly being tired (the full meditation and even just doing the prayer of the soul before sleep are aiding in sleep, its very deep....but am feeling an odd sort of tired in the day now, not drained, just tired...usually its both) as I zoned out during the 3 stage breathing, and many times during the Ba-Ha portion.....when I zoned out I stopped breathing also.

Corto Maltese said:
I noticed as of recently , as soon as Laura's voice starts I get permeated with this inner smile,very hard to describe - when I say the inner smile I mean this joy that can be felt in the internal organs, it starts from my plexus and I end up with constant relaxed smile on my face throughout the whole session. Its like, your whole body is smiling with some extraordinary quiet joy.

This time during the meditation was quite different....firstly my breathing was quite shallow (it seemed natural that way) and I zoned out slightly for the first and second round of the prayer, I started tingling all over and had an intense warmth start building inside me. On the third round it was like my lungs opened up (massively)...I was able to take huge slow relaxed breaths without any effort. It also felt like breathing sea air, it was fresh and cooling. At this point I was taken over by the inner smile Corto describes above, the intense warmth I felt felt like joy (for want of a better word) but I've never felt joy like that before. It was a sweet sorrow, it felt balanced and refined?
For a moment I thought I heard children laughing/playing....then someone talking (like you would hear if they where just outside your rooms door), though I couldn't make out the words.
On the fourth (I think) round of the prayer, I saw light and then realised (?) I could see to my left, as if laid on my left hand side (my eye where closed and I was laid on my back facing the ceiling). I also felt/saw (tactile seeing?) myself laid in bed from above.....but this wasn't like an out of body thing....it was kind of like being in two places at once, and just felt totally natural/normal and unforced (which from my understanding out of body experiences Are forced if you seek to have them). This only happened for a moment.
The 'joy' spread through (filled?) my entire body to point where it felt like my whole body was breathing when I breathed, and that everything was working in unison? No where complete, but working in unison none the less. Like a perfect work in progress?

Words fail me really trying to describe any of this. Other than just to say it is quite beautiful and liberating. The more I do this the less I anticipate any kind of outcome.....the more seems to happen!
It does seem to be having an impact on my 'personality' and observations. I seem to take everything less personally and am generally (osit) better at observing things more clearly.

Approaching Infinity said:
The room was full of poisonous bees and I knew that she had put them there for the purpose of killing me. The thing was, in the dream this was a GOOD thing, and something that I'd done before, so I was thankful to her.

I use to have dreams of swarms of bee's/flying insects a long time ago. It was around the time I was worried I had cancer....knowing what I know now (from the transcripts) about such things would suggest it could be then related to fear of disease and the emotional blockages that lead to the disease. Sounds like your clearing some stuff up! :)

I dream quite vividly 99% of the time, and since finding sott would have more than one dream per night I could recall. Since starting these meditations I've actually been dreaming less and sleeping more deeply. The dreams I have had have mostly been more of my usual dreams, but with some new twists.....mostly there is more clutter and more exploring/tidying up going on! (my 'house' is full of junk)
There is a lot less stress and fear in my dreams also. I use to have knightmares for years when I was younger and got so use to them they became normal, so to have mostly peaceful non stressful (even if they where chaotic) dreams is new for me! So is NOT dreaming.
Quote from 3D Resident
First off, I just wish to thank Laura and the team for producing an incredible, powerful set of exercises that have given me something I have been looking for for years. I have always wanted to “get into meditation” or yoga-like practices, but I always got distracted, or made up excuses for not doing so. Also I found it very hard to meditate for any length of time.
This is so interesting because I have never been consistent with meditation – my mind wanders and I find all manner of excuses to just not sit still and meditate. But amazingly, since making a CD of the breathing program – I have been very consistent – it is as though some more sensible part of me has drawn a line in the sand and said it’s now or never. But it feels right and I have really not had to coerce myself at all!

Quote from Psyche
At the beginning I had trouble falling asleep, or I will wake up numerous times during the night. Now, it has been several days when I manage to sleep 8 hours straight. [Knocking on wood!]

Quote from RedFox
I zoned out a handful of times, but put this down to possibly being tired (the full meditation and even just doing the prayer of the soul before sleep are aiding in sleep, its very deep....but am feeling an odd sort of tired in the day now, not drained, just tired...usually its both) as I zoned out during the 3 stage breathing, and many times during the Ba-Ha portion.....when I zoned out I stopped breathing also…
[…]Since starting these meditations I've actually been dreaming less and sleeping more deeply.

I normally wake up several times during the night – the past few nights after doing the breathing I have slept almost the whole night – deeply – and don’t remember dreaming. I have been asking silently for any really deep or possibly past life traumas to be released in sleep. Last night I did not wake up at all and this morning I felt like I could barely raise my head I was so tired. But I feel very centered and calm today – and for the first time in ages, I did not wake up feeling either frightened or sad. Most interesting!

I actually had more difficulty last night with fidgeting – had to swallow many times, had to change positions and wanted to put my hand in a Reiki position on my diaphragm for support during the Beatha. The Beatha really works my diaphragm muscles and I realized that they aren’t really that strong. Often I notice my spine will pop, as if I am getting a chiropractic adjustment – so I am wondering if I am working the muscles too hard – it’s just that when the breathing part goes fast, it’s hard to keep up. Eventually I just really zoned out as well – I was on my sofa and just slept there for awhile before getting up to go to bed, just could not move!

Quote from Seamas
Last year I worked primarily as a web developer, staying at home, by myself, away from people. This was basically the culmination of several years of withdrawing into myself, away from other people. This spring I felt the urge to move in the other direction, so I got a job at the local restaurant, busing and waiting tables. I have been interacting with all sorts of people, often in uncomfortable (for me) situations.

I have also tended to withdraw – one reason is to have time to read/study. But also because I live in an area where I am a bit out of step with the “regular Bible-totin' folk”. And then there is the New Age and the artistic community – and that was more uncomfortable as I realized I had certain expectations. At any rate, the last few weeks, I feel it much easier to interact with people. I am much more accepting of the fact that it is highly unlikely that anyone around me will see or look “behind the curtain” and that’s OK. I feel more able to take people as they are and don’t feel as lonely or weird. Not that I am not lonely sometimes, but it does not feel so onerous. I have decided that I am living where I do for some reason and when that changes or I change, I will find the resources to move.
Laura said:
Pinkerton said:
I've mainly had issues with sitting cross-legged for so long. My legs fall asleep and start bothering me. I end up sitting with legs straightened out in front of me, which eases the "pins and needles" sensation and lets me concentrate on the program and my inner state better. It certainly is a discipline and seems like it is meant to "do what IT does not like" in a lot of ways, like holding the arms in position during 3-stage or just the length of the ba-haa portion, which makes a part of me want to just quit when it starts to get tired of it all. Certainly seems like their are many layers to the affect it has on me.

Geeze, sit in a chair. Be comfortable. The girls in the video are doing yoga and stuff and they sometimes do the program in a chair or lying down! I ALWAYS do it in a chair! With my knees?!

Oh good. I've been doing it laying down all along and was wondering if that was okay... ;)
Hi all,

I am having a real problem trying to find a time/place to do my infrared sauna since I started doing the breathing and meditation. I used to take my sauna late evening, depending on what time I got off work. Since starting the program, I have noted that I can't do the breathing to late in the evening or I am to charged up to sleep. I usually try to do my breathing work in the morning now and then do the meditation program at bedtime. This is where the problem comes in for me. I don't usually have the time in the morning to do both the breathing and the sauna. I have tried doing both when time permitted but had problems. When I completed the breathing exercise first and then try to get in my bag, I can't seem to sit still for my sauna. When I tried the reverse routine, doing a morning sauna first, I only want to take a shower and get going for the day. I can't seem to be dedicated to follow through with the breathing exercise.

At night the last thing I want to do after taking a sauna is settle down and start my meditation program. I have tried to do my sauna soon after coming home from work and taking a shower after, and then doing my meditation before bed. The problem is that after the sauna and shower, I find it difficult to sit down and do my reading on the forum, etc. I am feeling very pressed to do all the things that I think are important, yet not coming up with any solutions. I may very well be creating obstacles for myself and just not aware of what I am doing to myself.

I would greatly appreciate any thoughts on how to resolve these problems. I do know that the breathing and meditation are resulting in major impacts on my mental and physical being and that the sauna has been a major source of improving my joint problems, as well as the detox impacts.

Any thoughts or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

gwb wrote:
I would greatly appreciate any thoughts on how to resolve these problems. I do know that the breathing and meditation are resulting in major impacts on my mental and physical being and that the sauna has been a major source of improving my joint problems, as well as the detox impacts.

Well, since you do not seem to be able to do both on the same day, why don't you consider alternating the breathing and meditation on one day and then the infrared sauna on the next. Both are important and this way they will not be interfering with each other.
I thought I'd post a few "symptoms" that have occurred during my two years of doing Bioenergetic breathing (on my own and with the therapist). I'm not trying to list these manifestations, if you will, as any scientific proof of anything. But as Laura wrote, maybe it's good to have some descriptions of what could happen during a session, especially if you're doing it all alone.

Mild "symptoms":

- Really itchy nose; nose "spasms"; broadening of the nostrils. Not painful but VERY persistent phenomenon!
- Face contracts into strange grimaces. Sometimes REALLY strong pulling of face muscles-mildly painful! Often accompanied by a realization of some emotion (I have had) while "doing that face".
- The usual tinglings of arms and legs. Usually starts in the hands/arms. Not painful, but on a few occasions after a session with my therapist I've not been able to move my legs for a while!
- Feeling of eyes "relocating" behind eyelids (closed).
- Hearing sounds; sometimes talking (no one physically there), sometimes ringing in ears.

Stronger "symptoms":

- Really sudden and painful contraction in diaphragm; sometimes my upper torso lifts all the way up because of the intensity!(I usually do the breathing while lying on my back)
- Other sudden pains on different locations of the body, mostly in the stomach area.
- Strong feeling of pressure/weight on stomach area or ribcage. This usually "freezes" the breathing. The pressure lifts when I succeed in breathing properly again.
- Amazingly strong "force" spreading my fingers apart, or arching my palms.
- Choking feeling; back and neck arches backwards.

Stranger "symptoms":

- At one session with my therapist I felt that I rotated 180 degrees! But when I opened my eyes I of course hadn't. Strange feeling though.
- At one session with my therapist my arm rose straight up, then my hand sought my throat as to protect it. This felt strange because I wasn't doing it "myself".
- On some occasions my fingers of the left hand have started tapping some rhythms (like Morse code ;) ). I of course was reminded of the stories of Greenbauming-victims, but I really hope this is not the case here...

Okay, I'll post some more if I encounter or recall some new ones...
Current 'progress': with each completion of three stage breathing, I'm able to stand up straight and move much better.

The nerve pain is happening more now after doing the breathing. I'm going to see if Hubby can put the audio for the meditation on an mp3 player for me to do lying down.

More 'news' as it happens. :D
Hi All,
I've been doing the whole program daily simply because I am fortunate enough to have the time and I am absolutely loving the results ;D I've never had such peaceful sleep at night and the futon I sleep on during my work week used to make me sore as heck, but no longer. So far I have experienced the facial contraction almost every night as Aragorn had pointed out. My upper lip seems to tense up for lack of a better description. I have also experienced the tingling in the arms and legs frequently but not always. I was having trouble with my stomach area tensing up but that seems to be getting better and better with each time. I also noticed the one time I did Beatha while seated in a chair, my stomach area did not tense at all. Normally I am sitting on my bed in the crossed legged position.

One thing I had also noticed, (maybe its just me) is that my appetite has changed quite a bit. I no longer seem to want all those foods that were bad for me but its not that I made a conscious choice to do so. My body just seems to be telling me. When ever I try to decide what to have for lunch or dinner, the usual stuff just doesn't appeal to me any more. Of course I consider this to be a good thing but its just strange because nothing like this has ever happened to me before.
Seamas said:
3D Resident said:
The other thing I found was that during the bioenergetic breathing, more so during the faster sections, my nose began to sting as if the air I was breathing in was really cold (the air temperature was only about 22 degrees Celsius. or 72 F). I had to cease breathing entirely through my nose and breath through both my nose and mouth to reduce the discomfort. I guess I’ll have to change my technique, or perhaps it will lessen with time.

This is something I've noticed as well. My nose stings and feels cold, and when I touch it with my hand it feels cold to the touch as well. The same thing happens to me when I'm running and breathing hard, so I figure it has something to do with the volume of air passing through my nostrils.

It turns out that I have found a solution to this problem, based on some advice I read several pages ago (sorry, I can't remember who it was). I basically forget all about my nose, and simply concentrate on filling up my diaphragm with air, while keeping my mouth closed. This seems to lessen the quickness of the air flowing through my nose, thereby reducing the stinging sensation.
Been doing the full 3 stage breathing, bioenergetic breathing and meditations about every other day or so. (Thanks to all so much for these exercises)
I find during the pipe breathing I get really hot. Very uncomfortable, but I follow through focusing on my diaphragm and Laura's voice. Also I sort of have a suffocating feeling during holding my breath, feelings of panic that are alleviated when I release my breath. As I move through this the feelings start to dispate, but my thoughts wander on "how many more do we have to do?" I bring my focus again to Laura's voice and my breath at the diaphragm. And I find that I work my way through it. The heat stops with the warriors breath.

At times during bioenergy breathe exercise, there is a muscle in my diaphragm that spasms. I have many of the other experiences that my fellow forum participants have, tingles, twitches, nerve pain, etc. Though I relate the nerve pain to fibromaylgia and back injuries. Sometimes I sit in a chair through all the breathing exercises and then lay down for the meditation. Other times I sit for the first 2 stages and lay down for the 3rd and meditation parts. Depends on how my body feels in the moment. I do not get to involved in if I am doing this incorrectly, trusting that as I do this I will get better at it. After the mediation I have a strong sense of peace. I take a walk in my garden and just feel. I listen to the sounds of the life around me and say silent prayers of gratitude to all.

Love the idea of Mondays and Thursdays. Thanks to all for your input.
gwb said:
I would greatly appreciate any thoughts on how to resolve these problems. I do know that the breathing and meditation are resulting in major impacts on my mental and physical being and that the sauna has been a major source of improving my joint problems, as well as the detox impacts.

Any thoughts or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


This sounds like one of my tendencies. It seems there's just not enough time in the day to do all the things that needs to be done.
I recommend giving priority to the breathing/meditation exercises (since they are resulting in major impacts on your mental and physical being) alternating the sauna/shower thing every other day.

It's all up to you of course, but since you stated "I am feeling very pressed to do all the things that I think are important...", I would give priority to those activities that deal with that stress.

3D Resident said:
It turns out that I have found a solution to this problem, based on some advice I read several pages ago (sorry, I can't remember who it was). I basically forget all about my nose, and simply concentrate on filling up my diaphragm with air, while keeping my mouth closed. This seems to lessen the quickness of the air flowing through my nose, thereby reducing the stinging sensation.

You might be referring to Reply #333 by Black Swan. So far, the advice has helped me with my nose issue.

Black Swan said:
You may want to try concentrating your inhalation from the throat & diaphram rather than the nostril. It allows for much smoother and deeper inhalation in my experience. In other words, when breathing in through the nose, draw the breath in from the throat and diaphram letting the air gently come through the nostrils into the nose but the emphasis of the inhalation comes from throat and diaphram.
I could not do the program on Thursday--I will be starting it in the next 10 minutes--so if anyone can join in on such short notice, that would be great.

Frank J.
Namaste said:
I am going to take a pause after the bio energetci breathing for the next couple of days and see what is going to happen.

I have done it again tonight and i took a pause before doing the meditation.

During that time, tears came to my eyes and i felt in the area of the heart pain and constriction. Moreover, i felt that i had a kind of a hole on the top of my head.

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