Éiriú-Eolas - Breathing Program

Richard S said:
gwb wrote:
I would greatly appreciate any thoughts on how to resolve these problems. I do know that the breathing and meditation are resulting in major impacts on my mental and physical being and that the sauna has been a major source of improving my joint problems, as well as the detox impacts.

Well, since you do not seem to be able to do both on the same day, why don't you consider alternating the breathing and meditation on one day and then the infrared sauna on the next. Both are important and this way they will not be interfering with each other.

Thanks Richard. I am so anal that I get myself locked in to how I think something has to be and miss the obvious.
Quote from Buddy
This sounds like one of my tendencies. It seems there's just not enough time in the day to do all the things that needs to be done.
I recommend giving priority to the breathing/meditation exercises (since they are resulting in major impacts on your mental and physical being) alternating the sauna/shower thing every other day.

It's all up to you of course, but since you stated "I am feeling very pressed to do all the things that I think are important...", I would give priority to those activities that deal with that stress.

Thanks Buddy, I think I am getting a handle on this now.
This is Monday... and I think it should be the first Monday where we all try to practice in the evening on the same day - the whole program! It doesn't matter what time "evening" is where you are, all that matters is that you do it on Monday with everyone else.

I've decided to change our regular sessions to Mondays instead of Saturdays also, so it will probably be the case that some of you will be doing the breathing/meditation while we are having the session. I'm interested to see if that will add any energy to the system.

From everything that all of you are writing about your experiences, it really does sound like some major "movements" are initiating in your emotional centers and definite cleansing and releases are occurring. I just want to remind everyone that, in addition to doing this, it is still important to pay close attention to reality. In fact, your ability to do so, and to see it more and more objectively, will increase as you continue with the breathing/meditation. Imagine the strength of being able to look the Universe in the eye without flinching, AND to be able to feel the deepest, and purest emotions - to love the Universe unconditionally - and to have the cool, calm ability to deal with whatever is in our future effectively and efficiently!

Life is religion. Life experiences reflect how one interacts with God. Those who are asleep are those of little faith in terms of their interaction with the creation. Some people think that the world exists for them to overcome or ignore or shut out. For those individuals, the worlds will cease. They will become exactly what they give to life. They will become merely a dream in the "past." People who pay strict attention to objective reality right and left, become the reality of the "Future."

Let's see what the "reality of the future" can be like with the presence on the planet of hundreds or thousands of such individuals!
Laura said:
I've decided to change our regular sessions to Mondays instead of Saturdays also, so it will probably be the case that some of you will be doing the breathing/meditation while we are having the session. I'm interested to see if that will add any energy to the system.

Thank you for this change.
Is it possible to know what time do you usually have sessions?
It may be good idea for all of us to know when you are doing the session with Cs in our own time zone.
Even it will be not evening time to do the full meditation may be some of us can at least 'participate' with pipe breathing exercise at exact time from all over the world. What do you think? :)

(Added after Session 5 Aug 2009)
Please read:
"The announcement of the scheduled session gave those seeking the opportunity to attack Laura"! :cry:
I hope to be meditating at approx 9.30pm Sydney time. I haven’t been able to do the beatha breathing for a few days but instead have been doing the Pipe Breathing and Prayer for the Soul.

I noticed when I first started the Pipe Breathing I started to get a bit itchy all over. Then when I added the Beatha Breathing the itchiness increased to the point it was sooo annoying. This lasted for about 3 ½ days and I was faithfully doing the Beatha Breathing. Of course it may have been caused by something I ate, but this whole event coincided with my being upset by an old friend – I guess you could say the friend got under my skin and I was brooding over it. It’s interesting because after a few spontaneous crying episodes for no apparent reason the hurt from the friend subsided.

I have had other crying episodes in difficult public places, but I have just let it all out and not worried what other people thought. I feel a lot lighter in body and mind. Unfortunately it’s difficult for me to do the full meditation every day due to family interruptions etc, so Laura’s advice has taken the stress away.
Laura said:
This is Monday... and I think it should be the first Monday where we all try to practice in the evening on the same day - the whole program! It doesn't matter what time "evening" is where you are, all that matters is that you do it on Monday with everyone else.

I've decided to change our regular sessions to Mondays instead of Saturdays also, so it will probably be the case that some of you will be doing the breathing/meditation while we are having the session. I'm interested to see if that will add any energy to the system.

From everything that all of you are writing about your experiences, it really does sound like some major "movements" are initiating in your emotional centers and definite cleansing and releases are occurring. I just want to remind everyone that, in addition to doing this, it is still important to pay close attention to reality. In fact, your ability to do so, and to see it more and more objectively, will increase as you continue with the breathing/meditation. Imagine the strength of being able to look the Universe in the eye without flinching, AND to be able to feel the deepest, and purest emotions - to love the Universe unconditionally - and to have the cool, calm ability to deal with whatever is in our future effectively and efficiently!

Life is religion. Life experiences reflect how one interacts with God. Those who are asleep are those of little faith in terms of their interaction with the creation. Some people think that the world exists for them to overcome or ignore or shut out. For those individuals, the worlds will cease. They will become exactly what they give to life. They will become merely a dream in the "past." People who pay strict attention to objective reality right and left, become the reality of the "Future."

Let's see what the "reality of the future" can be like with the presence on the planet of hundreds or thousands of such individuals!

Yes indeed.
While doing the program I have moments in which my emotional center feels ''out of control''. And while hearing and saying the Prayer of the Soul I feel connected with all of you and the Universe, it's a feeling of being happy and also a bit of sadness at the same time. Though I think we can't be sure if our feelings is that what we think they are or represent.

I think this transcript would fit here as well:

A: [...] And, by the way, Noah is a symbolic message rather than an historical event.

Q: (L) Do you mean a historical event in the terms of Noah being in an ark or historical event in terms of the flood?

A: First of all, there was no "Noah". Secondly there was no actual real flood as depicted in that story. Thirdly, the whole story was a symbolic message as opposed to an actual event.

Q: (L) What did actually occur and what does the symbolism have to tell us?

A: It is a very broad representation. It simply means that there was a cataclysmic event that did envelop the whole planet at that time and that those that were ready to experience that as part of their soul development without exiting the body, were warned ahead of time. But not by trying to manipulate events, but by simply allowing faith to let them acquire knowledge and being naturally drawn into position to experience what they needed to experience to survive the event.
Can someone do the breatha breathing without doing the exercises shown in the video? Reason am asking is I have still not been able to download the video for many days now. Any advice on this will be welcome :(
I am doing the pipe breathing with the diaphragm quite regularly and have had some of the experiences described above and am really interested to see where I can go with the breatha breathing.
Buddy said:
3D Resident said:
It turns out that I have found a solution to this problem, based on some advice I read several pages ago (sorry, I can't remember who it was). I basically forget all about my nose, and simply concentrate on filling up my diaphragm with air, while keeping my mouth closed. This seems to lessen the quickness of the air flowing through my nose, thereby reducing the stinging sensation.

You might be referring to Reply #333 by Black Swan. So far, the advice has helped me with my nose issue.

Black Swan said:
You may want to try concentrating your inhalation from the throat & diaphram rather than the nostril. It allows for much smoother and deeper inhalation in my experience. In other words, when breathing in through the nose, draw the breath in from the throat and diaphram letting the air gently come through the nostrils into the nose but the emphasis of the inhalation comes from throat and diaphram.

Thank you both for taking the time to reply, I will keep this in mind today.

Laura said:
I just want to remind everyone that, in addition to doing this, it is still important to pay close attention to reality. In fact, your ability to do so, and to see it more and more objectively, will increase as you continue with the breathing/meditation.

Thank you for the reminder Laura. It is helpful to remember that the exercises are a tool to help us on our way so we don't get too caught up in the experiences we are having. As I work in the evenings on Mondays, I will be practicing around noon, my time, I look forward to practicing with some of you.

Marcus-Aurelius said:
Can someone do the breatha breathing without doing the exercises shown in the video? Reason am asking is I have still not been able to download the video for many days now. Any advice on this will be welcome :(
I am doing the pipe breathing with the diaphragm quite regularly and have had some of the experiences described above and am really interested to see where I can go with the breatha breathing.

Hi Marcus
My understanding is that the video showed you two things, firstly warm up exercises, secondly an overview of others practicing the full program.
If I remember correctly Laura says that you can practice your own warm up exercises.
What I do is to take a half hour hot magnesium bath (this deeply relaxes my muscles), I then stretch out my muscles before doing the program. So I think as long as you can do a aerobic/yoga warm up (or perhaps just have a hot [magnesium] bath) to relax your muscles before hand that would be fine.
Marcus Aurelius, strictly speaking you dont need to see the video in order to be able to practice, although it does make it great deal easier especially for visual types of people.
As red fox said first bit is about relaxation, then three staged breathing is demonstrated and then bioenergetic breathing, but with bioneregetic breathing and meditation there isnt much to be seen.
If you listen to audio and follow Laura's voice you shouldn't have any problems. It is explained very nicely and patiently even for visual types.
Of course the prerequisite is to listen introductory audio and master pipe breathing and diaphragmatic work.
The only thing that is not said is that during the second stage breathing you need to extend the belly first and then chest. The air is exaled in the same order OSIT At least this is how I understood it as I remember Laura saying this somewhere on the forum. If I got it wrong this might be a good opportunity to correct me.
Cosmic mind bless you all ( instead of -may the force be with you) :)
I had read up to reply # 403 when I went to bed last night, so I didn't know about the Monday thing. As it turned out, this morning is Monday and at 10:00 a.m. eastern standard time (GMC -500), I did the meditation audio (pipe-breath, warrior's breath, Bio-energetic breathing, Ba-Ha, Prayer of the Soul) sitting in my car after class.

When the audio finished, I opened my eyes feeling very relaxed and just looked up at the sky. My sense of yearning was focused on what I needed right now for my development. I had the sensation of sensing the utter vastness and depth of the Universe and a little tinge of fear - like when all of a sudden you realize that instead of being in the shallow part of a pool, you're way out in the ocean and there's no footing for a looong way down.

The tinge of fear passed, and I felt sort of like a sense of joy but I wasn't sure where it was coming from. I was visualizing Cosmic Mind having the entire infinite vastness of the Universe at It's disposal and freely, completely, totally giving, without limits, to anyone who asks. It was almost as if I were experiencing a tiny hint of the BEingness of Cosmic Mind, but that sounds very strange to say (and I was tempted not to say it).

I had a deep sense of how so much of what I hold onto, from money to self-concepts, is mainly due to one of two possibilities: a fear of there 'not being enough' or a fear of getting lost, or losing myself, in the vastness of All there is.

As I lay there, reclining in my seat, tears streamed down my face and I just allowed myself to experience what there was to experience. After about 5 more minutes, I was ready to crank up and go home.

I will try to do the whole thing again this evening, before bed.
Thank you, Laura and the all Sott - QFG-team for this remarkable work!
I did all the three parts: pipe-breathing, the video with excercises and the three-type of brething, then the meditation section,
from 12:30 to 2 pm.
I felt much, much better! When I finished, I had a little tears, too.
But it helped me with my depression, which I struggle already for a wile.
I don't feel that advanced, then most of you, guys.
Some of the suggested books still I didn't finished.
I try to do the work, but my programs just keep coming back...
But at least I recognize them, but I can't stop them sometimes.

Thanks again, I try do it every day!
Love the sound of Laura's voice!
Laura said:
This is Monday... and I think it should be the first Monday where we all try to practice in the evening on the same day - the whole program! It doesn't matter what time "evening" is where you are, all that matters is that you do it on Monday with everyone else.

Hmmm, that's odd. It says this message was posted "yesterday" yet TODAY is Monday. Maybe it's the time zone thing.
Shar said:
Hmmm, that's odd. It says this message was posted "yesterday" yet TODAY is Monday. Maybe it's the time zone thing.

Yea, You can change it from you your profile page as you might have already know.
I set up it for Europe time zone even I am living in U.S.A.
So with that setting Laura's post seems to be posted on:
Reply #407 on: Today at 09:00:39 AM
, which does match her message. It was her morning 'wake up' call for all of us! :)
Shar said:
Laura said:
This is Monday... and I think it should be the first Monday where we all try to practice in the evening on the same day - the whole program! It doesn't matter what time "evening" is where you are, all that matters is that you do it on Monday with everyone else.

Hmmm, that's odd. It says this message was posted "yesterday" yet TODAY is Monday. Maybe it's the time zone thing.

Hi Shar,

My time is set to US time and Laura's post says "Today" on my screen. :/

Not sure what to tell ya. Is your time setting set up correctly?

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