Puzzle said:edit: Thanks for that quote, quite some food for thought. Where did you take it from?
Its from Discovering a taste for things that are true _http://www.cassiopaea.org/forum/index.php?topic=19201.msg185702#msg185702.
Puzzle said:Seamas said:I am really struggling to just see the machine as it is, without immediately judging it and pushing it away. I think "I" don't want to really do the work that needs to be done, "I" just want it to be over. Seamas wants to feel his "true feelings" NOW! I think that most of the time my mind is judging, controlling, repressing and denying in an endless loop, but I guess that is my reality right now, so I'm trying to see it as it is. Its painful and difficult.
Thank you so much for talking about this (the bolded part)! That's exactly what I voiced here a few days ago, and I then started to feel really dull for still being concerned with grokking only the basic things. However, I've made some progress there, because shortly after feeling dull, I realized that it's totally futile to be engaging in this program of putting down the self, and I told myself that even if I'm a slow learner, what counts is that I'm learning.
As for seeing the machine as it is, that surely is quite a call in and of itself. Where I currently am is alternating between seeing it as it is (or at least, as much as I can currently see), followed by programs of judging, controlling, repressing. But even if this seeing is still being followed by those programs, at least I do come out at the other end, realizing it was simply programs, and then to 'gather together' again and follow the unidentified course again.
edit: Thanks for that quote, quite some food for thought. Where did you take it from?
Every time I start to think that I'm really "getting it" I realize after a while that I'm lying to myself. Seamas doesn't really want to see things as they are, he wants things to be the way he wants them to be. As you said earlier:
C's said:Really interesting how much of what I know theoretically needs yet to be understood, that is integrated / made one's own by involving the other centers in the progress.
And yet I continually fall into this same trap, over and over again. I don't know how many times I've read about this concept in different forms on this forum and in the readings, but I still don't "get it" because Seamas doesn't want to get it. He read the book, his work is done. What's next?
Learner said:this all is work in progress, that can't be done in only one night...But I will keep going.
I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm planning on having everything sorted by the end of the week at the latest.