Enaid said:
I agree with Sirius, that's way too little. Hope you've been increasing your intake already.
Sorry for my late answer. Meanwhile, since I wrote about my little intake of water and tea here first, I have increased it. I also forgot to mention, that I use a 0,4 l cup as drinking dish - I am currently trying to get up to 6 such cups per day: 2,4 l then. My lips are less cracky since I do so, and I also can concentrate better on things. Thanks for your concerns, I will take care of it. :)
Ragrding my EE experience last week and yesterday: The last two times I fell asleep for some short phases during BaHa and POTS and woke up some minutes or so later. I think, this happened also, because it has been quite late already. I found out for me, I can do PB and Warriors Breathing late in the night, but not Baha - so I have to change the time, when doing the program: doing it somewhat earlier in the evening and not after twelve or one o'clock. So the danger to fall asleep during Baha and POTS might not be so strong.
After last nights session I felt pretty relaxed, warm and peaceful - but in the first half of this day I then felt moody and tired, not well at all. I think, that is due to emotional process due to Baha last night. But since the afternoon I feel better again.
Something I have to add, that came into my mind, since I do the EE regularly again: What I observed in my life is, that some things seem to process much quicker in real life occurrences after a full session than they did before, when just doing POTS or not doing EE at all (before Nov. 2009). I also get the feeling, I can cope a bit better with life than before, when not doing it regularly, and having a bit more confidence in life as in myself by now. Things still don't get easier by themselves, but the anxiety and the sense of feeling down as well as the lethargy, that led me to delay things, are much lower by now then they were from October to December last year, while wallowing in my own depressive states. Things seem to be more "in the flow" again, I don't feel like stuck anymore. After receiving the DVD and reading the sentence, how important it is to do EE regularly, I realized how important that really is - in order not to fall back into the same state or worse as I was around the end of last year.
The latter is my own subjective fear - beneficial only in this way, that the motivation for doing regular EE has increased and was confirmed by doing so. But on basis of what I have observed: if I do it unregularly again, painful emotional states would take much longer to be processed and that will probably lead me to wallow in them again, therefore getting stuck all anew.
Due to my experiences I learned again, maybe much more intesively than the first time I started, what a wonderful tool EE is and how helpful it can be (besides other things like diet etc.). Therefore I value it more than ever before. I just hope, my own mechanicalness doesn't take over again, that I become lazy again with all its consequences. It is a powerful tool, and it is already changing my life - and in a persistent way, in my perception. It also happens, however, that there is still anxiety of where it will bring me in the end. But there is also excitement - where will this journey go? It doesn't seem to be a black hole at least, and that is good to know. :P I also can now understand somewhat more deeply, how the meditation program Laura created and implemented (I don't know, if it was the same EE, we're all doing today), brought the dramatic changes about her life, as it happened. And I feel much thankful to Laura, that she showed it to all of us
It is now the more appreciated by me, after some hard lessons had to be learned and suffered through. Now I think, that I maybe can make it yet, though not really sure - but however it may be, it has to be step after step on my respective level of learning. There are many things, that still need to be understood, since this is only the beginning.
Excuse the lenght, but I had to write this down, wanted to share it with the network. Thanks for reading :)
EDIT: Sentence added