Éiriú-Eolas - Breathing Program

SeekinTruth said:
Thanks for sharing your experiences with EE, MK Scarlett. Great to hear you've gotten so much benefit from the program, as have we all who practice it regularly. :)

Thank you for your encouragements SeekinTruth, it is so great to get the possibility by sharing our own experiences. Thank you all, it is good to feel understood...
beetlemaniac said:
Prodigal Son said:
Again, doing all of this free of anticipation of any sort of result, wish, and/or concern for self, just let whatever happen, happen. :)

I have to say, Prodigal Son, that applying this into my everyday life has so far paradoxically produced "results" beyond my "wildest expectations." When I first read it, it was a bit hard to take in... "I" resisted. But now it seems like the secret key that I've been looking for, for a long time. I'm still trying to understand how such a simple change in attitude works wonders. Thank you :)
Glad to have helped beetlemaniac and MK Scarlett, as for myself, walking the talk is proving harder to put into practice than talking the talk! All of this is to do with impatience and holding on rather than letting go - which I've been experiencing in abundance for the past week or so - almost to the extent of identification.

In terms of EE experience this week, another relatively quiet week, wet-eyes during three-stage pipe breathing on Monday followed by yawning and very wet-eyes during PotS, and with a restless left foot and big toe, which was allowed to do as it wished. On Thursday, just yawning and wet-eyes during three-stage pipe breathing.
I've had massive releases of anger from the breathing program (I've pretty much destroyed one my my pillows :evil:).
I got bullied when I was younger as I guess I've harboured rage ever since. I think one of the reason I get anxiety is because I've surpressed it. Since I've begun releasing it I've had big boosts in confidence
Lately, I've been using symbols as it was recommened, for the Beatha breathing. Such as for instance: breathing in 'self acceptance' - breathing out(and getting rid of)'fear of rejection', or the same secquence with 'self confidence' - 'insecurity/fear of progressing', or 'giving when asked/giving all to those who ask' - 'fear of loss/expecting reward', etc..

During POTS I sometimes see some kind of emmm.. I don't know how to call them, "globe-like" or "bubble-like" energy structures, as though they build or develop, something like that, don't know what it is.
Graalsword said:
Lately, I've been using symbols as it was recommened, for the Beatha breathing. Such as for instance: breathing in 'self acceptance' - breathing out(and getting rid of)'fear of rejection', or the same secquence with 'self confidence' - 'insecurity/fear of progressing', or 'giving when asked/giving all to those who ask' - 'fear of loss/expecting reward', etc..

During POTS I sometimes see some kind of emmm.. I don't know how to call them, "globe-like" or "bubble-like" energy structures, as though they build or develop, something like that, don't know what it is.

So you are seeing globe like symbols or they form on their own? This is of interest to me, is there any reading on it? Sounds like Reiki a little.
Harold said:
Graalsword said:
Lately, I've been using symbols as it was recommened, for the Beatha breathing. Such as for instance: breathing in 'self acceptance' - breathing out(and getting rid of)'fear of rejection', or the same secquence with 'self confidence' - 'insecurity/fear of progressing', or 'giving when asked/giving all to those who ask' - 'fear of loss/expecting reward', etc..

During POTS I sometimes see some kind of emmm.. I don't know how to call them, "globe-like" or "bubble-like" energy structures, as though they build or develop, something like that, don't know what it is.

So you are seeing globe like symbols or they form on their own? This is of interest to me, is there any reading on it? Sounds like Reiki a little.

No, it's hard to explain, I can't find the right words. It's like some kind of circular buds, with no symbols at all in them, no figures, just that, forming or building during prayer, all around. No specific colour.
Timey said:
I've had massive releases of anger from the breathing program (I've pretty much destroyed one my my pillows :evil:).
I got bullied when I was younger as I guess I've harboured rage ever since. I think one of the reason I get anxiety is because I've surpressed it. Since I've begun releasing it I've had big boosts in confidence

It's surprising what we keep bottled up inside of us, all the way back to before we can remember. Getting it out is very healthy for both body and mind.

Keep up the good work! :thup:
Graalsword said:
Harold said:
Graalsword said:
Lately, I've been using symbols as it was recommened, for the Beatha breathing. Such as for instance: breathing in 'self acceptance' - breathing out(and getting rid of)'fear of rejection', or the same secquence with 'self confidence' - 'insecurity/fear of progressing', or 'giving when asked/giving all to those who ask' - 'fear of loss/expecting reward', etc..

During POTS I sometimes see some kind of emmm.. I don't know how to call them, "globe-like" or "bubble-like" energy structures, as though they build or develop, something like that, don't know what it is.

So you are seeing globe like symbols or they form on their own? This is of interest to me, is there any reading on it? Sounds like Reiki a little.

No, it's hard to explain, I can't find the right words. It's like some kind of circular buds, with no symbols at all in them, no figures, just that, forming or building during prayer, all around. No specific colour.

so you have not intentionally picked a symbol then? It formed on its own? I see things too, like a throbbing color of blue to green with a bit of yellow in it at times. I get allot of beauty blue 'dots'... orb like.... I would never call them symbols, but they are recurring.
Sorry if this has been asked but 332 pages are a lot to read through..

During the round breathing segments, during the very fast in/out Ba-Ha breathing, my nostrils start stinging and get to the point where they feel like they are on fire. This is obviously from air moving too fast/too frequently through my nose.

Is this because I am breathing too hard, or will my nostrils eventually 'harden up' so I can perform this exercise more comfortably?
Hi, carlise. Try concentrating your inhalation from the throat & diaphram rather than the nostril. It allows for much smoother and deeper inhalation. In other words, when breathing in through the nose, draw the breath in from the throat and diaphram letting the air gently come through the nostrils into the nose but the emphasis of the inhalation comes from throat and diaphram.

Also, some have mentioned that it helps to warm the air in the area around you before doing this exercise so that you are not inhaling cold air. Please keep us posted on your progress. :)
Black Swan said:
Hi, carlise. Try concentrating your inhalation from the throat & diaphram rather than the nostril. It allows for much smoother and deeper inhalation. In other words, when breathing in through the nose, draw the breath in from the throat and diaphram letting the air gently come through the nostrils into the nose but the emphasis of the inhalation comes from throat and diaphram.

Also, some have mentioned that it helps to warm the air in the area around you before doing this exercise so that you are not inhaling cold air. Please keep us posted on your progress. :)

Thank you, I see what you mean. Just completed my 4th full EE session, am slowly learning to relax but still my mind wanders a lot, or I get frustrated/bored with it etc. Hopefully it will become easier each time :)
I had a really interesting and I think productive EE session today. The beaha was especially powerful. I began by imagining that I was breathing in life and breathing out toxins and stress. As I continued to breathe, a great deal of tension appeared around my mouth and in my forehead, along with the usual tingling in my body. I became quite cold during the beaha. My hands were gripping each other and my facial expression became one of determination mixed with disgust. This was a continuation form my last EE session, but this time the tension was stronger as was the feeling of revulsion.

As the session went on my torso started to twist to the right as if I was recoiling or turning away from something disgusting, and this was accompanied by some shaking which seemed to have its roots in my solar plexus. Having read Levine's book I understood this shaking to be beneficial and tried to gently encourage it, but I didn't want to push it too much, rather I preferred to let things happen as they would. I will observe over the coming days and see what, if anything, has changed or been released.

After dinner I found that I just wanted to sit quietly with myself, and writing this, about five hours after the EE session, I feel very relaxed, and I think I'll sleep really well tonight!
Harold said:
so you have not intentionally picked a symbol then? It formed on its own? I see things too, like a throbbing color of blue to green with a bit of yellow in it at times. I get allot of beauty blue 'dots'... orb like.... I would never call them symbols, but they are recurring.

Yup, but anyway, I think that it is not really important to focus much on it but rather in the effects on and healing of body, psyche and soul.

Back to it, lately it was very quiet. In contrast to one year ago, when a lot of emotional release happened, or a few months ago when there was release of anger, the last few weeks were quiet, after a couple of months of doing it less often due to heavy cough, I am back to doing EE more regularly. There is really a big difference!, I feel more balanced, and calm, thinking more clearly to make decisions.
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