Éiriú-Eolas - Breathing Program

I just got an iPad and tried to view the online version, but all I see are two black boxes instead of the videos. Is it possible the online videos don't run on an iPad? I don't know much about Apple products as I've only had pc's before.

Any thoughts on wht the videos won't load.

Hi Gonzo,

Anything that is flash based won't run on an iPad ...
The workaround is: Search for it on YouTube, for which there is a propriatery program on the iPad,-et voilà!

Hope that helps ...
So what is the diet that complements the EE program? AS far as I have understood it includes lots of meat and omega 3 and magnesium? is that right?
I think it really depends on you,

Personally you will have your own dietry needs that will be different for every person, and depending on what else you eat as to whether or not taking supplements etc is even going to make a difference. I am constantly adapting my diet trying to figure out my needs, I suggest having a big read of the diet & health section,

bupple said:
So what is the diet that complements the EE program? AS far as I have understood it includes lots of meat and omega 3 and magnesium? is that right?

Basically yes. Vitamin C should also be added. Your body will definitely need some time to adjust over a period of weeks, if not months. If you are new to the subject, the best thread to follow is "Life without bread", which has now 150 pages due to individual experiences. I recommend to read this from page 1 but as a nice quick start you could follow Laura's recommendations of post no. 2137 in the above thread.
bupple said:
So what is the diet that complements the EE program? AS far as I have understood it includes lots of meat and omega 3 and magnesium? is that right?
In a nutshell, it is a diet based on low to no carb intake, high animal fat and moderate protein, adjusted by research on the forum. As mentioned, the Life without bread thread (http://cassiopaea.org/forum/index.php/topic,22916.0.html) is where it is discussed. Since much was discovered through research, it is imperative one reads the thread to understand both the how's and whys, as well as the expectations and no nos (including no grains, sugar, dairy, etc.).

Also as was mentioned, other important discussions have taken place in the parent Diet and Health board.


Edit: typo, clarity and added URL to Life without bread thread
Ask and you will receive? Want to experience the cosmic Universe more fully? God with a capital G? Well in all honesty I must say that this is ONLY for me and is my experience with the EE breathing program. I sent away for it and didn't really start using it until about 6 months ago,I diligently that is.Its almost like a slow and balanced roller coaster with periodic exorcisms at well-appointed schedules and perfect timings I couldn't muster up if I tried. I mean I don't get more than I can handle for want of a better word,and I can obviously handle alot.I had been practicing yogic breathing and as Laura so aptly puts EE is NOT that.No ,it sure isn't. I meditate once a day usually and do the pipe breathing every day and the beatha 2wice a week. And its 2wice for a reason,so listen unless you want an unnecessary learning experience. Yes well, willful me. I don't always take direction well the first time.EE has altered and rearranged me from the inside out,by letting go of so much resistance from the inside and showing me the behavior changes just by allowing myself to feel. I watched how things would fall in my lap and by things I mean knowledge and stimulator's the biggest of these in last weeks being Laura's book Amazing Grace.Amazing it is, and has transformed me by bringing me back to relive some of the most frightening and painful experiences and perceptions that have hitherto been elusive. It and the EE breathing has lierally breathed a real life into me on much more aware levels and that is awe inspiring. I won't say its been easy because I was resistant for a while .I have faith in the present and I watch my behavior to see when I'm lying,or rather my thoughts which lie a lot of the time,but theres definitely more serenity when I allow it to flow.I hope I'm making some sense. I tend to feel and write in the moment and its difficult sometimes to speak of what happened in the past when the moment is so bright and open and often afterward speaking is difficult because I'm feeling so much. I don't say any of this to scare anyone. Each individual is different in what it needs to balance the vehicle and I'm also asking and am ready for this intensity.I network read all of the material that is suggested and I don't isolate from people or this forum,whether I post or not.Staying connected is like food for me. And last but not least I am finally out with the wheat and in with the buckwheat,bacon,liver and greens. glitches in my system still but I'm on the road leading to the superhighway that alot of you folks are on .I WILL BE THERE!love and endless thanks to all of you.
Thanks for sharing your experiences, supriyanoel. The great changes in your life from regularly practicing EE is consistent with many, many others experiences as well. It truly is an amazing program.

I just wanted to note that as we've continued to learn more and more about the diet (which works in a synergistic way with EE), including all the individual experimentation, the latest conclusions are to avoid ALL grains -- including buckwheat. I recommend that you read the Life Without Bread thread http://cassiopaea.org/forum/index.php/topic,22916.0.html in the Diet and Health section and the books mentioned in that thread and get all the details about this diet, including evolving findings, and what others have experienced during the transition, etc.

The diet most of us taking part in the experimentation have settled on is very low to no carbohydrates and very high animal fat and moderate animal protein. It's tricky to make the transition, but the benefits are really worth it. But carefully reading all the material is very important to understand why you're doing it and how to do it safely.

There are other related important threads in the Diet and Health forum, including The Vegetarian Myth http://cassiopaea.org/forum/index.php/topic,20771.0.html and the Primal Body, Primal Mind http://cassiopaea.org/forum/index.php/topic,24438.0.html thread is also good to look at. All these books of the same titles are also probably the most important to read, and also The Art and Science of Low Carbohydrate Living which is mentioned in the Life Without Bread thread.

If you're already gluten and casein (except for butter, if you find you're not sensitive to it) free, you're ready to make the transition to this most healthy of diets. I hope this helps. :)
Prodigal Son said:
Again, doing all of this free of anticipation of any sort of result, wish, and/or concern for self, just let whatever happen, happen. :)

I have to say, Prodigal Son, that applying this into my everyday life has so far paradoxically produced "results" beyond my "wildest expectations." When I first read it, it was a bit hard to take in... "I" resisted. But now it seems like the secret key that I've been looking for, for a long time. I'm still trying to understand how such a simple change in attitude works wonders. Thank you :)
Ladygraypanther said:
I set this topic on print and it won't do it. I only get a blank screen. Is it that the topic is just too large?

Hi Ladygraypanther,

Yes, that's possible. Perhaps you can print the FAQ on EE instead?
Prodigal Son said:
Hi whitecoast,
you may find it beneficial to do a few pipe-breathes before going to sleep each night, it will calm you down and prepare you for sleep - as will following this with reciting PotS immediately before 'nodding off'. This has the additional benefits of further relaxing you before sleep, and most importantly, will set up your unconscious mind for working during sleep. Again, doing all of this free of anticipation of any sort of result, wish, and/or concern for self, just let whatever happen, happen. :) Often you may go for a long time reciting PotS without anything significantly appearing to happen, but, everytime that you either recite or listen to PotS the results are cumulative. So, the more often you do it, the more effective it becomes.

Also, remember, that PotS is 'worded' as acceptable for all, including those who have atheistic leanings (either past or present). If the word 'prayer' acts as a buffer, change the word 'prayer' to 'a set of affirmations'.

This may help, or not.

As for my experiences this week, I'm still just doing the three-stage pipe breathing and PotS only on Mondays and Thursday. On Monday, we-eyes and yawning, followed by my right foot and big toe twitching during PotS, and tears at the end. Whilst on Thursday, I experienced wet-eyes again and zoned almost immediately once Laura started reciting Pots, coming to at the end of the music.

Thanks for the follow-up Prodigal Son. I've started doing the PotS more now, mostly before bed and such. Recently I woke up at 4am for no obvious reason whatsoever, and PotS actually helped quiet my head moreso than usual. There seems to be a difference between recitations when I first started, and now. I can't put my finger on what specifically has changed, but I'll definitely explore further. Thanks for your encouragement. :)
Prodigal Son said:
Again, doing all of this free of anticipation of any sort of result, wish, and/or concern for self, just let whatever happen, happen. :)
This helps for sure, thank you Prodigal Son ;)

The last complet EE sessions were... interesting I guess they always are, conscienciously or not. I begun the EE Breathing Program on the last October 10th, and 2,5 months after this first one session, I am able to notice some things:

I each day am more and more quiet. This is the first effect I could appreciate, me who am usually a pretty nervous woman. On the first ones sessions, I could read here on this thread that Beatha could be stoppped for a while if we had two much problems to manage the feelings which stand out (besides those who are already there!). So I had practice Beatha one by week. And from the beginning of this month, I could do it each Monday and Thursday, except one on the last Monday.

My thoughts are less dense, less "everywhere" during the session, because before, they left in all directions. They also seem to be as "posed". And actually, my thoughts are less dense, outside from the EE. All simply. And today, at the very moment when I was very tired at (caused by a short night), I caught not falling asleep during the Prayer of the Soul, what is completely unusual. Maybe my fatigue does not show itself any more completely in the same way today.

I now can feel each time during Beatha the cells of my body buzzing, and also the inferior emotional center (sexual chakra corresponding to solar plexus, page 243 The Secret History of the World) which this one was particularly buzzing three weeks ago. Less from this time but there were others things appeared. I could felt these during the last sessions something like heavy on my head as if I had a helmet on the head or a headband. More specifically in front of the twice temporal lobe, close from my eyes... Today I only had this "heavy sensation" on the left temporal lobe during the meditation program.

Before that, during the third Beatha, I was able to feel that my right nostril was completely blocked while both were perfectly clear at the beginning of the session. And I needed one-two moments to realize that between Beatha and meditation, my right eye had begun crying. Only the right. And during the prayer of the soul, I could to feel as a very light wave going through my brain, from the right towards the left by way of the parietal lobe. It was very little, but it was. At the end of the Prayer, my right nostril was became "free" again.

Thank you all for sharing and supporting, it helps more that I could expect. :thup:
Thanks for sharing your experiences with EE, MK Scarlett. Great to hear you've gotten so much benefit from the program, as have we all who practice it regularly. :)
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