There are three aspects that you are able to see in different friends of yours - where is to be found their centre of gravity, their individuality. Of your three friends, one has his centre of gravity in his mind; another is like a cow with centre of gravity in his body; the third is like an hysterical woman, he manipulates for everything. ... There isn't a better illustration for the emotional centre than the hysterical woman. She feels everything, even what doesn't exist. (p. 61)
You have a weakness, a sickness; you must not think with your feeling; you must think with your head. To think with your feeling is a weakness, a sickness. The beginning comes from feeling and the centre of thought is only a function. But the centre of gravity must be the thought. And now you can know what is individuality. It is when your centre of gravity is in your thought. So, if your centre of gravity is not in your thought, you are not an individual, you are an automaton. It's a simple explanation. Every man should try to accustom himself to being an individual, an independent person, something, not merde (excuse the word), not an animal, dog, cat. It is a very simple symptom. If you concentrate your being in your thought, you are an individual; there are many degrees among individuals, but that isn't important for the moment. You are an individual when you have your centre of gravity in the thinking centre. And if it is in another centre, you are only an automaton. It can be in your body and in your feeling, but when you work you should always have for aim to be in your thought. And this do consciously. If you do not, everything does itself unconsciously in you. Your work should be exclusively to concentrate yourself in your thought. It's a simple explanation. (p. 75-76)