Éiriú-Eolas - Breathing Program

I have briefly dipped into the EE program since I purchased it a few months ago, and felt the benefits straightaway, but couldn't get motivated into doing it regularly. Even with alot of enthusiasm ,after going to a well run workshop in England, I struggled to maintain any real discipline. After Barcelona, and ordering the Wave series, and reading Amazing Grace, I felt it was time to face my real fear - delving into the unknown within.

I read The first Wave book in a few days - I just couldn't seem to put it down - and after getting some good advice, after asking questions which were subsequently answered (partially at least) when I resumed my reading, I started on book two (soul hackers) yesterday morning and raed slowly, with so much reflection. So much of my life - my choices came into focus, awareness growing. This is great!

Again, some much resonated and last night I listened to the audio EE cd. I felt fine, quite energised, but when doing the Beatha part, I started weeping. I said the POTS and slept for a while and suddenly woke up - 3.30am (funny it's 22.11th today!) - with massive sobbing from my inner self. I began to realise that when I thought I have 'woken' up a few years ago, was just one layer, and it was nothing like this. It 's hard for me to write this, I'm welling up again, I realise the glimpses of my childhood I had been seeing recently, may have been related to being abducted. I was so bloody angry, crying and swearing - I was a child, a happy child!!! How dare they. What consent was there?????

I will continue again soon, but feel exhausted and numb and very, very emotional today.

I have two young girls, I need to protect them!!! - knowledge protects i know. I will not be intimidated by the 4D STS. I saw with such clarity, people in my life who took my energy - but then it was my choice; and others who i took from. I always thought I was an honest, loving man - but I have some of this darkness within - the predator! I know I have a long, long way to go on my journey and it is only me that can experience it. I haven't reached the 'learning is fun' bit yet!
I had a very intense emotional release after last weeks session. I found myself grieving intensely over an episode in my past, one that I thought that I had completely dealt with and moved on from.

Actually though, I had in fact just been stuffing down all my feelings and after the session suddenly they came pouring out, crying, anguish, and worst of all the clear knowledge of my own part in causing it all. Although it was painful, (and I am still processing it all now), at the same time there is a feeling of such release. I must have supressed all the emotions down for years and years, thinking it was gone, but all along I've actually been hanging on to it. Heaven knows how much energy it took to keep that all stuffed in!

Once again, I am amazed by the power of EE, how it really does emotionally detoxify at such very deep levels.
One thing I've been using EE for is to help heal my ribs.

In general, cracked ribs cause a shallow breath due to the pain. Fluid can gather in the lungs and pneumonia must be watched for. Although painful, EE helps deep breathing and breaks up and clears out the lungs.

I have been doing this.

I went to a specialist (my 6th Dr.s visit in 2 weeks) yesterday and he gave me some exercises which included breathing exercises. EE basically covers these exercises, so I am glad that I have been ahead of the curve in my recovery as I have been doing deep breathing exercises through EE already throughout my recovery. :)
ust did the three stage breathing and the warrior's breath. Bruno (my English springer spaniel) was going crazy, he wanted to get on the sofa, and was running there and back and whining. My thoughts were running, but I kept bringing myself back into focus. So consciously I wanted to just be in the now and focus on my body and on my breathing. When I started the warrior's breathe, Bruno was going even more crazy he got on the sofa, but I ignored him all the time and was doing the WB with my eyes shut. So, because he got near me and, obviously, I was moving my arms up and down he got hit in the jaw twice, then he jumped off, went on his bed (I think so, I was not looking at him, but could still hear him), then, when I was almost finished with the last one, he jumped on the sofa, and when I leaned back to relax he got on my knees, and, most unexpectedly, I just started laughing nearly hysterically. It lasted a longer while, and it felt so good. I am still grinning while writing that. Also, I think, that was the loudest I shouted 'ha!', since I started doing the EE, or maybe it is just my impression...Anyway, that was really good. That was truly amazing experience. I know, the dog got hit, but he did not seem to mind, he did not whine when that happened or anything. Anyway, he is not allowed on the sofa until I let him, so he should not have been there anyway. He did not get hurt, just a note on the side...
ALIEN1 said:
ust did the three stage breathing and the warrior's breath. Bruno (my English springer spaniel) was going crazy, he wanted to get on the sofa, and was running there and back and whining...

My cat Bella (often featured in my avatars) frequently comes in to investigate when I begin doing an EE session. I guess she is responding to the change in my breathing. I wonder if you are seeing the same kind of thing?

I often do pipe breathing semi-reclined, because of damage in my back. Bella, when the door is open, will jump up on my chest, settle down, and purr -- her form of vagal stimulation. She doesn't care much for warrior's breath or especially beatha. It's not a distraction -- I just treat it as part of the process.
Today I had a very interesting effect. I have been doing the POTS in the
Morning in a cafe at around 10:30 mid-morning when I get a wave of tiredness, and have time.
I rest my back and head and so almost always dissociate and 'come to' one or more times during or at end of program. And I'm always seeing what I can remember. What I noticed is that longer periods of dissociation is usually less memory, shorter periods can recall images, dream like events, or ideas.

Today I just had a very distinct impression is all. All of a sudden I came to when I perceived laura's voice to have changed. It felt sudden. Laura's voice was back to normal. The distinct impression is that Laura had been talking and saying different things and I had been listening. The tape was the same... But the words flowed together differently. I had been in this state for 5 to 10 minute period I estimate. Interesting because usually my unconscious state does to have to do with the audio. Actually sometimes maybe symbolically the images, yes... But never had impression Laura was talkIng but something different. I had the thought/impression, can't decide which, it was another language. Also "native American" impression. And maybe it was not Laura I was imagining but that Was the Initial relationship I formed.

Also before I dissociated I remember a "rhythm" in my body, that I was thinking was new and interesting. Never felt that before. But I can't remember if this directly preceded dissociation state or I was still concious sometimes after and having little thought or though I cannot remember.

I do the POTS because it sends me to dissociate state easy. After I feel myself relaxed and calm even if stressed before. Also not tired anymore. But I like to see what I recall.
manitoban said:
I had a very intense emotional release after last weeks session. I found myself grieving intensely over an episode in my past, one that I thought that I had completely dealt with and moved on from.

Actually though, I had in fact just been stuffing down all my feelings and after the session suddenly they came pouring out, crying, anguish, and worst of all the clear knowledge of my own part in causing it all. Although it was painful, (and I am still processing it all now), at the same time there is a feeling of such release. I must have supressed all the emotions down for years and years, thinking it was gone, but all along I've actually been hanging on to it. Heaven knows how much energy it took to keep that all stuffed in!

Once again, I am amazed by the power of EE, how it really does emotionally detoxify at such very deep levels.

thank you for sharing. it felt somehow helpful for me to read

happy healing :flowers:
wetroof said:
Today I just had a very distinct impression is all. All of a sudden I came to when I perceived laura's voice to have changed. It felt sudden. Laura's voice was back to normal. The distinct impression is that Laura had been talking and saying different things and I had been listening. The tape was the same... But the words flowed together differently. I had been in this state for 5 to 10 minute period I estimate. Interesting because usually my unconscious state does to have to do with the audio.

Going through EE, I used to get a sudden feeling like a veil had been lifted from my ears, and Laura's voice just came through more clearly, more directly and I was more receptive to what was coming through the audio besides just the words. Haven't gotten that feeling in a while though. I wonder why...

My EE sessions have been pretty calm and uneventful. There's this pressure between the temples which never goes away, even after EE. I think it's a third eye chakra. I don't really know what it means, it's just there all the time, moving about sometimes in a circular manner. There was one time I had a dream, and there were multiple "pops" that issued from this center.

Also I think emotional issues are starting to crop up after the sessions instead of during them, I guess that is why the sessions are so calm. For instance sobbing after listening some music, I'd never thought that I'd cry to "All you need is Love."
Megan said:
ALIEN1 said:
ust did the three stage breathing and the warrior's breath. Bruno (my English springer spaniel) was going crazy, he wanted to get on the sofa, and was running there and back and whining...

My cat Bella (often featured in my avatars) frequently comes in to investigate when I begin doing an EE session. I guess she is responding to the change in my breathing. I wonder if you are seeing the same kind of thing?

I often do pipe breathing semi-reclined, because of damage in my back. Bella, when the door is open, will jump up on my chest, settle down, and purr -- her form of vagal stimulation. She doesn't care much for warrior's breath or especially beatha. It's not a distraction -- I just treat it as part of the process.

I have two cats and only one of them is always near me during EE session: the female, the other one being a male. When I begun session some weeks ago, she looked worry about what I was doing with my breath. It was enough funny actually. But, they use both of them, to sleep against me and it often is a good vibe! ;)

My last complete EE session was on November 15Th and I was just discovering candida, diet, health and detoxification. From this day, no more gluten, no more sugar at all, no more dairy at all. I already had used to reduce them in the last months, so it was not so difficult to totally stop them.
I started 10 days ago to detoxify myself with Vit.C, E, D, Magnesium, Selenium, Citro Plus 800, Ginseng, Chlorella, Ultrabiotic (8 billions), Q10H2, Spiruline, Taurine, Ginkgo.
This is to explain where I am about diet because I would like to share with you the EE session on today. I have to confess, at first, that from the day where I started EE, my "favorite" moment was Ba-Ha. I cannot explain why, during this stage, I feel many things in my body. But nothing like today.

So, I was calm starting it, what is a good introduction, maybe the others times I was not enough. First stage, relaxation, all is fine. The warrior stage "came faster" than usual in my feelings of course. And when Ba-Ha started I could feel enough quickly the same sensation than the last time:

MK Scarlett said:
Report EE:
On my last full program, I felt something different, not only like to have pins and needles in the legs or arms, there were big, in my head, neck, trunk, and members. Almost everywhere, more specifically "strong" in the trunk and arms. And what I felt was like something big (like big bugs and not small as pins and needles). It was like musical vibrations, as if ropes were activated and vibrated to make some music. It was enough interesting and full of soft energy.

But, today and during the first fast Ba-Ha (you know, slow, normal, fast x3), I could feel my 4 members, legs and arms doing the same thing than specified above. Time after time, I was able to feel them vibrating more and more hardly.
My thoughts went to B.Mouravieff and his Gnôse books I am reading. It also was the first time from a long long time I could leave my thoughts free to go where they wanted without interfering.

During the second fast Ba-Ha, these manifestations were very big, it was like if my legs and arms were heavy, strong, very strong and dense, very very dense. I had ever felt something like this in my life before. I already had some experiences, but not like this one, specifically.
And enough suddenly I realised the same thing was growing in my thorax, where is the solar plexus. It was turning around a center, buzzing and strengthening.
What I felt was "big". So many energy was here! Feel for the first time something like resonance inside me was a fantastic experience. But was it?

These buzzing and strengthening were always here at the end of the Cosmic Prior. They calm down just after during the relaxation music.
During this "buzzing time" I thought: "Oh, I gonna take off!" Why did I thought this? I cannot explain this think, it came alone, but it really was like if I was ready to! Another think during this was, and without have any idea of what could make in the body a specific magnetic effect, "it is like magnetism".
How could I thought something I do not know?

It was like if my arms and legs and thorax was not anymore on the floor, I do not know where they were, but I could felt something like a power, something heavy, and in the mean time something enough powerfull to make anything. Strange isn't it?

Is it something special or "negative"?
Is there something wrong?
Or am I on my way home?
Breathing report: Two days ago (full EE session) after meditation I experienced some great fear. I felt like I'm going to break apart under influence of it. It was like a nightmare state while being awake and I struggled through it. Because of that strong emotion of fear I sensed that I need help (6th density friends were in my thoughts) and I called that higher source to help me with it. Few minutes later negative experience was mitigated and I fell asleep. Next day I thought a lot about it.
This nightmare state was so familiar to me but I couldn't recall when I experienced it before in my life. Then I remembered the great repetitive nightmare dream when I was a kid where I couldn't escape from some sort of dark labirynth. I realized that it was identical negative emotion like this was only now I've been fully awake and aware so I could manage it. It seems to me that I brought up to the suface some deep negative emotion from childhood. This is first greater (emotional) effect of deep breathing since I started doing EE 5 months ago. I feel courage to deal with all that is waiting on the road of cleansing myself. :)
ALIEN1 said:
ust did the three stage breathing and the warrior's breath. Bruno (my English springer spaniel) was going crazy, he wanted to get on the sofa, and was running there and back and whining. My thoughts were running, but I kept bringing myself back into focus. So consciously I wanted to just be in the now and focus on my body and on my breathing. When I started the warrior's breathe, Bruno was going even more crazy he got on the sofa, but I ignored him all the time and was doing the WB with my eyes shut. So, because he got near me and, obviously, I was moving my arms up and down he got hit in the jaw twice, then he jumped off, went on his bed (I think so, I was not looking at him, but could still hear him), then, when I was almost finished with the last one, he jumped on the sofa, and when I leaned back to relax he got on my knees, and, most unexpectedly, I just started laughing nearly hysterically. It lasted a longer while, and it felt so good. I am still grinning while writing that. Also, I think, that was the loudest I shouted 'ha!', since I started doing the EE, or maybe it is just my impression...Anyway, that was really good. That was truly amazing experience. I know, the dog got hit, but he did not seem to mind, he did not whine when that happened or anything. Anyway, he is not allowed on the sofa until I let him, so he should not have been there anyway. He did not get hurt, just a note on the side...

My dog does exactly the same thing and he goes ballistic when I start warrior's breath. I have to lock him out of my room when I do EE because I start laughing myself as it is really funny and then I can't concentrate. He scratches at the door for a bit then calms down. I tried the ignoring thing like yourself but I ended up hitting him with my elbow also so I figured its safer for both of us if hes locked out. ;)
On Monday, wet-eyes and yawning during three-stage pipe breathing, and zoning out during PotS after the second recitation, whilst on Thursday, wet-eyes and yawning again, this time during PotS, a restless right leg – which was allowed to do what it wanted to do – and tears at the end of PotS.

Outside of the sessions, it has been an interesting week with an upset stomach (eating usual food) followed by mild diarrhoea (even with considerably reduced Vit C) and continuing sleep problems (waking early and unable to get back to sleep – sleeping much shorter hours in total than previously).

Looking for a psychosomatic cause, and paraphrasing Lise Bourbeau:
Upset stomach – (below the naval) worrying about a situation going on in my life and fear for myself – with the comment that excessive worry will not dissipate circumstances or the people that I fear; letting go and detaching from the situation to remain centred and to see more solutions and to make decisions based on my true needs.

Diarrhoea – premature rejection of ideas and situations, difficulty in assimilating the them, refusing to see their use; expelling anything that causes emotional discomfort and thus not living life to the full; feeling rejection (on the level of having and doing rather than being) and guilt more often than feeling recognition; fear of not having something (doing too much or too little); and a poor self-image and feeling that I don’t deserve good in my life. Suggestion to overcome this include – learning to nourish my soul by myself (rather than waiting for others to do so); believing in myself and my ideas, without thinking of myself as arrogant; and remembering that I’m allowed to be good at what I do.

Insomnia – generally emotionally and anxiety-ridden; restlessness in waking life, attempting to resolve issues preoccupying me, with the suggestion that sleep bring comfort and solutions, and that understanding that this provides the motivation to settle the unrest in my life.

As anxiety crops up repeatedly, this was investigated too – groundless fear, waiting for it to happen; basing concerns on past events and using them to worry about the future, tirelessly waiting for signs to prove me right; and that prevents living in the present. Her suggestions are for: letting go; deciding that I have nothing to prove, I am who I am, just as I am now; trusting intuition to guide me, allowing it to lead me faithfully into the unknown; having faith in those around me, letting them help in their own way; and trusting the flow and process of life.

Overall the patterns are: worry and fear, emotional discomfort, poor self-image – nothing new there, just being forcibly pointed out for dealing with now. Time to wake up. And how to deal with them – it’s all down to me – letting go of the past, and allowing full expression of my repressed emotions; believing in myself, making decisions based on my true needs; and having faith and trusting. Again nothing too new there, just a matter of making war on the False Personality, to suppress it’s insidious chatter to convince me otherwise and to put me to sleep. The solution that has been pointed out before is to deny the Predator’s Mind expression, to silence it – which will take an inspired, clear and convincing aim, backed up with passionate feeling, and internal motivation (it’s all down to me) – daily battles to buck the Predator’s Mind, the False Personality.

The message my body is giving me is clear, it’s time to face the fears, to buck the Predator’s Mind’s hold on me. Enough is enough, and even I’m weary of all of this now. This time it is for real. It’s time for the authentic me to appear, to start to assert itself. And, it’s all down to me to act on this, only I can do this, of waging a daily, hourly, and moment by moment war on the False Personality, acts of self-observation to catch the insidious ways and workings of the Predator’s Mind, to combat these acts, to thwart their expression, to keep reminding myself to do this energetically, for my sake – for salvation, and thus enabling me to help others authentically. This time more than words are called for (that’s been done before to no avail, and I’ve had enough of it) – actions speak louder than words – the time has come to finally and resoundingly to DO.
During this "buzzing time" I thought: "Oh, I gonna take off!" Why did I thought this? I cannot explain this think, it came alone, but it really was like if I was ready to! Another think during this was, and without have any idea of what could make in the body a specific magnetic effect, "it is like magnetism".
How could I thought something I do not know?

It was like if my arms and legs and thorax was not anymore on the floor, I do not know where they were, but I could felt something like a power, something heavy, and in the mean time something enough powerfull to make anything. Strange isn't it?

It's strange to you because these sensations are new. But if you look back through this thread you will see similarly weird and wonderful experiences during EE :)

MK Scarlett said:
Is it something special or "negative"?

Is there something wrong?

Or am I on my way home?

Maybe you are opening up to parts of yourself that you have forgotten :)

Thanks for sharing this with us.
drazen said:
Breathing report: Two days ago (full EE session) after meditation I experienced some great fear. I felt like I'm going to break apart under influence of it. It was like a nightmare state while being awake and I struggled through it. Because of that strong emotion of fear I sensed that I need help (6th density friends were in my thoughts) and I called that higher source to help me with it. Few minutes later negative experience was mitigated and I fell asleep. Next day I thought a lot about it.
This nightmare state was so familiar to me but I couldn't recall when I experienced it before in my life. Then I remembered the great repetitive nightmare dream when I was a kid where I couldn't escape from some sort of dark labirynth. I realized that it was identical negative emotion like this was only now I've been fully awake and aware so I could manage it. It seems to me that I brought up to the suface some deep negative emotion from childhood. This is first greater (emotional) effect of deep breathing since I started doing EE 5 months ago. I feel courage to deal with all that is waiting on the road of cleansing myself. :)

That does sound like a cleansing experience drazen. I once went through something similar in a half-asleep state in my bed. I suppose I was 'lucid dreaming'. The only way out of my terrified state was to go through it and recite POTS in my mind while the terror eased off and I could wake up out of my paralysis.

May I ask how often you do the Beatha (Ba-Ha) round breathing exercise? And how are you feeling now? If you find that strong negative memories/emotions come up with the full programme on a regular basis, it may be wise to leave out Beatha for a while, then test the waters again every few weeks or so.
I do Beatha breathing on Mondays and Thursdays (full session). I will keep doing it that way for now to see will there be some other negative experience and can I deal with them or should I just slow down instead. I'm feeling really good and that experience surprised me a little. Yes, it's important to ask for help whenever we are facing real danger and it really helps to overcome great troubles.

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