Éiriú-Eolas - Breathing Program

You may want to cut out the Ba-Ha portion of the EE program for a while until you can process all of the emotions that are pouring out of you at this time. A lot of us have had to do this for many months. Once you are back to not being so emotional, you can start the Ba-Ha back up, a little at a time. Maybe only one round of the Ba-Ha for a while to see how you respond. Some members have started back into the Ba-Ha even slower than that doing only the slower breathing of one round for a while, then adding the second, etc.

Doing just the 3-stage breathing still helps you to bring up repressed emotions and deal with them, but in a slower, gentler way. And, of course, you will want to continue with the POTS.

As for candida, are you aware that sugars, fruits and high carbs are what feeds candida? Eating "some" fruits is still feeding the candida. You may have to take an anti-fungal for your candida. You may want to see a doctor in regards to this.
Nienna Eluch said:
You may want to cut out the Ba-Ha portion of the EE program for a while until you can process all of the emotions that are pouring out of you at this time. A lot of us have had to do this for many months. Once you are back to not being so emotional, you can start the Ba-Ha back up, a little at a time. Maybe only one round of the Ba-Ha for a while to see how you respond. Some members have started back into the Ba-Ha even slower than that doing only the slower breathing of one round for a while, then adding the second, etc.

Doing just the 3-stage breathing still helps you to bring up repressed emotions and deal with them, but in a slower, gentler way. And, of course, you will want to continue with the POTS.

I noticed that and I gonna experiment this way, thank you so much for helping Nienna Eluch. ;)

Nienna Eluch said:
As for candida, are you aware that sugars, fruits and high carbs are what feeds candida? Eating "some" fruits is still feeding the candida. You may have to take an anti-fungal for your candida. You may want to see a doctor in regards to this.

Actually yes I am aware about these (even if I know it from three days!), but I thought it was not really the place (EE thread and not diet/health thread) to talk specifically of this.

About high carbs, there are not anymore in my food from several weeks... It is short of course. I used to use honey during all the day in my infusions... So, learning this only from three days, I stopped honey, totally, except, one for the morning. And this one will not be there anymore in few days. I do not eat a lot of fruits anyway (maybe once by week), and no dessert or cakes. At least, honey was almost the only one source of sugar I used to eat from several years now. All the food we eat is prepared by me, a lot of vegetables, some meat, some fishes (little as sardine, etc.) and eggs, often. All is organic, coming from proximity and seasonal, and finally we had to be on "the good branch of the tree, but not enough strong to continue to grow"...

It will not be so difficult to me (except about physiology, I mean I have a strong willpower), it will be hard for my daughter, 15 years old, who has to understand how the mistake we made was big, and how it is important to sacrifice pleasure and taste to be back to an essential food, and nothing more. Lessons about food and his reality have started on yesterday at home, and will continue each day for us, for her, to share with you and for all others people who want to know the Truth...

Regarding Candida, I started to take on yesterday "pips of grapefruit", and I used to eat garlic several times by week, it will be now, each day. And I now take pro-biotic too.

And I continue to learn to know more, of course... ;)

One more time, I feel grateful, thank you. :flowers:
I had a situation in this last week that has changed my application of EE.

Last thursday befor lunch I was installing a second story floor. My boss and fork reach operator was dropping a load of plywood to us and a air hose was in the way. I went to move it and my boss brought the load down onto me.

My first thought was that I am dying, I heard several bones break, my second though was that the 2 guys I work with are gonna get their legs broken. Somehow I go out only to have one of my new room-mate's and co-worker scream to me to move as the whole load slid off the forks towards me. I rolled over several times to come to a stop. I undid my tool belt and started to do pipe breathing.

Focusing on the pipe breath did help with dealing with the pain, the whole situation was very surreal at that point.

I have several cracked ribs a broken and dislocated shoulder and allot of internal bruising.

In general I have been much more aware and in the moment since applying EE. Emotionally and mentally I am more stable, I deal with pain and traumas using EE. I have been wondering if this has sharpened my reflexes and saved my life possibly.

I have no idea why I am alive today and use EE to clear my mind and get a grip of what just happened.

EE is part of my recovery. I think it assists with mental sharpness, pain relief and a general calming effect.

I am grateful for EE.
Sorry to hear about your accident and injuries, Harold. I'm glad you're continuing to get benefits from EE and even pain relief. Hoping you recover quickly and fully and heal well. Keep us updated on how you're doing. :)
Harold said:
I have no idea why I am alive today and use EE to clear my mind and get a grip of what just happened.

Wow, thanks for sharing Harold. I hope that you're able to recover quickly. I'm sorry to hear about this bad news but you've really proven EE's benefits. You are strong.
Geeze Harold, sorry to hear that. Despite fairly serious injuries, it actually sounds like you had a lucky escape. It's great that you almost instinctively began pipe breathing as soon as it happened. Peter Levine describes in In An Unspoken Voice how the body knows instinctively what to do in a traumatic situation so that the intense emotions which come with it can begin processing immediately (provided we 'get out of the way' and let the body's quiet voice guide us).

Please make sure you get as much rest as you can, especially given your line of work. You can't be back out there climbing ladders while healing cracked ribs.

I wonder what symbolic meaning is there for you to consider in the meantime: a heavy load being dumped on you... forgetting to look before leaping... just throwing some ideas out there, so FWIW. You remember Laura's analogy about the Universe sending us messages?

Laura said:
Sometimes the Universe whispers in your ear. If you don't pay attention, it then sends you a telegram. Then, if you don't listen, it sets up a billboard in your life. If you don't listen, the billboard often falls on your head.
Harold, I'm so sorry to hear about this. A painful and scary experience indeed. I am glad to hear though, that EE helped you to cope.

Take it easy, and hope you are able to recover soon. Take care! :flowers:
SeekinTruth said:
I'm glad you're continuing to get benefits from EE and even pain relief. :)

Hesper said:
... you've really proven EE's benefits.

I went to the doctor yesterday, (for a third time since my injury), to get my pain prescription renewed. The script says I can take up to 12 pills a day. I was averaging less than 5 a day... to me that is quite remarkable. I am benefitting by taking less narcotics.... EE? Quite possible.

SeekinTruth said:
Keep us updated on how you're doing. :)

The last 24 hrs has seen great progress... last night, I sat up unassisted for the 1st time(hasn't happened since...yet)... that's big and this morning I blew my nose for the 1st time...really big deal! Sneezing, coughing, laughing etc... are not so terrifying anymore, thank goodness.

Kniall said:
Geeze Harold, sorry to hear that. Despite fairly serious injuries, it actually sounds like you had a lucky escape.

I get nausea thinking it over... 1 sec alive, 1 sec. dead, 1 sec. alive again... mentally the escape is impossible and I am working at getting over that. I've gotten a couple 'angel' comments.... that's for sure.

Kniall said:
It's great that you almost instinctively began pipe breathing as soon as it happened. Peter Levine describes in In An Unspoken Voice how the body knows instinctively what to do in a traumatic situation so that the intense emotions which come with it can begin processing immediately (provided we 'get out of the way' and let the body's quiet voice guide us).

The sun was shining bright, it was very surreal at the time. But yes, I immediately started to pipe breath.

Kniall said:
Please make sure you get as much rest as you can, especially given your line of work. You can't be back out there climbing ladders while healing cracked ribs.

Ill be on light duty for 3 to five weeks.

Kniall said:
I wonder what symbolic meaning is there for you to consider in the meantime: a heavy load being dumped on you... forgetting to look before leaping... just throwing some ideas out there, so FWIW. You remember Laura's analogy about the Universe sending us messages?

Laura said:
Sometimes the Universe whispers in your ear. If you don't pay attention, it then sends you a telegram. Then, if you don't listen, it sets up a billboard in your life. If you don't listen, the billboard often falls on your head.

For me, I have been thinking about being more vigilant... less naive. Hyper-vigilant.

Symbolically.... other dimensionally.... karmically.... meaning to life.... NDE.... general law... attack. I have had lots of time to go over my life in the last while... this has a rebirth aspect also... which is something I could be a little more grateful for each day for. I'm still traumatised by it all.

At the time I was lying there, I did get a heavy deja-vu feeling..... I wonder if there are other of me, how many of me made it out alive on other time lines etc...

Definitely feels like the billboard fell on me. I definitely appreciate the help to understand all this Kniall.

manitoban said:
Harold, I'm so sorry to hear about this. A painful and scary experience indeed. I am glad to hear though, that EE helped you to cope.

Take it easy, and hope you are able to recover soon. Take care! :flowers:
Thank-you Manitoban.
EE sessions have been quiet, nothing much to report.
We are still skipping the Beatha part at the moment and feel very good this way during and after the EE.
Another one still skipping Beatha breathing for the tome being.

Back to a weekly report, thank goodness, with full sessions (three-stage pipe breathing and PotS) on Monday and Thursday. And, interestingly, both were similar with wet-eyes and yawning during three-stage pipe breathing carrying into PotS with very wide yawns and zoning out almost immediately PotS started and coming to at the end of the music.
I have been doing the EE since the beginning in 2009. Below are some of the experiences.

I noticed that I would go to bed with the intention to do the meditation and begin with a bit of Pipebreathing, but would fall asleep so fast that I did not get to do the meditation. The remedy I applied was to go for the meditation quicker.

I began to notice sometimes on waking up in the morning, that I was breathing in through the nose and out through the mouth. I concluded after some wondering, that the self-suggestion to do the routine during the evening meditation had gone so deep that it had become a sort of a program. It took me many months to overcome this tendency. Part of the solution was to skip the in through the nose and out through the mouth routine especially before going to bed. Now I can do the in through the nose and out through the mouth some/most of the time. Often I do it when I walk and Pipebreathe that is six step in, three step hold, nine steps out, hold three steps etc. This process goes a bit faster than when I just sit down. Since more energy is needed for walking, it fits about right, though it is not so easy because many other impressions come, but practice helps.

It has been my experience that even without the in through the nose and out through the mouth routine before sleep the meditation works, I do not know how to describe it other than I feel energy coming into the body as if I was doing Reiki and my breath rates tends to drop. Sometimes also other less physical effects are there.

About Beatha, I have not experienced any major outbreaks, but sometimes I get slightly dizzy if I work too hard on breathing really in and all the way out. It can help to lie down while doing it. I think I should be more willing to stop when it happens.

At one stage some months ago, I had a feeling that once or twice of the whole program would be enough rather than doing it twice a week. This past week I concluded that just one time a week at this moment is sufficient. Apparently there are some emotional issues that are better released gently.

One night before falling asleep, I thought of skipping the usual Pipebreathing and try stomach breathing, but I fell asleep before getting to the meditation. When I woke up a few hours later, my feet were warmer than usual. I realized I probably had been deep stomach breathing throughout my sleep having sort of programmed myself as explained previously and that this had done something. Warmer feet were welcome as I had been forced to take special measures to keep them warm. The next night I tried stomach breathing again before sleep, with the same result. Now I do not think of stomach breathing much before going to sleep, and I do not need the special measures that much to keep my feet warm.

One reason why I thought of doing stomach breathing rather than Pipebreathing was that I could not understand why I often would wake up in the morning or during the night with a slightly sore neckmuscle, as if some knot was there. I came to the hypothesis that it might have something to do with falling asleep while Pipebreathing and then subconsciously keeping the constriction in some way through self-suggestion. After becoming aware of this pattern and reducing the Pipebreathing before sleep still more, the soreness has gone. Now, if I am fresh I do some deep breathing before doing the meditation.

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