Éiriú-Eolas - Breathing Program

I had another very powerful EE session today. Pipe breathing and warrior's breath went smoothly, but as soon as I started the beaha I started crying. Every exhalation, when I could breathe in time with Laura's voice, brought a fresh round of crying. My body was shaking from my abdomen. I'm not sure that these tears have finished yet as I feel this evening that they are still hovering around. When I laid down for the POTS, the tears stopped but I don't think I zoned out. Although I notice in myself a 'boys don't cry' program, I do like crying – it always leaves me feeling softer.
Endymion said:
I had another very powerful EE session today. ... a 'boys don't cry' program, ...
Yes, a it's possible that a lot of us were programmed this way in our earlier years,especially if male.

As for my experiences of EE this week, they are as follows: Monday, yawning during three-stage pipe breathing which continued into PotS, and ended with tears; whilst on Thursday, it was back to a more regular pattern of late – of yawning and wet-eyes during pipe breathing and tears and zoning out during PotS.
Just to share my experience so far!
At the moment i'm aware more than ever i have problem with multiple-personalities due to enormous attendance of various entities. Because of 'them' i became everything but not myself.
I'm trying to practise EE every day before go to bed.
Everything goes smoothly except beatha part, accelerated ones.
Always have that tingling chilly sensation and nervous feeling. Tears falling down.
But...Persistence will pay off.
lux12 said:
Just to share my experience so far!
At the moment i'm aware more than ever i have problem with multiple-personalities due to enormous attendance of various entities. Because of 'them' i became everything but not myself.
I'm trying to practise EE every day before go to bed.
Everything goes smoothly except beatha part, accelerated ones.
Always have that tingling chilly sensation and nervous feeling. Tears falling down.
But...Persistence will pay off.

It is only recommended that you do Beatha twice a week -- and less if you have overwhelming emotional releases. The rest of the EE program (without Beatha/round breathing/bioenergetic breathing part) can be done everyday.
Hi, lux.

I would definitely recommend that you don't do the beatha portion of the program at this time. Just concentrate on pipe breathing, warrior's breath, and POTS. Many of us have had to abstain from beatha at one time or another because of it's tendancy to provide intense emotional release. I hope you continue with your therapy as well to help you stablize mentally and emotionally. Good to know you are following a paleo diet as well since this will also help with several issues, too.
I hadn't done the full program for some time now, only the POTS. However I'm going to start doing the full program atleast once a week. When I did the full program yesterday, I was remembered again how peaceful and relaxed it makes me feel. My body and mind have been feeling quite stressed lately, and I noticed that doing the full program this time, my out-breath was very deep and felt very 'releasing'. At the end I felt very relieved and light.
Hi, lux.

I would definitely recommend that you don't do the beatha portion of the program at this time. Just concentrate on pipe breathing, warrior's breath, and POTS. Many of us have had to abstain from beatha at one time or another because of it's tendancy to provide intense emotional release. I hope you continue with your therapy as well to help you stablize mentally and emotionally. Good to know you are following a paleo diet as well since this will also help with several issues, too.

Hi Black Swan, thank you for your respond/advice, I will try with beatha later!
Only to mention, honestly, just right now i felt huge rebuff inside of me- certainly 'they' don't want to be blown away! :evil: :lol:
Breathing report: Last month there were some days that I skipped EE due to my cold that I catch up probably from my family members. A lot of fluids in my respiratory system disabled me to breath properly, but cold was gone relatively quick and afterward I resumed EE regularly. There was no much tingling after doing beatha portion except some in my solar plexus. While praying and meditating I feel heat in my body and after meditation I'm all sweaty. My mind during meditation is very focused and relaxed with only a bit of interruption by some thoughts but I quickly regain control further. It seems that I'm going in a right direction. :)
Hey everyone,

EE seems to be helping with my stress levels, I am about to undergo a massive dietry change this time incorporating lots of supplements (but not too much) I now breath with my belly all the time which I must say is an incredibly triumphant achievement for me being able to overcome some basic core programming.

anywho I will be sure to keep everyone posted.


Have been doing the EE program for over two years, quite regularly ...

All in all I haven't noticed any radical changes or effects. I like it very much, most of the time it calms me down. Sometimes if my mind is buzzing, I find it hard to concentrate, my mind is adrift and I have to bring myself back to the task at hand frequently. I seem to "zone out" less than at the beginning. Not sure how to interpret that ...

In the last two months I experienced some strange sensations: Sometimes - mostly during the bioenergetic breathing - I suddenly feel a wave of tingling on my skin sweep over my body. It's the same sensation as when "your hair rise on your back" (that's the closest description I can find). It's quite energising and pleasant. Has anyone experienced something similar?

Whether or not the EE program has had any "deep" changes I cannot say. Anyway, I'll just plod along. I would love to do it together with someone - my wife wouldn't want to have any of that (she even doesn't want me to do it in her presence - mainly because of the "warrior's breath" - she thinks that this is strange and unsettling for her).
nicklebleu said:
Sometimes if my mind is buzzing, I find it hard to concentrate, my mind is adrift and I have to bring myself back to the task at hand frequently. I seem to "zone out" less than at the beginning. Not sure how to interpret that ...
Whether or not the EE program has had any "deep" changes I cannot say.
As for a buzzing mind, you like to focus your eyes, attention, on a point on a wall in front of you, elevate your eyes slightly and focus on a spot on the wall (to experience defocused attention) – this may help reduce the ‘buzzing mind’. Re zoning out, I suggest that you just take it as it comes. And, EE is cumulative, each session builds on the previous sessions, again, as many of us have found, changes may be subtle, may even be slow in coming, whatever it is it is at the right pace for you – patience and accept that something quite deep is actually taking place.

This week, it was another case of yawning and wet-eyes during three-stage pipe breathing followed by tears running down my face during PotS. In fact, its been quite a ‘wet week’ with a few evening of wet-eyes as I’ve been relaxing in the evenings.
nicklebleu, I agree with Prodigal Son, in regard to the "zoning out," just take it as it comes -- if you do, you do, and if you don't, you don't. Many who have written in this humongous thread have also experienced less zoning over time compared to the beginning of doing EE, myself included. Both how often and how long / "intense" the zoning out episodes are. I've been practicing regularly since the program was first released in summer 2009 and haven't zoned anywhere near like I used to in the beginning in a pretty long time.

And again, like Prodigal Son said, the changes could be very subtle for some and much more intense for others, but it's all cumulative and with regular practice, it will be exactly what you need, how much you need at each stage of your cleansing and healing. :)
SeekinTruth said:
nicklebleu, I agree with Prodigal Son, in regard to the "zoning out," just take it as it comes -- if you do, you do, and if you don't, you don't. Many who have written in this humongous thread have also experienced less zoning over time compared to the beginning of doing EE, myself included. Both how often and how long / "intense" the zoning out episodes are. I've been practicing regularly since the program was first released in summer 2009 and haven't zoned anywhere near like I used to in the beginning in a pretty long time.

And again, like Prodigal Son said, the changes could be very subtle for some and much more intense for others, but it's all cumulative and with regular practice, it will be exactly what you need, how much you need at each stage of your cleansing and healing. :)

It is a question of practising it (EE) by letting go (where it wants/needs) here is not it? I guess we do not have to expect things change suddenly, (this is not closed) and pay attention to our bodies during the session is the most important work to do. Is it the right way?
On a couple of occasions, I'm not sure whether I zoned out or simply fell asleep. One thing is for sure, I find it difficult to relax and let go.
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