Éiriú-Eolas - Breathing Program

Prodigal Son said:
I’m beginning to wonder about yawning and doing EE. OK, yawning may indicate that the vagus nerve is doing it’s job, or it may indicate that there is a loss of energy in the small accumulator and that requires input from the large accumulator, or and this is what I’m wondering about, is it a distracting tactic by the False Personality?

Well, keep in mind that Gurdjieff's description of 'accumulators' is open to interpretation and not necessarily scientific. For example, I think it's in Kahneman's book where he describes how the signal that we're tired from exercise is basically a lie the body tells us to conserve energy, when in fact, if we push through it, we will get another burst of energy, which is something high-intensity athletes know about. Maybe that has something to do with G's 'accumulators', but I don't think it's worth it to worry or speculate too much in this case. It wouldn't help to stifle the yawn, so I'd recommend to just observe it. This time you yawn, maybe next time something will have changed and you won't. And of course, you can always take G's writings as a working hypothesis and view the yawning as as a reminder to put in a little more effort and keep focused.
Chrissy said:
Just wondering...How does everyone else do their practice? Do you use headphones?

Yes, headphones and using a PSP's mp3 playing ability. You can also burn it on a cd and play it in a stereo or just play it on your computer speakers.

Anyone ever have your nose get congested when pipe breathing with just a little quiet constriction? Mine does and internally my nose gets a little warm. It's not like dripping nose runny, but a "higher" congestion inside my nose. I guess it could just be condensation from warm air entering a small passage? Never heard anyone talk of this, so I thought I'd put it out there.
I use head phones too, little mp3 player always next to the bed used only for EE.

I get a problem with my nose, but at a different point during a full EE session. When moving into the warrior breath my nose starts to hurt, I think this is due to the volume of air rush through causing a dryness, which can be mildly painful. If I want to do the BaHa section I am inclined to cut out the last two warrior breaths sets, this way I can get through the Ba Ha with no additional discomfort. I am wondering if other people have this problem, and what if any solutions can be utilised. I've tried moistening the inside of the nasal passage, but this seem to make it worse :mad:
I've never had any of the issues with my nose, so I can't give any experience about it. But I'm pretty sure it's been discussed earlier in this thread, and perhaps elsewhere. I remember some people saying using a humidifier in the room helped. And there may have been some other suggestions.
SeekinTruth said:
I've never had any of the issues with my nose, so I can't give any experience about it. But I'm pretty sure it's been discussed earlier in this thread, and perhaps elsewhere. I remember some people saying using a humidifier in the room helped. And there may have been some other suggestions.

Thanks SeekinTruth, I will give the humidifier option a go and see how I get on.
Hi rolyateel,

I do the program lying down, and found putting a small piece of silk over my nose helped a lot with three-stage breathing and ba-ha. After a while, I seemed to get used to the level of humidity, which is very dry where I live, and didn't need it anymore. It helps when the air is really cold too.

herondancer said:
Hi rolyateel,

I do the program lying down, and found putting a small piece of silk over my nose helped a lot with three-stage breathing and ba-ha. After a while, I seemed to get used to the level of humidity, which is very dry where I live, and didn't need it anymore. It helps when the air is really cold too.


I also find covering my nose with material of some sort helps. My issue is that my nose gets internally cold and dry when doing Ba-Ha. If I put a blanket over my nose and mouth the warmths and moisture from the exhale seems to keep my nose warm and moist. Stretching your shirt up over your nose works too (Turgon showed me that trick :)).
Thanks for the replies, I didn't quiet understand how putting a cloth over your nose would stop this, but now I see how this could work by recirculating the exhaled/inhaled moisture. I will certainly give this a go for tomorrows full EE session.
Another week spent experiencing tears and yawning during the two main EE sessions - Monday and Thursday. During PotS, on Monday, I had a restless right foot and toes, and ended the session with tears running down my face. On Thursday, before PotS started I zoned out and came to some considerable time after Laura finished her recitation.

Outside of the sessions, whilst working on Self-sabotage using Pennebaker’s writing exercise, on the first day I ended up crying through it.

Another thing that I’d noticed as an increasing effect was that of dehydration, it seemed to exist longer through the day, despite having a water intake that’s close on twice what it was before going ketogenic. Louise Bourbeau suggests that dehydration is caused by cutting self off from feeling anything (that makes sense for me), especially about feeling good about self, allowing self to be depleted by what going on and by obsessive thinking. Well, that all fits.

Having completed the third day of the Pennebaker exercise, and reading the above had the effect of reducing the apparent duration of dehydration the following day.
Prodigal Son
« on: Today at 12:29:10 PM »
Another thing that I’d noticed as an increasing effect was that of dehydration, it seemed to exist longer through the day, despite having a water intake that’s close on twice what it was before going ketogenic. Louise Bourbeau suggests that dehydration is caused by cutting self off from feeling anything (that makes sense for me), especially about feeling good about self, allowing self to be depleted by what going on and by obsessive thinking.
Well, that all fits.

This is something that refers to me also, pretty much, i have to admit. I should work on this a lot, surely.
Thanks for reminder.
That's quite interesting, Prodigal Son. And good to hear your getting benefits from the added writing exercises and your dehydration has been reduced. :)
Much time passed since I gave an update on my own EE progress, so it is time now I think.

I do EE without the audio from laura since the beginning of 2011 or so because I got the feeling if I listen and just follow the instructions, its like someone holding my hand. But now I am able to walk without assistance and the audio started to be more a distraction than an helpful tool.

The main thing is, that the BaHa portion has become my favorite part because of the deep relaxing sensation it brings. Its like a cold clean wind begin to blow through my brain. First slow, then faster, than furious and energetic and when the fast part stops, he disappear and only silence remain, no dust, no confusion, just a soft and calm flow of energy. Really beautiful.

The wet eyes and the constant yawning through the three stage breathing it still there but it has become in important part of the beginning of the session because it turned out that the intensity of the yawning and specially the amount of tears directly realates to the amount of tension, emotionally and physically, what has accumulated between the sessions. Sometimes I can feel the pressure and then I know it is time to do EE.

The urge to punch the air because of the energy that get trappet during the BaHa portion in my hands and feet has decreased significant since I act them out in the same way I feel it. I discovered that I can control the energy flow by adjusting the pace of the three stages. So it became possible to reach the meditative part and no trapped energy remains who can disrupt the meditation. Its like during the BaHa part a flow of energy is created who emerge somewhere in my head and flow towards my hands and feet to leave my body there. If this flow starts to become to strong, it seems that the energy can't leave through my hands and feet fast enough and so the "exit" get blocked, the energy is trapped and I am forced to act them out physically. Quite interesting to observe.

All in all, no spectacular developments, no visions, no zone out's (at least I can't remember). It seems that the main part unfold itself unnoticed and only comes back to me through my dreams. I am not sorry about that because I am sure, such things would only confuse me. :)

Let's see what the future has in store.
Thanks for the update, no-man's-land. You are right about the benefits of EE unfolding whether you notice any "spectacular" developments or not. Glad to hear that you stuck with it and will continue to reap those benefits. :)
is there any way to download the online version? it is really slow to load on my mac in the browser window. is there a download link somewhere, even just for the audio version. I would love to put the audio on my iPhone.
abeofarrell said:
is there any way to download the online version? it is really slow to load on my mac in the browser window. is there a download link somewhere, even just for the audio version. I would love to put the audio on my iPhone.
Try here and see if this works.
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