Prodigal Son said:I’m beginning to wonder about yawning and doing EE. OK, yawning may indicate that the vagus nerve is doing it’s job, or it may indicate that there is a loss of energy in the small accumulator and that requires input from the large accumulator, or and this is what I’m wondering about, is it a distracting tactic by the False Personality?
Well, keep in mind that Gurdjieff's description of 'accumulators' is open to interpretation and not necessarily scientific. For example, I think it's in Kahneman's book where he describes how the signal that we're tired from exercise is basically a lie the body tells us to conserve energy, when in fact, if we push through it, we will get another burst of energy, which is something high-intensity athletes know about. Maybe that has something to do with G's 'accumulators', but I don't think it's worth it to worry or speculate too much in this case. It wouldn't help to stifle the yawn, so I'd recommend to just observe it. This time you yawn, maybe next time something will have changed and you won't. And of course, you can always take G's writings as a working hypothesis and view the yawning as as a reminder to put in a little more effort and keep focused.