Éiriú-Eolas - Breathing Program

weasel3d said:
truth seeker said:
engagedinattempting said:
and a couple of times I've been jolted out of meditation by a convulsive muscle contraction in my left leg (not painful, but whaaa?).
Yeah, I get that from time to time as well. One possibility is that the body is restructuring itself as toxins are being released - this applies to not only the emotional but the physical as well.

Really glad to hear you're experiencing some benefits overall. Many thanks for the update. :)
Just wanted to add that I've had that, as well...same leg! I took an herb and mineral formula that my doctor gave me for soft tissue support and it never returned. I don't have it with me to share the ingredients, because I'm on the road---if anyone asks, I'll post it later on.

Ditto for me too- same leg.
As truth seeker has pointed out, the 'convulsive leg contraction' is 'that the body is restructuring itself as toxins are being released - this applies to not only the emotional but the physical as well', including the effects of possible earlier trauma effects - overall it is a positive thing.

My experience of EE this week, for Monday and Thursday, whilst just doing three-stage pipe breathing and PotS, was, for both days, a case of yawning and wet-eyes during the first part and leading to tears during PotS.

Outside of the sessions, the Pennebaker writing exercises for clearing buffers, etc, have been quite productive, with copious ‘unconscious’ emotional releases during the night whilst asleep.
A ‘graphic’ week, on Monday, during PotS, seeing an image of mottled green in a black mosaic in the eye of my mind, before zoning out towards the end; whilst on Thursday, I had a vision of ‘Superman’, followed by an image of green mixed with blue. Not seen colours for a long time.
I listened to the dvd for the first time in a couple of months on Sunday. I wanted take a break whilst processing issues that have come up since my previous EE sessions and reading the Wave series, and to see how I felt by not doing EE, just trying to form my own judgements of the merits again by experience. I know now that EE is very beneficial for me, but rather than practising it on a 'timescale' - certain time / day; I am finding that it may work better for me on a more intuitive rather than regimented basis.

As for the session, I felt initially teary during three stage breathing and beatha, but relaxed into it. During the beatha I started to cry and saw comets hitting the earth only see it change to sperms attracted to an egg, and I felt acceptance and gratitude thereafter. Slept soundly - which is something I didn't do during my period of EE absence.

"I went through a bit of a rocky start by doing too much too quickly, instead of adhering to the suggested regimen. I recognize now that this sort of obsessive overdoing of a thing is a product of an unfounded feeling of inadequacy, a defect in thinking that generates fears of being hopelessly behind, that I must catch up, etcetera, that has dogged me my entire life. I credit EE for my being able to achieve this small but helpful introspective observation
." Patrick April 20th

My experiences have been very similar to yours Patrick, initially when practising EE about 6 months ago, and I am still learning to proceed at my own pace. I experimented recently by only doing the PoTS, with no breath work, and I observed myself getting more stressed and feeling less protected. There is so much knowledge on this forum and the recommended reading material, I have felt panicky sometimes that I am constantly playing 'catch up', but EE helps me to grow in spirit, shed emotional toxins and feel at peace with myself. I too have felt inadequate my entire life, never quite fitting in, but I cannot reiterate how beneficial the Prayer of the Soul is to me now in particular. It truly resonates deeply. Glad you are getting significant observations too.

I recited the PoTS to my girls (14, 12) a couple of months ago. I have shared care of them and we always have some quiet time before they go to bed. They love PoTS too and learned it easier than me :), and we take turns reciting it just before bedtime now. When sometimes I struggle with the probabilities / possibilities I am learning about, and in particular how it relates to my children, just knowing that they have chosen to say the PoTS and we can talk more easily about spiritual matters, means so much to me. Thanks again to all of you for EE.
Thanks for the update, dreamrider. Great to hear EE continues to benefit you and also your daughters. :)
Yes dreamrider, it's wonderful to hear that you are practicing it together with your children.

Today I had a great session, in practice I often forget to leave my own preoccupations behind and today (after a shocking experience earlier) I could muster the motivation to keep myself centered. I repeated the last track a second time since I was really feeling the breathing cleansing me with tingling sensations moving from the bottom of my torso to top. I also had some throat constriction and urge to sob. I tried to keep still and meditate after the music was over but was not particularly successful. After the session I could feel some soreness in my limbs as I woke up to answer the ringing phone.

Funnily after the session I felt "emotionless" and somewhat deadened. I couldn't bring myself to hold a conversation with my dad, lacking spontaneity and fluency.

I'm going to lie down and meditate a little while more for today I think.
Last couple of weeks EE sessions were calm, with no specific event, I've been having just some kind of laziness when the day and hour comes to do the complete EE, so in some occasions I did it out of day. (tuesday, or friday, sat., etc.).
I also posted this in the EE forum.

Once or twice, as the meditation section started, some thought has popped into my head and started a chain of thought, then suddenly I become aware that the meditation section is over! It is sort of like falling asleep, but if I recall correctly (this happened a while back) there was no grogginess, which usually accompanies waking for me. It was as if I automatically started thinking about something, then blacked out, then "woke up" with a vague sense that I had just been "thinking" about something, but I can't remember what it was.

For example, I remember having a thought about my situation with my uncle, and beginning to reason through things related to that situation, and then I "woke up", realized Laura had already finished saying the Prayer. If I was really "thinking" for that entire time, it is obvious that most of that thinking was not conscious. It "felt" like I had just awoken fromdreaming, but didn't remember the dream.

So, is this "zoning", or something else?
Sounds like it could be "zoning out," HowToBe. When that happens, you can't really bring much back to consciousness. It's like things happen/processing occurs with the "Higher Self" but the experience of that contact can't be brought back to "normal" everyday state of consciousness.

It can also happen with no thoughts/chains of thought starting. It used to happen to me (and many others) a lot spontaneously and at different parts of the program when I first started practicing it in summer 2009. It lasted a few months and became more and more rare. FWIW.
SeekinTruth said:
Sounds like it could be "zoning out," HowToBe. When that happens, you can't really bring much back to consciousness. It's like things happen/processing occurs with the "Higher Self" but the experience of that contact can't be brought back to "normal" everyday state of consciousness.

It can also happen with no thoughts/chains of thought starting. It used to happen to me (and many others) a lot spontaneously and at different parts of the program when I first started practicing it in summer 2009. It lasted a few months and became more and more rare. FWIW.
Hm, interesting. Well, I'll take note if anything further happens.

I've been practicing more regularly recently, although recently there was a schedule disruption that I'm dealing with.

Results have been somewhat understated lately. Maybe an increase in awareness and focus throughout the day, more willpower, and a bit of irritability sometimes on days I do the Bioenergetic portion. At the same time, I've begun a serious struggle with trying to become an "obyvatel" and also trying to change my diet despite living with my parents and brother who aren't quite so dedicated (although mom and brother are interested).

My experience with EE and diet is that there tends to be lots of circumstantial evidence of their effects in my life, and it takes time to actually see how beneficial they can be. And it is easy for me to forget their benefits since they are subtle, especially when my willpower is low and I'm faced with doing the BaHa breath. That portion isn't that bad physically, but for some reason my emotions "don't like" it - I notice part of me really wanting to avoid doing it.

But I'm serious about healing, so I will try to build that "willpower muscle" by pushing through.
HowToBe, the increased awareness and focus (also combined with calm -- a calm alertness) is one of the "typical" results, even early on, of doing EE regularly, along with more willpower (less impulsive and compulsive thoughts/actions). The bit of irritability was also part of it for me early on. I was feeling much calmer and more alert, but also noticed what others' behaviors were irritating and noticed it fast where they weren't expressed, just noted. Although I was doing the whole program, including Beatha every day at first.

That also lessened over time (when I started doing the whole program less often after several weeks). Also Beatha was the hardest to get used to in the beginning (for me and many others, though not all). It's meant to get you out of your comfort zone, besides being a very powerful emotional release tool. Everybody's different and each person will have to adjust in their own way to how often is best and keep adjusting as things change.

Some people have overwhelming emotional releases and need to skip Beatha all together for a while and then add it back in. Others, can cut it down to only once a week, etc. You still get the full benefits of doing the complete program, just slower so you have time to process and heal at a more reasonable pace.
I'm making this post for my mother who has been doing regular EE for at least the last 18 mo. She had a bit of a hill to climb (prior) - getting used to the full program (80 y/o) - now she does the full program with me twice a week.

Before sleep two nights ago she found herself replaying the events of a very stressful household move (across the country in about 1959) with three kids in tow (ages 5, 4, and 2). The next morn she and I talked about the memories and the stress she experienced handling the move by herself while my father was in CT scouting out an apartment to move into. Apparently this was pretty traumatic for her (though quite buried and forgotten), and she noticed a lot of tightening in the gut while relating the memories. [She recently finished Levine's Unspoken Voice so she was on the lookout for body sensations]. Anyway, she said just talking about it really brought the feelings up and helped a lot to revisit that period. Initially she could not understand why this replay of "ancient" events was so persistent.
Thank for the info, SeekinTruth. Currently I aim to do the bioenergetic breathing twice a week, as recommended, and I succeed on some weeks. I used to try doing it every day, but it took so much time and that portion can be a little uncomfortable, so my willpower would run out and I would avoid EE altogether. The way I'm doing it now works a lot better. :)

Hopefully someday I'll be able to read this whole thread, but for now I'll just ask. How important are the stretching exercises? Is it best to do them every time? And what are the benefits of same? I find them to seem a bit "long" like the bioenergetic part, but I've been exercising willpower and doing them anyway.

What I find interesting about the "aversion" is that it seems very automatic, like my body says, "That felt uncomfortable, next time he thinks of doing that let's try and change the subject." :lol:
HowToBe said:
Hopefully someday I'll be able to read this whole thread, but for now I'll just ask. How important are the stretching exercises? Is it best to do them every time? And what are the benefits of same? I find them to seem a bit "long" like the bioenergetic part, but I've been exercising willpower and doing them anyway.
Hi HowToBe. Today, after the 3 stage breathing, I felt the urge to do the stretching because my joints and muscles really felt stiff and underused. I'm commonly in a sitting position at the computer most of the time, so stretching exercises can come really useful. I normally don't do all of them, doing the ones I feel like doing. I don't really know how it helps beyond saying that it improves the circulation and sort of warms up the body before practice.

HowToBe said:
What I find interesting about the "aversion" is that it seems very automatic, like my body says, "That felt uncomfortable, next time he thinks of doing that let's try and change the subject." :lol:
I get that too, especially DURING the EE sessions, where instead of letting the thoughts pass, I frequently obsess over them. I notice a very huge difference in the quality of the session if I do not keep up my concentration. I feel like I'd wasted a whole session if it was spent thinking over the events of the day. I think a significant part of the healing process is specifically this "act" of choosing to let the thoughts and emotional material be processed instead of stagnating in the body and mind. I tend to forget the importance of discipline very easily, giving in to the predator's mind. I'm going to be more disciplined in my sessions from now on.

LQB said:
I'm making this post for my mother who has been doing regular EE for at least the last 18 mo. She had a bit of a hill to climb (prior) - getting used to the full program (80 y/o) - now she does the full program with me twice a week.
That's inspiring news, LQB. I think it must have took a whole lot of effort. I've tried to do EE with my grandmother when I'm with her sometimes, and it can be tough to be consistent. But I find that she really enjoys it once she got the simple pipe-breathing down. She has dementia, so she's sometimes flustered and unable to remember things, but when she starts the pipe-breathing she calms right down. Also, she never seems to forget how to do it, once taught. That's pretty amazing I think.
beetlemaniac said:
LQB said:
I'm making this post for my mother who has been doing regular EE for at least the last 18 mo. She had a bit of a hill to climb (prior) - getting used to the full program (80 y/o) - now she does the full program with me twice a week.
That's inspiring news, LQB. I think it must have took a whole lot of effort. I've tried to do EE with my grandmother when I'm with her sometimes, and it can be tough to be consistent. But I find that she really enjoys it once she got the simple pipe-breathing down. She has dementia, so she's sometimes flustered and unable to remember things, but when she starts the pipe-breathing she calms right down. Also, she never seems to forget how to do it, once taught. That's pretty amazing I think.

It is! If it's possible to set up a regular EE schedule with her, she might start really looking forward to it. On the dementia, a few tablespoons of high quality coconut oil (per day) might help loosen the cobwebs - seems to work for many (although not a cure).
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