During pipe breathing these days i realized the importance of the vagus nerve be stimulated real good to be felt through the body. Doing pipes with more alertness to changing physiological needs of the body nowadays.
Had a series of gut-level feelings, realizations and brain-boost experiences especially around dawn 3-5am and at night in the last couple of months.
Tuesday i felt the effect of Mondays EE, while jogging, i suddenly remembered the guy on youtube saying in the video that malevolent alien-presences can be transmitted through voice, sound vibrations. (These alien life-forms are lizard-demonic, their manifestation in 3rd Density are the psychopaths i think ) It occurred at that moment that my childhood corruption played out the following way: this is all about resonance
1. My tabula-rasa cleanliness as a 5-6 old child (leaving out karmic burdens) was sensed by the psychopathic older teenager(s) and adults. I thought my FRV had to be higher, cleaner, finer then, must have been like a night-light and attracted pathologic bugs who sensed another great little target for corruption.
2. When they started their corrupting actions, they injected parts of their entropic frequency resonance vibration into mine. My FRV behaved like a stung prey, becoming numb from shock, then petrified it ground to a halt. (Results of the purported Philadelphia Experiment and Bermuda-stranded people came to my mind as they were frozen in an alternate reality-eternity) After the corrupting events - which the pathologicals (thoughtful for the future) diligently repeated just to be sure that they successfully crippled me through childhood and adulthood - these frozen FRV states became the norm.
Automatically as a struggle for normal life I tried to jumpstart my FRV somehow to become more lively from time to time: these were pure genuine attempts to return to normal, but the damage was so it began cyclically return to the frozen FRV state. This widely known phenomenon called apathetic in expert circles, (continued to ponder this as it hit me while jogging)
Also i began to repeat/reproduce the pathological's frequency vibration, like a student tries to match the tune of the music teacher by making a music instrument vibrate, the programs injected with the corrupting action were repeated by me, resonated in the FRV, as a child learns words it begins to repeat them.
As i jogged and saw all this, how children and people become literally instruments beginning to vibrate to the pathological's tune - to a sick entropic frequency resonance vibration, i realized how important is first of all to:
1. Cease to repeat the corrupting vibrations in memory, thought, talking to oneself, gesticulating, laughing to oneself, etc..
2. Importance of practicing healthy frequency resonance vibrations, repeat healthy vibrations, resonate with frequencies that cleanse and heal and make normal and happy.
I saw that by doing Music of Life vibrational practices (find music for the Soul, also the written word), like if learning to whistle rightly, by start the right music to resonate in the Soul-consciousness construct, in the Being, I can not only counter-act the evil vibrations I was shot almost dead with in the past, but I can negate them and heal the damage. The Soul-Consciousness coupling is a lot stronger than any pathological corruption.
Although the pathological vibrations will be etched into my FRV forever, they will be only a color visible to spirit-entities (higher than 3rdD) and those with enhanced spiritual sensibility in 3rdD. A visible scar, a memory, an almost eroded remnant, they won't be an active resonance anymore.
The realization was a lot quicker than writing this, but pondering it and really feeling-seeing, making it part of me took just as long.
I do not want to forget this.
I want to add, that if the FRV cannot literally freeze, it certainly feels frozen after abuse! Consequences seep into every important creative action! I recently remembered: compared the present state and past state. Now being able of carry out more advanced creative tasks with ease: how petrified in thought i was in the past. Frequently stood there, before carrying out important steps - that would make colleagues say WoW! when i could succeed - but i was frozen in mind, unable to act, - i knew how to do it! - but was unable to work, unable to carry out the steps of the creative act. Ridiculous. How strange are the memories of it with my present routine and experience. Now I simply fly over and do the steps with ease - these steps were felt, were thought and therefore were quite difficult in the past. All this petrification, backwardness in doing, delay x1000times delay, hesitancy were the result of corruptions in the past!