Éiriú-Eolas - Breathing Program

Awhile back I mentioned that I took dexedrine for work and such, and that it felt like it had an impact on my ability to do the bioenergetic breathing portion of the EE breathing program. Since I've made considerable progress, I thought I'd come back and announce that I've been free of dexedrine for just about four months now. :)

Thanks to my diet and supplementing, my ADD related to stress at work has been more or less completely neutralized. :thup: I feel ready to start doing the beatha breathing on a regular basis now, after a few successful trials. All the best to the rest of you out there!
Good to hear, whitecoast. Just remember not to do Beatha more than twice a week and less if you have overwhelming emotional releases.
Great progress whitecoast. :rockon:

For me, my experiences are as follows: on Monday, yawning and wet-eyes during three-stage pipe breathing and following through into PotS, with tears freely following; on Thursday, the tears started during three-stage pipe breathing, and zoning in and out during PotS.
I bought the DVD a couple of months ago and watched Laura's Introduction and the practice demonstration with the three girls.
Even though everything was very interesting, for some reason I could not do the program - did not even get up to three breaths,
so I gave it away. :headbash:

A few days ago I really felt the need to do some kind of meditation/breathing program (too much craziness in my life)
also to accompany my dietary changes and remembered that there is also an online version.

I followed the girls and this time - no problem! Apart from feeling very grounded and relaxed afterwards, I slept like a baby.

Now I've given the DVD away, however, I have a couple of questions:

How often do you repeat? In the video they do:

Six times each stage of three stage breathing
Twelve times three Warrior breath
and an indefinite amount of Ba-Ha

But this is just a demonstration, right?
I remember that on the audio DVD there were more repetitions (almost too much for me - but as I said above
I couldn't follow anyway).

What would be a good number for a beginner?
Also I woke up with a sore throat this morning, can it be that I constricted too much doing pipe-breathing?

(Lungs and throat are a very sensitive area for me)

Thanks, Emmeya
Hello EmmeYa,

EmmeYa said:
How often do you repeat? In the video they do:

Six times each stage of three stage breathing
Twelve times three Warrior breath
and an indefinite amount of Ba-Ha

There is a second video available online, which is originally the audio CD. This CD guides you through the whole program after you learned the breathing techniques. Nonetheless it is for pipebreathing:

12 (first stage= belly)

EmmeYa said:
What would be a good number for a beginner?
Also I woke up with a sore throat this morning, can it be that I constricted too much doing pipe-breathing?

(Lungs and throat are a very sensitive area for me)

Do only as much as you can and that you still feel comfortable, which is really important. Experiment a bit especially at the beginning to get an idea how long every part is. The sore throat could happen at the beginning since it is unknown and as well as you wrote, that you constricted your throat a little bit too much, so take care.

And the overall recommendation is: max. 2 times a week the beatha part (round breathing) and the rest you could do daily, it is suggested that doing some pipe breathing and reciting the prayer before going to bed is the best way.

EmmeYa said:
I bought the DVD a couple of months ago and watched Laura's Introduction and the practice demonstration with the three girls.
Even though everything was very interesting, for some reason I could not do the program - did not even get up to three breaths,
so I gave it away. :headbash:

What happened if I may ask?
The sore throat can be from pipe breathing with too much constriction or Warriors Breath or a combination. You'll get used to it soon. And as Gawan said, don't do BA-HA portion more than twice a week. Less if you have overwhelming emotional releases.
Thanks to both of you.

I just found the audio version on my computer! :wizard:
It might be good if I listen to the Introduction again, I completely missed what was said about the Baha breath.
Regretting to have given the DVD away though.

I guess my dietary changes dealt with my lung issues, I cannot explain otherwise why I am suddenly able
to do all these breathing :shock:

Thanks again (off to do the program)
EmmeYa said:
Thanks to both of you.

I just found the audio version on my computer! :wizard:
It might be good if I listen to the Introduction again, I completely missed what was said about the Baha breath.
Regretting to have given the DVD away though.

I guess my dietary changes dealt with my lung issues, I cannot explain otherwise why I am suddenly able
to do all these breathing :shock:

Thanks again (off to do the program)

Just to confirm in case you want to do it without the audio:

3 Stage Breathing - 12, 12, 6
Warrior's Breath - 12, 12, 12
Beatha (BaHa) - 30, 30, 30 x 3
Thanks. I can also recommend to every newbie to read through this thread.
I am only on page 14 now, but got a lot of information already.

Another week of experiencing wet-eyes and yawning during three-stage pipe breathing and following through into PotS, with tears freely following on Monday, and a restless left leg. On Thursday, it was a case of zoning out towards the end of PotS.
Report: In last 2 months there was no significant changes with doing EE except that I reduced Ba-Ha part to once a week. All stages of breathing, PotS and meditation are proceeding good. In some days, when I skip doing EE because of my busy work schedule and other obligations at home, I feel lacking of oxygen, short-breathing and only I can do is pipe-breathing 12 rounds only which really helps instantly to 'fuel' your body and mind :).
Hello, All; I've been doing EE for about six weeks and would like to share my experiences.

I went through a bit of a rocky start by doing too much too quickly, instead of adhering to the suggested regimen. I recognize now that this sort of obsessive overdoing of a thing is a product of an unfounded feeling of inadequacy, a defect in thinking that generates fears of being hopelessly behind, that I must catch up, etcetera, that has dogged me my entire life. I credit EE for my being able to achieve this small but helpful introspective observation.

The rocky start mainly involved a resistance to the round breathing that manifested as muscular tension, a feeling of being extremely overheated and some sort of irrational fear of being short of usable breath. These discomforts failed to manifest on my fifth complete excercise, and I had a cathartic experience at the beginning of the meditation portion that lasted for about two hours, during which I was able to see quite clearly how many of my actions in this life had been terribly self-serving and caused deep and lasting pain to others. From that point on to the present, I've had a few teary-eyed episodes toward the end of meditations, mostly generated by feelings of peaceful gratitude, and a couple of times I've been jolted out of meditation by a convulsive muscle contraction in my left leg (not painful, but whaaa?).

In the last two weeks I've realized that I'm falling asleep much more easily at night, I'm sleeping more soundly and awakening more quickly and completely. During the day, I'm more focused and tuned in to the work/pleasure of continuing my learning about this business of life and being. Better at sleeping, better at being awake; what's not to love?

And one of the best things is this: practicing EE does not feel like a chore, it's a good and pleasant exercise that I greatly enjoy.

Thank you to all of you whom have made EE available, and these positive changes in my life possible.
engagedinattempting said:
and a couple of times I've been jolted out of meditation by a convulsive muscle contraction in my left leg (not painful, but whaaa?).
Yeah, I get that from time to time as well. One possibility is that the body is restructuring itself as toxins are being released - this applies to not only the emotional but the physical as well.

Really glad to hear you're experiencing some benefits overall. Many thanks for the update. :)
Thanks for the summary of your experience with EE, engagedinattempting. Good to hear you're "getting into the groove" and seeing benefits. :) By the way, BA-HA was a bit hard in the beginning to get used to for me and others, as well.
truth seeker said:
engagedinattempting said:
and a couple of times I've been jolted out of meditation by a convulsive muscle contraction in my left leg (not painful, but whaaa?).
Yeah, I get that from time to time as well. One possibility is that the body is restructuring itself as toxins are being released - this applies to not only the emotional but the physical as well.

Really glad to hear you're experiencing some benefits overall. Many thanks for the update. :)
Just wanted to add that I've had that, as well...same leg! I took an herb and mineral formula that my doctor gave me for soft tissue support and it never returned. I don't have it with me to share the ingredients, because I'm on the road---if anyone asks, I'll post it later on.
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