Éiriú-Eolas - Breathing Program

Aragorn, my daughter was born with a hernia and needed an operation straight after birth. She was in hospital for 3 weeks, an awful place. On the top floor, no elevator, just had a baby, I got really sick visiting her.
I was not able to be with her enough, and was permanently worried about her the entire time. What an awful shock for a newborn/ very small child to be taken away from its mother and have to undergo so much pain and loneliness.
People sometimes laugh when I say that ordeal still affects her quite a lot. Hospitals give me the creeps anyway.
So the trauma you were processing goes back a long way... Thank you for sharing!
Aragorn said:
Couple of days ago I had yet another interesting "revelation" while doing EE.
During the 70's they did this kind of surgery only under general anesthesia, which means that a rubber mask was placed over my face. I wonder if the "body memory" of this mask is one of the reasons that my nose and face often starts to itch and twitch during EE?

I'm still a bit shocked by this experience, feeling "having been messed with". Also thinking about the general anesthesia makes me wonder "where" I was during that time, and if I was open to some sort of 4D manipulation. Well, probably useless to go down that road, the surgery had to be done and that's that.
To further your recovery from this trauma, you may find it beneficial doing the Pennebaker writing exercise, as described in the Redirect thread - writing continuously about the trauma event for 15-20 minutes (max) a day (last thing in the evening) over three or four consecutive evenings - seeking to find a coherent story, meaning, and the learning (positive intent) for the event. I have found this process very beneficial leading to improved 'health'.
I was wondering whether anyone has been consciously effected by CME's coming in from the Sun. The last couple of nights, I woke out of bed very agitated, weird emotional stuff ranting, very unsettled... As soon as I got it together I did EE, each of those times and then meditated for about an hour. The first morning, when checking my emails, I saw I had an alert from the NOAA that there had been been a geomagnetic sudden impulse through the time I had been awakened. The second night after doing EE and meditation for a similar amount of time, prior to going back to sleep I checked my phone for email. Same thing. I had just received an email alert fron the NOAA that there had just been a geomagnetic impulse during that last hour. The Sun's been quite active, lately. Is anyone having similar experiences?

Oh, I didn't mention that the first night during meditation, I had some odd moments with 'information' spurts that had to do with the Sun communicating, etc. It was just one of those pockets of vivid images that lasts for a few seconds, but it stuck out from the other noise---I remembered it the next morning reading the NOAA alert.
Another week spent experiencing tears and yawning during the two main EE sessions - Monday and Thursday.

And curiously, I noticed that when I listened to a CD for colloquially learning a new language, I experienced a similar effect, wide yawns and tears. So, as they seemed totally unrelated, a little research was called for, and from diverse sources this is what was found:

Yawning and tears together
Yawning exerts pressure on the lacrimal sac causing normal tears, artificially

Linked to cooling of the brain, activation of serotonin, dopamime, glutamic acid and nitric oxide

May be due to fatigue (tiredness, stress, overwork), or lack of stimulation

Displayed when faced with a worrying or dangerous situation, either as a warning signal or demonstrating a deterrent in the form of being less than threatened

Transition in the body’s biology from sleep to alertness, or vice versa, preparing for an increasingly energised state – a need to be more alert than normal

Releases muscular tension and works its way through the physical aspects of abuse – the silent scream of childhood past pain and terror

(From a Hindu source) relief valve for energetics (transference of energy) that are typically of a spiritual origin; activity of expressive and automatic balancing from body systems that govern areas of spiritual interaction – spiritual pressure being released; compressed action of release and invitation

The autonomic parasympathetic nervous system controls the lacrimal gland via acetylcholine

Psychic tears due to emotional stress or pain, suffering and/or mourning

‘Tears are the silent language of grief’ - Voltaire

Emotional overwhelm

Discharge of locked-up, pent-up energy, disposing toxic substances, released for maintenance of physical health and emotional balance; a form of catharsis – reduction of stress by releasing emotions

Tears are truth
I'm thin but my belly is naturally out.(I think it's because of my past a lot of beer experience). So, when I stand or sit I almost can't see how my diaphragm moves (the belly didn't go out because it is already there). But when I lie I can observe how it moves in and out really well. And also my flexibility doesn't make me able to sit in lotus and crossed-legs position.
Can anybody give me an advice?
Maybe I sound silly, but today I have an opportunity to do full EE, that’s why I’m asking.
Serg said:
I'm thin but my belly is naturally out.(I think it's because of my past a lot of beer experience). So, when I stand or sit I almost can't see how my diaphragm moves (the belly didn't go out because it is already there). But when I lie I can observe how it moves in and out really well. And also my flexibility doesn't make me able to sit in lotus and crossed-legs position.
Can anybody give me an advice?
Maybe I sound silly, but today I have an opportunity to do full EE, that’s why I’m asking.
Whichever position is most comfortable for you is the best position. Personally, I lay down. Some find sitting (in a chair or on the floor) more comfortable. The lotus position isn't necessary/required. I assume your asking because you want to make sure you're breathing correctly? Laying down may work for you until you get used to it.
truth seeker said:
Whichever position is most comfortable for you is the best position. Personally, I lay down. Some find sitting (in a chair or on the floor) more comfortable. The lotus position isn't necessary/required. I assume your asking because you want to make sure you're breathing correctly? Laying down may work for you until you get used to it.
Thanks truth seeker.
And yes I want to know if I'm brathing correctly. I find doing pipe breathing easier and I get more relaxed if I lay down.
And I can breath deeper and little bit longer.
Sometimes after an intense three-stage breathing session I listen to music and it makes me cry. Sometimes I listen to it on purpose to "get it out". The times this has happened I have felt lighter afterwards. Is this a bad idea? It struck me that it might be "artifical" and that it would be better to let tears come naturally.
Timey said:
Sometimes after an intense three-stage breathing session I listen to music and it makes me cry. Sometimes I listen to it on purpose to "get it out". The times this has happened I have felt lighter afterwards. Is this a bad idea? It struck me that it might be "artifical" and that it would be better to let tears come naturally.

I think it's okay to do so if it helps you and if it facillitates releasing emotions for you. After some time these releases might then come on their own, without having to be triggered by music. Like a spring once buried, perhaps, and the water slowly but surely finds its way out and is regaining its natural strength once the obstacle is removed. :)
Enaid said:
Timey said:
Sometimes after an intense three-stage breathing session I listen to music and it makes me cry. Sometimes I listen to it on purpose to "get it out". The times this has happened I have felt lighter afterwards. Is this a bad idea? It struck me that it might be "artifical" and that it would be better to let tears come naturally.

I think it's okay to do so if it helps you and if it facillitates releasing emotions for you. After some time these releases might then come on their own, without having to be triggered by music. Like a spring once buried, perhaps, and the water slowly but surely finds its way out and is regaining its natural strength once the obstacle is removed. :)
Thanks, Enaid.
I had a bump in the road this week with EE. I was in a comfortable routine, doing my practice through my ipod with headphones on. My husband downloaded it for me through the Cd I have. I could really concentrate with the headphones on and not be disturbed if other people were home.
Now I can't find my ipod. I turned the whole house apart. I was really upset, but decided to just keep going. I played the Cd on an old stereo at a high volume, but it wasn't the same. My mind was drifting all over the place. It was hard work to get through it. So I was wondering, instead of taking this as a bad thing, which was my initial reaction, maybe I was too comfortable. Maybe my practice was becoming mechanical. I don't know. I guess I'm just trying to make the best of the situation.
Just wondering...How does everyone else do their practice? Do you use headphones?
I play the audio on my laptop with the volume turned up very high and do the whole program lying down except Warrior's Breath. I've never tried it with headphones, so I can't say anything about the difference.
Chrissy said:
I had a bump in the road this week with EE. I was in a comfortable routine, doing my practice through my ipod with headphones on. My husband downloaded it for me through the Cd I have. I could really concentrate with the headphones on and not be disturbed if other people were home.
Now I can't find my ipod. I turned the whole house apart. I was really upset, but decided to just keep going. I played the Cd on an old stereo at a high volume, but it wasn't the same. My mind was drifting all over the place. It was hard work to get through it. So I was wondering, instead of taking this as a bad thing, which was my initial reaction, maybe I was too comfortable. Maybe my practice was becoming mechanical. I don't know. I guess I'm just trying to make the best of the situation.
Just wondering...How does everyone else do their practice? Do you use headphones?

Maybe you were a little bit distracted, cause you couldn't find you ipod? And then it was a new experience too, which maybe needs adjustment-time until you get used to it, at least this would be my take.

Personally I prefer my hi-fi equipment, because I would find headphones distracting :).
Aragorn said:
During the 70's they did this kind of surgery only under general anesthesia, which means that a rubber mask was placed over my face. I wonder if the "body memory" of this mask is one of the reasons that my nose and face often starts to itch and twitch during EE?

Sounds possible. Another thing to consider would be the fact that such an experience can be traumatizing, in the sense Peter Levine talks about it in "In An Unspoken Voice", i.e. being prohibited from completing a fight/flight response. In this case, general anesthesia and being away from your mother would do the trick. So if you haven't read his book, you might want to check it out. Many of his patients literally 'shook off' their trauma, by letting their bodies complete the motions of running, for example, or experiencing the shaking that occurs when an animal comes out of a freeze state.

I'm still a bit shocked by this experience, feeling "having been messed with". Also thinking about the general anesthesia makes me wonder "where" I was during that time, and if I was open to some sort of 4D manipulation. Well, probably useless to go down that road, the surgery had to be done and that's that.

I think you're right that it's probably pretty useless to go down that road. The trauma itself is enough to work with, IMO.
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