Éiriú-Eolas - Breathing Program

I was wondering if there are supposed to be warmup exercises included in the EE DVD's. I believe that Laura talks about warmup exercises when you start the breathing exercises....
I've searched the 1st DVD but I can't find them...

thanks. :huh:
LadyRodgers said:
I was wondering if there are supposed to be warm up exercises included in the EE DVD's. I believe that Laura talks about warm up exercises when you start the breathing exercises....
I've searched the 1st DVD but I can't find them...

thanks. :huh:

Hi LadyRodgers,
I don't have DVD you are referring to, however, as I understand it that the warm up exercises are some simple physical exercises which are done by girls on a video in order to stretch our bodies. It is not a breathing ones.

I have a question on Round breathing or Beatha. Should we inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth OR just breath through the nose all the time? I did a lot of reading however I could find the clear answer to this. Pipe breathing and Warrior breathing are explained in details pretty well.

I've done this EE full program several times already and I noticed the same thing as someone else - during POTS stage I become asleep and then I wake up after couple of hours with no idea what has happened.

Many thanks in advance for an advise on Round breathing technique.
Atomas said:
LadyRodgers said:
I was wondering if there are supposed to be warm up exercises included in the EE DVD's. I believe that Laura talks about warm up exercises when you start the breathing exercises....
I've searched the 1st DVD but I can't find them...

thanks. :huh:

Hi LadyRodgers,
I don't have DVD you are referring to, however, as I understand it that the warm up exercises are some simple physical exercises which are done by girls on a video in order to stretch our bodies. It is not a breathing ones.

Yes. LadyRodgers, if you have the latest version of the EE set, it will be in the menu of the first DVD, where it says Practice. And when you enter there, there's a smaller menu, and they are under Stretches. If however you have the older version, then they will be on the second DVD. Hope this helps.

Atomas said:
I have a question on Round breathing or Beatha. Should we inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth OR just breath through the nose all the time? I did a lot of reading however I could find the clear answer to this. Pipe breathing and Warrior breathing are explained in details pretty well.

The Beatha breathing is done: inhalation through the nose, exhalation through the mouth. Laura says it in the Practice section I mentioned above, under Beatha/Meditation. :)
I wanted to give an update of my past two weeks of EE. My focus is on my breathing, relaxing and just letting whatever arises come and go without trying to expect some type of physical result. Basically, like so many here have suggested, I'm trying not to anticipate and just observe.

What I would like to mention is what happens while I'm sleeping. It seems in my dreams, I have dug a bit deeper. I was thinking this morning how EE has equipted my with a big shovel, so to speak. My usual nightmares are about loved ones suffering and dying, but as of late, some old ghosts have resurfaced. One in particular, who I can without a doubt call a psychopath and from which I suffered mental and emotional abuse for some years. He was a true predator and unfortunately I was only 15 and fell right into it.

At first I was alarmed that this person resurfaced in my subconscious, but in looking at the dream itself, I wasn't falling for his old tricks. I knew exactly what he was and saw right through him. It was like I was the child and also the mother in the same dream and I finally protected myself. I know I still have a lot more fear and illusions to release, but some healing has taken place too and for that I am grateful. :flowers: :flowers:
Chrissy said:
At first I was alarmed that this person resurfaced in my subconscious, but in looking at the dream itself, I wasn't falling for his old tricks. I knew exactly what he was and saw right through him. It was like I was the child and also the mother in the same dream and I finally protected myself. I know I still have a lot more fear and illusions to release, but some healing has taken place too and for that I am grateful. :flowers: :flowers:

That does seem to be a positive sign! Thanks for sharing Chrissy :)
I’m beginning to wonder about yawning and doing EE. OK, yawning may indicate that the vagus nerve is doing it’s job, or it may indicate that there is a loss of energy in the small accumulator and that requires input from the large accumulator, or and this is what I’m wondering about, is it a distracting tactic by the False Personality?

For example this week, on both Monday and Thursday’s full sessions (well three-stage pipe-breathing and PotS), I experienced wet-eyes and yawning as usual during pipe-breathing, following through into PotS, where the yawns were mega in size and length, with tears rolling down my face at the end. Also, when reciting PotS, both before sleep and on awakening, as soon as I start I’m yawning!
Timey said:
Is EE a means by which we can "balance" our Centers?
I think the first reason for doing EE is to release trauma/pain that is pent up in our bodies/minds, to experience those things that were suppressed throughout our lives. This is important because this trauma affects the ourselves in ways that are detrimental, for example we avoid approaching certain things or we behave in certain ways that keep us from growing. This behaviour can be like self-defeating cycles which we have difficulty changing directly or consciously.

With regards to balancing of the centers, I am very convinced that EE is able to do just that. Since trauma erects buffers in our centers that block the movement of energy, practice of EE can be like moving through these blocks gradually, releasing the energy that can be utilised by us. So in this way the centers begin to function normally and thus become balanced. That's how I look at it.
Timey said:
Is EE a means by which we can "balance" our Centers?

Just to add to what beetlemaniac wrote, EE helps, in conjunction with constant knowledge acquisition, the Work on the self. All of it together (including proper diet, etc.) helps to make progress -- to break out of automatic patterns, healing wounds, etc.
Lately I've noticed my mood getting lighter. Whenever I came to the bit, "pay attention to your body" after pipe breathing, I still felt a heavy, depressed sensation, which has now gone.
I do however, have problems with swallowing during the round breathing. I swallow about 3-4 times, because I need to yawn.
Could this yawning followed by swallowing be a kind of mechanism that prevents me from ridding myself of too much trauma too soon? I do find this stage challenging still.
cassandra said:
Lately I've noticed my mood getting lighter. Whenever I came to the bit, "pay attention to your body" after pipe breathing, I still felt a heavy, depressed sensation, which has now gone.
I do however, have problems with swallowing during the round breathing. I swallow about 3-4 times, because I need to yawn.
Could this yawning followed by swallowing be a kind of mechanism that prevents me from ridding myself of too much trauma too soon? I do find this stage challenging still.

Well, it is not uncommon to experience swallowing and yawning during the round breathing - it has happened to me, especially during the early stages of practising the program. It may be that it is the body's way of slowing things down in terms of releasing trauma.

I've also had it happen simply because it was quite dry in the room I was in, and my throat got so dry I had to swallow. At such times, what helps me is to put some material over my mouth and nose for a few moments to help create some moisture.

I wouldn't worry about it too much, just keep going after you swallow or yawn, and in time it may decrease. You are still getting the benefits of the program even if you swallow or yawn now and again.
manitoban said:
Well, it is not uncommon to experience ... yawning during the round breathing - it has happened to me, especially during the early stages of practising the program. It may be that it is the body's way of slowing things down in terms of releasing trauma.

Thank you that manitoban, that may just answer the reason that I yawn so much during three-stage pipe breathing and particulary during the recitation of PotS.
Couple of days ago I had yet another interesting "revelation" while doing EE.

I was doing the program and, as always, i soon sensed some itchiness and twitching in my nose which was followed by the usual cramps at the solar plexus. In one of these moments of spasms an image suddenly flashed in my mind: I was lying in a hospital bed and surrounded by white coated people (doctors) looking at me. And I felt terrified and very lonely. This image lasted only maybe 1-2 seconds, but the message was clear: I was a baby and I was in a hospital bed feeling lonely and scared.

Well, I pondered over this for a while and then I remembered my mother telling me that I did have surgery when I was little. I needed surgery because I had something called indirect inguinal hernia. The next morning I asked my mother about this and she said that at the time of surgery I was 1,5 years old. She confirmed my suspicion that I had to be without her during most of the procedure. She said: "Yes, I remember that they put you on one of those moving hospital beds and then they took you away to the operating room. I couldn't follow with you."

During the 70's they did this kind of surgery only under general anesthesia, which means that a rubber mask was placed over my face. I wonder if the "body memory" of this mask is one of the reasons that my nose and face often starts to itch and twitch during EE?

I'm still a bit shocked by this experience, feeling "having been messed with". Also thinking about the general anesthesia makes me wonder "where" I was during that time, and if I was open to some sort of 4D manipulation. Well, probably useless to go down that road, the surgery had to be done and that's that.
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