Éiriú-Eolas - Breathing Program

Keit said:
Chu said:
What's the first thing that people tell you to do? DON'T MOVE!!! While actually, most people have the normal reaction of shaking, wanting to shout, move, etc. So, if you experience a reaction, whatever it is, it may well be that energy that got stuck at some point. I can't be sure, of course, but many EE practitioners later on seem to remember something associated with those areas where they had a reaction, or simply feel like they just got a burden removed from their body.

Yes, I can personally attest to the fact that in many cases my body wanted to move or shake during the Beatha. Also, several years ago I had a swollen eye after a group EE. Now, retrospectively, it is clear to me that it was a sign from the Universe that I wasn't seeing something, or that I was blind to my own behavior. So having all kind of symbolic manifestations after EE is something to consider too.


This is interesting. I made the observation, that I sometimes tend to be unable to sit still while doing Beatha. Then there is the need to move somehow, while doing it. So that's why I do Beatha walking around sometimes. It can sure be, that it is some energetic release in an area where I might have felt stuck before. This seems to be especially the case right now. I did a whole session today and had to get up from my chair, when being right into Beatha. And I was not able to sit or lay down again, even during POTS. My life is quite active at the moment, maybe this is also why I had difficulties to just sit still and relax (but rather feel like jumping around all time). Maybe really an expression of just flowing energy, that has been set free.

As a side note, I have been a pretty tensed up person for most of my life. This is still going on, but has improved especially since I started to sing in a gospel choir some years ago. But it even is becoming better since resuming regular EE practice and returning to the forum this year, which may have been helping in removing blocks. FWIW

Edit: grammar
I've experienced something similar in the past during Beatha (which I do lying down) or immediately after. I've turned over and let my arms hang over the side of the bed and/or shaken them out etc. Sometimes my legs to. FWIW.
I also experienced the need to shake several times during EE, not the need to get up and walk but to really shake (I also do it laying down most of the time)

Keit said:
Chu said:
What's the first thing that people tell you to do? DON'T MOVE!!! While actually, most people have the normal reaction of shaking, wanting to shout, move, etc. So, if you experience a reaction, whatever it is, it may well be that energy that got stuck at some point. I can't be sure, of course, but many EE practitioners later on seem to remember something associated with those areas where they had a reaction, or simply feel like they just got a burden removed from their body.


Also a note regarding Peter Levine's work and our body releasing tension by shaking. Many of us probably noticed how animals that come to a veterinary clinic shake like autumn leaves. It doesn't matter if it's a toy terrier or a german shepherd, poor babies shake like crazy. And it made me wonder that perhaps that's how they release the tension. After all, they don't have all those silly concepts invented by humans, like shame or keeping the appearances of bravery. ;) So there is nothing to keep them from doing something that we all should be doing during stressful situations. Just a thought.

Yes, I think you're right, and I think that's exactly what Peter Levine says. It's something natural and we don't do it, so that tension remains stuck there. That could be one of the reasons why some of us shake, then, there can be other reasons too, I suppose ;)
I thought I just mention this since "music" had been discussed in the new session transcript (13. of June): I had often felt “groggy” immediately after doing EE and I noticed I didn’t take so well to the music in the meditation part. I almost felt something like an aversion to it. The positive effect of the EE program on my life has been tremendous, so I obviously did not let that stop me from doing the program regularly.

Then it so happened that we once did EE to the older version and I immediately felt a difference: the music has (though not much different to the newer version) a much better effect on me. We then obtained the older version and I’m much happier with it. My partner did not experience any difference, however, so there may be zero objective value in this observation.
Ysus said:
I thought I just mention this since "music" had been discussed in the new session transcript (13. of June): I had often felt “groggy” immediately after doing EE and I noticed I didn’t take so well to the music in the meditation part. I almost felt something like an aversion to it. The positive effect of the EE program on my life has been tremendous, so I obviously did not let that stop me from doing the program regularly.

Then it so happened that we once did EE to the older version and I immediately felt a difference: the music has (though not much different to the newer version) a much better effect on me. We then obtained the older version and I’m much happier with it. My partner did not experience any difference, however, so there may be zero objective value in this observation.
That's interesting to hear. I like the music, which is helpful because I hear it every day and it never gets boring. Sometimes I like to talk along with Laura for fun... "Relaaax your body, relaaax completely. You may wish to lie down......." :P I love it!
Perhaps it was something subconscious that had an aversion to the healing potential of the programme?
monotonic said:
I wasn't aware there was any other version. Where are you getting the audio?

We copied it from someone who still had that older version and according to my partner that version had originally been online (that was before the cd was made).

lainey said:
Ysus said:
That's interesting to hear. I like the music, which is helpful because I hear it every day and it never gets boring. Sometimes I like to talk along with Laura for fun... "Relaaax your body, relaaax completely. You may wish to lie down......." :P I love it!
Perhaps it was something subconscious that had an aversion to the healing potential of the programme?

It's quite possible that I had some aversion but why not with the other version? It is almost the same you know.

lainey said:
Sometimes I like to talk along with Laura for fun... "Relaaax your body, relaaax completely. You may wish to lie down......." :P I love it!

I do that too! LOL
I find both the music and Laura's voice very soothing. Something funny that happens sometimes when I'm really relaxed is, I hear as if there were two Lauras at the same time, and some strange clicking noises at the end of each sentence.
I haven't had the shaking some of you mentioned until earlier today when my left leg shook me out of zoning during the prayer.
skycsil said:
lainey said:
Sometimes I like to talk along with Laura for fun... "Relaaax your body, relaaax completely. You may wish to lie down......." :P I love it!

I do that too! LOL
I find both the music and Laura's voice very soothing. Something funny that happens sometimes when I'm really relaxed is, I hear as if there were two Lauras at the same time, and some strange clicking noises at the end of each sentence.
I haven't had the shaking some of you mentioned until earlier today when my left leg shook me out of zoning during the prayer.

I do too. I just get a big smile on my face when she says "relaaax your body, relaaax completely..."
Chu said:
A lot of physical reactions during Beatha or other portions COULD be due to bottled up reactions from the sympathetic nervous system, that didn't get a chance to be expressed in the past when it would have been appropriate. Peter Levine hints at that in his book "In an Unspoken Voice". I'll see if I can find the quote. Take the case of an accident. What's the first thing that people tell you to do? DON'T MOVE!!! While actually, most people have the normal reaction of shaking, wanting to shout, move, etc. So, if you experience a reaction, whatever it is, it may well be that energy that got stuck at some point. I can't be sure, of course, but many EE practitioners later on seem to remember something associated with those areas where they had a reaction, or simply feel like they just got a burden removed from their body.

It could also have something symbolic to it, indeed. Depending on the area where you feel sensations, it could be something you repressed. For the mouth and throat areas, something to do with expressing oneself, being able to speak up, etc. (for example).

An exercise which I found interesting was to first feel whatever the sensation was, localize it, then during the POTS ask my subconscious what that could be related to. After a few times, I got either a release of some sort, or what I thought could be an answer (an image, a feeling, etc.), or sometimes the pain/reaction simply disappeared after a few rounds.
Thank You so much, Chu, I didn't know about it. You explain perfectly, I started to cry when I read your words. Every time I read something very important for me and Work I start to cry ;).
I'm not doing EE now because I have very little time because of my work, missing so much, but I will try to find time and check my sensations.
Menrva said:
skycsil said:
lainey said:
Sometimes I like to talk along with Laura for fun... "Relaaax your body, relaaax completely. You may wish to lie down......." :P I love it!

I do that too! LOL
I find both the music and Laura's voice very soothing. Something funny that happens sometimes when I'm really relaxed is, I hear as if there were two Lauras at the same time, and some strange clicking noises at the end of each sentence.
I haven't had the shaking some of you mentioned until earlier today when my left leg shook me out of zoning during the prayer.

I do too. I just get a big smile on my face when she says "relaaax your body, relaaax completely..."

Same here. I think that her voice is just perfect for that. Very gentle, relaxing, soothing. It goes very well with the background music. Perfect combination.
Konstantin said:
Menrva said:
skycsil said:
lainey said:
Sometimes I like to talk along with Laura for fun... "Relaaax your body, relaaax completely. You may wish to lie down......." :P I love it!

I do that too! LOL
I find both the music and Laura's voice very soothing. Something funny that happens sometimes when I'm really relaxed is, I hear as if there were two Lauras at the same time, and some strange clicking noises at the end of each sentence.
I haven't had the shaking some of you mentioned until earlier today when my left leg shook me out of zoning during the prayer.

I do too. I just get a big smile on my face when she says "relaaax your body, relaaax completely..."

Same here. I think that her voice is just perfect for that. Very gentle, relaxing, soothing. It goes very well with the background music. Perfect combination.
I agree an incredibly soothing voice and the proof is in the pudding so they say by the number of times I have zoned out practicing the POTS. :umm: :umm:
I was hoping someone can guide me to where i can download the full meditation program on mp3? I have the dvds somewhere, but no player, and i lost access to everything that it was on. i had the original.
I bought the set and I was trying to transfer the audio files to my phone so I would have it with me when I travel. But it won't work. Does anyone have any idea why, or what I can do to make that work? My phone wants mp3 or mp4 ( I think), but when I transfer it, it shows up as cda files which don't play.
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