Éiriú-Eolas - Breathing Program

I'm into my 3rd week of the full program now and I thought I'd share my experience so far.

The first time, I fell asleep half way through, but I did feel a slight vibration all over my body when I was awake. The second time, I made it all the way through but had some zoning in and out a few times, along with more intense vibration. Last week I felt the vibration more concentrated on the right side of my body especially the face, and I felt heat and pressure in my head. Also tensing muscles in my legs. Today was similar to this experience that I recently shared http://cassiopaea.org/forum/index.php/topic,38431.msg579054.html#msg579054. It wasn't as intense as my reiki experience, or maybe I'm just better equipped to handle it being that it is a breathing exercise. I'm not sure.
I had very intense vibrations throughout my body, and a lot of tingling around my waist, behind my ears, and in my hands. I cried for the first time during EE, a lot. My legs kept tensing up, and at one point the vibrating got so intense that my lips and eyes were twitching uncontrollably. I started to panic a little, but once the meditation started, and I did the first few pipe breaths, the vibrating lessened. The tears however, continued to flow. I found it helpful at that point, to say The Prayer Of The Soul out loud along with Laura.

I feel drained from all of the crying, but I feel light and free at the same time too.
Hitsu said:
Can I do EE and on the other part of the day meditate with different method e.g. Vipassana?
Up to you. I know doing the whole programme has beneficial effects for many people. I personally like to stick to the tried and tested method but there is nothing stopping you from doing it how you please.
Hi jen1221,

Thanks for sharing! I'm glad you're feeling lighter. Regarding the tingling, I've noticed that when I force the breathing exercise during the Beatha (Ba-Ha) part, I will get the tingling, and twitching quite strongly, but if I do the Beatha part in a more relaxed manner and as calm as possible, it's not too noticeable. Just wanted to note that they can be common side-effects of hyper-ventilation (see EE FAQ). A bit of hyper-ventilation may occur during the quicker rounds of the Beatha, but I've learned that doing it as relaxed as possible, I don't get these side-effects as strong, so perhaps this is something you can try as well?

Hitsu said:
Can I do EE and on the other part of the day meditate with different method e.g. Vipassana?

I personally don't see why, but wouldn't it be too taxing?
I am doing EE after midnight.
I don't have 9-17 work, I usually finish after midnight/12am.
e.g. 2am/3am - I am doing EE.

Is it OK to do silently Warriors breath?

I still put a lot of force to exhale and have the same position, but I set my throat to not produce any sounds.

Next question is: can I slouch a little bit to exhale even more air?

-H :)
Hitsu said:
I am doing EE after midnight.
I don't have 9-17 work, I usually finish after midnight/12am.
e.g. 2am/3am - I am doing EE.

Is it OK to do silently Warriors breath?

I still put a lot of force to exhale and have the same position, but I set my throat to not produce any sounds.

Next question is: can I slouch a little bit to exhale even more air?

-H :)

I've got similar problems and have been doing "silent" Warrior's Breath for years. It might be less effective than the full on version, but in my opinion it's better than nothing.
jen1221 said:
I had very intense vibrations throughout my body, and a lot of tingling around my waist, behind my ears, and in my hands. I cried for the first time during EE, a lot. My legs kept tensing up, and at one point the vibrating got so intense that my lips and eyes were twitching uncontrollably. I started to panic a little, but once the meditation started, and I did the first few pipe breaths, the vibrating lessened. The tears however, continued to flow. I found it helpful at that point, to say The Prayer Of The Soul out loud along with Laura.

I feel drained from all of the crying, but I feel light and free at the same time too.

Hey jen1221,

What you describe is totally normal and part of what to expect from EE. Emotions that have built up over the years can store itself in the body and vibrations, twitching and tensing is your body's way of working through and releasing it. It's great that you feel lighter and freer afterwards the release! If your feeling drained, try and get some rest and don't push yourself too much for the next little bit.

Here's a thread that discusses it more In An Unspoken Voice - Peter Levine
Hitsu said:
I am doing EE after midnight.
I don't have 9-17 work, I usually finish after midnight/12am.
e.g. 2am/3am - I am doing EE.

Is it OK to do silently Warriors breath?

I still put a lot of force to exhale and have the same position, but I set my throat to not produce any sounds.

Next question is: can I slouch a little bit to exhale even more air?

-H :)

I have also had to do the Warrior's Breath this way at times. I try to get as much air out as when doing it loudly, and still do the hand/arm positions. If that's the only way you are able to do it, I don't see any problems with it.

As for sitting/standing/slouching - do whatever is most comfortable for you. However, don't slouch so much that it restricts your breathing.
Today some guy wake me up in 6 a.m with a mowing grass. I'm using melatonin and if someone wake me in harsh way usually get a headache. Ok, guy have to to what guy have to do. Who cares is that kindly or not.
I was so in pain, head and my stomach always together. Sleep for half an hour and then awake with a same intensity of headache. So I tried EE, just to see what will happend. I have problems with sinuses also and I was thinking that I couldn't breath all the time. So, I didn't push my self on baa-ha. I just came till the meditation and phone ringing (have to leave it on because I never know when my bosses will call me), my friend. Ok, she interrupt me, but after half an hour I don't have headache anymooooooore. Still little heaviness on the neck but pain is gone. Now, I'm happy because I know what is cure for my headaches. YES! Thank you C's, Laura, Chu, Kniell, all you guys so much. :D
Thanks for replies :)

At last series of Bea-tha, I got strong sensations in nose and "crown chakra".
You can literally feel meridians :)

Besides that, you can feel energy that just straighten your spine automatically.
Do you also experience this?

Next question:

Can I do full program (warm-up, three stage breathing, beatha, prayer) after ejaculation/sex?

Can I do anything after ejaculation/sex?
Nienna said:
Hitsu said:
I am doing EE after midnight.
I don't have 9-17 work, I usually finish after midnight/12am.
e.g. 2am/3am - I am doing EE.

Is it OK to do silently Warriors breath?

I still put a lot of force to exhale and have the same position, but I set my throat to not produce any sounds.

Next question is: can I slouch a little bit to exhale even more air?

-H :)

I have also had to do the Warrior's Breath this way at times. I try to get as much air out as when doing it loudly, and still do the hand/arm positions. If that's the only way you are able to do it, I don't see any problems with it.

As for sitting/standing/slouching - do whatever is most comfortable for you. However, don't slouch so much that it restricts your breathing.
I had been doing silent warriors breath too because the walls in my house are so thin. I got the chance to do it with volume for the first time and it was strange to hear myself so loud. That same afternoon I had an argument with a friend and I really shouted at them which is something I never do. So maybe finding my voice was helping release some anger stuck inside?
lainey said:
I had been doing silent warriors breath too because the walls in my house are so thin. I got the chance to do it with volume for the first time and it was strange to hear myself so loud. That same afternoon I had an argument with a friend and I really shouted at them which is something I never do. So maybe finding my voice was helping release some anger stuck inside?

That's interesting, maybe with the warriors breath you were able to release anger easier, which may sometimes not be the best :lol: I find that if I do the whole program, especially warriors breath (sometimes I'm just too tired!) that I'm more "all over the place" the day afterwards - my emotions fluctuate so much! It's good that this was a way for you to find your voice :)
In practicing EE (the full program)I find I can be up and down the next day like lilyalic. Although while now limiting my beatha practice to once a week my dreams have calmed down. Recently with my return to work (nearly 2 months) I have been having a really tough time emotionally. i have found the daily work routine after my 11 month break extremely intense.

After been here in my current role for 6 years returning has brought up many old programs which I thought had played out. I did realize it would be difficult to return but it really is suffocating and the atmosphere is quite negative. For the good of my health I think it is time for me to make a decision if my future lies there as I feel I'm on the verge of my own health suffering.

I suppose the EE could be bringing up these old emotions and it may be a moment for me to face up to the fact the sales role is not the right one. I can say honestly I don't always feel comfortable with change and knowing I've still got to meet my financial obligations probably notches up the fear level.

I also had a surreal experience last night after I'd done the pipe breathing and POS. I was semi asleep in bed before my wife joined me. If she touched me or nudged me while she was falling asleep it seemed to trigger a vision or dream like sequence in my head. I was quite lucid and while it happened I did not feel any emotion or attachment to the dream or vision. I think it went on for a few hours before I awoke and then fell back to sleep. My feeling was that it was an actual real event that was playing out in my mind that was going to happen. I could not remember details though I seemed to during the process.

I think I needed to post to let things off my chest and try and make sense of my feelings so thanks for listening.
Hi Hitsu, regarding Warrior's Breathing, doing it silently also worked for me. But I prefer doing it loud, as I find doing it this way to be very energizing. And, indeed, it helps to release anger for me too. Sometimes I even use it just for that purpose and/or to deal with anger immediately (if I am on my own). Doing WB while slouching wouldn't bring much effect for me, because I would then not be able to breath in and out that fast freely, as is needed for WB. The standing position works best for me, as it enables this kind of breathing to "flow" better.

In the end it depends, how which way works for the respective person doing it, and of the respective circumstances. Trying may be the best way to find out :)

As for your other questions:

Can I do full program (warm-up, three stage breathing, beatha, prayer) after ejaculation/sex?

Can I do anything after ejaculation/sex?

Just out of interest, did you read any of the Cs' sessions or some of the forum's research regarding sex? Like Session January 7 1995, and the book "Cupid's Poisoned Arrow" from Marnia Robinson for ex.?

I ask, because orgasm-bound sex (regarding to research and experience) furthers energy loss, which may go directly to 4D-STS and is one method to keep us STS-bound. It also has addictive potential due to producing a dopamine "High", but having undesirable effects in the aftermath on one for at least some time (two weeks if I remember correctly). So I think, EE may mitigate some of those effects by its energy-enhancing ability - but I would not use it as an excuse for continuing with orgasm-aimed sex / masturbation for having "fun". But if it happens, EE may be a helpful tool.

I don't mean this in a moralistic sense, rather in an energy preserving one. FWIW ;)

PS: In the book thread mentioned, there are also methods discussed, that allow real intimacy between two partners by another kind of physical intimacy than "conventional" sex.

EDIT: added PS
FWIW, I've never tried Warrior's Breath totally silent, but I've had to do it "toned down"/less loud several times in the past. It seems to still be better than nothing, but not as powerful as doing it uninhibited.
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