Éiriú-Eolas - Breathing Program

I agree, concentrating on the top of the head and feeling ike a gentle waterfall help, it made me think of the tonal rill experience by stonehenge practician :

Q: Is it the case that some of them communicated with higher density beings via Stonehenge, and that these communications they received ...

A: Stonehenge used to resonate with tonal rill, teaching the otherwise un-teachable with wisdoms entered psychically through crown chakra transceiving system. [rill: a small stream, a shallow channel cut in the ground by running water; to flow in or like a rill.]

I bet your spirit talk to your mind which produce the kind of imagery and feelings you experience.

Some more techniques I share :
- I have a great peace focusing on the occipital lobes, which processes the vision. It stabilizes my mind vision and becoming aware of my skeletal structure helps further. Then I can produce more precise contemplation.
- I also discover after working my facias, that focusing on my lower belly and gathering my breath around, deepened greatly the meditation with some warm blood flow occuring at various places (thyroid, genitals, legs...)
- And finally there's a state I've been through a few times when thinking about the three bodies, it was feeling like a body of light surrounding myself, and if I thought about someone for example, I could feel him/her more in depth and letting go of more stuff.
In terms of visualizations, I also picture words, but tend to try and hear Laura's voiceover (I usually don't play the audo during meditation) while mouthing the lyrics. So it is a triple workout for the brain (visual, audio, kinesthetic). Sometimes I just want to relax when meditating, so I drop one or two of the visuals depending on how I feel.

I was at a reiki share last week, and in the few days afterward I had symptoms similar to those I get when I used to do bioenergetic breathing (which I quit for awhile). Since reiki "knows" what to do to help a person heal, and it decided to help me undergo some emotional release, I'm starting to wonder if it would be beneficial to slowly ease back into bioenergetics? I remember it feels slightly similar to the aftereffects of some more intense workouts and sauna sessions, so a part of me wonders if beatha breathing is just part of a constellation of activities that can lead so such releases. Open to suggestions.
whitecoast said:
I was at a reiki share last week, and in the few days afterward I had symptoms similar to those I get when I used to do bioenergetic breathing (which I quit for awhile). Since reiki "knows" what to do to help a person heal, and it decided to help me undergo some emotional release, I'm starting to wonder if it would be beneficial to slowly ease back into bioenergetics? I remember it feels slightly similar to the aftereffects of some more intense workouts and sauna sessions, so a part of me wonders if beatha breathing is just part of a constellation of activities that can lead so such releases. Open to suggestions.

If you want to try doing the breatha again, just start slow and see how it goes. Maybe only do the slower part for a week or so. If everything is fine, do the slow and moderate breathing and see how it goes.

If you decide to try doing the faster paced breatha, maybe only do one round fast and the rest the other two speeds only, see how it goes for several times, and, then, you can decide whether to add another round of the fast paced breathing and so on.

And remember to breathe gently for the entire thing. No heavy breathing. You don't need to fill your lungs, just keep a continual breathing cycle going with no pauses.

If you do decide to start doing the breatha again, let us know how it goes.
Yesterday I had the most intense EE session yet and I have been doing them at least weekly for the about the last 3 years. To give some context, for the last two months I have been working through the Aleta Edwards book "Facing the Abyss" with a professional counselor. I discovered I do have the Perfectionism, Control, and Shame (PCS) personality described in her book as a result of events in my childhood . Probably as a result of this work family and marital conflict and stress have greatly increased. This last week was very stressful due to the revealing of lies to myself and others and their impacts on my marriage and family.

So yesterday morning I took 5 drops of iodine, which I have been doing weekly for the last year. While my husband was sleeping I went downstairs and started doing an EE session using the CD with Laura leading the session. As I started doing the Round breathing I put the itent in my mind to exhale the negativity and lies out of me. With each exhale my breathing became deeper and I began to let out a loud ha that became a deep primal moan. This moan grew louder and I began to get very hot while my hands started to tingle and vibrate as well as my lower legs. I was sitting with my legs crossed but had to stand up as the breathing became so deep and intense while the moaning during the exhale became louder. When I stood up, my feet and lower legs were vibrating so much I felt like I was about to lift off the floor as I held my hands palm down close to my sides like the Celtic dancers do. By this time, I could feel an intense heat energy coursing through my body and out my hands and feet. Towards the end of the breathing my husband came running downstairs frightened of my loud moaning. I told him I was undergoing a cleansing and releasing of the negativity. He went back upstairs as I lied down to do the prayer of the soul meditation with my body still vibrating and hot. During the meditation I felt like I was connecting with higher emotional center and increasing my will to live as my authentic self no longer hiding behind cowardly masks.

I feel so much more alive and without fear ready to fully start living as my authentic self and going and growing deeper into the Work. Thank you so much for this ancient growth of knowledge method for letting me share this new beginning with all of you.
Doing the beatha with forceful breathing is not recommended. The beatha should be done with gentle breathing without pause in between the in and out breaths. The tingling is caused by the hard, forceful breathing while doing the beatha. I'm glad that you had positive feelings about it all, but it may not be good for you to do it that way. I was told that people with autism (I'm not saying you have this) get a trip out of heavy breathing like that. That's why I was told by a person who works with autisic people that that part would be better not done at all with autisic people; they get a high from it and could do it more just for the high. So be careful.

Also, sorry to hear that you are going through such tought times. :hug:

Thanks Neinna, I did not know forceful breathing could be harmful. :( Normally, I do the gentle beatha breathing but for some reason as I started doing it this time, it was like something deep within wanted out and the more deeply I inhaled/exhaled the stronger it became. It did feel like there was some kind of release of something occurring, almost like birth pangs. I am not autistic but I do some deep pipe breaths to ease stress during some days. Thank for the support as I learn some hard lessons about myself during these chaotic times.
Doing pipe breathing whenever you are stressed is a great way to calm things down. And, doing the breatha with gentle continuous breathing is also good as long as you don't get overwhelmed with emotional release.

Maybe the reason you did the breatha more forceably is, as you said, you wanted to release something that was blocked. And, I don't know how harmful doing the beatha in a more forceful way is, but I think that tingling and vibrating extremities is not a good thing to do very often.

And, I never thought you were autistic. I was just using that as an example of how the forceful, heavy breathing while doing the beatha can affect the brain.

Take care of yourself during these chaotic times. :)
sToRmR1dR said:
I've found this "combination" of EE (online version) very beneficial,and I'd like to share:


I.EE Breathing Program; II.POTS;






I.EE Breathing Program; II.POTS;







The first phase is around noon,second is before to sleep.Thanks for the encouragement Ennio. :)

sToRmR1dR said:
sToRmR1dR said:
I've found this "combination" of EE (online version) very beneficial,and I'd like to share:


I.EE Breathing Program; II.POTS;






I.EE Breathing Program; II.POTS;







Some changes:






Due to my job responsibilities I've changed the time of the first phase of EE,(from CD, not online version) as it starts at 4:50 pm, and the second phase starts at 10:20 pm. Speaking of the second phase I've been using just POTS for awhile.

I'm still experimenting! :)
Estoy integrando a mi vida Eriú Eolas y les cuento que la primera vez que lo probé no lo hice bien del todo porque necesitaba leer subtítulos en mi idioma. Lo hice enteramente y sentí que mi cuerpo era muy liviano, como flotando y electricidad.Miré y estudié varias veces el video y anoté paso a paso los ejercicios y la segunda vez noté que mi mente se entretenía en pensamientos ... La tercera vez,en la parte de la Plegaria del alma, me dormí profundamente... Estoy haciendo observaciones y experimentando. He notado que lo estoy asimilando muy bien. En situación de miedo hago unas respiraciones y me ayuda a estar más centrada. Estoy buscando un espacio y tiempo para que forme parte de mi vida al igual que le dedicamos tiempo para el empleo, estudio o entretenimiento. Gracias por este regalo a Laura y a todos los que hacen realidad la posibilidad de acceso a esta herramienta de sanación. Solo requiere compromiso y entender de que se trata antes de iniciar, hay unos informes detallados en SOTT. :D :lol:

I'm integrating Eriú Eolas into my life and I tell you that the first time I tried it, I didn't do it at all because I needed to read subtitles in my language. I looked at and studied the video several times and took a step-by-step note of the exercises and the second time I noticed that my mind was entertained by thoughts... The third time, in the part of the Prayer of the soul, I fell deeply asleep... I am making observations and experiencing. I have noticed that I am assimilating it very well. In a situation of fear I take a few breaths and it helps me to be more focused. I'm looking for space and time to be a part of my life as well as time for employment, study or entertainment. Thank you for this gift to Laura and all those who make the possibility of access to this healing tool a reality. It only requires commitment and understanding what it's about before you start, there are some detailed reports in SOTT. D: lol:
Stella Marys said:
I'm integrating Eriú Eolas into my life and I tell you that the first time I tried it, I didn't do it at all because I needed to read subtitles in my language. I looked at and studied the video several times and took a step-by-step note of the exercises and the second time I noticed that my mind was entertained by thoughts... The third time, in the part of the Prayer of the soul, I fell deeply asleep... I am making observations and experiencing. I have noticed that I am assimilating it very well. In a situation of fear I take a few breaths and it helps me to be more focused. I'm looking for space and time to be a part of my life as well as time for employment, study or entertainment. Thank you for this gift to Laura and all those who make the possibility of access to this healing tool a reality. It only requires commitment and understanding what it's about before you start, there are some detailed reports in SOTT. D: lol:

Hi Stella Marys,

I've also found EE to be a life saving tool, and I have found myself going back to it whenever I felt that life wasn't going very well. It is normal to zone out or go to sleep during the Bioenergetic Breathing and PoTS, and it could mean that you needed the sleep because your body or brain was tired.
bm said:
Stella Marys said:
I'm integrating Eriú Eolas into my life and I tell you that the first time I tried it, I didn't do it at all because I needed to read subtitles in my language. I looked at and studied the video several times and took a step-by-step note of the exercises and the second time I noticed that my mind was entertained by thoughts... The third time, in the part of the Prayer of the soul, I fell deeply asleep... I am making observations and experiencing. I have noticed that I am assimilating it very well. In a situation of fear I take a few breaths and it helps me to be more focused. I'm looking for space and time to be a part of my life as well as time for employment, study or entertainment. Thank you for this gift to Laura and all those who make the possibility of access to this healing tool a reality. It only requires commitment and understanding what it's about before you start, there are some detailed reports in SOTT. D: lol:

Hi Stella Marys,

I've also found EE to be a life saving tool, and I have found myself going back to it whenever I felt that life wasn't going very well. It is normal to zone out or go to sleep during the Bioenergetic Breathing and PoTS, and it could mean that you needed the sleep because your body or brain was tired.

I agree. And you don't need to feel sorry when you fell asleep, in case you have, actually it is a good sign and means that your body was really relaxed and you needed the sleep as well. For the time doing EE, it is recommended doing it twice a week the full program, usually Mondays and Thursday. Generally you can chose any other day too and what is most comfortable for you and your life situation.

And you shouldn't do the Beatha/Bioenergetic breathing part more than two times a week that is the only restriction of EE.

And feel free to ask any questions when you didn't understand something of the program.
Gracias Gawan por los consejos, son muy valorados.Estoy atenta a la experiencia de otros compañeros. Es una herramienta de crecimiento y aprendizaje.Abrazo grande y Gracias.
I've resumed doing bioenergetic breathing with EE, and I feel a lot of the same things as I have before. Certain sensations of paresthesia, with emotional releases following over the next day or two.
The following is from the NeuroFeedback and Electroencephalography thread:

trendsetter37 said:
I do think the extra anxiety is temporary. Recently had my second NO session 2 days ago to which I had a panic attack throughout its duration with a 5 to 10 min reprieve somewhere in the middle. It was so intense and unfamiliar that I almost aborted twice however I will say that pipe breathing helped even though my body seemed to be freaking out.

There was a big solar storm the past 10 days or so which coincides with experiences of more anxiety than usual. Ergo, it's difficult for me to suss out whether my anxiety is attributed to cosmic weather, possible contraction after the first session a month ago, or my body just being rewired to feel anxiety more acutely (as Windmill Knight mentioned). As of this morning, I lean towards somewhere between the first 2 options because I've felt more at ease the last 48 hours.

This reminded me of a short bout of anxiety I experienced driving to work the other day. I decided to do some pipe breathing and after a few minutes the stress did dissipate. So, just thought these experiences would serve as a good reminder for those times when we're in stressful situations - or when the feelings of anxiety seemingly appear out of nowhere! Doing some pipe breathing and getting grounded right then and there (if possible) can be a great aid.
I've had some recent bouts of extra anxiety too. In the past I would just do pipe breathing daily, often when it wasn't needed. I think it's more of a tool that is best used when you really need it. So I found myself in the past week or two thinking, "Gee, I'm more stressed than usual, I need to pipe breathe." And I would just keep doing it until it seemed to pass.
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