Éiriú-Eolas - Breathing Program

still not much to report here...I have been doing the pipe breathing since it was first mentioned and the full program on the Mondays and Thursdays ...no resistance at all ...I look forward to it
no intense dreams,I usually remember my dreams anyway,(my kids and I used to tell each other their dreams on the bus run in the morning,and I tell them sometimes to say to themselves as they fall asleep"" I ALWAYS REMEMBER MY DREAMS WHEN I WAKE UP'''')no heat,no faces but I do zone out during the prayer or when when i don't zone out I feel like I need to run it again cause it was too "short"
I have also wondered about the time zone thing...at what local time are youse aussie breathers doing the meditation...it would be nice to do it all together as we "start" the prayer wave moving around the planet with the timezones...unless we have forum members on the pacific islands...do we??
I noticed some kiwis here you are another 2 hours ahead
and the upcoming dancing has me very exited too being a former belly/tribal fusion dancer ,we even did a spiral dance once for one of our performances

bringing me to another question...should we try and work out how and where to meet to dance?
I would like to offer my bush property on the mid north coast where forum members could meet and camp by the creek and dance under the new moon
anyone interested?
Axis Mundi said:
Lately I've experienced hunger after the breathing and meditation sessions, almost shaking in my legs because of it, causing quite an appetite.

Its interesting that you should say this, because the last few times I have done the entire breathing program, one thing I've noticed is that I start to get really hungry part-way through, and the first thing I do as soon as I'm done is go get something to eat, because I'm starving for some reason.

Nienna Eluch said:
ugly duckling said:
Also, I've had a lot of flashbacks lately of events from the past that I really haven't thought about in ages. They aren't necessarily traumatic events, just odd events in some way. I suppose that could be part of the "processing" happening, I dunno.

I, too, have been having flashbacks just come into my mind, usually while doing the baha and/or prayer of the soul. Things will come to mind that helps me to understand some of the underlying programs and how they have started.

I tend to have a lot of flashbacks too (some times more than others). Also nothing necessarily very emotional (I am another one who seems to be on that gradual uphill climb), but things I definitely wouldn't think about otherwise. Maybe an interesting little quirky sign of deeper things getting stirred up that we are unaware of?...
rrraven said:
bringing me to another question...should we try and work out how and where to meet to dance?

I would like to offer my bush property on the mid north coast where forum members could meet and camp by the creek and dance under the new moon anyone interested?

Hi rrraven, the dances will evolve as things progress and be developed by Laura et al. At the moment focus should be maintained on the breathing program. As a general rule, impromptu in person meet-ups between members are a bad idea and discouraged. Such meetings lack the protection of the many eyes of the network here and would provide a perfect opportunity for predators to take advantage. Remember, no matter how close we may feel (and be) to each other here, it's still a jungle out there and the forum is not immune to wolves in sheeps clothing.
Perceval said:
rrraven said:
bringing me to another question...should we try and work out how and where to meet to dance?

I would like to offer my bush property on the mid north coast where forum members could meet and camp by the creek and dance under the new moon anyone interested?

Hi rrraven, the dances will evolve as things progress and be developed by Laura et al. At the moment focus should be maintained on the breathing program. As a general rule, impromptu in person meet-ups between members are a bad idea and discouraged. Such meetings lack the protection of the many eyes of the network here and would provide a perfect opportunity for predators to take advantage. Remember, no matter how close we may feel (and be) to each other here, it's still a jungle out there and the forum is not immune to wolves in sheeps clothing.

That is right .
But how to check it ? , ?
In some time in the future we will make meet , dance etc. work together.
manitoban said:
truth seeker said:
I usually experience this at night and also when researching. This caused me to wonder if some of these sensations may be related to physical changes occurring as more knowledge is gained.

The last thing I'm experiencing right now is every now and again, it feels as if energy(?) is entering through the crown of my head. Any ideas?

I've had the same thing with energy at the crown. It first started with me several years ago when I first started reading Laura's books, and now I notice it during the breathing program as well. It feels like I've got like some kind of hole at the top or something, not sure how to explain it.

Also, last session I felt the same sort of thing at the bottom two chakras area, like energy was moving around there too. My guess is that yes, physical changes are related to both gaining of knowledge as well as doing the breathing program.

After I had had a pretty bad emotional experience and started looking for "answers" (few years back), I've started feeling similar things. In my case, it's not only about the crown area, but the whole head and upper back as well (occasionally even legs).
Till now I couldn't discern if this was about energy entering or exiting the physical body. And this feels different than "emotional blockages" (under the ribs, around the heart, kidney area, sides of neck...), at least for me.
Also, imo, sensing the energy flow through physical body is somehow connected with "moral bankruptcy" and awakening process. Considering periods when I didn't feel this sensation, it looked like I was asleep (again) and unaware/unconscious, and "negative" emotional experiences (they are Gurdjieff's shocks, imo) preceded every return of this feelings.
Hi All,

Thanks to all for sharing on this thread, its taken a while to catch up with the post but its been a real help.

I too have been experiencing the irritability, grouchiness, quick to anger, feelings of frustration and the rest that had recently been spilling out towards others in the household - not good :(. Reading the recent accounts and Laura's recollections of her experience has helped a lot, I thought it was reaction to the daylight hours getting shorter, or lack of sleep (though I'm making an effort to get a proper amount the last few days which is helping too I think), or EM vectors or who knows what.

In short I was a bit cranky and felt like I was going backwards very quickly, not getting smarter that's for sure! :/ So, not going mad after all then.

I've been doing the full program twice a week, with pipe breath in between when I can. Mostly effects have been mild, some sensations flowing in the arms/legs, sometimes sensations around the solar plexus, heart and third eye positions (not all at the same time). Some muscle pain, rib pain, nasal pain, though I find you can breath through the discomfort and it goes. The nasal pain is the worst, like a very cold sensation at the bridge of the nose. There's some ringing and or quiet fizzing in the ears sometimes, a few visual effects, patterns, colours, during the meditation. Once a quite beautiful twinkling swirly pattern emerged, these kind of effects are infrequent though. Meanwhile just focusing on the breathing and trying to breath as fully as I can.

There has quite often been yawning while doing the three stage breathing and BaHa. Usually right at the end of the out count and then the muscle contraction that comes with the yawn (as with a normal yawn) can be held before beginning the in breath. Notice when you yawn normally sometimes during the day, that the throat constricts in much the same way as with pipe breath, the out breath sounds the same.

Emotionally there has been a couple urges to cry bubbling up, though nothing has come to the surface proper yet. I don't think I suppressed it consciously, but unconsciously I don't know. I did a lot of breath work years ago with round breathing, at that time there were lots of sessions where I would ball and cry, mourn and grieve, express rage and anger or one time I recall the laughing/crying at the same time thing that some else mentioned. We'll have to see if that was useful work back then or if things crystallized anew in the meantime they may need melting down again. :scared: We'll see I guess.

Edit: Forgot to mention about the yawning.
Alada said:
There has quite often been yawning while doing the three stage breathing and BaHa. Usually right at the end of the out count and then the muscle contraction that comes with the yawn (as with a normal yawn) can be held before beginning the in breath. Notice when you yawn normally sometimes during the day, that the throat constricts in much the same way as with pipe breath, the out breath sounds the same.

I've learned that yawning is actually very beneficial to the liberation of tensions/traumas (in my experience). Almost every time I have a session with my bioenergetic therapist we start by doing some yawning. First just small ones for "loosening up" and then somewhere during the round breathing we do really big yawnings, breathing in large amounts of air at the same time. And with every yawning the outbreath is a sort of collapse - letting totally go of the control, like saying "Okay, I give up all my tensions, I don't care what happens."

I'm not suggesting that you change anything with the EE program. But I believe it would be safe to try to inhale "the whole count" while yawning (if the yawn comes anyway) - could be a very effective boost to your experience. I also feel that yawning has a good balancing effect in every day life also - it "forces" the in breath very deep in the back and at the sides. So, I would say: "Yawn away!" :zzz:
shijing said:
Axis Mundi said:
Lately I've experienced hunger after the breathing and meditation sessions, almost shaking in my legs because of it, causing quite an appetite.

Its interesting that you should say this, because the last few times I have done the entire breathing program, one thing I've noticed is that I start to get really hungry part-way through, and the first thing I do as soon as I'm done is go get something to eat, because I'm starving for some reason.

After doing the entire program yesterday, I also experienced such a hunger and couldn't stop thinking about it. But, I didn't eat anything afterwards because it was late, and I was rather in such a profound need of closure with my bed. Then, I've had dreams of eating foods after foods in a different number of places, even eating 100 donuts at Dunkin' Donuts, ugh! I don't even like Dunkin' Donuts!

Then, after I woke up this morning, that hunger was still there, and all sorts of needs of foods came to mind. But, I've chosen to make myself an egg and spinach, and then I was fine. Not sure why this desire happened exactly, but maybe it's sort of "releasing?"
Aragorn said:
Alada said:
There has quite often been yawning while doing the three stage breathing and BaHa. Usually right at the end of the out count and then the muscle contraction that comes with the yawn (as with a normal yawn) can be held before beginning the in breath. Notice when you yawn normally sometimes during the day, that the throat constricts in much the same way as with pipe breath, the out breath sounds the same.

I've learned that yawning is actually very beneficial to the liberation of tensions/traumas (in my experience). Almost every time I have a session with my bioenergetic therapist we start by doing some yawning. First just small ones for "loosening up" and then somewhere during the round breathing we do really big yawnings, breathing in large amounts of air at the same time. And with every yawning the outbreath is a sort of collapse - letting totally go of the control, like saying "Okay, I give up all my tensions, I don't care what happens."

I'm not suggesting that you change anything with the EE program. But I believe it would be safe to try to inhale "the whole count" while yawning (if the yawn comes anyway) - could be a very effective boost to your experience. I also feel that yawning has a good balancing effect in every day life also - it "forces" the in breath very deep in the back and at the sides. So, I would say: "Yawn away!" :zzz:

There is an interesting paragraph in ISOTM (p. 235-6 in my edition) where Gurdjieff says that yawning is the body's way of pumping in more energy, FWIW. I yawn a lot in the first parts of the program -- I used to think that it was because I was doing it at night, but I have switched to daytime now and I still do it. I wonder, like Alada mentions above, if the constriction in the back of the throat is part of what triggers it.
The last two times there hasn't been any great difference in my overall mood. It has been changing from annoyed to mediocre, quite the norm since I've started the EE. The first few times that I did it I got way more relaxed after doing pipe-breathing, after these last two I haven't noticed much effect. I wonder if my breaths are shallower, need to be focusing more I guess.

I woke up from my sleep one night I did EE before bed, because I suddenly had trouble drawing breath. It could be totally unrelated but it has never happened to me before. Sort of makes me uneasy, thinking that I have had this very fear, forgetting how to breathe, associated with breathing exercises.

I didn't directly attribute it to EE at first, but since Laura mentioned it some posts back, I have noticed a great increase in self-confidence when dealing with people. It brings joy to my heart to see that this practise has some very objective results!!! I was such a believer in "scientific" materialism once that even now I tend to subconsciously file EE just in "fun and games".
I received the Éiriu Eolas cd-dvd- yesterday and couldn't wait to do the full program whit it. Even if, since last week, I decide to reduce doing the full program from four to five time a week to only Monday and Thursday, I couldn't wait and did it on Wednesday night. Reducing the number of night gave me more time to practice the meditation and breathing exercise on my own, whit out the audio. What came out of it, is that yesterday I don't remember zoning out until the last prayer of the soul and for short period of time only. Doing it whit out the audio proved one thing to me and is that I needed to discipline my mind, If not, I will loose count while breathing, like many as reported.

I don't know if it is because of the cd or me being more in control but, yesterday session is main differences was the strength in the sensation perceive when certain words pronounced by Laura in the prayer of the soul, will produce surge of energy that will go to specific organs in my body. For example when Laura will say Clear my eyes, I usually felt a smooth sensation of energy that will enter true the ears and go to my eyes, I could follow that energy making it way to that specific place (eyes) in my body. Yesterday it wasn't smooth anymore, it was surprisingly more powerful an the same will apply when Laura say Clear my ears and cleanse my heart. I could follow the energy from my ears to my eyes and heart. Another sensation was due to the extension of the meditation portion, usually I will come out of the meditation because as soon as the music stop the record will start anew at the beginning, but last night it continued. I thought that I will just fall asleep while listening to it but it was more like zoning in an out not quite in a dream state because still aware of the music but definitely extremely relax. Then for a moment I felt like my hand and fore arm where dislocated and put back in place. Lol no pain just that I felt that my hand as been disconnected from the arm an realign. This is as close that I could express the sensation.
shijing said:
Aragorn said:
Alada said:
There has quite often been yawning while doing the three stage breathing and BaHa. Usually right at the end of the out count and then the muscle contraction that comes with the yawn (as with a normal yawn) can be held before beginning the in breath. Notice when you yawn normally sometimes during the day, that the throat constricts in much the same way as with pipe breath, the out breath sounds the same.

I've learned that yawning is actually very beneficial to the liberation of tensions/traumas (in my experience). Almost every time I have a session with my bioenergetic therapist we start by doing some yawning. First just small ones for "loosening up" and then somewhere during the round breathing we do really big yawnings, breathing in large amounts of air at the same time. And with every yawning the outbreath is a sort of collapse - letting totally go of the control, like saying "Okay, I give up all my tensions, I don't care what happens."

I'm not suggesting that you change anything with the EE program. But I believe it would be safe to try to inhale "the whole count" while yawning (if the yawn comes anyway) - could be a very effective boost to your experience. I also feel that yawning has a good balancing effect in every day life also - it "forces" the in breath very deep in the back and at the sides. So, I would say: "Yawn away!" :zzz:

There is an interesting paragraph in ISOTM (p. 235-6 in my edition) where Gurdjieff says that yawning is the body's way of pumping in more energy, FWIW. I yawn a lot in the first parts of the program -- I used to think that it was because I was doing it at night, but I have switched to daytime now and I still do it. I wonder, like Alada mentions above, if the constriction in the back of the throat is part of what triggers it.

Yes, KenLee posted about it back in this thread which is what got my attention about it during EE. Notice how with a normal yawn the contraction of muscles kind of follows the route of the vagus nerve, stomach muscles contract, then up through the chest, front and side of the throat. Then there's that little muscle tremor when all those muscles are held together. Perhaps that is part of the pumping system bringing whatever it is up to the head? Aren't the 'large capacitors' described by G supposed to be in the legs/thighs, the energy being 'pumped' up from there? Just yapping really, I don't know.

To me the yawning feels to be a comfortable part of the process, it seems to fit with the flow. Mostly the yawn is only for the out breath part, 7-8-9, hold-2-3, I don't get the inhale part of the yawn as you do normally - there's already enough air in there!
Alada said:
Yes, KenLee posted about it back in this thread which is what got my attention about it during EE.

I also didn't realize until just now that there was a separate thread devoted to this topic -- Johnno has the quote that I referenced above here: http://www.cassiopaea.org/forum/index.php?topic=6695.msg46332#msg46332
Thank you Aragorn for your post (1101) further explaining yawning. For me the yawning is mainly in the outbreaths for the pipe breathing, yet for the Ba-Ha breathing it is on the inbreaths.
Quote from: Perceval on Yesterday at 07:09:39 PM
Quote from: rrraven on Yesterday at 10:46:04 AM

bringing me to another question...should we try and work out how and where to meet to dance?

I would like to offer my bush property on the mid north coast where forum members could meet and camp by the creek and dance under the new moon anyone interested?

Hi rrraven, the dances will evolve as things progress and be developed by Laura et al. At the moment focus should be maintained on the breathing program. As a general rule, impromptu in person meet-ups between members are a bad idea and discouraged. Such meetings lack the protection of the many eyes of the network here and would provide a perfect opportunity for predators to take advantage. Remember, no matter how close we may feel (and be) to each other here, it's still a jungle out there and the forum is not immune to wolves in sheeps clothing.

yes I know that...that's why I posted here and did not try and send PM s to other Australian forum members and I am not suggesting a ''impromptu'' meeting with complete strangers or ''making up'' our own dances ,I was wondering about the logistics of getting 7 to 8 people from this forum to the same place once a month(new moon)in this huge country of ours----when the time comes
As I live half way between Sydney and Brisbane and have a lovely creek flat perfect for camping,with clean running water,no mobile phone /tv reception or grid power and no nosy neighbours to worry about ,I felt that maybe I can contribute that to the ''cause''(being asset rich but cash poor)rather than scraping together some cash and turning still ok AU dollars into collapsing US dollars
what would be a good way then to sort the woolly wolves from genuine members?
long time members only? so many posts? leave real life name and address with Laura?
application for the dancing camp only thru forum? fully detoxed and taking supplements?
owns and uses sauna blanket? has read the big 4...? got the meditation/prayer down pat?

any suggestions,especially from aussie members who understand the distances involved here in OZ,are very welcome
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