Enforcement of VAX escalating

This is where you have to consider whether acting "on your principles" actually makes any sense. In this context of vaccines, yes, you can act on the principles you outlined, but up to what point? That's for each to decide, but it could be argued that we here have a 'higher calling" that precludes us from literally dying on the hill of not taking the vax, or being taken out in some other way (prison) because being 'still in the game' is a higher good than dying or being taken out of the game on the basis of a principle (however noble). Obviously the specific conditions and context for each person is where the devil is.

The 'law of three' applies here I think: 'there is good, bad, and the specific situation which determines which is which'.

To be honest - really... worst case scenarios rarely materialise. It's unlikely the army will be sent to mass inject people. Unlikely there will be mass imprisoning of people. Heck, they can try to fine but if you try, you can make whatever money you have disappear. They can call you to a court - they have to process my case along with the million or so others who'll be in the same boat. They can choose to fire you from your job... I'm pretty sure I can get another job, be it less paid - I still won't starve. There's actually very little that they can do other than inconvenience you and overload you with endless threats. On this basis, I'm willing to see it till the end. I want to see this hill that a person who says no is supposed to die on - so far I haven't seen it appear anywhere. Answer still remains a solid NO. Maybe it'll turn to a yes when they release the killer drones that shoot unvaxxed on sight. 🤪 Until then, happy to remain an annoying anti vaxxer....
I'm not suggesting parents do that now, that would be an absurd overreaction to the current situation. What I am saying is that, if they were willing to go that far to avoid seeing their children in chains, then it says quite a bit about our degraded state that we'll fold over the possibility of having to tighten our belts, forego vacation, or not go to the movies.

So you're comparing a situation in the distant past where mothers in tribes killed their children to prevent them living a life of slavery to people today getting a vaccine so that they can live a normal life in society? How is this even a remotely relevant analogy? The situations are vastly different.
It seems to me that some of you are viewing this vax situation in rather black and white and hyperbolic terms. It's not the body, it's the soul that counts. And you can't vaccinate a soul.

"It's not the body, it's the soul that counts" may also be a case of black and white thinking. It is possible that a soul cannot use a body well anymore if repeated injections lead to sufficient damage or other changes to the body. Do we know for sure that this cannot happen? I don't think so and in fact, a lot points towards this kind of damage being the "desired" outcome by the cabal.

October 7, 1995:
Q: (L) But isn't the nature of a person determined by their
soul and not the physical body?
A: Partially, remember, aural profile and karmic reference
merges with physical structure.
Q: (L) So you are saying that particular genetic conditions
are a physical reflection of a spiritual orientation? That the
soul must match itself to the genetics, even if only in
A: Yes, precisely.

Q: (L) So a person's potential for spiritual advancement or
unfoldment is, to a great extent, dependent upon their genes?
A: Natural process marries with systematic construct when
Q: (L) Well, if that is the case, and the aliens are abducting
people and altering their genes, can they not alter the genes
so that higher level souls simply cannot come in?
A: Not incarnative process, natural biological processes.
Incarnative involves strictly ethereal at 5th density and lower,
and thus is enveloped in triple cycle "veil" of transfer which is
impregnable ay any means. However, any and all 1st, 2nd,
3rd, and 4th processes can be manipulated at will and to any
degree if technology is sufficient.
While a reasonable assessment of the situation from a broad perspective, I think the above may be a bit black and white when it comes to the specific details. I personally know a number of people who have taken two vaccines but have changed their stance now that it's a booster every three months. People are entitled to change their minds when new information comes to light, and there's a lot of new information coming to light these days.
I agree, I also know quite a few people, who changed their mind, now that they know, that there is a booster every three months. But some of them regret making this choice. Obviously people are entitled to change their minds, but in this case you cannot undo the possible damage you accepted to be done to you, to your body and probably to your soul. Since we already know more, then for what reason would we risk accepting one or two jabs? To keep the job for three months longer?
So you're comparing a situation in the distant past where mothers in tribes killed their children to prevent them living a life of slavery to people today getting a vaccine so that they can live a normal life in society? How is this even a remotely relevant analogy? The situations are vastly different.
I'm comparing a situation in the (not actually all that distant in the great scheme of things) past in which parents were willing to make the ultimate sacrifice in order to avoid a life of slavery for their offspring and descendants, to a situation in which parents are unwilling to endure what is by any objective standard mild discomfort to prevent what is in essence the same thing. It's an extreme example, yes, but it serves to emphasize the contrast between the importance placed by our ancestors and by us on freedom.

The point really isn't the vaxx per se. It's what comes next, after the precedent has been set that one must trade bodily sovereignty to lead a 'normal life'. At that point one has been enslaved. The issue isn't the biological damage that may or may not accompany the concoction, it's that one's children will grow up in a world in which they are chattel.
I know a guy who knows about the corruption of the system and the potential health issues following the injections. He has two little kids so when they threatened his job, he took the risk and got injected for their sake. Fortunately he didn't have any immediate health issues. Now, was he cowardly or courageous in this situation? In the end he took the best solution that ensures the safety of his kids, for who knows where he'd be if he got fired or worse. Sometimes it's a gamble but we gamble with our life everytime we do anything and even when we do nothing. Every situation is unique and every decision is to be made according to the context with the largest picture in view.
In war, the idiotic soldier who charges ahead screaming dies for nothing and is of no help to his friends. Being afraid in these times is understandable but it is exactly in these times that one has to be level-headed and strategic.
The thing that really gets me are those who surrender without having seen that mystical hill that you're supposedly suppose to die on! Blows my mind. At least try to be difficult? Quadruple dare them to unleash the killer drones or build the concentration camps... They throw a few threats and people are busy folding all over the place.

If they really want to convert anti vaxxers, I say release an actual virus that can do something. That is the ultimate dare if they really want 100% vax rate. Release the "Kraken" and have a vax that actually protects against it then of course you'll have people take the vax. There are people out here who won't be moved by psychological terror techniques and even loss of jobs. These people are very comfortable being social pariahs too so shaming and ridicule won't work either. I for one am soooo glad the UK despite its high vax rate has got some real fanatics on this front. My God... No wonder Boris' hair is always a mess, just can't figure out how to terrorise these people into submission.

At that point one has been enslaved. The issue isn't the biological damage that may or may not accompany the concoction, it's that one's children will grow up in a world in which they are chattel.
I'm sorry to be the one who breaks the news, but this is not the front line in the fight against slavery. If this truly is about enslavement, this "final battle" (as Elle puts it) has been raging for thousands of years and I dare say that we are unlikely to resolve it by abstaining from the jab.

I would hate to see folk burn out over this. Humanity has survived much worse. We are all descended from survivors in one respect or another.
The thing that really gets me are those who surrender without having seen that mystical hill that you're supposedly suppose to die on! Blows my mind. At least try to be difficult? Quadruple dare them to unleash the killer drones or build the concentration camps... They throw a few threats and people are busy folding all over the place.

If they really want to convert anti vaxxers, I say release an actual virus that can do something. That is the ultimate dare if they really want 100% vax rate. Release the "Kraken" and have a vax that actually protects against it then of course you'll have people take the vax. There are people out here who won't be moved by psychological terror techniques and even loss of jobs. These people are very comfortable being social pariahs too so shaming and ridicule won't work either. I for one am soooo glad the UK despite its high vax rate has got some real fanatics on this front. My God... No wonder Boris' hair is always a mess, just can't figure out how to terrorise these people into submission.

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I have a feeling, that the rising number of lawsuits made Boris the Menace's life miserable...
I'm sorry to be the one who breaks the news, but this is not the front line in the fight against slavery. If this truly is about enslavement, this "final battle" (as Elle puts it) has been raging for thousands of years and I dare say that we are unlikely to resolve it by abstaining from the jab.

I would hate to see folk burn out over this. Humanity has survived much worse. We are all descended from survivors in one respect or another.
Now you shifting some good materials here....👍
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