The Living Force
This is where you have to consider whether acting "on your principles" actually makes any sense. In this context of vaccines, yes, you can act on the principles you outlined, but up to what point? That's for each to decide, but it could be argued that we here have a 'higher calling" that precludes us from literally dying on the hill of not taking the vax, or being taken out in some other way (prison) because being 'still in the game' is a higher good than dying or being taken out of the game on the basis of a principle (however noble). Obviously the specific conditions and context for each person is where the devil is.
The 'law of three' applies here I think: 'there is good, bad, and the specific situation which determines which is which'.
To be honest - really... worst case scenarios rarely materialise. It's unlikely the army will be sent to mass inject people. Unlikely there will be mass imprisoning of people. Heck, they can try to fine but if you try, you can make whatever money you have disappear. They can call you to a court - they have to process my case along with the million or so others who'll be in the same boat. They can choose to fire you from your job... I'm pretty sure I can get another job, be it less paid - I still won't starve. There's actually very little that they can do other than inconvenience you and overload you with endless threats. On this basis, I'm willing to see it till the end. I want to see this hill that a person who says no is supposed to die on - so far I haven't seen it appear anywhere. Answer still remains a solid NO. Maybe it'll turn to a yes when they release the killer drones that shoot unvaxxed on sight. Until then, happy to remain an annoying anti vaxxer....