FOTCM: Application for Membership

I didn't know a couple weeks ago that we needed to send money whit the application but to wait until we receive it and then make a contribution. Anyway, I made an extra donation on worldpay this morning that will cover the charge, if you need the number or ID of the transaction I can E-Mail it.
Bohort said:
Manu said:
I'm having trouble arranging a money order or a check to send with my application. Can I make a donation through paypal and quote it on the application?

I do not see any problem in doing that. Moreover, when you do a donation through paypal, you have the possibility to write a message to the person.

Thanks Bohort, I will use paypal.
sitta said:
MilkoJanovich said:
I’m going to send this application soon but I think I found one little problem. I don’t know how it is in the USA or in France but in Poland it is illegal to give out somebody else’s personal data without this person’s knowledge or permission (according to “Ustawa z dnia 29 sierpnia 1997 r. o ochronie danych osobowych.” rozdział 3/art. 23, and, unfortunately, the member of my family who I live with is definitely not interested in sharing this kind of information with any church or religion that isn’t Roman Catholic. I’ think I clearly understand this act (or am I wrong, I’m exaggerating the problem and there are some Poles who see it differently, or maybe it is not Polish but American law important in this situation?) so what if I’ll send this application without this particular data, would it be rejected then?

In Art.27 of Protection of Personal Data bill (“Ustawa z dnia 29 sierpnia 1997 r. o ochronie danych osobowych.” ) is stated:
2. Przetwarzanie danych, o których mowa w ust. 1, jest jednak dopuszczalne, jeżeli:
1) osoba, której dane dotyczą, wyrazi na to zgodę na piśmie, chyba że chodzi o usunięcie dotyczących jej danych,
2) przepis szczególny innej ustawy zezwala na przetwarzanie takich danych bez zgody osoby, której dane dotyczą, i stwarza pełne gwarancje ich ochrony,
3) przetwarzanie takich danych jest niezbędne do ochrony żywotnych interesów osoby, której dane dotyczą, lub innej osoby, gdy osoba, której dane dotyczą, nie jest fizycznie lub prawnie zdolna do wyrażenia zgody, do czasu ustanowienia opiekuna prawnego lub kuratora,
4) jest to niezbędne do wykonania statutowych zadań kościołów i innych związków wyznaniowych, stowarzyszeń, fundacji lub innych niezarobkowych
organizacji lub instytucji o celach politycznych, naukowych, religijnych, filozoficznych lub związkowych, pod warunkiem, że przetwarzanie
danych dotyczy wyłącznie członków tych organizacji lub instytucji albo osób utrzymujących z nimi stałe kontakty w związku z ich działalnością i
zapewnione są pełne gwarancje ochrony przetwarzanych danych,

5) przetwarzanie dotyczy danych, które są niezbędne do dochodzenia praw przed sądem,
6) przetwarzanie jest niezbędne do wykonania zadań administratora danych odnoszących się do zatrudnienia pracowników i innych osób, a zakres przetwarzanych danych jest określony w ustawie,
7) przetwarzanie jest prowadzone w celu ochrony stanu zdrowia, świadczenia usług medycznych lub leczenia pacjentów przez osoby trudniące się zawodowo
leczeniem lub świadczeniem innych usług medycznych, zarządzania udzielaniem usług medycznych i są stworzone pełne gwarancje ochrony danych
8) przetwarzanie dotyczy danych, które zostały podane do wiadomości publicznej przez osobę, której dane dotyczą,
9) jest to niezbędne do prowadzenia badań naukowych, w tym do przygotowania rozprawy wymaganej do uzyskania dyplomu ukończenia szkoły wyższej
lub stopnia naukowego; publikowanie wyników badań naukowych nie może następować w sposób umożliwiający identyfikację osób, których dane zostały
10) przetwarzanie danych jest prowadzone przez stronę w celu realizacji praw i obowiązków wynikających z orzeczenia wydanego w postępowaniu sądowym
lub administracyjnym.

In english:
2. Data processing talked about in Bill 1 is however acceptable if:
1) Person, which this data is about, permits it in writing, unless it's about removal of those data.
2) Specific regulation of other bill allows processing of this kind of data without permission of a person this data is about, and gives full guarantees of their protection,
3) Processing of this kind of data is necessary for life interests of a persons which this data concerns, or other person in case of being physically or by law unable to give one's consent to it, for a time when guardian or curator is appointed.
4) It's neccesary for churches and other creed relations, associations, foundations or other unpaid (unearning) organizations of political, scentific, religious, philosophical or trade unions institutions, provided that data processed concern exclusively members of that organizations or institutions, or persons that are in constant contact with them because of their activity and gives full guarantees for protection of processed data.

That basically means (in my understanding) that we (Poles) can give you names of our families (even if they are not part of FOTCM) if you give
full guarantees for protection of those data :cool:.

Of course my interpretation of this law could be way off :whistle:

Thanks for your reply and clarifying this issue for me, Sitta.

I’m sure that your interpretation is more accurate than mine :) Sorry if I misled anyone.
I'm sending a money order with my application instead of paypal. This might be a dumb question, but because its for the FOTCM do I make it out to Fellowship of the Cosmic Mind or QFG Inc?
I just want to let you know that we have finally gotten through the pile of applications. I received a master list from the data entry today and have been going through the forum members list, finding everyone who sent either a forum email or forum name and giving access permissions for the new private forum. Those of you who have sent in your apps should be able to see the forum now. We aren't ready to start posting yet, though. I want to set up the subforums, so just cool your jets!

There are some important things that we all need to work out in that forum, so I'll be pushing it to get us going!

Added: If you sent your application and do NOT see the FOTCM forum, write me at: laura(at) and make sure you include your forum name, forum email. when you sent your app, so I can figure out what's up!
Hello Laura, All

I just emailed my application and hope you received it. I will post the hard copy tomorrow.

Thanks for all you do,

- Donville
Hi Vulcan 59,

I made a donation today which I wanted to go to FOTCM, but I used the 'Donate' button on the SotT page. :rolleyes: Is there any way it can be transferred to FOTCM?

If it can, I can provide extra info such as amount etc.
bedower said:
Hi Vulcan 59,

I made a donation today which I wanted to go to FOTCM, but I used the 'Donate' button on the SotT page. :rolleyes: Is there any way it can be transferred to FOTCM?

If it can, I can provide extra info such as amount etc.

Hi bedower,

We will advise the person in charge for that to do the modification and we will let you know, as soon as we know it , but i think it should be ok.
I am about to send my application but I do have a question about one of the application boxes, this is the 'education' box. Should we just include "institutional" education, eg. university, certificates etc., or can we highlight anything else we're done on our own, in my case for example nutrition and detox methods. Just wondering if that would be something to include as well.

rylek said:
Should we just include "institutional" education, eg. university, certificates etc., or can we highlight anything else we're done on our own, in my case for example nutrition and detox methods. Just wondering if that would be something to include as well.
Absolutely. Use the back of the form if there is not enough space. :)
[quote author=bedower 30 Nov 2009] but I used the 'Donate' button on the SotT page. [/quote]

Re the above - good thing I did, because I've just tried to buy 'The Shape of Things to Come' from Halfpasthuman, and PayPal won't recognise my credit card ('Your credit card is not an authorised credit card')! Not one of the Big Four, in other words! There was no problem with the SotT page WorldPay (and none with, either!), so if I'd tried to donate on the FOTCM using PayPal and it had been refused, I'd have felt wretched.

This might actually be beneficial, because it seems to have brought to the surface a lot of unresolved anger issues...

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