Wow this is really something. Thank you all for sharing this and special thanks for all the effort in summarizing some of the sessions
. You must know this is deeply appreciated.
It would be awesome if we could systematically summarize all these sessions. My understanding of the French language is very limited and I dont seem to able to auto-generate translated subs.
Is there maybe a workaround for this?
Edit: never-mind, found their YT-channel and here you can translate the subs.
If we spot a relevant session (among the existing ones or incoming ones) we'll inform here, you can count on the french sub-team (
- it's a joke but i felt pleasant to see it like this, we are finally all searching and exchanging together)
And yes, auto sub-titling is rather bad here, and if you add + auto translation, you finally get much noise and "corruption" of what is really said.
Filter or perhaps useful defence.
I think there is a confusion between being sensitive or intuitive, and being susceptible to hypnosis, they are not the same thing. Being easily hypnotisable is not a good thing because it means one is susceptible to manipulation and external control.
About a good defence this possibility also came to my mind, so let's say that it's a good point, but ... then i ask a question and answer to it based on what i know :
Is it useful to access and litterally view one's past lives ? To relive certain past event ?
My answer so far would be yes, because I remember i read it, that's it's a mean to heal past traumas.
So, for people who have a natural defense vs hypnosis, what can they do ?
I asked my uncle (mentor) about and he answered me, here's what he wrote me back (translated to english)
Don't worry! I too am not receptive. You have to play the game and want to be hypnotised. For some people, it takes practice.
Thus, i wonder now if practicing would be a good idea or not ? I mean, in the worst case, wouldn't it be like dismantling one natural defence we have ? Thus, a bad idea ? I would suppose that the right behaviour is to be in measure to decide when we agree to be hypnotized, like opening the door at a precise moment, eventually to a precise person (all done by thoughts), but at any other time, to keep by default our ... "ability to be hypnotised" closed. This would mean that :
- If you are rather susceptible to be hypnotized, you have to train to close your door by default and only allow it when you decide to
- If you are rather not susceptible to be hypnotized, you have to train to be able to open your door to allow it for a few moment and from a specific person
One direct testimony i had from a close friend is that she did such experiences with the energetic healer i know and she did not only view past scenes, but was able to intervene and modify the course of the event. I have to ask here again, it did not happen to all events she saw/reviewed, at least it happened for one, which stunned me. Did any ever heard of the possibility to act in such regressive hypnosis ? (I definitively will ask her again)
Any comment on this sub-subject is welcomed, Laura knows a lot about but mabye other here do also.