How are you feeling?

I wake up around 3-4 am often. I usually don't spend much time stressing - I go straight to reading and I may read up to about an hour before successfully falling asleep quickly most of the time. Sometimes I take a little melatonin at that time - which seems to help induce the peaceful, pastoral dreams that often occur in the second half of sleep. I have allowed a larger 'time window' for sleeping. Having an early work schedule was often stressful, I would stay up rather late and sometimes wake up anyway, lying awake in the dark wishing for sleep. It's worth it to find a sleep pattern that works because sleep is so important for health.
Perhaps this context is determined by the emotions experienced during the act?
Yes I think so.
In my experience the energy often stays in the lower centres to feed STS. Alternatively when one feels actual love in being with one’s partner the energy travels up through the body to the higher centres. This feels like it mingles with one’s partners energy. The energy in its travels feels like it heals. Then there is some residual energy that may well feed STS but it’s a lot less than the energy that stays in the lower centres and maybe goes directly to STS.
@Anya112003 After major surgery, two minor surgeries, and cataract surgery this year, I can only say to go with the flow and remain positive! I do chemotherapy every two weeks and always keep in mind Gurdjieff’s rule #68; “When you become ill, regard your illness as your teacher, not as something to be hated." My thoughts will be with you! :-)
Thank you Joe, for bringing this subject up and for connections you observe and get them connected.

I thought that's only I, who is feeling that way.

It is like waves in a see or ocean for me, I get up/stand up and again falling down. But it is much harder then I felt before.

I will try to formulate it later on.
I think it has to be more nuanced, as this implies that this creative energy comes directly from God/The One/7th Density. I'd say a part (maybe a big part?) of procreation has to be STO, maybe because it allows for lessons to continue to be learnt in this reality.
Maybe, maybe you can only procreate and channel creative energies because you're capable of thinking about another life as more important than yours. If you lack this ability, then you wouldn't invest in anything, genetically, that would threaten your deep self centeredness, does that make sense?

Like, why would a vampire build a house with windows?
Maybe, maybe you can only procreate and channel creative energies because you're capable of thinking about another life as more important than yours. If you lack this ability, then you wouldn't invest in anything, genetically, that would threaten your deep self centeredness, does that make sense?

Like, why would a vampire build a house with windows?
If so, shouldn't then all NPD and some other cluster B personality disordered persons, for example, be left out of the possibility to have children, i.e. not being able to procreate? Or, for instance, the likes of Bush seniors and the ilk, eh?
I need to correct this. An EMF meter itself wont detect this. A meter with radio frequency detection is required. Some meters have both. I have a gauss meter for emf and another meter for wi fi etc.

It’s hard wired :) And I shut it off when I go to bed (small house same sleeping quarters).

But I have definitely had weird vibes in general in that bedroom and it’s a damp room so keeping the mold spores down has been difficult. Not sure if the dampness and energy are related. Sleep hygiene is still a work in progress here :)

I should get an EMF meter though, one of the reasons we sleep in that room is because the other room has the literal electrical meters on the outside wall.
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