The Living Force
There is another answer. My adaptation of Murphy’s Law: Anything that can happen, it will happen. If you thought about Service to None, maybe it will start to surface in your reality. (By the way, did you think of rather Service to Nothing, or to None?) I would assume God is in service to nothing and everything. If you think 3D is unfair and being inferior and it is just a malicious setup of repetitions, think about freedom and how overated it is when one is stuck within a hierarchical, boundary contained structure. 5 D also has limitations and hierarchies. So is 6D.... and maybe 7... who knows, because I surely don’t.I do not find the STO vs. STS theory wrong, I am not proposing a new category. I meant that existence on an universe like this does not make any sense. Why are we inferior? Why are we not like 5th beings? One might answer "because of our past choices". Okay. So why did we make these choices? I have a gut feeling we are on a trap in which the only way out is becoming Service to None (if that is an option).
Anyway, I sugest this discussionto be moved to a better / more suited location.
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