I would like to be more open of what I go through and do, and I would like to be able to share this for fine tuning the reading instrument or FWIW. It feels like a lot has happened since this mirror, yet it feels like it was just yesterday. I've been constantly busy processing information in a new light, having ups and downs and I've applied consistent efforts in remembering myself, building up strength a little at a time in order to assimilate the next bit of information and on it goes.
When Muxel asked me to read something in another thread towards the end of the mirror, it helped me to finally "snap out" of the drama and things progressively came into perspective by the time I was writing this
post. Clearly there was someone in me who could look at all the drama as a foreign installation since that part of me was very clear headed. The last time I had that sensation was on a couple of occasions 6 years ago. And before those events, it was on a few occasions while I was reading ISOTM in 2004-2005 and on a few accidental occasions when I was growing up and on my late teens.
I spent an entire day in that state and as life proceeded, I tried to remember myself and look at everything and not having any thought going through my head spinning reality for me. It was all very clear. On the 15th of October, upon waking up, I had the clear thought that I should observe the facts, my actions throughout the day, what I did, my behavior to see if I was right on track. "Results is what counts".
As events unfolded, emotions and reality spinning flared-up again, but at least I was not hyper hysterical. Just average hysterical if that makes any sense. For example, I ended up creating a document called "The Living Mirror" which has 468 pages, mainly posts from this thread, but others as well that seem relevant and applicable. During the first month, it was still very difficult to re-read some of the stuff that was said over the mirror. So I decided to take baby steps and build up my strength. I re-read Laura's
post about "To A Louse On seeing one on a Lady's bonnet at Church" and other relevant material as I tried to assimilate and allow the feedback to sink in. I had pushed forward and achieved that clarity of mind or self-observation, regardless of what I was doing with varying degrees of success and failure depending on the circumstances.
Then on the 30th of October, a dead bird appeared on the light fixture which is embedded on the kitchen ceiling. How on earth did it got there, I don't know. Apparently, it made its way through a teensy hole against all odds. It was an omen if I ever saw one. Not having a clue of what it meant, I decided that an I-Ching might help clarify its meaning. It said Hexagram 55 Abundance [Fullness] (_http://deoxy.org/iching/55): " Clarity (Li) within makes it possible to investigate the facts exactly, and shock (Chên) without ensures a strict and precise carrying out of punishments." I admit I haven't thought much about it, although it felt pretty ominous. I was feeling pretty rough that morning and as I turned on the light, it started flickering, so I looked up and there it was: a dead bird.
Throughout this time, my mother went quite hysterical herself and had the idea that I turned out evil or something among the lines. She contacted the entire family to inquire about me and she sent me a dozen messages. As it turned out, I was busy at that time reviewing our "loving" dynamic through Unholy Hungers and was also very busy attending the career tasks that she very much feared I left. I decided it was time to cut out my relationship with her indefinitely. That alone has helped me enormously to process more information without the guilt trips, must do, should do, bad girl, you are good for nothing, ungrateful being, and so forth feelings. I also decided to cut out relationships with all my family since so far, they have only contacted me on my mother's behalf. So being "alone" has had an interesting side to it. Like, oh, how interesting, my life is for me to live now.
I can see my System 2 spinning out plans to deal with the horror of our reality and my own personal "your life is a mirror of what you are." Without going into details, for now, I simply decided to take notes again during the day of what I'm seeing. I'm going to write about it some more. When I have patients of my own, I don't have any specific plans, I just do what I see as right to do at that specific moment. Some patients had ended up crying and saying that they were touched for what I said, others have taken notes of things to research over the net and others had asked me how they can contact me again so they can give feedback if my advice really worked out or not. For the most part people are just grateful that they were treated in a human way. That I didn't expect. As far as I know, I just go and interact with people without feeling hysterical and that's it.
I have been able to read some of the feedback of the mirror again without shying away. I have to admit that I only really understood this
post Laura wrote during the last few days. I hope to read all 468 pages again with the perspective that you all offered. Right now, I am on The Wave journey which is the one thing that has helped the most. The last time I read it was in 2003-2004 and now as I make my way through it slowly but surely, it seems I missed the whole point of those series back then. Sometimes it takes a life of its own, for instance, when reading about predatory essence and how it eats children in alternate realities, then suddenly a bunch of articles about pedophilic networks and ritual abuse appear on a sott page (.fr, .net etc). So it has definitely not been easy.
I have been able to read through things that I was never truly able to read before because of my denseness and/or hysteria. Like "Love, Reality and the Time of Transition", I started watching it over the Summer and I just couldn't do it without falling into tears. So I stopped after 20 minutes. Now I just read the transcript yesterday, slowly, but at least understanding why I was unable to go through it. I was just unwilling to accept how far away I was from any resemblance of real love!
Last night, after reading Laura's explanations of PotS on Soul Hackers, I realized that I needed a slight variation of how to do PotS in order to really focus. I'm more kinesthetic/visual and I am pretty bad with the auditory part. So I added elements of complexity and I meditated in a more focused way for the first time in ages. At some point I came back and realized I was way too sleepy and rolled over and went to sleep. I woke up like at 4 am which is very unusual for me with the following dream fresh in my mind:
I was in a seashore during Greek classical times. We (I didn't knew the others in real life) were all dressed according to the epoch. A man was taking care of our boat because it was time to go inside a building and do something. I looked into the sky before going in and see clouds shaping figures, among them a horse. A second look at the sky reveals that it has darkened and a storm is coming. There are grayish bricks building a wall, closing in the sky. So we go inside and we start to slide down a tunnel/tube made out of smooth rock. It went down and it delivered us through various threads on this forum. At some point between all of this, I'm breathing during my dream quite consciously, dressed up as a classical Greek and there are other people with me. We are breathing and walking in a pattern, going in and out a body of water (sort of like a swimming pool/lake). Then I start to blow and spread my breath with my hand.
It was a little hard to fall asleep after that dream, but I finally did. Then, upon waking up another dream was very clear in my head. This one was about all the feeding dynamic I was involved in my early 20s, lots of superficiality and just plain feeding. As bad as the dream was, I realized I waked up and the constriction in my chest had eased up a couple of notches so to speak. Whether a good or bad omen, at least there is some release.
In my hystericized state, I was never able to grasp how I was for the most part exposed to a lot of pathological material throughout my life and how it applied to me and my concept of "love." But one thing has given me hope and it can be summarized in something Laura said in Soul Hackers: "...I was to understand that my love for my children, as great as it was, was merely a "human" love and could, in no way, equal the
love of the Creator for his creation. It gives me hope in the sense that I never felt loved and thus could not be loving, and was unable to admit it in any true way. Right now, "being motherless" feels like the most realistic way things always were. My whole life I had survived by feeding from others in a manipulative way. And that knowledge that I am loved and supported by the Universe gives me somehow the reassurance to finally be able to be something other than all my programming. It is kind of weird, but it brings tears to my eyes to really know that I am loved by the Universe. I didn't knew! Yes, I'm quite dense... But that you all already knew. Me, I was in denial about it.