Quotes don't seem to be dropping in... anywhoseit... I'm currently thinking that @ 1.3atm I will need over 200hr at Pressure. Lifelong asthma and allergies. Family has history of both bone and blood cancer, as well as lung issues (pulmonary fibrosis, perhaps also a recessive cf gene, though I'm not doing gene testing), peripheral neuropathy and other foot issues. I have a rather large bone spur on my dominant big toe which has significantly impacted my ability to walk, along with sciatica and dorsal compression syndrome: my father was flat footed. I do use infrared sauna and that helps some, but it could be I have also been low oxygen most of my life. I tossed my inhalers at 19, currently 40. Diagnosed with Osgood schlotter's 30 Years ago which may have also effected blood flow to lower extremities.
Given all of what you're working on, 200hrs @ pressure sounds like a great goal to start with. Please do keep us in the loop with how you're doing.
My health issues have gotten worse and worse since about 2017/18 and it has been really depressing thinking it was just downhill. Thanks to all who have contributed to this thread. I am hopeful and not super depressed for first time in awhile. Fingers crossed. I will report back when I receive the unit and put it together.
Amen to that!