Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT): General information and discussion of Home Units

Hello everyone!
Welcome to our forum, alicebibi! Could you please introduce yourself in our newbies section, so we can properly meet and greet you? :flowers: Just tell us how you found us, whether you are familiar with Laura's work, reading SOTT and so on. Nothing (too) personal, if you don't want to. And if you don't know what to write, you can always look at other newbies' posts. Thank you and good-luck with your HBOT adventure!
Paypal is still not working on Samozdrav site.
I ordered a unit from Amazon. I almost immediately received numerous emails from "Express" shipping stating my order was on hold; they needed more information about me, and there were pending customs charges. I opened one email to take a screen shot to accompany my complaint to the vendor (Voltmart) on the Amazon complaint page for false advertising, putting me at risk for fraudulent activity, and for a refund.

Here is the response from the vendor:

Hello, this is interesting. I also didn’t plan to sell until oil get FBA in stock, but Amazon ask me to ship it individually. This is all Amazon initiative to get extra payment. Let me cancel the order and all be happy;) don’t worry I will remove the order. BR Marina.

I doubt this has anything to do with Amazon getting "extra payment." I also just received 129 spam emails of an unsavory nature. (Experience has taught me this "slamming activity" is the MO of a certain group). If Amazon restocks, be cautious and ensure shipment is direct from Amazon. Don't open any emails about it. Zak's french source seems a much better option.
I find the concept of the Samozdrav useful because if you do certain breathing exercises incorrectly, you can potentially have more harmful effects. The device is designed for a build up training in 4 stages. It also comes with a method to calculate your blood CO2 levels.

Marketing differs in each country, but the real cost of the device is probably much less. It's a few pieces of carton and plastic designed in a specific way. The French distributor sells it for 60 euros or so.
I ordered from Quant, unfortunately they were out of stock on the Capnometer :-(
There is some chance that your 1.3 ata chamber can stand 1.5 ata. Many soft chambers can and the 1.3 ata value is mostly because of US regulations.

You could ask your sales person about this. If 1.5 ata is possible you just would need to exchange the valves.
Funny you mention this as I was thinking about it while in the chamber this morning, if I could swap the valves. My rep is on vacation for Chinese New Year until the end of the month, but I will ask her.
I find the concept of the Samozdrav useful because if you do certain breathing exercises incorrectly, you can potentially have more harmful effects. The device is designed for a build up training in 4 stages. It also comes with a method to calculate your blood CO2 levels.Ce concept ingénieux et simple de poupée russe du Samozdrav, permet une "immersion" et de continuer à respirer comme d'habitude en ayant les bienfaits d'un exercice respiratoire contrôlé et focalisé.
Voir ici mon témoignage sur mon expérience de l'appareil.
This ingenious and simple Russian doll concept of the Samozdrav, allows "immersion" and to continue breathing as usual with the benefits of a controlled and focused breathing exercise.
See here my testimony on my experience with the device:
Thank you dredger for reposting this here.

The history of my experience with the Samozdrav is as follows: a few good years ago, injured, I could not make immoderate physical effort, I saw the Samozdrav on the same site that you presented (Quant-essence), and the name "training device-sports simulator", had attracted my attention.
Of the 4 stages, I had reached about a month and a half, which corresponds to half of the second cycle of training with the breathing apparatus.
Having recovered what I had to recover physically, I left the machine behind. And I don't remember any negative or positive effects, because at that time I was really fit.
Since the years have passed, I now have a big lung weakness, and in one of my piles of boxes, I found the Samozdrav device a month ago, which I am using again, with a very specific purpose.
At the moment I don't have enough experience to say what it's worth.

It may be a cheaper and therefore more accessible option for those who cannot access the hyperbaric chamber, indeed!
The way the Samozdrav works according to the small bulletin provided is to create an active breathing environment with a slightly lower O2 level and a slightly higher CO2 level, this mixture breathed through the device allows the restoration of a normal CO2 level, thus soliciting the respiratory muscles by creating an inhalation/exhalation resistance.
When I say CO2 here, I mean the CO2 produced by our own breathing.
CO2 is a natural dilator of the blood vessels, its increase eliminates HYPERTONIA and normalizes the blood irrigation of all the organs.
In this respect, when faced with a ravine, the HBOT transports you to the other side of the ravine, whereas the Samozdrav, when faced with the same ravine, advises you to step back in order to better jump.

In the same vain of idea in order to relieve respiratory problems:
Méthode de respiration Buteyko

After almost two months of use, I should perhaps mention before that in my case I had lost part of my lungs some time ago, and that I am currently diagnosed with chronic obstructive bronchitis with emphysema, but under control, I have a treatment, I know from experience how my attacks go, most of the reactions...
So here is what I can tell you after two months of using Samozdrav, the most important thing is to strictly follow the instructions and its course.
That's it!
Just kidding!
Some days, I am really tired physically and psychologically for even wanting to concentrate to do a buteyko style exercise, that's why I thank again dredger to have reminded the existence of this device.
First of all, I had to stop taking Nac+Ambroxol, because the use of the device (after more than a month and a half) made me have mucus expectorations such as I wondered if I should not store it, one day it can be useful, although producer of mucus at first hand, I store quite enough in me!
This does not date from the use of the Samozdrav, but since I have been able to reduce or even stop the use of corticoids and bronchodilators for a while, in favour of homeopathy and gemmotherapy.
With the device I saw that I could amplify this phenomenon really little by little, but I feel it or at least would like to.

In some figures my progress under the verification of the capnometer:
Start filling time: 1mn 40 sec.
Breathing volume per minute (RBM): 7,8
CO2 level: 4,1%.
After two months:
2mn 20 sec

Table of the filling of the VRM/RBM and the concentration of CO2 in relation to the filling time:

You can see that the norm starts at 6.0% CO2

To conclude on these two months on the Samozdrav, I feel that what remains of my lung and capacity has strengthened a bit, and will strengthen again, and that I can trust them again in my effort to go forward as always.

I find it worth reading the Q&A section, here are some extracts, I added the French one as it is much more complete.

3. Can people, who suffer from hypotension, use Samozdrav?

Answer: They can. As a result of training on the respiratory simulator "Samozdrav" the vasomotor center (the vasomotor center in the medulla oblongata) via chemoreceptors increases the CO2 level in the blood, and subsequently improves the cerebral circulation. This reaction involves the normalization of the lumen of peripheral (located in internal organs) resistive vessels and the correct regulation of the arterial pressure level. Within a few months the pressure is gradually normalized.

19. Will the outside air penetrate into the device glassduring breathing exercises? How is the gas mixture formed inside it?

Answer: There are holes in the glass cover. When inhaling, atmospheric air penetrates through them and is mixed with the exhaled air, which also partially seeps from the glass into the environment. Due to the holes, a mixture of air inside the glass is formed, where a certain concentration of CO2 is accumulated. Using the numbers on the glass, the size of the holes can be adjusted (the larger the number, the smaller the hole).

20. In chronic respiratory failure, CO2 levels rise and O2 levels fall. Is there a contradiction here? Can you explain how more CO2 can improve the situation and cause more O2?

In the blood, each gas has its own rate. The levels of these gases do not add up to 100%.

For example, the normal CO2 content is 6.5%. Then the oxygen content is between 90 and 99%.

So there is no direct link.

On the other hand, there is another relationship: CO2 is the catalyst (accelerator) of the chemical reaction of elimination of the haemoglobin molecule from the oxygen-bound haemoglobin-oxygen molecule, which means that the more CO2 there is in the arterial blood, the more oxygen separates and enters the blood.

Thus, training with the Samozdrav ventilator leads to the restoration of the CO2 concentration to a level of 6.5% and helps to improve the oxygen supply to cells, organs and tissues.

I invite you to read the book "Breaking the deadlock" available for download on the manufacturer's information website for more information: Livre "Sortir de l'impasse" - Samozdrav - Appareil d'entraînement respiratoire
21. My husband has high blood pressure and when he goes to high altitude his pressure increases. Would it be wise to use this device in this case, since it reproduces the air from 1500 to 3500 m?

Your spouse, when he is in the mountains, breathes air with a low oxygen content. For his cardiovascular system, this load is high, so his body reacts by increasing the pressure. It turns out that your husband suddenly falls into a state of oxygen deficiency and his body is aware of this stress.

With the Samozdrav ventilator, the increase in carbon dioxide concentration and decrease in concentration occurs very gently, gradually, the body adapts to this stress-free state.

Your husband can therefore use the device without fear.
39. Is there a risk of hypercapnia when using the Samozdrav?

With the Samozdrav ventilator, there is no danger of developing hypercapnia. This would be possible if the device was closed, hermetically sealed and did not allow any oxygen flow from the atmosphere. Even then, to achieve the hypercapnia effect, one would have to breathe in such a device continuously for days and months.

The Samozdrav ventilator is not airtight and therefore provides oxygen from the atmosphere during exercise. Thus, the user breathes in a mixture of air from the atmosphere and air that is exhaled into the container. The CO2 content in the mixture of air that is breathed in increases very gradually.

For example, with an initial blood CO2 content of 3.8% and in the presence of pathologies, when only a 0.4 litre capacity glass is used during the first training stage, the air mixture that is created contains about 0.3% CO2. At the end of the first stage, the CO2 content in the blood increases to 3.9%, the vessel lumen increases by 5%. This is often enough to feel positive changes.

In the second training stage, when the CO2 content is 0.7% in a 0.8 litre container, the CO2 concentration in the blood increases to 4.4% after 45 days of training. Vessel lumen increases by 10-15%, symptoms of chronic diseases gradually decrease.

In the third stage, the 1.5 litre container forms a mixture containing about 2% CO2. The concentration of CO2 in the blood will be about 5%, the vessel lumen will approach normal.
48. My breathlessness has returned after moving from one stage to the next?

If the breathlessness has returned, it means that the load is too high at the moment. It means that you have moved from stage 1 to stage 2 too quickly.

In stage 1, the intensity of the impact on the body is minimal, this is the adaptation stage of the body to increase the CO2 concentration.

It is recommended that you follow step N1 for one and a half months (the duration of a step is calculated from the moment you reach a complete workout which is 20 to 30 minutes).

We advise you to continue with the N1 step for the next 30 days. During the training you should feel good, no unpleasant feelings should be experienced. If you have difficulty breathing for 30 minutes, reduce the training time to 20 minutes.

At the beginning of the second stage, the workouts should last 1 minute, after which the load should gradually increase (1 minute each day) until you reach the duration of a full workout, which is 20 to 30 minutes. The duration of a stage is calculated from the moment a full workout is reached.
71. I have an autoimmune disease. Is this compatible with Samozdrav? I am on stage 2 and unusually short of breath even though I have respected the time limits.

Autoimmune diseases are not a contraindication to using the ventilator. It is therefore recommended to continue using the Samozdrav. However, if you are short of breath or have difficulty breathing, it is recommended that you return to the first stage and stay there for 1 month. You can then move on to the second step. Start each step with 3 to 5 minutes, add 1 minute to the training time each day, gradually increasing your training time to 30 minutes per day. If unpleasant sensations occur during training (dizziness, headaches, tinnitus, etc.), suspend training for the day.
Questions-réponses - Samozdrav - Appareil d'entraînement respiratoire
Thank you Dredger for this information, and Zak for your testimony.
Yesterday I came to this website by Dr Artour Rakhimov, explaining the science about CO2 and vasodilatation. He says many conditions, diseases can be improved or cured by breathing techniques
He too speaks about the Buteyko:
There's so much information, I haven't yet digested all.
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This makes me think of the following in which Dr Anthony Chaffee, an American medical doctor specializing in Neurosurgery, gives a lecture called 'Plants are trying to kill you' in which he states Brussels have no less than 136 carcinogenic properties. God bless Christmas!

What has been puzzling me for some time is that I know some vegetarians, well into their seventies, who apparently are doing quite well. Considering the crap they are eating they should be dead by now.
What has been puzzling me for some time is that I know some vegetarians, well into their seventies, who apparently are doing quite well. Considering the crap they are eating they should be dead by now.
Have they been vegetarian all their lives, from birth? Unlikely I think. So they may have started with a very solid base nutritionally. So how long have they been vegetarian. Also, everyone is different, and responds to the environment (which includes food) differently according to their state. Plants are not trying to kill us, they just us to leave them alone, OSIT. A lot of toxins in plants (eg. curcumin) do not kill us, but our bodies reaction to them upregulates our immune system, etc. As an analogy I sort of think of eating plants as similar to exercising. Exercising puts stress on our bodies and our bodies build muscle and upregulate systems in response. Plants are sort of similar. It also depends on what kind of vegetarians they are, if ovo-lacto they are still eating eggs and dairy, so their protein and nutritional requirements are met. If they are vegan, I would agree with you, I don't know how they continue to live!
Have they been vegetarian all their lives, from birth? Unlikely I think. So they may have started with a very solid base nutritionally. So how long have they been vegetarian. Also, everyone is different, and responds to the environment (which includes food) differently according to their state. Plants are not trying to kill us, they just us to leave them alone, OSIT. A lot of toxins in plants (eg. curcumin) do not kill us, but our bodies reaction to them upregulates our immune system, etc. As an analogy I sort of think of eating plants as similar to exercising. Exercising puts stress on our bodies and our bodies build muscle and upregulate systems in response. Plants are sort of similar. It also depends on what kind of vegetarians they are, if ovo-lacto they are still eating eggs and dairy, so their protein and nutritional requirements are met. If they are vegan, I would agree with you, I don't know how they continue to live!

The two I have in mind have been vegetarians for about 60 years, since their early teens, and are very close to being vegan, avoiding eggs and milk. It is possible that they have some cheese every now and then. Very puzzling.
The two I have in mind have been vegetarians for about 60 years, since their early teens, and are very close to being vegan, avoiding eggs and milk. It is possible that they have some cheese every now and then. Very puzzling.

I am hesitating to write this but in the worst case they might be probes of plant-based aliens who are testing the waters here. Just sayin'.

Back to hyperbarics.
You can find the instructions for the Samozdrav here:

There are some English videos in their channel:

Those who are undergoing chemotherapy can't do the Samozdrav. Those who had a stroke or heart attack, or had an acute health problem, should wait 3 months from the event before starting.
thanks so much for this link Gaby :) mine arrived today ( i ordered it from the french website) really quick delivery .Im going to assemble it later on today and start using it - so good to have english instructions as all the info supplied was in french !

Will keep everyone posted as to how its going

:thup:E R
thanks so much for this link Gaby :) mine arrived today ( i ordered it from the french website) really quick delivery .Im going to assemble it later on today and start using it - so good to have english instructions as all the info supplied was in french !

Will keep everyone posted as to how its going

:thup:E R
Mine arrived yesterday. I now have to understand clearly how one should use the devise. From a first reading of the instructions I understand that you have to use the device every day for months, increasing the length of use little by little. And If you take a break, when you start using the device again, you must go back to less length. That will be somewhat hard for me to not take breaks, I have to get organized.

As for HBOT, I didn't dive for 4 days. I am at 125 dive. I will probably continue the break until the weather get less cold (my unit being located in a trailer in an open hangar).

My energy level goes up and down. There is certainly other factors at play including the cold weather that tend to reduce my will power. Fortunately this kind of cold weather generally don't usually last more than 2 weeks in that part of France.
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