The only possible side effect, which may or may not be related, is that I have been having occasional short term headaches for the last couple of days. I'm going to see if I can find out if it's related, but I thought I'd mention it in case someone else gets the same.
Hello Andromeda, I rarely get headaches, and with the practice of Samozdrav, especially in the beginning I had "situational" headaches, which went almost unnoticed, as most of my time on the device I am mentally busy reading, seeing the posts on the Forum, petting my cat...
Today I am a month away from the second step, and I have arrived at the practice of one hour a day, half an hour in the morning, and the rest in the evening.
A week ago I had to go back down to half an hour a day due to migraines after the practice, and nausea in the morning (maybe also due to the cold), but indeed an excess of CO2 can lead to headaches.
Our organism really has to adapt as we go along, just like the different campsites at different altitudes for alpinists.
During the half hour of practice, it's often the first few minutes that a small headache arises and ends up disappearing, and towards the end of the half hour, I sometimes feel so good that I'll stay under the mask a little longer.
Whereas when I went from the first stage to the second, before reaching the first half hour, I had nausea during the practice, which I stopped, only to start again the next day, Samozdrav gives you no choice but to be reasonable and listen to your body and its limits!
One thing I have noticed is that since practicing Samozdrav, I have a lot less mucus, now in the morning I have an almost dry cough, and I had to take some NAC to loosen this glue from my lungs.
I keep'on samozdravin'.