Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT): General information and discussion of Home Units

Just to update on my HBOT experience.

I have had quite a hectic work travel schedule these last few months, and whenever i could i tried to do as many HBOT sessions as possible in between. Have reached 100 sessions now; but at times there were 7- 10 day breaks between a series of sessions. When not traveling, i do between 5-6 sessions a week.

Energy wise, it has been thoroughly life changing. I am no longer as fatigued as i used to be and can last really difficult and long working days without feeling drained of my energy (as in the past). This energy also allows me to get through the days when i have little sleep, and i still can achieve all the things i set out to do for the day. It has also given me extra endurance during gym workouts, martial arts practice or during long uphill hikes. I am thoroughly amazed of what my body is capable of after HBOT. Looks like O2 power, is really something else :).

My injuries (back & knee) are also feeling much better. While there is still mild pain - i can go through with most of the activities as before all these injuries curtailed my movement. My back especially (disc degeneration, bulging discs, and pinched nerve at L5) is holding pretty well in martial arts; especially during all the rolling and throws that i do. Im slowly putting a bit more weight on it in the gym, and finally doing some dead lifts and squats with light weight (below 10kg) - and this is something i have not done since 2016 as that is when my back started giving me problems. I think sometime close to 200 sessions, i will do scans on my lower back and knee (torn left meniscus) to see the extent of the healing, just out of curiosity.

My battle with chronic sinusitis has also greatly improved. Sometime around the 50th session, i developed flu like symptoms - but it turned out to be a "sinus draining" process. For 7 days straight, i didn't get great sleep, as all through the day and night my sinuses kept draining fluid. All sorts of gunk came out in various shapes and colors. It felt like years of fungus/mold/bacteria build up were finally coming out. After that process; i could finally sleep on either side of my head, and breathe through both nostrils without having a fluid blocking one of the airways. This was something i couldn't do since the start of my sinus problems sometime 2018. There is still mild pain in the sinuses on my right side - and occasionally clear fluid does leak out. I suspect that there are still "pockets of resistance" in there, and will just keep going. Also i have not (fingers crossed) had a sinus infection since starting HBOT in August 2022.

Sleep too, has been better - though i feel my dreams are getting very vivid and weird sometimes. Not sure if its the HBOT or just a sign of the times. A great thing has been my general OCD tendencies. I find that im more tolerant of them, and the anxiety thought loops are much more manageable - and this i clearly attribute to the HBOT. Also when i met some friends that i have not seen for a while; they have commented that i look "fresher" and not as tired as before.

At 100 sessions, the improvements have been life changing and a revelation. At this rate, i feel like contuining HBOT till the very end of my time in 3D :-)
Since this is in the topic of hyperbaric chamber…
I’d like to ask if anyone has dosed off in the chamber, and when they do, do you guys have extremely active and aware dreams? My are HIGHLY vivid.
Most don’t make any sense but in some cases I am aware that I am dreaming which is very rare for me personally.
I dream around 90% of the time I sleep during a session vs usual sleep I can only remember about probably 10% of my dreams per month

My only guess would be increased brain activity due to a highly oxygenated blood system during the time
Here is a case from Korea where a hospital used pressures above 2 ata during a treatment of CRAO (central retinal artery occlusion).
They went in steps from 2.0 ata to 2.4 ata and finally to 2.8 ata. 2.0 and 2.4 ata were not successful but 2.8 ata was.

Since this is in the topic of hyperbaric chamber…
I’d like to ask if anyone has dosed off in the chamber, and when they do, do you guys have extremely active and aware dreams? My are HIGHLY vivid.
Most don’t make any sense but in some cases I am aware that I am dreaming which is very rare for me personally.
I dream around 90% of the time I sleep during a session vs usual sleep I can only remember about probably 10% of my dreams per month

My only guess would be increased brain activity due to a highly oxygenated blood system during the time
I think your guess is correct. What Mr.Cyan says about sleep in general improving also applies I think, with the brain working better the hormones (i.e. melatonin etc) should be working better too.
For me I would zone out to begin with, it was very similar to EE meditations. Then I would remember some dreams, and 'dream' whilst not being fully asleep - very similar to what melatonin does.
What came next seems to have been a lot of understanding about many things in my life, as well as emotional releases that have been backed up for years. The science suggests the brain is not only repairing physically, but psychologically too.
So some of the dreams are likely that process in action.

If anyone wants to try it, if you have a particular problem you are working to understand/solve (emotional, psychological, technical etc), try thinking about it before/during the HBOT session. I've done this by mistake by having things on my mind, and then gaining insight during HBOT or later in the day. Some of these problems where decades old.
if you have a particular problem you are working to understand/solve (emotional, psychological, technical etc), try thinking about it before/during the HBOT session.
Absolutely giving that a try.

This might explain a lot if it holds any tangible claim. Considering the most recent dream was of a verbally abusive man who’s now deceased from when I was a kid. Decades ago. Never thought about him ever and wonder now if it’s an emotional thorn.
Here is a case from Korea where a hospital used pressures above 2 ata during a treatment of CRAO (central retinal artery occlusion).
They went in steps from 2.0 ata to 2.4 ata and finally to 2.8 ata. 2.0 and 2.4 ata were not successful but 2.8 ata was.

Aside from CRAO, arterial occlusions can be elsewhere in the body. I am wondering whether in such cases there would be benefits from using HBOT with higher pressures?

So far I haven't seen any studies or case reports related to this question.
Mine arrived yesterday. I now have to understand clearly how one should use the devise. From a first reading of the instructions I understand that you have to use the device every day for months, increasing the length of use little by little. And If you take a break, when you start using the device again, you must go back to less length. That will be somewhat hard for me to not take breaks, I have to get organized.
You can have confirmation of some of the questions you may have about the handling of the device HERE.

15. How many minutes should I start training with the "Samozdrav"?
You should start training gradually at each stage, so that the body can adapt to the new CO2 concentration. The duration of the first training session at each stage varies according to the user. To be more precise:
- It is recommended that elderly people, over 70 years of age or younger but taking medicated preparations, start each stage with a first training of 3 minutes, then increase the duration by one minute each day (i.e. 4 minutes, 5 minutes, etc.) until 30 minutes is reached;
- All other users can start by breathing for 10 minutes. All other users can start by breathing for 10 minutes and then increase the time by one minute each day (i.e. 11 minutes, 12 minutes, etc.)
The most important thing during the Samozdrav training is to feel good. If you feel unpleasant or have difficulty breathing, you should stop the current training and start breathing again, increasing the load with a better progression (adding 1 minute every 2-3 days instead of 1 minute per day).

12. Can we take breaks between stages? What should you do if you have to take a break?
If you have to take a break, you must restart your training according to the length of the break:
- a break of several days (one week): continue training at the point where you stopped;
- a break of one month or more: resume training at the stage at which you stopped minus 3 minutes.
- a break of more than 3 months: start the whole training cycle again from the beginning (from the first stage).

22. What is the best time of day to train?
Training should preferably be done at times of the day when the person feels best. If the person has high blood pressure in the morning, it is best to use the Samozdrav ventilator in the evening, and vice versa. If you have disturbed sleep, practice before going to bed.

24. How many times a day should you train with the ventilator? What is the optimal training time?
Increasing the intensity of training with the Samozdrav ventilator is not dangerous for the body, but it is not necessary either. It is advisable to train once or twice a day for 20 to 30 minutes per session. This duration and frequency have been chosen precisely so that a mixture of air is formed in the pot of the device (and in the external chamber for the following steps). The CO2 level must correspond to the parameters necessary for a therapeutic effect, such as the elimination of spasms in the blood vessels. In addition, our respiratory centre in the brain aligns itself with a high CO2 level in the body and automatically maintains it for a certain period of time. The rhythm of two training sessions per day has other advantages. In the morning, training with the Samozdrav ventilator helps to feel good throughout the day and in the evening it helps to remove the stress accumulated during the day, to calm the nervous system and to improve the quality of sleep.

As far as the CO2 level in the blood is concerned, the norm is between 6.5 and 7%, which is a constant, like the body temperature. This indicator can be lower because of vasospasm, but it never exceeds 7%, which is a physiological parameter of our body, where the lumen of the blood vessels is normal. So it is impossible to overdose on CO2, but there is a risk of overloading the body. A disproportionate effort can put a strain on the blood vessels and cause blood pressure jumps.

It is therefore recommended to follow the instructions.

26. 26. Why is it imperative that no more than 5 seconds of downtime is allowed when training with the Samozdrav ventilator?
Ideally, training should be uninterrupted and last for at least 20 minutes and preferably 30 minutes. If the training is interrupted for more than 5 seconds, it should be restarted, as this time is sufficient for the CO2 level in the container to drop sharply and for oxygen to prevail.

15. Pour commencer, combien de minutes faut-il s’entraîner avec le « Samozdrav » ?
Il convient de débuter les entraînements progressivement à chacune des étapes, afin que l’organisme puisse s’adapter à la nouvelle concentration de CO2. La durée du premier entraînement à chaque étape varie en fonction des utilisateurs. Pour être plus précis :
• Il est recommandé aux personnes âgées, de plus de 70 ans ou moins âgées mais prenant des préparations médicamenteuses, de commencer chaque étape par un premier entraînement de 3 minutes, puis d’augmenter la durée d’une minute chaque jour (c’est à dire 4 minutes, 5 minutes, etc.) et ce jusqu’à parvenir à 30 minutes ;
• Tous les autres utilisateurs peuvent commencer par respirer 10 minutes. Il suffit ensuite d’augmenter la durée d’une minute chaque jour (c’est à dire 11 minutes, 12 minutes, etc.)
L’essentiel durant les entraînements avec le « Samozdrav » est de se sentir bien. En cas de sensation désagréable ou de difficulté à respirer, il faut cesser l’entraînement en cours et recommencer à respirer en augmentant la charge avec une meilleure progression (en ajoutant 1 minute tous les 2-3 jours au lieu de 1 minute par jour).

12. Peut-on faire des pauses entre les étapes ? Que faire si l’on est contraint de faire une pause ?
En cas d’interruption, il faut recommencer les entraînements en fonction de la durée de la pause :
• une pause de plusieurs jours (une semaine) : poursuivez les entraînements au point où vous vous étiez arrêté ;
• une pause d’un mois et plus : reprenez les entraînements à l’étape à laquelle vous vous étiez arrêté moins 3 minutes.
• une pause de plus de 3 mois : recommencez tout le cycle d’entraînements depuis le début (à partir de la première étape).

22. Quel est le meilleur moment de la journée pour s'entrainer ?
Les entrainements doivent se faire de préférence aux moments de la journée où la personne se sent le mieux. Si la personne a une tension artérielle élevée le matin, il est préférable d’utiliser le respirateur Samozdrav le soir, et vice versa. Si vous avez un sommeil perturbé, entrainez-vous avant d'aller au lit.

24. Combien de fois par jour faut-il s’entrainer avec le respirateur ? Quelle est la durée optimale d’entrainement ?
Augmenter l'intensité de l'entraînement avec le respirateur Samozdrav n'est pas dangereux pour le corps, mais ce n'est pas non plus nécessaire. Il est conseillé de s’entrainer 1 à 2 fois par jour pendant 20 à 30 min par séance. Cette durée et cette fréquence ont été choisies précisément pour qu’un mélange d’air se forme dans le pot de l’appareil (et dans la chambre extérieure pour les étapes suivantes). Le taux de CO2 doit correspondre aux paramètres nécessaires à un effet thérapeutique, tel que l’élimination des spasmes dans les vaisseaux sanguins. En outre, notre centre respiratoire, situé dans le cerveau, s’aligne sur un taux de CO2 élevé dans le corps et l’entretient automatiquement pendant un certain temps. Le rythme de deux entrainements par jour présente d’autres avantages. Le matin, l’entrainement avec le respirateur Samozdrav aide à se sentir bien tout au long de la journée et le soir, il permet d’enlever le stress accumulé pendant la journée, de calmer le système nerveux et d’améliorer la qualité de sommeil.

En ce qui concerne le taux de CO2 dans le sang, la norme se situe entre 6,5 et 7%, ce qui est une constante, comme la température du corps. Cet indicateur peut être plus faible en raison d’un vasospasme, mais il ne dépasse jamais les 7%, qui est un paramètre physiologique de notre corps, où la lumière des vaisseaux sanguins est normale. Alors, il est impossible de faire une overdose de CO2, mais il y a un risque de surcharge sur l’organisme. Un effort disproportionné peut exercer une tension sur les vaisseaux sanguins et provoquer des sauts de tension artérielle.

Il est donc recommandé de suivre les instructions.

26. Pourquoi faut-il absolument ne pas dépasser 5 secondes d’arrêt pendant l’entrainement avec le respirateur Samozdrav ?
Idéalement, l’entrainement ne doit pas être interrompu et durer au moins 20 min et de préférence, 30 min. Si l’on interrompt l’entrainement de plus de 5 secondes, il convient de recommencer, car ce temps suffit pour que le taux de CO2 diminue fortement dans le récipient et que l'oxygène prédomine.

Si la personne a besoin de tousser, d’éternuer ou d’avaler la salive, 5 à 7 secondes suffisent amplement. En cas d’une quinte de toux qui dure, il faudra reprendre votre souffle et recommencer l’entrainement.
Just to update on my HBOT experience.
My injuries (back & knee) are also feeling much better. While there is still mild pain - i can go through with most of the activities as before all these injuries curtailed my movement. My back especially (disc degeneration, bulging discs, and pinched nerve at L5) is holding pretty well in martial arts; especially during all the rolling and throws that i do. Im slowly putting a bit more weight on it in the gym, and finally doing some dead lifts and squats with light weight (below 10kg) - and this is something i have not done since 2016 as that is when my back started giving me problems. I think sometime close to 200 sessions, i will do scans on my lower back and knee (torn left meniscus) to see the extent of the healing, just out of curiosity.
I have had much improvement in my back and knee injuries as well. They are almost identical to yours.

A few days ago, I bent down to do something and my L5 went off... like the disc suddenly started pinching the nerve. It was VERY painful and did not let off when I was lying down. So, Gaby gave me an injection of procaine at the site and I went to sleep. Next morning, it was about 50 % reduced so I took two naproxen and went into HBOT chamber for a little over an hour. When I got out, my back was perfect. I thought it might be the naproxen but it hasn't returned at all. I did get taped just to be sure, but that is the fastest recovery from a pinched nerve I've ever had.

My knee, also is much, much better. I use the leg press in the gym twice a week, but I go for repetitions rather than increasing weight. I tried increasing the weight once, and could hardly walk for several days. So now, just reps... Anyway, I'm up to 100 reps and no problems at all with my knee. I can go up and down stairs easily and without any stress at all.

Also, I notice that in the 2.0 chamber, I sleep more than I did in the 1.5 chamber. And yes, I've been having lots more dreams and more remembering of same. But, I don't seem to dream in the chamber, just at night.
You can have confirmation of some of the questions you may have about the handling of the device HERE.
Thanks zak.

That is much more detailed that what I read on the manual.

- a break of several days (one week): continue training at the point where you stopped;
That is a good news, that will be much easier to follow the program.

On the other hand it is so far away from what is stated in the manual I received that one wonder if the truth is somewhere in between

From the manual:
In case of a break of less than 3 months it is recommended to start at the stage preceding the stage at which you stopped.
I've just ordered the Samozdrav from a seller on Ebay so hopefully it will get here in the next couple of weeks and I can give an update. I tried to buy one from the official website but kept getting a Paypal error. Then the French website didn't like my postcode. Amazon US and UK also don't have any at the moment.

It seems very simple to use. I'm looking forward to trying it out when it arrives.
I have been using the samozdrav for 9 days now. I was able to notice an amazing improvement in how well I could breathe starting at day 3. I started out at 1 minute and increased by 1 minute each day.

Normally I have issues with allergies that cause asthma and I take medication to keep it in check, but it sometimes takes extra effort to breath in, and I don't even notice it until the effort is no longer needed. I have been doing the hbot semi-regularly and am at about 80 sessions. The biggest improvements I've seen from that have had to do with energy levels, better circulation, and clearer thinking. Which is NOT negligible. I have also noticed that the hbot helped with my ease of breathing to some extent, but not as drastically as I'm getting from the samozdrav. Honestly, my lungs feel like they have been in the sauna and are all warmed up!

The only possible side effect, which may or may not be related, is that I have been having occasional short term headaches for the last couple of days. I'm going to see if I can find out if it's related, but I thought I'd mention it in case someone else gets the same.
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